Andrey Yuryevich Vorobyov - biography, family, wife, personal life, photo. Native people Governor sparrows and his children

The Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov married his 22-year-old daughter Ekaterina to 23-year-old Mark Tipikin, the son of banker Pavel Tipikin.

Mark Tipikin and Ekaterina Vorobyova

The banquet on the occasion of the marriage of Ekaterina Vorobyova and Mark Tipikin was held near the walls of the Kremlin - in the five-star Four Seasons Hotel on Okhotny Ryad. The wedding died down in an atmosphere of strict secrecy: at the beginning of the celebration, the guests were urged not to film what was happening on their phones and, moreover, not to post images on the Web.

Mikhail Shufutinsky performed for the newlyweds (September 3, of course, he requests a special fee), Turetsky Choir, singer Glucose, and Nonna Grishaeva and Alexander Oleshko conducted the wedding. The theme of the wedding was swans, the hall was decorated with balloons in the form of white wings, gifts for two hundred guests were also decorated with swans, and a huge two-meter fluffy cake was made in the same style.
The guests of the wedding were Iosif Kobzon with his wife Nelly, Stesha Malikova (daughter of Dmitry Malikov) with her millionaire boyfriend Lenya Gruzdev (son of the ex-governor of the Tula region Vladimir Gruzdev), well-known businessmen and representatives of the capital's Jewish community, headed by the president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR ) Alexander Beard.

Ekaterina Andreevna Vorobyova, Ekaterina Yuryevna Bagdasarova (common-law wife of Governor Vorobyov) and Andrey Yuryevich Vorobyov himself in an official setting

Ekaterina Bagdasarova and Andrei Vorobyov at yesterday's wedding

Ekaterina Vorobyova is the eldest daughter of Andrei Vorobyov, head of the Moscow region, from her first marriage. In 2013, she was enrolled in the first year of the paid department of the Faculty of International Economic Relations at MGIMO.

Mark Tipikin is the offspring of the co-owner of the Russobank bank and a well-known member of the capital's Jewish community, Pavel Tipikin. Mark also studied at MGIMO, but graduated from an educational institution before his current wife became a student. In 2010, Mark became a student of the paid department of the Faculty of International Business and Business Administration of MGIMO, gaining 261 points in the entrance exams. It is known that Mark's best friend at MGIMO was the vice-president of the Institute's Jewish Club, Isak Ben-Eli. This is the son of the famous Moscow businessman Georgy Elashvili, vice president of the large restaurant holding G.M.R. Planet of Hospitality. The president and co-owner of the holding is his brother Merab Elashvili.

Mark Pavlovich Tipikin

Mark is very passionate about hockey. Any whim for your money: Alexander Ovechkin and Evgeni Malkin personally teach him hockey lessons.

Mark Tipikin and Ekaterina Vorobyova at the wedding of Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya

As Life found out, in addition to a romantic relationship with the daughter of the governor Mark Tipikin, he also connects a common business with the Vorobyov family. According to the SPARK database, Mark is the owner of three companies that he headed in 2017. So, in March, Mark became a co-owner of the LK Estate-Leasing company, which is engaged in venture investments. Other co-owners of the company are the brother of the Moscow Region governor Maxim Vorobyov and his longtime business partner Mikhail Kenin.

Maxim Yurievich Vorobyov

41-year-old Maxim Vorobyov takes 166th place in the "Rating of billionaires - 2016", his fortune is estimated at almost three billion rubles. Its main assets are: SPb Renovation, Samolet LO LLC (82% share), Russian Aquaculture PJSC (47.78%).
The main asset of Maxim Vorobyov, brother of the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov, are shares in PJSC "Russian Culture". This year, he increased his stake in the company from 31.5% to 47.78%, becoming its largest shareholder. True, the company's financial condition worsened due to the mass death of fish. In addition, last year Vorobyov Jr. co-founded the Samolet LO development company together with the general director of St. Petersburg Renovation Igor Evtushevsky (18%). The first project of the company is a residential complex with an area of ​​100 thousand square meters in the village of Murino.

In April of this year, Mark Tipikin received a 50% stake in Medicom, a supplier of medical equipment. In 2016, Medicom fulfilled a contract for the supply of medical equipment to the Stavropol Clinical Perinatal Center for 70 million rubles.

In June 2017, Tipikin became the owner of the Profalyans construction company. The company itself was founded back in 2013 by businessman Albert Galstyan. What the company is doing now is unknown, but the last time it submitted financial statements to Rosstat was in 2015. Then, according to the results of the year, the net loss of Profaliance was 1.1 million rubles. It is noteworthy that at one time 50% of the shares of Profalyans belonged to Alexander Manasherov, the son of the founder of the UNIDENT holding, Tamaz Manasherov. UNIDENT holding was founded in 1994 and is considered one of the leaders in the medical, pharmaceutical and dental markets in Russia. The UNIDENT holding includes Unident, Unident-service, MedImport, the DRC commercial and industrial group of companies, the network of clinics "Unident Dentistry" and DS Clinic, the network of pharmacies "Unipharma" and "Rosapteka", the cultural and charitable foundation "U-ART: You and art."

Pavel Nikolaevich Tipikin (father of the groom)

Mark's father, 55-year-old capital banker Pavel Tipikin, became related to the family of the governor of the Moscow Region. He met Andrei Vorobyov several years ago at a family holiday with his younger brother Maxim.

Pavel Tipikin is listed as one of the six co-owners of the capital bank JSCB Russobank. He owns a 19.9% ​​stake (one of the two main shareholders).

Russobank itself was established in April 1993 and was then called the Russian Coal and Raw Material Joint Bank. In 1999, the bank changed its name to the modern one."Russobank" serves small businesses, private clients, and also actively plays in the interbank and foreign exchange markets. The bank's management is ethnically homogeneous (Tipikin, Shved, Weinstein, Merman, Korsunsky, Slavinskaya, Krupsky, Froimchuk, Pismak, etc.).

