Using the Lorenz force. Lorentz force Where is the Lorentz force used


Lorentz force is the force acting on a point charged particle moving in a magnetic field.

It is equal to the product of the charge, particle velocity modulus, magnetic field induction vector modulus, and the sine of the angle between the magnetic field vector and particle velocity.

Here, is the Lorentz force, is the particle charge, is the modulus of the magnetic field induction vector, is the particle velocity, and is the angle between the magnetic field induction vector and the direction of motion.

Unit of measure of force - N (newton).

The Lorentz force is a vector quantity. The Lorentz force takes on its greatest value when the vectors of induction and direction of particle velocity are perpendicular ().

The direction of the Lorentz force is determined by the left hand rule:

If the magnetic induction vector enters the palm of the left hand and four fingers are extended towards the direction of the current motion vector, then the thumb bent to the side shows the direction of the Lorentz force.

In a uniform magnetic field, the particle will move in a circle, while the Lorentz force will be a centripetal force. The work will not be done.

Examples of solving problems on the topic "Lorentz Force"



Exercise Under the action of the Lorentz force, a particle of mass m with charge q moves in a circle. The magnetic field is uniform, its strength is B. Find the centripetal acceleration of the particle.

Solution Recall the Lorentz force formula:

Also, according to Newton's 2nd law:

In this case, the Lorentz force is directed towards the center of the circle and the acceleration created by it is directed there, that is, this is the centripetal acceleration. Means:

but current and then

BecausenS d l number of charges in volume S d l, Then for one charge


, (2.5.2)

Lorentz force force exerted by a magnetic field on a moving positive charge(here is the speed of the ordered motion of positive charge carriers). Lorentz force modulus:

, (2.5.3)

where α is the angle between And .

From (2.5.4) it can be seen that the charge moving along the line is not affected by the force ().

Lorenz Hendrik Anton(1853–1928) – Dutch theoretical physicist, creator of classical electron theory, member of the Netherlands Academy of Sciences. He derived a formula relating the permittivity to the density of a dielectric, gave an expression for the force acting on a moving charge in an electromagnetic field (Lorentz force), explained the dependence of the electrical conductivity of a substance on thermal conductivity, developed the theory of light dispersion. Developed the electrodynamics of moving bodies. In 1904 he derived formulas relating the coordinates and time of the same event in two different inertial frames of reference (Lorentz transformations).

The Lorentz force is directed perpendicular to the plane in which the vectors lie And . To a moving positive charge left hand rule applies or« gimlet rule» (Fig. 2.6).

The direction of the force for a negative charge is opposite, therefore, to right hand rule applies to electrons.

Since the Lorentz force is directed perpendicular to the moving charge, i.e. perpendicular ,the work done by this force is always zero . Therefore, acting on a charged particle, the Lorentz force cannot change the kinetic energy of the particle.

Often Lorentz force is the sum of electric and magnetic forces:

, (2.5.4)

here the electric force accelerates the particle, changes its energy.

Every day, we observe the effect of magnetic force on a moving charge on a television screen (Fig. 2.7).

The motion of the electron beam along the plane of the screen is stimulated by the magnetic field of the deflecting coil. If you bring a permanent magnet to the plane of the screen, then it is easy to notice its effect on the electron beam by the distortions that appear in the image.

The action of the Lorentz force in charged particle accelerators is described in detail in Section 4.3.

The emergence of a force acting on an electric charge moving in an external electromagnetic field



The Lorentz force is the force acting on a charged particle moving in an external electromagnetic field.

The formula for the Lorentz force (F) was first obtained by generalizing the experimental facts of H.A. Lorentz in 1892 and presented in the work "Maxwell's electromagnetic theory and its application to moving bodies". It looks like:

F = qE + q, (1)

where q is a charged particle;

E - electric field strength;

B is the vector of magnetic induction, independent of the magnitude of the charge and the speed of its movement;

V is the velocity vector of the charged particle relative to the coordinate system in which the values ​​F and B are calculated.

The first term on the right side of equation (1) is the force acting on a charged particle in an electric field F E \u003d qE, the second term is the force acting in a magnetic field:

F m = q. (2)

Formula (1) is universal. It is valid for both constant and variable force fields, as well as for any value of the speed of a charged particle. It is an important relation of electrodynamics, since it allows one to connect the equations of the electromagnetic field with the equations of motion of charged particles.

