Monosov Leonid Anatolievich Head of the Moscow City Order Leonid Monosov - co-owner of the capital of Russia Monosov Leonid Anatolyevich afk system

Yesterday, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) approved the petition of Andrey Monosov, son of the former head of the Moscow City Procurement Department, to buy a 65% stake in OAO Monarch Group of Companies. This structure is the parent company of one of the largest general contracting holdings of the capital - the concern "Monarch" by Sergei Ambartsumyan. Leonid and Andrey Monosov have always been co-owners of Mr. Ambartsumyan's business, and now they have decided to formalize this partnership, market participants say.

Yesterday, the Federal Antimonopoly Service approved the petition of Andrey Monosov, financial director of the Monarch concern, the son of the former head of the Moscow city order department and current deputy head of Olimpstroy, Leonid Monosov, to purchase a 65% voting stake in OAO Monarkh Group of Companies. According to SPARK-Interfax, 100% of this JSC belongs to the former deputy head of the capital's construction complex, Sergei Ambartsumyan (he held this position until November 2008). However, the FAS report notes that Andrey Monosov already controls 5% of the voting shares of OAO GC Monarkh. Thus, after the transaction, Mr. Monosov will own 70% of the OJSC.

It was not possible to get a comment from Andrey Monosov yesterday: his receptionist informed him that he had left for a meeting and offered to call back tomorrow. They also refused to connect with Sergei Ambartsumian at Monarch yesterday. However, a Kommersant source close to the concern said that Monarch Group of Companies OJSC is the managing company of the entire holding. According to him, soon the concern is preparing to rebrand, as a result of which all activities will be transferred from Monarch Concern OJSC to Monarch Group OJSC.

According to several participants in the construction market at once, Leonid and Andrey Monosov have long been business partners of Sergey Ambartsumyan. "Most likely, this deal is aimed at legally fixing the real distribution of shares in Monarch between Sergei Ambartsumyan and the Monosov family," says a major Moscow developer familiar with the concern's ownership structure. A Kommersant source close to the group also says that the deal will be of a technical nature and will be cashless.

Monarch group of companies was founded in 1994. The main activities are construction and development. General Director - Sergey Ambartsumyan. According to SPARK-Interfax, in 2010 the revenue of Monarkh Concern OJSC amounted to 6.03 billion rubles, net profit - 186.12 million. There are no financial indicators of Monarch Group of Companies OJSC in SPARK.

Leonid Monosov worked for a long time at Glavmosstroy, where he rose to the position of Deputy General Director. In 1999, he was appointed general director of Moskapstroy (technical customer; oversaw up to 60% of construction work on state orders in Moscow), and in 2007 - head of the Moscow city order department. However, in early June 2010, even before the resignation of Yuri Luzhkov from the post of mayor of the capital, Leonid Monosov left this position and became deputy head of Olympstroy.

It is noteworthy that immediately after this appointment, the Monarch concern took an active interest in Sochi. So, already at the end of July 2010, it was Monarkh that was chosen as the contractor for the construction of an office complex with an area of ​​30 thousand square meters. m and cost about $100 million for the needs of the organizing committee of the Olympic Games (the investor of this project is the Itera oil and gas company). Also, "Monarch" is now building a hotel to accommodate media representatives during the Olympics, according to the concern's website. In addition, in early 2011, it became known that Monarch became a subcontractor for the construction of a hotel complex in the Imeretinskaya lowland for 4.2 thousand rooms (the investor is the Omega company, the general contractor of Snegiri Development), the cost of which is estimated at $ 800 million .According to a major Moscow developer, "Monarch" plans to become a contractor and a number of other projects in Sochi.




The Board of Directors of AFK Sistema elected a new composition of the Management Board

MOSCOW, 2 April. /TASS/. The Board of Directors of AFK Sistema at its meeting on March 31 approved the new composition of the Management Board. Vladimir Travkov from MTS became the new CFO of the corporation, follows from the list of the board published on the company's website. AFC President Andrei Dubovskov was elected Chairman of the Board.