Pavel Tipikin is an active member of the Hasidic community in Moscow and the business club of the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC). Since 2008, he has been organizing and conducting weekly "Torah in a Bank" classes for Jewish businessmen.

Ekaterina Bagdasarova - common-law wife of the Moscow region governor, chairman of the Istok charitable foundation. Little is said about this bright and attractive woman in the media, and she does not like to draw attention to her person, so her biography is based mainly on information from unofficial sources.

Nothing is known about the years preceding the marriage with Vorobyov. Nationality, date and place of birth of Bagdasarova is a mystery. Judging by the photo, the spectacular brunette is younger than her husband.

There are rumors about Catherine's early career, allegedly the girl worked in the modeling business. However, there is no conclusive evidence for this fact.

Personal life

The marriage of Bagdasarova with Andrey Vorobyov is not officially registered. Her income does not appear in the declarations, but the press services represent her precisely as the first lady of the Moscow region.

The governor's first wife, Margarita, died of an illness and left her husband two daughters. Now the couple is raising six children together: they have two common sons (George and Mikhail) and two more children each from previous marriages. In an interview, the politician jokes that this is their common contribution to correcting the demographic situation. There is no information about Bagdasarova's first husband.

In July 2018, Vorobyov's eldest daughter married businessman Mark Tipikin, and family photos of the head of the region appeared in the media along with his younger children and his wife, who usually does not advertise the facts of his personal life. According to rumors, the guests of a luxurious wedding at the Four Seasons hotel were forbidden to take pictures, let alone publish them on the Internet, but someone decided to break the ban and “leaked” the photo to the Web.

Ekaterina Bagdasarova now

Officially, the mysterious wife of Vorobyov is the head of the Istok charitable foundation. Employees of the organization arrange children's holidays and master classes in hospitals, raise money for the treatment of young patients, help orphans, develop sports and create educational programs.

In September 2018, the Foundation organized a charity run called “Pulse of Kindness” in Kolomna, which was supported by eminent Olympic athletes. The purpose of the event was to raise funds to support orphanages near Moscow.

Ekaterina Bagdasarova in 2018 at the Pulse of Good event

As chairman of Istok, Bagdasarova now appears in public from time to time, but rarely does so. In general, she is a non-public person: Ekaterina does not give interviews, does not maintain a page on Instagram and other social networks, and hardly accompanies her husband at official events.


Vorobyov was born into a family of engineers. Father - Yuri Vorobyov, born in 1948 in Krasnoyarsk, one of the founders of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Hero of the Russian Federation, closest associate of the current Minister of Defense, since 2008 - Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council.

Mother - Lyudmila, was born in Chechnya, an engineering and technical worker.

The younger brother is Maxim, a businessman.


In 1988-1989 he served in Red Banner Motorized Rifle Division of the Special Purpose of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. F. E. Dzerzhinsky, participated in operations to restore constitutional order in Baku, Yerevan, Kokand, Fergana.

Graduated in 1995 North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov(Vladikavkaz) with a degree in commerce, in 1998 - All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade(Moscow) majoring in international economics with knowledge of a foreign language.

In 2006 - Institute of Communication Management Higher School of Economics in the direction of "Political and business communications (MBA)". Candidate of Economic Sciences.

He gave lectures at the Department of Theory and Practice of Interaction between Business and Government at the State University - Higher School of Economics, in particular as part of the course "The Role of Political Parties in Ensuring Constructive Interaction between Business and Government. Russian and International Experience". In October 2013, Vorobyov resigned from the Higher School of Economics "due to the workload due to being elected for a second term as governor."

In 1991-1998 he was engaged in the organization and development of his own business. Andrey Vorobyov is the founder JSC "Group of companies "Russian Sea", one of the largest sellers of fish and seafood in Russia. He was the owner of 60% of the shares of the company and its CEO until 2000.

Since 2002, its shares have been owned by LLC "Aurora Industries Limited", 99.9% of whose shares are owned by RSGroupLTD, registered in the British Virgin Islands. In 2002, Andrei Vorobyov sold his shares to his brother Maxim. The company owns a factory in Noginsk, is engaged in the processing of red fish and the production of preserves and red caviar. The group accounts for about 7.1% of the Russian fresh-frozen and chilled fish market. The group's turnover in 2006 was estimated at $100-120 million.

Has two children, one of whom had income in 2011 15 892 260 rubles, while Andrey Vorobyov himself has declared income 2 054 861 rubles. The income of the spouse was not indicated in the declaration.

Vorobyov himself on December 7, 2012, in an interview with the Kommersant FM radio station, explained this situation as follows: " My wife has died. Accordingly, I live with another woman, we have four children. That's all. And my daughter received an inheritance, this is an apartment, and, accordingly, the savings that remained".

Vorobyov was awarded the Order of Honor (June 29, 2010) - for merits in lawmaking and many years of conscientious work; medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland", 1st class (March 28, 2007) - for merits in lawmaking, strengthening and development of Russian statehood; and the medal "Glory of Adygea" (April 13, 2007) - for special services to the Republic of Adygea and a great contribution to improving the social conditions of life of the population.


Andrei Vorobyov began working in the civil service in 2000, when he became an assistant to Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Shoigu and a former colleague of his father. In 2012, Vorobyov will say that Shoigu is his godfather in politics. Vorobyov will replace him Governor of the Moscow Region November 8, 2012.

Shoigu himself, in an interview with Vedomosti, said that he maintains friendly relations with his old partner Yuri Vorobyov. The minister of defense and the senator have neighboring cottages in the village of Znamenskoye on Rublyovka. According to Shoigu, his family and the Vorobyov family often get together on weekends.