In the nonrelativistic approximation, the force F, like any other force, does not depend on the choice of the inertial frame of reference. At the same time, the magnetic component of the Lorentz force F m changes when moving from one reference frame to another due to a change in speed, so the electric component F E will also change. In this regard, the division of the force F into magnetic and electric makes sense only with an indication of the reference system.

In scalar form, expression (2) has the form:

Fм = qVBsina , (3)

where a is the angle between the velocity and magnetic induction vectors.

Thus, the magnetic part of the Lorentz force is maximum if the direction of particle motion is perpendicular to the magnetic field (a = p /2), and is zero if the particle moves along the direction of the field B (a = 0).

The magnetic force F m is proportional to the vector product, i.e. it is perpendicular to the velocity vector of the charged particle and therefore does no work on the charge. This means that in a constant magnetic field, only the trajectory of a moving charged particle is bent under the action of a magnetic force, but its energy always remains unchanged, no matter how the particle moves.

The direction of the magnetic force for a positive charge is determined according to the vector product (Fig. 1).

The direction of the force acting on a positive charge in a magnetic field

Rice. 1

For a negative charge (electron), the magnetic force is directed in the opposite direction (Fig. 2).

Direction of the Lorentz force acting on an electron in a magnetic field

Rice. 2

The magnetic field B is directed towards the reader perpendicular to the drawing. There is no electric field.

If the magnetic field is uniform and directed perpendicular to the velocity, a charge of mass m moves in a circle. The radius of the circle R is determined by the formula:

where is the specific charge of the particle.

The period of revolution of a particle (the time of one revolution) does not depend on the speed, if the speed of the particle is much less than the speed of light in vacuum. Otherwise, the period of revolution of the particle increases due to the increase in the relativistic mass.

In the case of a non-relativistic particle:

where is the specific charge of the particle.

In a vacuum in a uniform magnetic field, if the velocity vector is not perpendicular to the magnetic induction vector (a№p /2), a charged particle under the action of the Lorentz force (its magnetic part) moves along a helix with a constant velocity V. In this case, its motion consists of a uniform rectilinear motion along the direction of the magnetic field B with a speed and a uniform rotational motion in a plane perpendicular to the field B with a speed (Fig. 2).

The projection of the trajectory of the particle on the plane perpendicular to B is a circle of radius:

particle revolution period:

The distance h that the particle travels in time T along the magnetic field B (the step of the helical trajectory) is determined by the formula:

h = Vcos a T . (6)

The axis of the helix coincides with the direction of the field В, the center of the circle moves along the field line of force (Fig. 3).

The motion of a charged particle flying in at an angle a№p /2 into magnetic field B

Rice. 3

There is no electric field.

If the electric field E is 0, the motion is more complex.

In a particular case, if the vectors E and B are parallel, the velocity component V 11 , parallel to the magnetic field, changes during the movement, as a result of which the pitch of the helical trajectory (6) changes.

In the event that E and B are not parallel, the center of rotation of the particle moves, called drift, perpendicular to the field B. The direction of the drift is determined by the vector product and does not depend on the sign of the charge.

The action of a magnetic field on moving charged particles leads to a redistribution of the current over the cross section of the conductor, which is manifested in thermomagnetic and galvanomagnetic phenomena.

The effect was discovered by the Dutch physicist H.A. Lorenz (1853-1928).


Initiation time (log to -15 to -15);

Lifetime (log tc 15 to 15);

Degradation time (log td -15 to -15);

Optimal development time (log tk -12 to 3).


Technical realizations of the effect

Technical implementation of the action of the Lorentz force

The technical implementation of an experiment on direct observation of the action of the Lorentz force on a moving charge is usually rather complicated, since the corresponding charged particles have a characteristic molecular size. Therefore, the observation of their trajectory in a magnetic field requires the working volume to be evacuated in order to avoid collisions that distort the trajectory. So, as a rule, such demonstration installations are not specially created. The easiest way to demonstrate is to use a standard Nier sector magnetic mass analyzer, see Effect 409005, which is entirely based on the Lorentz force.

Applying an effect

A typical application in engineering is the Hall sensor, which is widely used in measurement technology.