Ex-president of AFK Mikhail Shamolin left the board, who headed the Segezha Group, the first vice president of the corporation Felix Yevtushenkov, vice president, head of the investment portfolio Leonid Monosov, vice president, head of the corporate communications complex Evgeny Chuikov, former vice president of security Vladimir Shukshin, vice-president, head of the investment portfolio of AFK Mikhail Cherny.

The court arrested the shares of subsidiaries of AFK Sistema

Earlier it was reported that AFK Sistema offered to resolve the dispute with Rosneft by an independent expert. The head of AFK Sistema, Mikhail Shamolin, said that he hoped for an out-of-court solution to the problem, and the involvement of a third party would help in a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

The son of the vice-president of Olimpstroy buys 65% of the company building a hotel in Sochi

"Monarch" from the Monosov dynasty

Yesterday, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) approved the petition of Andrey Monosov, the son of the former head of the Moscow City Procurement Department, to purchase a 65% stake in the Monarch Group of Companies. This structure is the parent company of one of the largest general contracting holdings of the capital - the concern "Monarch" of Sergey Ambartsumyan. Leonid and Andrey Monosov have always been co-owners of Mr. Ambartsumyan's business, and now they have decided to formalize this partnership, market participants say.
link: 1760951/print

Leonid Monosov: "All our assets are in the minds of people"

When the antimonopoly service started investigating the price collusion of builders on the Moscow market, the first thing it did was to check Moskapstroy. According to official statistics, this company accounts for more than half of the construction projects in the capital. In an interview with Vedomosti, Leonid Monosov, CEO of Moskapstroy, explained why the statisticians were wrong

Let's go to Sochi

As it became known to the correspondent of "RG", the construction complex of the capital is expecting significant changes.

Leonid Monosov, head of the department for the city order of capital construction of the city of Moscow, in the coming days may be appointed to the post of deputy president of Olympstroy, Taimuraz Bolloev.

The son of the ex-head of the Moscow city order, Leonid Monosov, buys a voting stake in the Monarch development company

Andrey Monosov will become the owner of 65 percent of Monarch's shares. Adding them to the five percent he has. This was confirmed to Business FM by Rachik Petrosyan, Head of the Control Department for Housing and Utilities, Construction and Natural Resources of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia:

“The FAS approved the transaction for the acquisition by one of the shareholders of Monarch Group of Companies OJSC of shares in the amount of 65% from another shareholder, an individual, thus, for Andrey Leonidovich Monosov, it was increased to 70% (?) of voting shares in Monarch Group of Companies OJSC. There, the structure of owners has not changed, only the distribution of shares among the same owners has changed, so there have been no significant changes in the market from this point of view in the group of persons, so we had every reason to agree on this deal.”
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The head of Mosgrozakaz will be sent to the Olympic construction site

Leonid Monosov, the current head of the department of the city order for capital construction in Moscow (Mosgorzakaz), claims to be the first deputy president of the state corporation "Olympstroy" Taimuraz Bolloev. This issue is being considered in the apparatus of the Russian government.

Leonid Monosov confirmed the possibility of his appointment. According to him, the corresponding initiative came from the federal leadership, which half a year ago offered the head of the Moscow City Order to supervise construction issues at Olympstroy. However, the final decision has not yet been made, RBC daily writes.
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Leonid Monosov left Luzhkov for Olimpstroy

Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov dismissed Leonid Monosov, head of the department for city capital construction orders (Mosgorzakaz), who had been hired by the state corporation Olimpstroy.

According to Interfax, this decision was made in connection with the appeal of the management of the state corporation to implement the program for the construction of Olympic facilities and the development of Sochi as a mountain climatic resort and the preparation of the 2014 Olympic Games.
link: 19372.html

Head of the Moscow City Order Leonid Monosov is a co-owner of the capital of Russia

The head of the Moscow City Order, Leonid Monosov, accuses the contractors of dishonesty. “In good faith” he prefers to distribute city orders and budget money himself. Hard work on the distribution of state funds is bearing fruit: the 19-year-old daughter of an official, a student, drives around her beloved city in a green Porsche, and for her birthday she receives a Swiss watch with diamonds as a gift from her father. His colleague, deputy chairman of the auction city commission, Sergei Tatintsyan, meanwhile, is already spending his leisure time in a pre-trial detention center on charges of extortion, fraud and taking a bribe.