The Shoigu and Vorobyov families had an idea to organize a joint business, however, it ended in failure. In 2006 Shoigu's wife Irina, son of the then governor of St. Petersburg Sergei Matvienko and the Vorobyov company "Grand Land" established a company "Barvikha, 4". As Shoigu said, they wanted to build an office center on Rublyovka, but a crisis happened, loans rose in price and construction became unprofitable.

The official party biography of Vorobyov claims that in 2000 he was appointed president of the interregional public fund for the support of the All-Russian Party - Assistance Foundation However, this is unlikely, given that the process of uniting the movements "Unity" and "Fatherland" (competitors in the elections of 1999) began only in April 2001, the founding congress of the party "Unity and Fatherland" - "United Russia" was held in December the same year, and the official name of the All-Russian Party "United Russia" was assigned to this organization only in December 2003.

Vorobyov himself, in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, said that he headed the United Russia fund (which accumulated most of the funds allocated by sponsors to finance the party) in 2002, and the Izvestia newspaper wrote that in May 2001 Vorobyov ordered party fund "Unity". His task was to attract money from donors for various party projects.

At the same time, according to Vorobyov, during the entire existence of this fund there has not been a case when the supporters of Unity refused to support this or that project. Every month, from each of the 42 regional branches of the party, it was possible to attract from 10 to 150 thousand rubles.

As part of the activities of the Interregional Public Fund for Support of the United Russia Party, as again noted in the official biography, Vorobyov was also responsible for organizing and conducting various humanitarian actions - in the city of Lensk, in Serbia (Kosovo), in Ukraine, in South Ossetia, Abkhazia , Transnistria.

The Assistance Foundation helped Vorobyov to create another of the key managers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - the first director of the Emercom agency created in 1996 Viktor Abramov. Emercom was created to participate in international humanitarian operations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is mentioned in its report by a special UN commission that investigated corruption in the program "Oil for food". According to the commission, Emercom purchased 60 million barrels of oil from Iraq under this program, and the profit received from the deal was $7.6 million received the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the party "Unity".

According to SPARK, in 2001, the United Russia Support Fund collected 237.5 million rubles voluntary contributions, having spent 234 million rubles for the intended use. In the pre-election year 2003, the support fund received 475.9 million rubles. Of these, 206 million went to charity, 69.5 million were held for seminars and conferences, and 13 million were spent on paying for the administrative apparatus.

In 2002-2003, he represented the Republic of Adygea in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, was a member of the Committee on Budget and Taxes, Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Control over the Activities of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 4th convocation, was a member of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Education and Science and deputy head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 5th convocation, was a member of the Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations, deputy head of the faction. One of the authors of six laws adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and signed by the President of Russia.

In November 2008, Andrei Vorobyov and his father, Yuri Vorobyov, were elected to the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party.

Since 2011, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 6th convocation, a member of the Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations, head of the United Russia faction, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.

From 2005 to 2012 led CEC WFP "United Russia".

Vorobyov was called to party work after another reorganization: the Kremlin was dissatisfied with the activities Volkova And Bogomolov. Volkov's post in the CEC passed to Vorobyov, and Bogomolov's post to Viacheslav Volodin. This was presented as a course towards the rejuvenation of the party. Vorobyov is still considered a spokesman for Shoigu's team, and Volodin was then a man close to the Kremlin's party curator.

Before that, all the power and resources in the leadership of the party were concentrated precisely in the executive committee, which was headed by Volkov, and the secretary general Bogomolov did not play a significant role, the executive committee employee claims. In 2005, a power triangle formed in the party: (chairman of the supreme council of the party) - Volodin - Vorobyov. Resources were concentrated in the hands of Vorobyov, and political power was under the leadership of Volodin, while Gryzlov had direct contact with the president.

In his position, Vorobyov was one of those responsible for the current activities of the party and issues of party building. He was actively engaged in the introduction of modern international standards in the party. He supervised the preparation and conduct of election campaigns: he was one of the leaders of the central election headquarters for the parliamentary and presidential elections (2007-2008).

Member of the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the Party and Presidium of the General Council of the Party. Since 2005, he has also been responsible for the implementation of the program for the construction of prefabricated sports facilities under the auspices of United Russia. Party project coordinator "Kindergartens for children".

On February 11, 2012, he announced that he was leaving his post: " Today is the last day of my work in the rank of head of the CEC! Almost 7 years!.. Making way for the young!", Vorobyov wrote on his Twitter blog. According to him, he resigned from his party post in order to focus on work in the State Duma.

In general, Vorobyov showed himself to be a person who loves solidity and stability: as the head of the executive committee, he did not allow sharp personnel or structural decisions.

On February 11, 2012, the Presidium of the General Council of United Russia dismissed Vorobyov from the post of chairman of the executive committee of the party, and the head of the central headquarters was appointed in his place in the status of acting Konstantin Mazurevsky. Vorobyov explained that it was a "planned decision" and he left the post due to the heavy workload of the affairs of the parliamentary faction.

On August 10 of the same year, as a result of a secret ballot, he was elected chairman of the executive committee of United Russia Dmitry Travkin, who served as Minister of Internal Policy of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region.

November 8, 2012 President Vladimir Putin appointed Andrei Vorobyov to the post of Acting Governor of the Moscow Region. Two days earlier, the former head of the region, Sergei Shoigu, who led the region for only half a year, was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Vorobyov was appointed acting governor of the Moscow region until September 2013, the election of the head of the region.

In January 2013, after a conversation with Vorobyov, the mayor of Zhukovsky resigned. Alexander Bobovnikov.

In February 2013, the first deputy head of the former head of the administration of the city district of Balashikha resigned. Arsena Kumratov Alexey Dedkov. It happened shortly after in this city at the station "Saltykovskaya" A woman died under the wheels of an electric train.