A plate of metal or semiconductor is placed in a magnetic field B. When an electric current of density j is passed through it in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field, a transverse electric field arises in the plate, the strength of which E is perpendicular to both vectors j and B. According to the measurement data, V is found.

This effect is explained by the action of the Lorentz force on a moving charge.

Galvanomagnetic magnetometers. Mass spectrometers. Accelerators of charged particles. Magnetohydrodynamic generators.


1. Sivukhin D.V. General course of physics.- M.: Nauka, 1977.- V.3. Electricity.

2. Physical encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 1983.

3. Detlaf A.A., Yavorsky B.M. Course of physics.- M.: Higher school, 1989.


  • electric charge
  • magnetic induction
  • a magnetic field
  • electric field strength
  • Lorentz force
  • particle speed
  • circle radius
  • circulation period
  • step of the helical trajectory
  • electron
  • proton
  • positron

Sections of natural sciences:






In the subject "Physics" Topic: "Application of the Lorentz force"

Completed by: Student group T-10915 Logunova M.V.

Teacher Vorontsov B.S.

Kurgan 2016

Introduction 3

1. Using the Lorentz force 4

1.1. Cathode ray devices 4

1.2 Mass spectrometry 5

1.3 MHD generator 7

1.4 Cyclotron 8

Conclusion 10

References 11


Lorentz force- the force with which the electromagnetic field, according to classical (non-quantum) electrodynamics, acts on a point charged particle. Sometimes the Lorentz force is called the force acting on a moving with a speed υ charge q only from the side of the magnetic field, often the full force - from the side of the electromagnetic field in general, in other words, from the side of the electric E and magnetic B fields.

In the International System of Units (SI) it is expressed as:

F L = q υ B sinα

It is named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorenz, who developed an expression for this force in 1892. Three years before Lorentz, the correct expression was found by O. Heaviside.

The macroscopic manifestation of the Lorentz force is the Ampère force.

  1. Using the Lorentz force

The action exerted by a magnetic field on moving charged particles is very widely used in technology.

The main application of the Lorentz force (more precisely, its special case - the Ampère force) are electrical machines (electric motors and generators). The Lorentz force is widely used in electronic devices to act on charged particles (electrons and sometimes ions), for example, in television cathode ray tubes, V mass spectrometry And MHD generators.

Also, in the currently created experimental facilities for the implementation of a controlled thermonuclear reaction, the action of a magnetic field on the plasma is used to twist it into a cord that does not touch the walls of the working chamber. The movement of charged particles in a circle in a uniform magnetic field and the independence of the period of such movement from the speed of the particle are used in cyclic accelerators of charged particles - cyclotrons.

  1. 1. Electron beam devices

Electron beam devices (EBD) - a class of vacuum electronic devices that use a stream of electrons concentrated in the form of a single beam or beam of beams, which are controlled both by intensity (current) and by position in space, and interact with a fixed spatial target (screen) of the device. The main scope of ELP is the conversion of optical information into electrical signals and the inverse conversion of an electrical signal into an optical one, for example, into a visible television image.

The class of cathode-ray devices does not include X-ray tubes, photocells, photomultipliers, gas-discharge devices (dekatrons) and receiving-amplifying electronic lamps (beam tetrodes, electric vacuum indicators, secondary emission lamps, etc.) with a beam form of currents.

An electron beam device consists of at least three main parts:

    An electronic searchlight (gun) forms an electron beam (or a beam of rays, for example, three beams in a color kinescope) and controls its intensity (current);

    The deflecting system controls the spatial position of the beam (its deviation from the spotlight axis);

    The target (screen) of the receiving ELP converts the energy of the beam into the luminous flux of the visible image; the target of the transmitting or storing ELP accumulates a spatial potential relief read by a scanning electron beam

Rice. 1 CRT device

General principles of the device.

A deep vacuum is created in the CRT tank. To create an electron beam, a device called an electron gun is used. The cathode heated by the filament emits electrons. By changing the voltage on the control electrode (modulator), you can change the intensity of the electron beam and, accordingly, the brightness of the image. After leaving the gun, the electrons are accelerated by the anode. Next, the beam passes through a deflecting system, which can change the direction of the beam. In television CRTs, a magnetic deflection system is used as it provides large deflection angles. In oscilloscope CRTs, an electrostatic deflection system is used as it provides faster response. The electron beam hits a screen coated with a phosphor. From bombardment by electrons, the phosphor glows and a rapidly moving spot of variable brightness creates an image on the screen.