Children's business of Moscow officials

In the summer of 2009, Leonid Monosov, at that time the head of the Moscow city order department, complained to journalists that the number of unscrupulous companies in Moscow wishing to gain access to budget funds was growing. The official promised that he would now pay special attention to contractors. During the crisis, there was less budget money, their value has seriously increased, and Monosov, who was responsible for the distribution of budget funds for Moscow construction projects, had trusted builders in mind.

When the antimonopoly service started investigating the price collusion of builders in the Moscow market, the first thing it did was to check Moskapstroy. According to official statistics, this company accounts for more than half of the construction projects in the capital. In an interview with Vedomosti, the general director of Moskapstroy, Leonid Monosov, explained why the statistics were wrong. - You are one of the few leaders whose work book mentions only two places of work. Is this your conscious decision? - So it happened. After graduating from the institute in 1980, I came to work as a foreman at Glavmospromstroy. Then he was the largest commander in chief, which employed 72,000 people. In 1986, Vladimir Iosifovich Resin (now the head of the complex of architecture and construction of the Moscow government. - Vedomosti), who headed Glavmospromstroy, appointed me head of the construction department. And in 1999, I became the general director of Moskapstroy. - What tasks were set for you? - Simple - to work. - Does the fact that you were a subordinate of Vladimir Resin help in business today? - I would say - it does not interfere. I think there are not so many people in the Moscow construction complex who have not worked with him. - What is Moskapstroy doing now? - The organization was created and works as a technical customer. "Moskapstroy" can organize the entire construction process, from site selection to the delivery of the finished object to the balance of the investor or the city. We are engaged in the preparation, coordination and approval of project documentation, connection of engineering networks and draw up all documents. During the construction process, we also conduct technical supervision and, if there are imperfections at the construction site, we are also responsible for them. - Do you work only with government orders? - No. Approximately half of the orders are municipal, 10% are federal, and 40% of our orders are from commercial structures, such as SU-155, DSK-1, Mosstroymekhanizatsiya-5, First Mortgage Company, Inteko, Mosfundamentstroy-6 ”, “Don-Story”.- Almost all the developers you listed have their own customer services. Why do they turn to Moskapstroy? - This is a question for them, not for me. In my opinion, combining efforts always leads to a positive result. - What is the company's turnover? - We master about 150 billion rubles a year. capital investments. But this is not our turn. The money goes through the Moscow Department of Finance and the Treasury directly to the accounts of contractors. Our own turnover is about 1.5% of this amount. - Why does Moskapstroy have no credit history? - We do not use loans. They are taken for the development of production, for investments, and our investments are not of such a volume that they require the involvement of banking resources. We took out a loan only once - about five years ago, when the city authorities experienced problems with financing. - How many objects do you currently have in operation? - Approximately 1,500. Including 2.5 million square meters. m of housing in Moscow and the region. - Which of them are the largest? - The City Hall building in Moscow City, the Rossiya, Moskva, Intourist hotels, the Ice Palace on Khodynka, the reconstruction of the Leningrad Highway, the new Vnukovo terminal -2”.- What part of the construction projects in Moscow do you supervise?- About 60%.- You are often accused of monopolizing the technical services market. What would you say to that? - I don't agree. Right now there was a competition for the functions of a customer in engineering, a difficult project. Apart from us, no one even came to it. What kind of monopoly are we? No one created from scratch such a structure as Moskapstroy. Although lately we have been participating in many competitions and do not always win. - Is there any competition? - Of course, because the city is big. But in a job like ours, you won’t earn much: 1.5% of capital investments versus 80% that builders have. - And what is the profitability of Moskapstroy? - Figures range from 15% to 20%. But due to the fact that our volume is not very large, and the money is not very big. - Why don't you build? - Not everything is measured by money. We could, of course, but we are not a construction organization and cannot compete in this market. - In some projects, you act as a co-investor. - Infrequently, and usually our share does not exceed 5-10%. - What is the structure of Moskapstroy now? - By and large, the structure that existed even before privatization has been preserved to this day. Capital construction departments are affiliated with Moskapstroy - there are 16 of them in total - which perform specific work for us at the facilities, and the company that completes the facilities with equipment - Moskapstroykomplekt. With all subsidiaries, the company employs about 3,000 people. In addition, life made me take up design and create a design institute - Moskapstroyproekt, as well as several organizations involved in the coordination of project documentation. - Capital construction departments (UCS) do not belong to Moskapstroy by 100%. It's uncomfortable. - It's true. But we have parity relations with UKS, they have been working with us for a long time and are interested in further joint work. - Who owns Moskapstroy? - About 180 individuals who worked or are working in Moskapstroy, and about 20 legal entities, the same UKS . - Your company is easy prey for raiders. Recently there was information that there was an unfriendly purchase of Moskapstroy shares. Are you taking any countermeasures? - Today there is no buying, although a few months ago there was such an attempt. A small organization bought 