The head of the Moscow region visited the place of death of a woman, met with the inhabitants of the city. They told him that Balashikha was poorly provided with infrastructure, there were not enough kindergartens and schools. Vorobyov announced the dismissal of the chief architect of the city, instructed to finalize the general plan of the city and banned the construction of housing. He also demanded that developers start building social infrastructure in the city.

In March 2013, Deputy Head of Administration Korolev Igor Tyulyakov, in charge of construction and land use issues in the city, resigned after a visit to the municipality of Vorobyov, who instructed to check all previously issued building permits and suspended development in the city.

In June 2013, United Russia nominated Vorobyov as a candidate for the election of the governor of the Moscow region. In July of the same year, Vorobyov took the initiative to seize the property of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Moscow Region.

June 25, 2013 Vorobyov met with the head of the Mozhaisk municipal district Dmitry Belanovich. After the conversation, Belanovich decided to resign.

In July 2013, the head of the Kashirsky district left his post Andrey Maksimenko, which "could not curb the growth of tariffs for housing and communal services, has lost the confidence of residents."

Early elections of the governor of the Moscow region were held in the Moscow region on September 8, 2013 on a single voting day.

Vorobyov took first place with an overwhelming number of votes - 78.94%. In second place was Konstantin Cheremisov, who scored 7.72%, then - Gennady Gudkov (4,43 %), Maxim Shingarkin (2,52 %), Nadezhda Korneeva (2,27 %), Alexander Romanovich (1,83 %).

One of Vorobyov's first initiatives as governor was an administrative reform, according to which the number of municipalities in the Moscow region should be reduced by merging some of them with each other.

In December 2013, Vorobyov dismissed the head of the richest municipality in the region - the Odintsovo district - Alexandra Gladysheva who has been in office for over 20 years. Experts believed that Vorobyov, who had achieved the departure of the regional "heavyweight", was showing the heads of municipalities "who is the boss in the house."

In January 2014, the head of the city of Dzerzhinsky near Moscow Alexey Pleshakov resigned early. According to unofficial sources, he decided to quit due to disagreements with Vorobyov over the unification of Dzerzhinsky and neighboring Kotelniki as part of an administrative reform.

In July 2015, Governor Andrey Vorobyov announced that by October 1, the Moscow Region would enter the top five Russian regions with the fewest officials for every 10,000 inhabitants.


According to the 2006 election declaration, Vorobyov earned RUB 1,207,264.00, owned a land plot in the Moscow region, with an area of ​​3000.0 sq. m, as well as a car Mercedes-BenzSL-class (2006). He had 523,707.39 rubles on his bank account. (JSC PERESVET).

According to the "anti-corruption" declaration of 2009, Vorobyov's income amounted to 1,981,854.00 rubles. He owned a land plot in the Moscow region with an area of ​​3000.0 sq.m., a residential building of 500.0 sq.m. m, transferred to him for free use. He also owned a Mercedes-Benz S500.

According to the "anti-corruption" declaration of 2010, Vorobyov's income amounted to RUB 2,060,334.00. While one of his children earned RUB 17,518,682.00.

He owned a land plot in the Moscow region, with an area of ​​3000.0 sq.m., a residential building of 500.0 sq.m. m, transferred to him for free use. He also owned a Mercedes-Benz S500.

In 2011, Vorobyov declared an income of 2,054,861 rubles. At the same time, one of his children had an income of 15,892,260 rubles.

Rumors (scandals)

Project "Dissernet" discovered in Vorobyov's Ph.D. thesis "Formation and Development of the Investment Potential of the Depressed Region of the South of Russia", defended in 2004, massive borrowings from previously published sources.

According to the participant of the project Sergei Parkhomenko, Vorobyov "knew for 9 years that he was not a scientist, he did not write any dissertation in reality, but meanwhile he continues to use it - to indicate this false information about himself in all cases - in questionnaires, business cards, reference books, encyclopedias ... This not just a copy-paste, it's a deliberate falsification."

On April 6, 2012, a former candidate for mayor of Astrakhan, a member who, after the March 4 elections, went on a hunger strike, protesting against their official results, filed a lawsuit against Vorobyov because of his statement that Shein "is starving almost on the 15th once". Shein himself stated that this was only his second political hunger strike.



In 1995 he graduated from the North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov (Vladikavkaz) with a degree in commerce

in 1998 - the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (Moscow) with a degree in international economics with knowledge of a foreign language.


In 1988-1989 he served in the Red Banner Motorized Rifle Division of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. F. E. Dzerzhinsky, participated in operations to restore constitutional order in Baku, Yerevan, Kokand, Fergana.


Shoigu's heir and patron of the "garbage king"

Representatives of organized crime groups also arrange their own, but with the help of Vorobyov, they are also engaged in the fact that they are redistributing territories. So, "Podolsky" (Sergey Lalakin - "Luchok"), having put his mayor on Podolsk, "cut" Podolsky district and Klimovsk to the territory of the city.

They put their people in Chekhov and Serpukhov, imprisoned Alexander Shestun and liquidated the Serpukhov region, along with Vorobyov and FSB general Ivan Tkachev, because Sergei Sobyanin is moving them from the Podolsk region, part of which became the territory of New Moscow. Even the recreation center "Switzerland" Lalakin, the original place of their gatherings, will be re-registered by the government of the capital. The entire south of the Moscow region is now under their influence. And, apparently, this is done to the satisfaction of both parties.

Vorobyov's deputy for investments will leave the government of the Moscow region

Deputy head of the government of the Moscow region Denis Butsaev will leave his post, his acquaintance told RBC and confirmed by a source in the government of the region.

Businessman shot dead in Vidnoye near Moscow

In the city of Vidnoye, a 36-year-old businessman died during an attack, investigators opened a criminal case. This was reported on the website of the Department of the Investigative Committee for the Moscow region.

