Patter for the development of speech in children. Tongue twisters for speech development Children's tongue twisters for children 6 7 years old

B sound 1. The beaver wanders With a log tired - The log to the beaver's sides is crumpled. 2. All beavers are kind to their beavers. 3. The boletus grows in the forest, I take the boletus in the forest. 4. There is no concrete in the can, there is no loaf in the can, there is no bud in the can. 5. Malanya chattered milk, chatted, blurted out, blurted out, but did not blurt out. 6. Beavers go to bora cheeses. Beavers are brave, kind to beavers. 7. Pinocchio has trousers, a bun and a boot in the primer. 8. White snow. White chalk. White sugar is also white. But the squirrel is not white. It wasn't even white. 9. A bull was walking down the street. Looks: trash can! Where should the bull go? Turned the calf over the tank: Then he lay down on the flank: The calf lies on the flank - The calf lies on the calf. Sound B 1. I led an ox into the yard, led an ox by the horns, and the ox led me into the garden. 2. The doctors saved the sparrow, they carried him into the helicopter. The helicopter turned its propellers, agitated the grass with flowers. 3. Wah-wah-wah, wah-wah-wah, here is the tall grass. You-you-you, you-you-you are even above your head. Ve-ve-ve, ve-ve-ve cornflowers are visible in the grass. Woo-woo-woo, woo-woo-woo - Cornflower bouquet Narva. 4. Vova sees from the window: A cow came up to the pond. And Vova furrowed his brows, He does not take his eyes off the pond: The cow will drink all the water - Where can I swim then? 5. The girl, Varyushka, lost her mittens. Two Valyushki helped to look for Varya's mittens. 6. Vanya is sitting on the sofa, under the sofa there is a bath, in this bath, instead of a bath, Vanya often washed. 7. The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply. 8. Tall Vavila merrily tossed the pitchfork. 9. Open, Barbara, the gate, if not the enemy is behind the gate, but the enemy and the enemy from the Barbarian gate - a turn. 10. Wah-wah-wah, wah-wah-wah - that's tall grass. You-you-you, you-you-you - even above your head. Ve-ve-ve, ve-ve-ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass. Woo-woo-woo, woo-woo-woo - a bouquet of cornflowers narva. Sound G 1. A gander walked in single file with a gander. The gander looks down on the gander. Oh, the gander will pluck the sides of the gander. 2. Peas grew in the garden, and buckwheat grew behind the river. Our old goat Timokha in the garden tore peas, tore buckwheat across the river. 3. The caterpillar does not like the pear, the caterpillar destroys the pear. 4. The rooks look at the jackdaws, the jackdaws look at the rooks. 5. There is a jackdaw on the willow, on the shore - pebbles. 6. Greka rode across the river. He sees the Greek - there is cancer in the river. He put the Greek hand into the river, cancer by the hand of the Greek - tsap. 7. Geese are chirping on the mountain, a fire is burning under the mountain. 8. Breast in the sun warms the side. Go to the box, fungus! 9. The rook says to the rook: “Fly with the rooks to the doctor, it’s time to vaccinate them to strengthen the feather!” 10. We bought Egorka a slide for a slide. All winter Yegorka rode a hill. 11. In a copse near a hillock, Egor was picking mushrooms. 12. The jackdaw sat on a stick, the stick hit the jackdaw. 13. I found a corner in the kitchen, climbed into the coal with my head. 14. Dove, goose and jackdaw - that's the whole rhyme. 15. Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi Gena, help mom. Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha, my leg hurts. Gu-gu-gu, gu-gu-gu I can’t wash the dishes. Gi-gi-gi, gi-gi-gi don't walk because of your leg. Gu-gu-gu, gu-gu-gu, I can walk. Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha, my leg doesn't hurt anymore. Sound D 1. Grandfather Danila shared a melon: a slice - Dima, a slice - Dina. 2. A woodpecker hollowed out a tree, woke up grandfather with a knock. 3. Dyoma rode in a sledge to the house. Dyoma met Dyoma, Dyoma defeated Dyoma, Dyoma is dozing near the house. 4. Grandfather Dodon blew a pipe, Grandfather touched Dimka with a pipe. 5. Dima is alone at home, but Dima is not alone at home. At home, one Dima and two Vadim. 6. There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass; do not cut wood on the grass of the yard. 7. There is a mountain in the middle of the yard, grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. 8. There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood, three yards. Open, Varvara, the gate, by the yard on the grass, cut firewood. 8. Rain, rain, don't rain! Rain, rain, wait! Let the gray-haired Grandfather reach the house! 