1% of the shares from individuals, but we bought this package. As for the information that I gave the green light to Bazel to buy shares, this is not true: there was not even such a conversation. We don't have assets like other companies. There is no technology, machines, mechanics. All our assets are in the minds of people. Our engineering team rests on the people who work in it. It is worth leaving a dozen people - and the loss will be irreparable. - The largest construction companies in the city - "Mospromstroy", "Glavmosstroy", SEC "Razvitie", "Mosinzhstroy" - have recently changed owners. Market participants believe that such transactions are not made without the approval of the Moscow authorities. Can the city give the go-ahead to an investor to buy Moskapstroy shares? - If a shareholder wants to sell his stake, then why should he ask permission from the Moscow government? In listed companies, the purchase of shares took place by mutual agreement, and many stakes were bought at a good price. Mergers and acquisitions are a natural process, the whole world lives like this. Another thing is when they break into a shop like a bear and start destroying everything. Moskapstroy is the largest city customer. The entire document flow for contractors passes through us, we have concentrated information about a lot of what is happening in the construction organizations in Moscow. If someone [to us] comes and starts lobbying their interests, then the city will instantly stop working with us, not to mention private investors. - Why? - Protecting the interests of your organization means allocating resources in such a way that it is a green light for it, and all the rest - obstacles. The city pays the builders, but according to the documents that we draw up. One has only to cut off oxygen, delay payments for a month and a half - and builders will be forced to take loans. I’m not even talking about commercial structures - who will ask a competitor to supervise their construction site? - And which side is Moskapstroy on now? - We don’t have a single share of any construction company, and not a single developer owns shares of Moskapstroy . Our business does not intersect, and everyone does their own thing. If we competed with the builders, they would stop applying for our services. - Why don't you consolidate the controlling stake in the same hands? - It's quite difficult. In addition, I believe that one owner in such an organization is not the best way out. Now we are trying to consolidate a controlling stake, but in the hands of management. - Why, unlike the other former construction headquarters - Glavmosstroy, Mospromstroymaterialov, Mosinzhstroy - does Moscapstroy not have a “golden share” of the city? - At one time, the city was one of the founders of Moskapstroy, but then sold his shares. When in 2002 Moskapstroy carried out an additional issue of shares, I offered the city to buy a blocking stake, but the then Minister of Property Oleg Tolkachev replied that the city was not interested. - You are now increasing the authorized capital of the company. What is the purpose of the additional issue? - It is ridiculous to have an authorized capital of 15 million rubles, we are really increasing it to 150 million rubles. This is still much less than the cost of the company. Shareholders can redeem the additional issue in the proportion in which they own the company's shares. - How much can the company cost? - It's hard to estimate brains, only fixed assets can be estimated. If we evaluate our building, where we are located, the buildings of the UKS and the base, [it will turn out] $ 70-80 million. - What dictates the policy of not paying dividends to shareholders? - We pay them. But I believe that it is necessary to earn and pay salaries to people, and I am going to adhere to this policy as long as I work here. - Are you planning for a long time? - Life will show. - Government agencies are checking builders for price collusion. Do you admit its probability? - You know, the first thing they came to us. It turns out that, according to the reports of Moskomstat, we have the largest volumes, and the inspectors decided that we are building up all of Moscow. Housing becomes more expensive because the demand for it is growing, and the number of building sites is declining. In addition, [Moscow Mayor] Yuri Luzhkov has made a decision in principle to double the construction of municipal housing next year, and even more thereafter. The number of commercial housing automatically decreases. - Will this cause an even greater rise in housing prices? - On the one hand, yes, but on the other hand, this is a solution to the problem: people cannot wait in line for housing for decades. A person cannot live in a five-story building that does not meet any standards for a long time. - What is the cost of construction today? - Housing on a city order for construction organizations - from 25,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m. This is the cost of construction and installation works. If there are complex engineering networks, then the figure may increase by another 2000-3000 rubles. - How, in your opinion, will the capital's real estate market develop? - I think that the volume of construction will not increase, now the city has reached the optimal volume. Investing in Moscow real estate is very profitable, which is why everyone is eager to come here. But the one who works honestly and decently wins. BIOGRAPHYLeonid Anatolyevich Monosov was born on March 2, 1958 in Mozyr (Belarus). In 1980 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers with a degree in industrial and civil construction. Since 1980, he worked at Glavmospromstroy (now Mospromstroy), went from foreman to deputy general director. In 1999, he was appointed General Director of Moskapstroy. ABOUT THE COMPANY Moskapstroy is a construction engineering company, the former Main Capital Construction Department of the Moscow City Executive Committee, corporatized in 1992. It acts as a technical customer for more than 50% of construction projects in Moscow, including 2.5 million square meters. m of housing. According to the company's estimates, revenue in 2006 will exceed 2 billion rubles. The main shareholders are employees and management.