Amp power, acting on a segment of the conductor of length Δ l with current I located in a magnetic field B,

The expression for the Ampere force can be written as:

This force is called Lorentz force . The angle α in this expression is equal to the angle between the speed and magnetic induction vector The direction of the Lorentz force acting on a positively charged particle, as well as the direction of the Ampère force, can be found from left hand rule or by gimlet rule. The mutual arrangement of the vectors , and for a positively charged particle is shown in fig. 1.18.1.

Figure 1.18.1.

Mutual arrangement of the vectors , and Lorentz force module is numerically equal to the area of ​​the parallelogram built on the vectors and multiplied by the charge q

The Lorentz force is directed perpendicular to the vectors and

When a charged particle moves in a magnetic field, the Lorentz force does no work. Therefore, the modulus of the velocity vector does not change when the particle moves.

If a charged particle moves in a uniform magnetic field under the action of the Lorentz force, and its velocity lies in a plane perpendicular to the vector, then the particle will move along a circle of radius

The period of revolution of a particle in a uniform magnetic field is

called cyclotron frequency . The cyclotron frequency does not depend on the velocity (and hence also on the kinetic energy) of the particle. This fact is used in cyclotrons – accelerators of heavy particles (protons, ions). The schematic diagram of the cyclotron is shown in fig. 1.18.3.

A vacuum chamber is placed between the poles of a strong electromagnet, in which there are two electrodes in the form of hollow metal half-cylinders ( dees ). An alternating electrical voltage is applied to the dees, whose frequency is equal to the cyclotron frequency. Charged particles are injected into the center of the vacuum chamber. The particles are accelerated by an electric field in the gap between the dees. Inside the dees, the particles move under the action of the Lorentz force along semicircles, the radius of which increases as the energy of the particles increases. Each time a particle passes through the gap between the dees, it is accelerated by the electric field. Thus, in a cyclotron, as in all other accelerators, a charged particle is accelerated by an electric field, and is kept on a trajectory by a magnetic field. Cyclotrons make it possible to accelerate protons to an energy of the order of 20 MeV.

Uniform magnetic fields are used in many devices and, in particular, in mass spectrometers - devices with which you can measure the masses of charged particles - ions or nuclei of various atoms. Mass spectrometers are used to separate isotopes, that is, nuclei of atoms with the same charge but different masses (for example, 20 Ne and 22 Ne). The simplest mass spectrometer is shown in fig. 1.18.4. Ions emitted from the source S, pass through several small holes that form a narrow beam. Then they get into speed selector , in which the particles move in crossed uniform electric and magnetic fields. An electric field is created between the plates of a flat capacitor, a magnetic field is created in the gap between the poles of an electromagnet. The initial velocity of charged particles is directed perpendicular to the vectors and

A particle moving in crossed electric and magnetic fields is subject to an electric force and Lorentz magnetic force. Given that E = υ B these forces exactly balance each other. If this condition is met, the particle will move uniformly and in a straight line and, having flown through the capacitor, will pass through the hole in the screen. For given values ​​of the electric and magnetic fields, the selector will select particles moving at a speed υ = E / B.

Next, particles with the same velocity enter the mass spectrometer chamber, in which a uniform magnetic field is created. Particles move in the chamber in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field, under the action of the Lorentz force. Particle trajectories are circles of radii R = mυ / qB". By measuring the radii of the trajectories for known values ​​of υ and B" relationship can be defined q / m. In the case of isotopes ( q 1 = q 2) a mass spectrometer allows you to separate particles with different masses.

Modern mass spectrometers make it possible to measure the masses of charged particles with an accuracy better than 10–4.

If the velocity of a particle has a component along the direction of the magnetic field, then such a particle will move in a uniform magnetic field in a spiral. In this case, the radius of the spiral R depends on the modulus of the component υ ┴ of the vector perpendicular to the magnetic field and the pitch of the helix p– on the modulus of the longitudinal component υ || (Fig. 1.18.5).