9. Woodpecker, woodpecker - our friend Oak hammers like a chisel. Help us, uncle woodpecker, To build a house for starlings. Sound Zh 1. A good pie, inside a cottage cheese 2. A wife should adore her husband 3. A crane would be friends with a toad if it would wish the friendship of this toad. 4. Hedgehogs and snakes lived in a living corner. 5. Centipedes have too many legs. 6. Bunnies trembled when they saw a wolf on the lawn. 7. Couch potato, a red cat, rested his stomach. 8. The beetle buzzed to the beetle: “Zzhzhu - zhzhzhu. I have been friends with a hedgehog for a long time ... ” 9. Above Zhora, a beetle, circling, buzzes. Zhora is trembling from fear. Why is Zhora trembling so? Quite fearlessly, the beetle buzzes. 10. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu A walrus came to the zoo. Ms. Ms., Ms. Ms. We were frightened of the walrus. Same-same, same-same Birds are sitting on a walrus. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu We came closer to the walrus. Zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi The walruses turned to us. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu The fish was thrown to the walrus. Zhi-zhi-zhi, zhi-zhi-zhi Very peaceful walruses. 11. Zha-zha-zha-, zha-zha-zha here hedgehog at the hedgehog. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu somehow came to a hedgehog. Zhi-zhi-zhi-, zhi-zhi-zhi show me a hedgehog. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu I am not friends with snakes. Zha-zha-zha, zha-zha-zha already leaves the hedgehog. 12. The bear cub was frightened Hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a hedgehog, Siskin with a siskin and with a chick, Swift with a shear and with a baby cub. Z sound 1. Lisa bought Zina a basket in the store. 2. Little Zina has a bunny sleeping in a basket. 3. Zina has a lot of worries, the bunny's stomach got sick. 4. On a winter morning, birch trees ring from the frost at dawn. 5. The bell rings, the bell calls, and Zoya goes to her class. 6. Zoya's bunny is called Kinky. 7. A green birch stands in the forest, and under the birch I caught a dragonfly. 8. Sonya brought an elder in a basket to Zina. 9. In vain Zakhar teased the goat - the goat did not forget the bully 10. The Serpent and the Serpent wanted to meet. The Serpent and the Serpent failed to meet. The serpent is in the clouds, and the serpent is on the ground. It would be necessary for the Serpent to go down to the Serpent. 11. Would you like to know why the little robin burst early in the thickets of greenery? Would you like to know why the snake rustled? Would you like to know why the earth turns green? I wish I knew... 12. In the star you will find the letter "z", And in gold, and in rose, In earth, in diamond, in turquoise, In dawn, in winter, in frost. Sound K 1. Cat Kroshka on the window ate porridge crumbs. 2. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl. 3. Klava put the bow on the shelf, Nikolka called to her. 4. Cuckoo bought a hood. He put on the cuckoo hood. How funny he is in the hood! 5. The ball fell to the floor, the cat rolled the ball. 6. Kondrat has a short jacket. 7. A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in a cap style. A bell is poured, a bell is forged, but not in a bell-like way. It is necessary to recap the cap, but recap it. It is necessary to re-bell the bell, and re-bell it. 8. Ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka, here the Oka River flows, Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko there is a fisherman nearby. Ke-ke-ke, ke-ke-ke is fishing on the Oka. Ku-ku-ku, Ku-ku-ku no luck to the fisherman. Ki-ki-ki, ki-ki-ki - help, fishermen! Ku-ku-ku, ku-ku-ku here is help for the fisherman. Ko-ko-ko-ko-ko-ko fish is easy to catch. Ka-ka-ka, ka-ka-ka, the fisherman has a catch. Sound L 1. We caught burbot aground. 2. Polkan pushed the stick with his paw. 3. Kolya stabs stabs, Fields field flight. 4. Lena was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench. 5. Uncle Kolya gave his daughter Field a collie puppy. But the collie puppy ran away from Paulie in the field. 6. Korili Kirill: "Don't tease the gorilla!" Reproached the gorilla: "Don't tease Cyril!" 7. Lara took eclairs for Lera. Lara and Lera have eclairs with cream. 8. Lyalya has a Lelya doll. Lelya is made of linen - Lyalya likes her. But Mila did not whine. Mila is a good fellow! 10. In the meadow under the burdock the frog has a summer house, And in the frog swamp she has a large dacha. 11. Laika and the lap dog barked loudly. The oriole sang for a long time over the Volga. 12. Valya wet her boots on a thawed patch Valenka's felt boots dry on the mound. Sound M 1. Marina pickled mushrooms, Marina sorted raspberries. 