AFK Sistema announces new composition of the Management Board

Moscow, Russia – September 14, 2015 – Sistema JSFC (“Sistema” or the “Corporation”) (LSE:SSA), a publicly traded Russian diversified holding company, announces changes to its Management Board. The new composition of the Management Board, as well as a number of other strategic issues of the Corporation's activities, were considered at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Sistema on September 12, 2015.

The Management Board of AFK Sistema includes:

· Shamolin Mikhail Valeryevich – President, Chairman of the Board;

· Felix Vladimirovich Evtushenkov – First Vice-President;

· Ali Mussaevich Uzdenov – Senior Vice-President;

· Monosov Leonid Anatolyevich – Vice President;

· Drozdov Sergey Alekseevich - Senior Vice-President - Head of the Complex;

· Rozanov Vsevolod Valeryevich - Senior Vice-President - Head of the Complex;

· Vasilkov Nikolai Aleksandrovich - Vice-President - Head of the Complex;

· Mubarakshin Oleg Saidashovich - Vice President - Head of the Complex;

· Elena Leonidovna Vitchak – Vice President – ​​Head of the Department;

· Shukshin Vladimir Semyonovich - Vice President - Head of Department;

· Evgeniy Chuikov – Vice-President – ​​Head of the Complex.

Biographies of the new members of the Management Board of AFK Sistema:

Vladimir Shukshin has been with Sistema since September 2014; in March 2015, he was appointed Vice President - Head of the Security and Information Technology Department of the Corporation. Previously, he held the positions of Deputy General Director for Security of JSC Russian Grids, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC FGC UES, Deputy General Director for Security of JSC IDGC Holding. He also worked in the Government of Moscow and the security agencies of the Russian Federation. Graduated from the State Institute of Physical Culture, the Academy of the Federal Security Service with a degree in Jurisprudence, the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State and Municipal Administration. He has a doctorate in political sciences.

Evgeny Chuikov has been with Sistema since 2010 as Managing Director for Investor Relations in the Corporate Communications Complex; since May 2014, he has been acting as the head of the Complex. From 2006 to 2010 he worked for Pelham Bell Pottinger, one of the UK's largest communications agencies. Since 2009, he held the position of co-head and led the direction for working with companies from the CIS countries. In 2005 he graduated from The Courtauld Institute of Art in London with a Bachelor of Arts degree, and in 2007 from the Investor Relations program at the Investor Relations Society in the UK.