Vorobyov allowed a rise in housing prices in the suburbs by 10-15%

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov said that due to the introduction of escrow accounts, housing prices in the region could grow by 10-15%

Two houses of the bankrupt Urban Group will not be completed due to power lines

The two houses of the bankrupt Urban Group will not be completed due to the fact that they were designed under a high-voltage power line. Andrey Vorobyov, the governor of the Moscow Region, spoke about this on the air of the 360 ​​TV channel.

More than 20 garbage dumps closed in Moscow region in 2018

In the Moscow region in 2018, 24 garbage dumps were closed. Andrey Vorobyov, Governor of the Moscow Region, spoke about this on the air of the 360 ​​TV channel.

A participant in a rally in Volokolamsk was accused of attacking the ex-head of the district

We are talking about a rally against the Yadrovo landfill, which took place at the end of March. The protester was accused of using violence against a representative of the authorities - the head of the Volokolamsk district Yevgeny Gavrilov

S7 Airlines offered to launch production of business jets in the Moscow region

S7 Airlines General Director Vladimir Obyedkov presented the project of a plant for the production of light business jets in Stupino, Moscow Region, to Andrey Vorobyov, Governor of the Moscow Region. The company intends to invest 13 billion rubles in it.

A fire broke out at the closed Annino landfill

In the suburbs at the closed landfill "Annino" there was a fire, the area of ​​​​which amounted to 90 square meters. m. This was reported on the website of the Ruza city district.

The authorities commented on reports of construction in the reserve near Moscow

There is no talk of creating a new highway in the area of ​​​​the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve (Serpukhov district of the Moscow region), Natalya Khlopunova, press secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources, told RBC. Regional authorities assure that expansion of the already existing road is also not planned.

"Granel" will call in Dolgoprudny

The territory of the Moscow Stone Processing Plant (MCC) in Dolgoprudny, which at various times was controlled by the Inteko and SU-155 structures, can finally be built up. The Granel group, which has become the owner of the facility, plans to invest 22 billion rubles. in construction on 37.2 hectares of land more than 400 thousand square meters. m of real estate and park complex. The consultants warn that the project will have to face a strong competitive environment.

On the site of the ICC on Zavodskaya Street in Dolgoprudny near Moscow, a project will be implemented that provides for the creation of a park area from the embankment: 12.7 hectares will be allocated for this, and 416 thousand square meters are planned to be built on another 20 hectares. m.

Timchenko's company will expand the road in Zhukovsky for 6.66 billion rubles.

The Stroytransgaz company of Gennady Timchenko received a contract worth 6.66 billion rubles. for the reconstruction of the road in Zhukovsky near Moscow. It is planned to bring it to the parameters of a citywide highway

The Stroytransgaz company, controlled by businessman Gennady Timchenko, received a contract worth 6.66 billion rubles. for the reconstruction of the highway (Tupolev Street) in Zhukovsky near Moscow, follows from the procurement materials. The company turned out to be the only contender in the competition organized by the Moscow region authorities.

A representative of Stroytransgaz told RBC that the signing of the contract is planned in the near future. The press service of the Moscow Region Ministry of Transport specified that the contract with Stroytransgaz will be signed after July 9, and the contractor will start work.

Vorobyov's "ex-chick" failed to fly away

Detained ex-head of the Klin district Alexander Postrigan. Security forces are intensively looking for compromising evidence on the governor?

Alexander Postrigan, ex-head of the Klinsky district, was detained at Sheremetyevo while trying to leave the country. This was reported by the correspondent of The Moscow Post. He is charged with breach of duty. However, this can only be a formal reason. Security forces are looking for a way out on the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov?

Postrigan led the district for 22 years. And, probably, during this time he could do so much that the ex-head has something to present. It was in the Klinsky district that the “gambling business” of Moscow region prosecutors developed. In 2014, Alexander Postrigan suddenly decided to retire and was elected from United Russia to the council of deputies of the urban settlement of Klin. Instead, Postrigan agreed on the appointment of Alena Sokolskaya, the wife of the ex-participant in the "gambling case" prosecutor Alexander Kozlov.

"We have no right to play the fool"

Andrey Vorobyov on the development of the Moscow region, environmental problems, deceived equity holders and the election of the governor

The election campaign in the Moscow region began against the background of the possible collapse of one of the largest developers in the region, Urban Group, and the arrest of the head of the Serpukhov district, Alexander Shestun, who accused the Moscow Region authorities of putting pressure on him. Andrey Vorobyov, the governor of the Moscow region, who was nominated for a second term, explained to Kommersant how he was going to win the elections on September 9.

“The state cannot control the entire construction process”

"He is ours"

Employees of the Federal Security Service (FSB) detained the head of the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region, Alexander Shestun, who had previously recorded a video message in which he stated that he was being forced to resign with the help of threats. According to preliminary data, Mr. Shestun was suspected of involvement in fraud with land plots. For interrogation, they plan to deliver him to the central office of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR).

Employees of the FSB and the central office of the ICR detained Alexander Shestun after another search.

Vorobyov applied for participation in the election of the head of the Moscow region

The Governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov has submitted an application to the Moscow Regional Electoral Committee to participate in the election of the head of the region. This was reported by the press service of the regional government.

Vorobyov will replace the United Russia senator with a communist

Moscow Region Governor Andrey Vorobyov will offer Duma parties places in the top three candidates for senators, with whom he will go to the polls. Communist Alexei Russkikh may become a new member of the Federation Council from the region, sources told RBC

Incomes of the governor of the Moscow region for the year fell almost twice

Almost twice, from 97.9 million to 53.1 million rubles, Andrei Vorobyov's income fell over the year, follows from his declaration published on the website of the Moscow Region government

Vorobyov appointed a new head of the construction complex of the Moscow region

Ruslan Tagiev became the Minister of the Construction Complex of the Moscow Region. This is reported by the website of the Moscow region government.