2. The cat was drinking milk, and Misha was looking for soap. 3. Have you washed the raspberries? - Washed, but not washed. 4. Masha is a baby, Masha has a dummy 5. A bear found honey in the forest, there is not enough honey for a lot of bees. 6. Masha gave Romasha whey from curdled milk. 7. Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap. 8. The little talker chatted milk, chatted but did not blurt it out. 9. Our hands were in soap, we washed the dishes ourselves, helped our mother. 10. Makar dipped pasta in milk, and the macaque dipped Makar in the river. 11. Dear Mila washed herself with soap. She lathered, washed off - this is how Mila washed herself. 12. Goat-miller, for whom did you grind flour? And who did not pray? - From the one to whom he ground, he received pies; from the one to whom he did not grind, he received cuffs. Sound H 1. Nanny babysits Nadya and Nina. 2. Our sexton is not reoffended by anyone, but our sexton is reoffending everyone. 3. The harrow harrowed the unharrowed field. 4. An-an-an - a ram went home. 5. But-but-but - it's dark here. 6. Na-na-na - there is a wall. 7. Well, well, well - I pull the sled. 8. A mink near the mountain is grieving - Do not get to the hole. On the mountain near the mink mink - The mink is not available to the mink. Sound P 1. The baker baked kalachi in the oven. 2. Potap has not heels of heels - heels of honey mushrooms; and the python has neither honeycombs nor heels. 3. Cat Potap clapped on the paw, and from Potap the cat drowned. 4. A rooster sings about colorful birds, about lush feathers, about fluff. 5. The parrot said to the parrot: “I will parrot you, parrot!” A parrot in response to a parrot: "Parrot, parrot, parrot!" 6. P, P, P! - lets off steam Full of tea samovar. Porridge puffs on the stove, Steam flies from under the lid. The steam locomotive starts up, running along the rails. It floats smoothly along the river, The steamboat blazes with a ferry ... 7. Lyubashka has a hat, Polyushka has a bun, Pavlushka has a boat, Ilyushka has a stick. 8. Our sharp saw - Didn't drink, but sang. I didn’t drink, I didn’t eat, I never sat down. She sang loudly, as best she could, Cheerful saw. 9. There were three bakers, three Procopius bakers, Three Prokopyevichs; they talked about the baker, about Prokopy the baker, about Prokopyevich. R sound 1. Forty spoke to magpie: I, like a fish, am silent in the lesson. 2. Under the mink walnut bush. A mink lives in a mink. 3. Missed the crow crow. 4. Larisa cooked rice soup for Boris. 5. Marina sorted raspberries, Arina pickled mushrooms. 6. Woodcutters chopped cheese oaks for log cabins. 7. Romka wounded a hazel grouse with a slingshot. 8. The crane does without hands. Instead of hands, the crane has a hook. 9. Varya's mittens disappeared on the boulevard, Varya returned from the boulevard in the evening, And found Varvara's mittens in her pocket. 10. Forty forty shirts for their own Forty shirts, without quarreling, scribble. Forty shirts were stitched on time - They immediately quarreled, Immediately quarreled, Immediately forty-forty quarreled. Sound C 1. Senya carries hay in Senya, Senya will sleep on the hay. 2. They sat and whistled seven waxwings. 3. Sasha loves drying, Sonya loves cheesecakes. 4. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry. 5. Olesya sat down, legs hanging from the stove, do not laugh, Olesya, but warm yourself on the stove. 6. Sanka has a brand new sled. 7. Ah, you, canopy, canopy, canopy. Sleepy Senya went out into the canopy. And Senya stumbled in the passage, And somersault over the steps. 8. Icicle was afraid of heights, Icicle began to cry from fright; And so the slush came again. 9. Sonya, look out the window, How much snow has caused! And in the forest, and in the garden Pine trees, ate - everything is covered in snow. 10. Sucking an icicle is the trouble! - we are strictly forbidden. But why is she then called an icicle? 11. The dog could smell the fox - He immediately raised his voice. The fox fled into the woods - Sala gave the dog a piece. Sound T 1. The black grouse sat in Terenty's cage, and the black grouse with the grouse in the forest on a branch. 2, The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress. 3. Where there is a bungler and a black grouse - there is not a profit, but a loss. 4. In the stove - three chocks, three geese, three ducks. 5. Tanya has a secret, this is Tanya's secret, And Tanya is hiding this secret. 6. The picture is entangled in a web, in the picture Lilliputians are in a web. 7. A turner in a korotayka shortened a gibberish. 8. To interpret plainly, but to no avail to interpret. 9. Only Tanya gets up in the morning, Tanya is drawn to dance. What a long time to explain! Tanya loves to dance. F sound 1. Our Filat is never to blame. 