For more information, please visit www.sistema. ru or contact:

IR service

Julia Katukova

Press Service

Sergei Kopytov

AFK Sistema is a publicly traded Russian diversified holding company serving more than 100 million customers in industries such as telecommunications, high technology, radio and space technology, banking, retail, media, tourism and medical services. The company was founded in 1993. In the second quarter of 2015, its revenue reached 164.0 billion rubles, total assets amounted to 1.2 trillion rubles as of June 30, 2015. Sistema's global depositary receipts are traded under the ticker "SSA » on the London Stock Exchange. The Company's ordinary shares are admitted to trading under the ticker “AFKS” on the Moscow Exchange. Website

Vice President of AFK Sistema Leonid Monosov is from Belarus. There is very little information about his biography in open sources, which is strange - in different years this person held a number of responsible posts in the capital. But in the press, his name often appears - for the most part as a defendant in another corruption scandal.

Childhood and youth of Leonid Anatolyevich

It is known that Monosov Leonid Anatolyevich was born in a quiet town called Mozyr. This is a small settlement in the Gomel region. The town is famous for its rich history, which began with its foundation in 1155.

The locals call it "Belarusian Switzerland". Transport interchanges are located aside, it is almost impossible to get here by accident. Cozy streets, "sleeping" quarters of high-rise buildings, old buildings - give the city a special charm and rhythm of life. Nobody is in a hurry here.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the city experienced a building boom. Provoked it which was built nearby. Even today, however, little has changed since then. The city seems to be half asleep...

It was in such an environment that Leonid's childhood passed. There is only one pedagogical university in the city, so I had to go to Moscow to study.

From that moment on, the life of Leonid Anatolyevich Monosov changed dramatically. Moscow is not Mozyr, there is a completely different pace and rhythm of life - I had to adapt, as the oligarch himself says.

Higher education Leonid Anatolyevich Monosov was not easy. With difficulty, he entered the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers - not the most prestigious educational institution in the capital.

However, at that time the institute had a good reputation and trained most of the personnel for work on the country's railways and not only. In 1980, Leonid Anatolyevich Monosov received a diploma in the specialty "Industrial and Civil Engineering".

Professional path of Leonid Monosov

There are many "dark" spots in the biography of Leonid Anatolyevich Monosov - he several times held responsible positions in the country's construction complex, suddenly resigning. And his former colleagues a little later became defendants in high-profile criminal cases. But first things first.

A young university graduate came to work not just anywhere, but at Glavmospromstroy (today Mospromstroy).

This company was founded on July 27, 1972. The best forces were united in the new headquarters and large-scale tasks were set for the organization: the reconstruction of the circus building on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, the construction of the central puppet theater, the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Zhitnaya and other large and unique projects. 72,000 people worked there - the best specialists from all over the country, and it is unlikely that Monosov would have got there without patronage.

Although Leonid Monosov was hired as a simple craftsman, it was already a good starting point. And my career took off. Having gained experience, Monosov began to rapidly move up until he took the position of Deputy General Director. It seems to be nothing remarkable, everything is like everyone else.

Career is rapidly gaining momentum

The most interesting events in the career of Leonid Anatolyevich Monosov began to occur after the 1998 default. They are closely connected with the name of Vladimir Resin. It was this man who played a key role in the fate of Leonid Anatolyevich.

The construction industry is a special world with its own laws. Moreover, all the key figures are somehow familiar with each other. And Leonid Monosov by this time had already become such a figure.

The role of Vladimir Resin in Monosov's career

There is no reliable information about what connected these two people. Perhaps the fact that both of them are from Belarus played a role. True, Vladimir Resin is much older - he was born in 1938 in Minsk. But, like Monosov, he comes from the provinces.

In 2001, Resin took the post of First Deputy Mayor of Moscow. At the same time, he is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Glavmosstroy.

Naturally, the estimates were overestimated by 2-3 times. We are talking about hundreds of billions of rubles that were “cut up” in such projects as the reconstruction of the Petrovsky Travel Palace, where only the facade was reconstructed, and all internal buildings were replaced with a remake, and even in violation of building codes (based on the investigation of Dmitry Vasilchuk, published in October 2009).