Landfill in Kolomna smelled of "Luchk"

Sergey Lalakin's interests were discovered at Andrey Vorobyov's landfills

Earlier, the Ruspres agency talked about how landfills near Moscow are controlled by the people of the leader of the Podolsk group, Sergei Lalakin, nicknamed Luchok. His people managed, for example, a dump near Chekhov, and received compensation from Governor Andrei Vorobyov after President Putin personally ordered the landfill closed. The Dozhd TV channel discovered another garbage dump controlled by the group.

Kolomna is one of the protest points of the Moscow region: garbage from many districts of the region and the capital flows to the Volovichi landfill, residents are outraged by the sharply deteriorating environmental situation. As it turned out, the shadow owner of the landfill, who has reputable friends from Podolsk and led other scandalous landfills, is preventing it from being corrected. This was acknowledged at a closed meeting by the Minister of Ecology of the Moscow Region Alexander Kogan.

Vorobyov decided to send the girl who “threatened” him to Holland

The governor of the Moscow region said that the authorities of the region will pay for a trip to Europe for a ten-year-old girl from Volokolamsk and her parents in order to “eliminate a misunderstanding”

Vorobyov announced plans to participate in the election of the governor of the Moscow region

The Governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov announced his intention to put forward his candidacy in the elections of the head of the region. He stated this on the air of the radio station "Moscow speaking".

Vorobyov announced his intention to raise 20 billion rubles. for landfill reclamation

Moscow region authorities plan to attract more than 20 billion rubles. for the reclamation of landfills in the region. This was stated by the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov on the air of the radio station "Moscow speaking".

Vorobyov named those responsible for the problems with landfills in the suburbs

Responsibility for problems at landfills in the Moscow region lies with their owners. Governor Andrei Vorobyov stated this at a meeting of the regional government, RIA Novosti reports.

Vorobyov promised to bring only “local garbage” to the new part of Yadrovo

The Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrey Vorobyov, said that the new part of the Yadrovo landfill in the Volokolamsky district would only be used to collect waste from the surrounding areas of the Moscow region. His words are reported by Interfax.

The head of the Moscow region instructed to regularly conduct exercises after the emergency in Kemerovo

Governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov ordered the introduction of regular fire safety drills in the Moscow region amid an incident at the Winter Cherry shopping center in Kemerovo, where 64 people died as a result of a fire. He stated this to the 360 ​​TV channel.

The governor of the Moscow region called the participants of the garbage business "incomprehensible"

Vorobyov called the reason for the dismissal of the head of the Volokolamsk region

The head of the Volokolamsk district, Yevgeny Gavrilov, was fired after losing dialogue with local residents on the situation at the Yadrovo landfill. This was stated by the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov in an interview with the radio station "Echo of Moscow".

Vorobyov proposed to cancel the archaeological examination of the lands of the Moscow region

The Governor of the Moscow Region proposed to abandon the mandatory preliminary archaeological surveys of land during construction. According to experts, this threatens to destroy a large number of archaeological sites.

The mother of the girl who “threatened” Vorobyov spoke about her motives

During a meeting between Andrei Vorobyov and local residents in Volokolamsk, the attention of those gathered was attracted by a girl who was making threatening gestures towards the governor. Her mother explained that it was "a cry from the heart"

Vorobyov spoke about the demands of residents after the poisoning of children

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov spoke about the demands of the residents of Volokolamsk, which they voiced after children were poisoned as a result of gas emissions from the Yadrovo landfill. The head of the Moscow region spoke about this following a meeting with activists of the municipality in the regional government, according to a press service of the Moscow region governor, received by RBC.

Vorobyov promised to take the children out of Volokolamsk because of the stench from the landfill

The governor of the Moscow region, Andrey Vorobyov, said that children would be taken out of the city due to a gas release at the Yadrovo test site. He visited the hospital where the children injured from the gas explosion were taken

The governor of the Moscow region found a replacement for the head of Balashikha

Andrey Vorobyov offered to compete for the chair of the head of Balashikha to the head of Reutov, Sergei Yurov, expressing confidence that the city would become more comfortable with him

Governor Vorobyov went to a landfill in Balashikha after a question to Putin

The governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, after an appeal from a resident of Balashikha to President Vladimir Putin, went to a landfill, which the townspeople are dissatisfied with, Interfax reports.

“This is a closed sorting and pouring with soil of what is brought here from the nearby districts of Moscow and the Moscow region,” the governor said.

Andrey Vorobyov refused the mandate of the State Duma deputy

The Governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov refused the mandate of the State Duma deputy. According to the press service of the government of the Moscow region, he will continue to work as head of the region. Mr. Vorobyov "during the election campaign led the regional group of candidates from the United Russia political party," the agency recalls.

Earlier, the head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, who headed the list of United Russia in the region, resigned from his mandate. According to RIA Novosti, most of the nominated governors, including Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, may refuse seats in the parliament.

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov and his family voted in Barvikha

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov voted in the elections to the State Duma and the Moscow Regional Duma in the rural settlement of Barvihinskoye, Odintsovo district. Together with him, his wife and eldest daughter Ekaterina came to the polling station N2039.

Andrey Vorobyov summed up the main results of the month

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov last Thursday summed up the results of September and answered questions from residents live on the 360° Podmoskovye TV channel

In the introductory part, the governor positively assessed the level of organization of the September 18 elections, during which special attention was paid to ensuring the cleanliness and transparency of the voting procedure, and thanked the residents of the region for their active participation in the electoral process.