2. Philip stuck to the stove. 3. Fani has a sweatshirt, Fedya has shoes. 4. Mikhail played football, he scored a goal. 5. The fleet sails to their native land, the flag on each ship. 6. Fadey has daphnia. 7. Filya in the film is a sergeant major. 8. Feofan Mitrofanich has three sons Feofanich. 9. In the photo of Fedor - Fedor, in the photo of Fedor - Fedor. 10. In the garden, Fyokla gasped and groaned: beets were born not in the garden, about. Feel sorry for Fyokla beets. Theokla complained: "The beets got lost!" 11. The wizard Felix lived in the mountains With the letter F and the Phoenix bird. Felix lit a flashlight, Phoenix bird lit up. Sound X 1. Delicious halva praise the master. 2. Prokhor and Pahom rode. 3. The fly-pity sat on the ear. 4. The ear will be good. 5. Tikhon wears a tunic. 6. Ferret is shaggy, and Micah is shaggy. 7. Crested laughers laughed with laughter: “ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!” 8. There was a commotion in the garden - thistles blossomed there. So that your garden does not decay, weed the thistles. 9. We want to ride deer, argali, buffaloes, seals, tapirs, leopards, lions, camels, mules and waves. 10. The bustling busker and the troublesome busker bustled and laughed. 11. Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha - we have two roosters. Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee - all the roosters are fighting. Hoo-hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo-hoo - their beaks are all down. Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee - stop fighting, roosters! Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha - two roosters without tails. 12. Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha - for lunch we have an ear. Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee - let me try the soup. He-he-he, he-he-he - salt alone in your ear. Hee-hee-hee, hee-hee-hee - I do not want such a soup! Sound C 1. The tit bird is not great, but clever. 2. Two chickens are running right on the street. 3. Flowers bloom in the flower garden. 4. Hyacinths, bathing suits, cyclomenes, cenararia and zinnias bloomed in the grower's greenhouse. 5. Hyacinths and zinnias bloom in the grower's flower garden. 6. A starling flies: the end of winter. 7. A chicken drinks water from a saucer. 8. The mischievous student received a unit. 9. A heron chick tenaciously clings to a stump. 10. The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died. 11. In the circus there are no circulars and compasses, in the circus there are tigresses, lionesses and bears. 12. Associate professor's lectures about location. 13. Green-white-lipped cucumbers. 14. A Macedonian soldier has a spear on the window. 15. The father of the grandfather is the grandfather of the father, the grandfather of the father is the father of the grandfather. Sound Ch 1. Four turtles have four turtles each 2. Tea cups screamed in sadness, clattering and strumming 3. At the top of the tower, rooks scream day and night. 4. The watchmaker, narrowing his eyes, repairs the watch for us. 5. A river flows, a stove bakes. 6. On Thursday the fourth At four and a quarter o'clock Four little black imps Drawn a drawing in black ink. 7. Turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea. The turtle makes everyone laugh because it's not in a hurry. And where to rush to someone who is always in his house. 8. On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney, Blackness in the chimney. Find a cat there! Sound Sh 1. Wool in curls at the lamb. 2. In the stillness of the night near the reeds, the rustles of a snake are barely audible. 3. They gave Glasha curdled milk, and Glasha - porridge. 4. Sasha knocked bumps with a hat. 5. Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha. 6. A hat and a fur coat - that's the whole Mishutka. 7. Pine cones, checkers on the table. 8. Antoshka has a little porridge in a spoon, and Timoshka has a little potato in a spoon. 9. Playful mice are dancing, Who is on the cup, who is on the lid. Hush, hush, hush, mice, Don't disturb your little brother's sleep. 10. We sewed pants for a teddy bear. On the pants - pockets, on the pockets - buckles. Sound u 1. Wolves prowl, looking for food. 2. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinching the brush in the corner. 3. The puppy eats sorrel soup for both cheeks. 4. Skinny weak Koschey drags a box of vegetables. 5. I brush my teeth with this brush, my shoes with this brush. I clean my trousers with this brush, I need all three brushes. 6. The pike swallowed the brush, the brush tickles her throat. - An amazing thing! What kind of fish did I eat?