What does Leonid Anatolyevich himself say about these rumors?

In this regard, I recall an interview that Monosov gave to the Vedomosti newspaper on November 30, 2006. There, Leonid Anatolyevich admitted that there were practically no people in the construction complex of Moscow who had not worked with Resin. Thus, he indirectly recognized the role that this man played in his fate.

In addition, he stated that he categorically disagrees with the accusations against him. In his opinion, Moskapstroy wins tenders only because few people take on such complex and responsible projects. The profit is small - only 1.5% of capital investments. For comparison, builders receive 80%. However, recently the competition has become tougher and the company no longer always wins.

Why did Leonid Monosov leave the post: intuition or a hint from acquaintances?

Nevertheless, for some of Monosov’s subordinates, “cutting” budget money and holding fake tenders turned into real criminal cases. Suffice it to recall the deputy chairman of the city auction commission, Sergei Tatintsyan, who spent 18 months in jail and received 4 years in prison.

But Leonid Monosov himself, apparently, knows how to remain the “necessary” person under any leadership. At least the investigation had no complaints against him. This can be easily explained by his close acquaintance with Vladimir Pronin, the then chief of the Moscow police department, and later an adviser to Vladimir Resin.

This is confirmed by Ekaterina Shashenkova, the ex-wife of Alexander Pronin, the son of Vladimir, in an interview with Novaya Gazeta dated 11/15/2017. According to her, she often heard the name of Monosov in the house, Vladimir and Alexander did business with him and were closely acquainted.

Sochi "voyage" of a Moscow official

The next "level" in Monosov's career was the Sochi Olympiad. Leonid Anatolyevich took the post of vice president of the Olimpstroy corporation in June 2010. If in Moscow his department mastered 190-240 billion rubles a year, then there was an opportunity for 1.3 trillion rubles until 2014.

It was planned that after the Olympiad, Monosov would return to work in Moscow. He performed his duties regularly and remained in his post until 2012.

Later, Leonid Monosov joined the board of directors of AFK Sistema. There he served as vice president and managed the company's investment portfolio. On March 31, by decision of the board of directors, Monosov left this post.

According to rusprofile, today Leonid Anatolyevich Monosov, as an individual, one way or another participates in the companies: Stroy West LLC, Realteks-Development LLC, Bolero LLC, Lot LLC, EESS LLC and CJSC, OOO Rublevskoye-83.

In addition, Leonid Monosov is the chairman of the Dynamo basketball club. Significant assets also belong to his son, Andrey Monosov.

Family of Leonid Monosov

For some reason, there is no information about the wife of the oligarch in open access. It is almost impossible to find even her photo on the Web.

It is known that Leonid Anatolyevich Monosov has children: son Andrey and daughter Alina. Both are already adults.

The son followed in the footsteps of his father: he made a career in a large construction company, held responsible positions in the Moscow construction complex, and is actively involved in business.

Like his father, Andrei managed to become famous throughout the country for scandals related to his business. Suffice it to recall the acquisition of a stake in the Monarch construction company, where he previously worked as a financial director.

And the daughter of the former "co-owner" of Moscow (as Monosov is called by some media) became famous throughout the country for her wedding, for which dad spent 60 million rubles. The guests were entertained by the Leningrad group and Polina Gagarina.

True, the groom himself is not from a poor family. Pavel Kalturin is the son of Vladimir Kalturin, the owner of the Professional and Vending Machines company, and he himself is used to living in a big way. Therefore, it is not yet known whose dad spent more on the wedding.

Summing up

Leonid Monosov felt the impending changes in time and was able to take advantage of the opportunity. There were a lot of them in the 90s. Young and ambitious leaders shared the “pie” of state property among themselves.

One can only guess how the personal life of Leonid Anatolyevich Monosov developed. For some reason, the press does not write about it. It is known that he managed to raise and raise two children. Moreover, he also gave them a great start in life - the oligarch spent 60 million rubles on his daughter's wedding alone.

The career that he built speaks of the extraordinary abilities of a leader, communicator and businessman. He was able to see an opportunity before anyone else and he turned it into a successful business. And later, he simply competently used the administrative resource.