Owners of the Russian Sea Group

95% of Russian Sea Group of Companies is owned by Corsico Limited. The largest co-owners of the Russian Sea are its founder Maxim Vorobyov and Volga Resources Gennady Timchenko.

The leaders of the Podolsk organized criminal group - Sergey Lalakin - (Luchok), Sergey Popov - (Pop), Boris Ivanyuzhenkov - (Rotan).

Cities and districts of the Moscow region that are under the direct control of the Podolsk organized criminal group: Podolsk, Podolsky district, Klimovsk, Chekhov district, Serpukhov, Serpukhov district, Ruzsky district, Zvenigorod, Voskresensky district -n,

Campaign headquarters of Vladimir Putin

Stanislav Govorukhin, Vyacheslav Volodin, Sergei Neverov, Dmitry Rogozin, Andrey Vorobyov, Kirill Varlamov, Vladimir Burmatov, Alexei Romanov, Lyudmila Bokova, Alexei Lavrenenko, Roman Rusanov, Valery Yakushev, Olga Platoshina, Nikolai Fedorov, Vyacheslav Lysakov, Ivan Mokhnachuk, Alexander Monoenkov , Valery Trapeznikov,

The sons of Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika are buying up the assets of Russian Railways

The sons of Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika acquire the assets of Russian Railways OJSC, Kommersant writes. The T-Industry company, where the youngest son of the head of the supervisory agency, Igor Chaika, controls 30%, on July 9 won the Russian Railways tender for the sale of 50% minus two shares of Beteltrans (BET), Russia's largest manufacturer of sleepers.

New theater for young spectators in the Moscow region will be headed by Nonna Grishaeva

RBC 06/25/2014, Moscow 19:13:52 Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov announced the creation of a new theater for young spectators in the Moscow region. It will be headed by Honored Artist of Russia Nonna Grishaeva, the press service of Vorobyov reports.

“I am grateful to Grishaeva for agreeing to lead the theater for young spectators. This is done so that very small creatively gifted people can also realize themselves, ”said A. Vorobyov, whose words are quoted in the message. At the same time, there is no exact information about the location of the theater yet.

GVSU "Center" by Mikhail Cherkasov against SU-155

“A few months ago, at breakfast at the acting. Governor of the Moscow Region (Andrey Vorobyov), Mikhail Balakin and I talked and decided to go for a settlement, but after that there were no payments from SU-155, then in the summer we went to court again and secured the accounts, ”Mikhail Cherkasov told Reuters .

Putin supported the project to create a subway between the cities of the Moscow region

The Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov proposed to connect the major cities of the Moscow region and the capital's airports by ground metro. This idea was voiced by the head of the region at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The head of state supported her.

Vorobyov: Moscow region is ready to accept children from the besieged Slavyansk

RBC 05/29/2014, Slavyansk 15:37:46 Moscow region is ready to accept children from the besieged Slavyansk. They will be placed in one of the children's health camps. This was stated by the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov, ITAR-TASS reports.

Governor of the Moscow Region Vorobyov in 2013 earned 34.5 million rubles.

RBC 25.04.2014, Moscow 17:04:28 Income of the Governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov last year amounted to 34.54 million rubles. This is stated in the income statement posted on the official portal of the regional government. The document notes that the amount was received by the head of the Moscow region, taking into account the sale of land.

"Right business" humanitarian Krutikov

The head of the Odintsovo municipal district, Alexander Gladyshev, who ruled Rublyovka for almost 23 years, was forced to resign on the eve of the New Year, 2014. They started talking that the old-timer Gladyshev did not work well with the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov.

A. Vorobyov told the president the average prices for new buildings in the Moscow region

“The Moscow region is traditionally a leader in construction, and there is still a high demand for real estate. We are building about 6.6-7 million square meters. m of housing, - Andrey Vorobyov told the head of state. “It is important that now we have learned to build with the condition that new settlers, when entering their apartment, should see a kindergarten, a school and a well-equipped yard from their windows. When these conditions necessary for life are absent, there is nowhere to take the child, this causes, so to speak, not joy from a new apartment, but disappointment. Therefore, we are not just building a lot now, but we are also trying not to delay the commissioning of social facilities: schools, kindergartens, parks - in general, everything that is needed for a normal life.”

What took off the new head of the Duma faction "United Russia" Andrey Vorobyov: on the "Russian Sea" - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bmoney.

Forever grumbling

Around Sergei Darkin, the former governor of Primorye, even when he held his former post, there were not as many rumors as now: did he run away from the investigation, did he run away, was he being treated abroad, hiding at home or just on a business trip, they caught him alone, along with mayor of the city of Artyom, or they still missed both, and if they were caught and are looking for, then for what ...

Primorye itself has no doubts about only two things: that the reshuffle in the region took place with the direct participation of the chief parliamentarian from the party in power, Andrei Vorobyov, and that now the Vorobyov family will get the business empire of Darkin.

The pearl of Darkin's piggy bank is the Nakhodka Base of Active Marine Fishing (NBAMR), a solid fishing enterprise, the second in the country in terms of quotas for catching marine life. So far, it belongs to Darkin's wife Larisa Belobrova, but it may soon pass to Vorobyov's brother Maxim. In any case, negotiations between the NBAMR and the Russian Sea Vorobyov company are already underway. The resignation of the region's governor depreciated this asset from $500 million by exactly half.
At the same time, Andrey Vorobyov himself is far from the sea even geographically. Born in Krasnoyarsk and spent his childhood in the small regional town of Sosnovoborsk.

“I remember him well: he was small, plump, absurd, always grumbling and dissatisfied with everything,” Natalia Zakitina, who studied with him at the same school, told Interlocutor.