A collection of children's tongue twisters for the development of speech, improving diction and entertainment. You need to read tongue twisters from childhood, because reading tongue twisters and memorizing them help to form a beautiful smooth speech, they teach you to pronounce all the letters without skipping them and not “swallowing”.

Tongue twisters for children on this page are divided into several categories. The most important tongue twisters for improving diction are, of course, “with the letter R” and hissing consonants. Reading complex tongue twisters will help to consolidate skills, and funny children's tongue twisters will help you learn while playing.

Tongue twisters with the letter r

Tongue twisters with the letter P for children. Children's tongue twisters in R improve the child's diction and help develop correct speech.

Tongue twisters with hissing sounds

Hissing tongue twisters are the most popular tongue twisters for children with complex hissing consonants.

funny tongue twisters

Simple funny tongue twisters - rhyming rhymes for young children for speech development and entertainment.

Complex tongue twisters

The most difficult tongue twisters for children. Known tongue twisters for the development of diction, which you need to try to learn by heart and pronounce without hesitation.

English tongue twisters with translation

Reading tongue twisters in English develops speech in terms of pronunciation of letter combinations unusual for the Russian language. Tongue twisters in English with translation are designed for children over 6 years old who are learning a foreign language.

Modern tongue twisters

Children's most modern tongue twisters for the general development of speech. Assume not only memorization by heart, but also pronunciation for speed.

Teaching children is a complex and time-consuming process, besides, it must necessarily contain game moments and the possibility of alternating the process of comprehending knowledge and rest. Tongue twisters in Russian are one of the ways to learn with pleasure.

In contact with


The benefits of tongue twisters

According to the dictionary, this is a rhythmic, uncomplicated and comic text, assembled from such words that it was difficult to pronounce them quickly. This verbal genre belongs to folk art.

Learning and pronouncing such phrases and rhymes helps active learning in a pleasant way, it contributes to:

And you can do this with humor, because many tongue twisters have a comic meaning. child development specialists recommend to combine learning these short phrases with outdoor games. Here are some scenarios:

  • you can ask the baby to rhythmically hit the ball while pronouncing the text;
  • beat the rhythm with the palms;
  • show pantomimes for characters and events in the text.

Tongue twisters are spoken in a slow rhythm, at an average speed, in a fast rhythm and very fast. Be sure to make sure that the child pronounces all the syllables, does not swallow the endings and separate words clearly.