Thus, the trajectory of a charged particle, as it were, winds around the lines of magnetic induction. This phenomenon is used in technology for magnetic thermal insulation of high-temperature plasma, that is, a fully ionized gas at a temperature of about 10 6 K. A substance in this state is obtained in "Tokamak" type installations when studying controlled thermonuclear reactions. The plasma must not come into contact with the walls of the chamber. Thermal insulation is achieved by creating a magnetic field of a special configuration. As an example, in fig. 1.18.6 shows the trajectory of a charged particle in magnetic bottle(or trapped ).

A similar phenomenon occurs in the Earth's magnetic field, which is a protection for all living things from streams of charged particles from outer space. Fast charged particles from space (mainly from the Sun) are "captured" by the Earth's magnetic field and form the so-called radiation belts (Fig. 1.18.7), in which particles, like in magnetic traps, move back and forth along spiral trajectories between the north and south magnetic poles in times of the order of fractions of a second. Only in the polar regions do some of the particles invade the upper atmosphere, causing auroras. The Earth's radiation belts extend from distances of the order of 500 km to dozens of Earth's radii. It should be remembered that the south magnetic pole of the Earth is located near the north geographic pole (in the northwest of Greenland). The nature of terrestrial magnetism has not yet been studied.

Control questions

1. Describe the experiments of Oersted and Ampère.

2. What is the source of the magnetic field?

3. What is Ampère's hypothesis explaining the existence of a magnetic field of a permanent magnet?

4. What is the fundamental difference between a magnetic field and an electric one?

5. Formulate the definition of the magnetic induction vector.

6. Why is the magnetic field called vortex?

7. Formulate laws:

A) Ampere;

B) Bio-Savart-Laplace.

8. What is the absolute value of the vector of magnetic induction of the direct current field?

9. Formulate the definition of the unit of current strength (ampere) in the International System of Units.

10. Write down the formulas expressing the value:

A) the module of the magnetic induction vector;

B) Ampere's forces;

B) Lorentz forces;

D) the period of revolution of a particle in a uniform magnetic field;

E) the radius of curvature of the circle, when a charged particle moves in a magnetic field;

Test for self-control

          What was observed in Oersted's experiment?

1) Interaction of two parallel conductors with current.

2) Interaction of two magnetic needles

3) Rotation of the magnetic needle near the conductor when current is passed through it.

4) The appearance of an electric current in the coil when a magnet is pushed into it.

          How do two parallel conductors interact if currents are passed through them in the same direction?

    Are attracted;


    The force and moment of forces are equal to zero.

    The force is zero, but the torque is not zero.

          What formula determines the expression for the Ampere force modulus?

          What formula determines the expression for the Lorentz force modulus?




    0.6 N; 2) 1 N; 3) 1.4 N; 4) 2.4 N.

1) 0.5 T; 2) 1 T; 3) 2 T; 4) 0.8 T .

          An electron with a speed V flies into a magnetic field with an induction modulus B perpendicular to the magnetic lines. What expression corresponds to the radius of the electron's orbit?

Answer: 1)


8. How will the period of revolution of a charged particle in a cyclotron change with an increase in its speed by 2 times? (V<< c).

1) will increase by 2 times; 2) Will increase by 2 times;

3) Increase by 16 times; 4) Will not change.

9. What formula determines the modulus of induction of a magnetic field created in the center of a circular current with a circle radius R?


10. The current in the coil is I. Which of the formulas determines the modulus of magnetic field induction in the middle of a coil with a length l with the number of turns N ?


Lab No.

Determination of the horizontal component of the induction of the Earth's magnetic field.

Brief theory for laboratory work.

A magnetic field is a material medium that transmits the so-called magnetic interactions. The magnetic field is one of the manifestations of the electromagnetic field.

The sources of magnetic fields are moving electric charges, current-carrying conductors and alternating electric fields. Generated by moving charges (currents), the magnetic field, in turn, acts only on moving charges (currents), while it does not have an effect on stationary charges.

The main characteristic of the magnetic field is the magnetic induction vector :

The modulus of the magnetic induction vector is numerically equal to the maximum force acting from the side of the magnetic field on a conductor of unit length, through which a current of unit strength flows. Vector forms a right triple with the force vector and current direction. Thus, magnetic induction is the power characteristic of a magnetic field.

The SI unit of magnetic induction is the Tesla (T).