- Vorobyov's career rise came as a surprise to us, - admitted the former director of the school, Eduard Gutman. - Although he was not a bully, he did not show activity in public life, and he studied satisfactorily. Of course, the guy was purposeful, but in those years he was fascinated exclusively by sports, more precisely, hockey. I remember that his father, Yuri Leonidovich, even took us to the neighboring village to the Ice Palace. Vorobyov Sr. was very accessible in communication. He came to Sosnovoborsk as a young specialist at a caravan factory, but then went along the party line, worked as a secretary of the city committee, became friends with Shoigu, then became his right hand in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and now he is a senator.

party purse

In the early 90s, following his father, Andrei Vorobyov also moved to the capital, however, at first, a bureaucratic career did not attract him at all. Back in Krasnoyarsk, he tried to do business, later even received a diploma as a merchant, but in 2000 he nevertheless went into politics, starting with the post of assistant to Sergei Shoigu, who, after Yeltsin's resignation, in addition to the ministerial portfolio, also received the post of Deputy Prime Minister.

Then, in 2000, Shoigu was elected leader of the Unity party, which later grew into United Russia. The interregional public fund for the support of the party was headed by 30-year-old Andrei Vorobyov. On May 12, 2004, the United Russia support fund was registered, in which Vorobyov was not only president, but also a co-founder.
In fact, Andrey Vorobyov became the "purse of the party." His foundation, having spread its branch network all over the country, began to collect money from sponsors, primarily from entrepreneurs, offering in exchange, as the leaflets say, help to business - after all, everything is possible with administrative resources. No wonder that Vorobyov had no end to sponsors.

For example, only in 2008-2009. Eurocement Group alone donated 253 million rubles to United Russia. The gift paid off handsomely. During the Pikalevo crisis in 2009, when a dispute arose between Eurocement and the oligarch Oleg Deripaska, it was Deripaska that Vladimir Putin asked to "return the pen here." The cement workers have already made their contribution.

True, scandals flare up from time to time in Kemerovo, then in the Kuban, as if party dues are beaten out of businessmen with hints: they say, refusing financial assistance is tantamount to “refusing to support Putin and his creative course.” But in the fund itself, these insinuations were categorically denied.

- The Fund was and is financed exclusively by voluntary donations, - after another hype, Andrey Vorobyov himself emphasized.

The opposition tried to initiate inspections of this office by the Accounts Chamber, the Prosecutor General's Office, or at least the Ministry of Justice, but received a logical refusal. The Central Election Committee did not bother the fund either, although some of United Russia's election campaigns were financed from there, and not from the official, as required by law, electoral fund.

In a word, Vladimir Putin owes his latest victory in part to Vorobyov's money.

Whole flock

Vorobyov really does not peck for money. More precisely, not with him personally, but with his family. In the 90s, he founded CJSC Bogorodsk-Ryba and CJSC Russian Sea, but later transferred the business to his younger brother Maxim. And now the Vorobyov brothers are more abruptly in the country's fish market than the Klitschko brothers in boxing. Today, the "Sea" alone (import, production and sale of fish products) is worth 6.37 billion rubles, and the Vorobyovs also swim in other sectors of the economy. In the most varied.
For example, both the little-known Es De Ash Finance company and the Cypriot Clears Partners and Development, which owns part of Deripaska’s more media-oriented Glavstroy Spb, are recorded on Maxim’s brother (perhaps this fact saved the oligarch from a complete defeat in Pikalevo) .

Lyudmila Vorobyova (the mother of the deputy) is the owner of the Grand Land group of companies (she builds office and shopping and entertainment centers from Rublyovka to Gelendzhik). Among the business partners are Irina Shoigu, the wife of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and Sergey Matvienko, the son of the speaker of the Senate.

Sergey Vorobyov (his uncle, in Sosnovoborsk was only in charge of the security of the administration) became the founder of Foton-2 CJSC (import of products), together with the Ostankino Dairy Plant he created Dairy Alliance LLC, settled in Ruzanna Trading House LLC and entered the the number of owners from a dozen more firms of different directions and degrees of coolness. Thanks to tenders, the sweets of his LLC "Sweet Planet" land in various government agencies. One of the clients of his law firm Jus Privatum is the state-owned Rossiyskaya Gazeta. And the equipment of his Instroitekhkom-Center CJSC participates in the Nord Stream project of the state-owned Gazprom.

Cousins ​​also found a place in the business - Artem (Armada, Mirastel firms) and Dima (Inzhestroydizayn, Center-Invest). And even my grandmother, Nina Fedorovna, born in 1928, appeared in Razdory City LLC, an office and residential complex on Rublyovka.

Andrei Vorobyov himself and his father do not formally participate in family affairs - they live on the same salary (deputy and senator, respectively), but in business circles the Vorobyovs are unofficially spoken of precisely as a clan.

Moreover, both in politics and in business, the Vorobyovs soar up at the same time. A month ago, Maxim Vorobyov joined the board of directors of Stroytransgaz, Gennady Timchenko, according to the latest ratings, the richest man in Russia, known for his closeness to Putin. Before that, Timchenko himself became one of the co-owners of Maxim Vorobyov's Russian Sea. And Andrei Vorobyov, along with this, sat on a branch higher in parliament. The further Maxim Vorobyov swims, the higher his brother Andrey flies. And vice versa accordingly.

The only consolation is that after the coastal assets of Darkin flow into the Russian Sea, we will definitely not give the Kuriles to the Japanese. There are so many fish in that muddy water!


Andrey Vorobyov

Born April 14, 1970 in Krasnoyarsk. In 2000, he moved from business to the government apparatus as an assistant to Deputy Prime Minister Shoigu. In 2002 he was elected a senator from Adygea. In December 2003, for the first time, he received the mandate of a State Duma deputy from United Russia. In 2005, he was appointed chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the ruling party. After the last Duma elections, he gave up his post in the CEC and became the head of the United Russia faction in parliament.