Children, as a rule, are very emotional, their psyche is only learning to cope with waves of feelings, therefore, when telling or answering parents' questions, they are sometimes in a hurry, do not fully pronounce the words, or lose the thread of the conversation. Learning tongue twisters contributes to concentration, meaningful reading, the ability to analyze a short text, find parallels and build associations. Your child will need all of the above. skills in further education at school and in everyday life.

If the kid learns to switch from one conscious action to another, to concentrate on a certain action or object, then from childhood his perseverance will improve and the formation of volitional processes will start.

In addition, speech is a very important tool of socialization. Correct speech helps to convey your thoughts and establish contact with other people. Such a skill, laid down in childhood, will form a certain worldview in the child.

There are several types of perception of the world:

  1. I'm bad - the world is bad;
  2. I'm bad - the world is good;
  3. I am good - the world is bad;
  4. I'm good - the world is good.

Psychologists believe that one of these pictures of the world formed from childhood under the influence of parents, close circle, and then strangers. Over time, a person can consciously change his attitude to the world and reconsider the interpretation of the attitude of others towards him.

It is more difficult to revise your judgments than to form them initially more adequate and relevant to real life. In childhood, many patterns and attitudes are laid down.

If the baby receives approval from parents during training, then something important for him comes understands own value. By about eight years, when in contact with other children, the self-esteem of such a child will be more adequate, self-confidence will appear. In this state of affairs, it is easier for him to admit his mistakes. If knowledge is not enough, he is less conflicted and seeks to obtain it, instead of being defensive or aggressive.

Education is perceived not as a duty, but as a game, pleasant and interesting, if from childhood the child has learned the ease from the very process of comprehending knowledge. Self-esteem is very important for communication and the ability to make friends and achieve goals.

Types of tongue twisters

Tongue twisters that help work out difficult sounds have been known for a long time. It is conditionally possible to divide tongue twisters into the following types:

  • For one letter.
  • Funny verses.
  • Folk.

Tongue twisters with a specific letter

Good diction, correct pronunciation, a large vocabulary and the ability to use them, skills that need to be developed not only by announcers, speakers or teachers. In the modern world, communication and the ability to communicate is becoming an increasingly important skill. Therefore, tongue twisters in Russian will help to form beautiful and correct speech child, which will contribute to the development and successful implementation in various areas of life.

For a letter B:

White sheep beat the drums.

For a letter To:

Carl stole corals from Clara,

Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.

For a letter R :

Three chattering magpies chattered on the hill.

tongue twisters poems

Children 7-8 years old can be given longer rhymes. Such exercises help develop memory, as well as focus and hold it on long sentences, which sometimes causes problems when studying at school. You can choose a picture or a whole visual range with your child, this will help develop the imagination and creativity of the baby. In addition, by forming an associative array, the memorization process is easier and faster. And finding pictures that match the topics of tongue twisters can be an entertaining and fun game.
Examples of such verses are given below.

The rook says to the rook:

- Fly with the rooks to the doctor,

It's time for them to get vaccinated

To strengthen the pen!

Karasyonka once a crucian Gave a coloring book.

And Karas said: “Color, Karasenok, a fairy tale!”

On the coloring page Karasyonka - Three funny little pigs:

The little carp repainted the piglets into crucians!

Who wants to talk, he must pronounce

Everything is correct and clear, so that everyone can understand.

We will talk and we will pronounce

So right and clear that it was clear to everyone.


Tongue twisters that have come down to us from time immemorial, convey the identity of the language. The dynamics of changes in the modern world has an impact on speech, leads to the emergence of new words and the loss of rarely used ones. By learning the heritage of our rich and beautiful language, it is possible to pass on folk traditions so that the connection between generations is not interrupted.
Examples of tongue twisters in the old way are given below.

Arkhip Osip. Osip is hoarse.

On the shallows we lazily caught burbot, you exchanged burbot for tench for me.

Didn't you sweetly pray for love, and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Instilled in the study

Many people think that tongue twisters should only be spoken quickly. Experts recommend a certain sequence in training:

  1. Read slowly to pronounce all letters and syllables.
  2. Comprehend the content in order to more easily remember the semantic part of a phrase or verse.
  3. Speak slowly at first, then a couple of times at an average pace to remember the sequence of words.
  4. Control breathing while pronouncing at different paces.
  5. Speak several times in a row at a very fast pace.