Force lines of a magnetic field are called imaginary lines, at each point of which the tangents coincide with the direction of the magnetic induction vector. Magnetic field lines are always closed, never intersect.

Ampère's law determines the force action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor.

If in a magnetic field with induction placed a current-carrying conductor, then on each current-directed element conductor, the Ampère force acts, determined by the relation


The direction of the Ampère force coincides with the direction of the cross product
, those. it is perpendicular to the plane in which the vectors lie And (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. To determine the direction of the Ampère force

If perpendicular , then the direction of the Ampere force can be determined by the rule of the left hand: direct four outstretched fingers along the current, place the palm perpendicular to the lines of force, then the thumb will show the direction of the Ampere force. Ampère's law is the basis for the definition of magnetic induction, i.e. relation (1) follows from formula (2) written in scalar form.

The Lorentz force is the force with which an electromagnetic field acts on a charged particle moving in this field. The Lorentz force formula was first obtained by G. Lorentz as a result of the generalization of experience and has the form:


is the force acting on a charged particle in an electric field with intensity ;
force acting on a charged particle in a magnetic field.

The formula for the magnetic component of the Lorentz force can be obtained from Ampere's law, given that the current is an ordered movement of electric charges. If the magnetic field did not act on moving charges, it would not have an effect on a current-carrying conductor. The magnetic component of the Lorentz force is given by:


This force is directed perpendicular to the plane in which the velocity vectors lie and magnetic field induction ; its direction coincides with the direction of the vector product
For q > 0 and with direction
For q>0 (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. To determine the direction of the magnetic component of the Lorentz force

If the vector perpendicular to the vector , then the direction of the magnetic component of the Lorentz force for positively charged particles can be found by the left hand rule, and for negatively charged particles by the right hand rule. Since the magnetic component of the Lorentz force is always directed perpendicular to the velocity , then it does not perform work to move the particle. It can only change the direction of the speed , bend the trajectory of the particle, i.e. act as a centripetal force.

The Biot-Savart-Laplace law is used to calculate magnetic fields (definitions ) created by conductors with current.

According to the Biot-Savart-Laplace law, each current-directed element of a conductor creates at a point at a distance from this element, the magnetic field, the induction of which is determined by the relation:


H/m is the magnetic constant; µ is the magnetic permeability of the medium.

Rice. 3. To the Biot-Savart-Laplace law

coincides with the direction of the vector product
, i.e.
perpendicular to the plane in which the vectors lie And . Simultaneously
is a tangent to the field line, the direction of which can be determined by the gimlet rule: if the translational movement of the tip of the gimlet is directed along the current, then the direction of rotation of the handle will determine the direction of the magnetic field line (Fig. 3).

To find the magnetic field created by the entire conductor, you need to apply the principle of superposition of fields:


For example, let's calculate the magnetic induction at the center of the circular current (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. To the calculation of the field in the center of the circular current

For circular current
, so relation (5) in scalar form has the form:

The law of full current (theorem of the circulation of magnetic induction) is another law for calculating magnetic fields.

The total current law for a magnetic field in vacuum has the form:


Where B l projection on the conductor element directed by the current.

The circulation of the magnetic induction vector along any closed circuit is equal to the product of the magnetic constant and the algebraic sum of the currents covered by this circuit.

The Ostrogradsky-Gauss theorem for a magnetic field is as follows:


Where B n vector projection to normal to the site dS.

The flux of the magnetic induction vector through an arbitrary closed surface is equal to zero.

The nature of the magnetic field follows from formulas (9), (10).

The condition for the potentiality of the electric field is the equality to zero of the circulation of the intensity vector

The potential electric field is generated by immobile electric charges; field lines are not closed, they start on positive charges and end on negative ones.

From formula (9) we see that in a magnetic field the circulation of the magnetic induction vector is nonzero, therefore, the magnetic field is not potential.

It follows from relation (10) that there are no magnetic charges capable of creating potential magnetic fields. (In electrostatics, a similar theorem smolders of the form

Magnetic lines of force close on themselves. Such a field is called a vortex field. Thus, the magnetic field is a vortex field. The direction of the field lines is determined by the gimlet rule. In a rectilinear infinitely long conductor with current, the lines of force have the form of concentric circles covering the conductor (Fig. 3).