For children 6-7 years old, such a scheme can take two days, it is important that the child does not get tired. Make your child comfortable while learning, pause and praise not only for the results, but also for the process itself. The kid will be glad to be encouraged, even if he fails to reproduce the phrases correctly either the first or the second time.

Tongue twisters, for all their simplicity, can be wonderful a tool to improve diction, easy and useful communication, improve understanding between parents and children. The main thing is the regularity of classes at first, repetition to restore the skill and a good mood from the time spent with the baby.


Happy child 16.06.2017

Dear readers, now I propose to recall funny tongue twisters for children. Each of us probably remembers how cheerful and funny they are, although sometimes it is not easy to pronounce them. But did you know that tongue twisters are not only good for fun, but also beneficial? They help develop the child's speech, teach to pronounce previously inaccessible sounds, improve diction.

Why don't we offer funny tongue twisters to children? Today on the blog we will introduce you to interesting and memorable tongue twisters for children and bring to your attention a selection of children's poems for classes with a child at home.

I give the floor to Anna Kutyavina, the head of the column, and then I will add to the topic of the article.

Hello dear readers of Irina's blog! Do your kids love tongue twisters? I’m sure if they don’t like it, then only for one reason - they simply don’t know them! Or they are still too small to pronounce such constructions. For the rest of the children, tongue twisters are a pleasant and very fun pastime, especially in combination with an outdoor game.

Are tongue twisters fun? Not only!

What is so special about tongue twisters? First, as expected, we turn to the dictionary. So, tongue twisters are a simple, rhythmic, often comic text, which is a certain combination of sounds that make it difficult to quickly pronounce words.

Most tongue twisters are a product of folk art, and they are passed down from generation to generation as a way to develop children's speech. And this is actually a very useful fun, because with the help of tongue twisters you can effectively correct the child's diction, as well as eliminate certain speech defects.

Most often, children are delighted with funny tongue twisters. The task of parents is to memorize several of them and apply them as often as possible in the game with the child. Tongue twisters can be spoken at different speeds: slow, medium speed, fast and very fast. But be sure to make sure that the child does not swallow syllables, makes sounds cleanly and clearly. Only in this case, the speech of the crumbs will develop correctly, and the tongue twisters themselves will be beneficial.

You can also play the following games with your children:

  • ask the baby, while pronouncing the rhyme, to beat the ball rhythmically from the floor or from the wall;
  • try to play in tandem with the child, taking turns pronouncing the lines from the tongue twister;
  • set the rhythm of the tongue twister by clapping your hands;
  • hold a competition, who will say the tongue twister faster and not go astray.

And now we present to your attention a selection of tongue twisters for children of different ages.

Tongue twisters for children 5-6 years old

Rye bread, loaves, rolls
You won't get it on a walk.

Have fun, Savely, move the hay.

White sheep beat the drums.

Grandma bought Marusya beads.

Valin felt boots fell into a clearing.

Four turtles have four baby turtles.

Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey
They threw bananas to a funny monkey.

We have a backyard,
The weather got wet.

The Buyan ram climbed into the weeds.

The raven raven crowed.

In the market, Kirill bought a pitcher and a mug.

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have needles.

Do not look for a mustache goose - you will not find it.

Grandfather Dodon blew a tune,
Grandfather hit Dimka with a pipe.

Wasp barefoot and without a belt.

Hedgehogs made friends with mice in rye.
Gone into the reeds - and the rye is not a soul.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

Grandfather Danila shared a melon -
A slice of Dima, a slice of Dina.

We have Vlas, you have Afanas.

Do not blow your lips on the oak,
Do not blow your lips on the oak.

Koval Kondrat forged steel, forged and reforged.

A week for Emela to spin a box of tows,
And Emelina's daughter - to spin one night.

One Klim wedge pounded, pounded and knocked out.

Frightened bear cub
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog,
Swift with a haircut and a haircut.

There is a vine on the cart, a goat by the cart.

The weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.

Kondrat has a short jacket.

Let's see how you can work with a child using tongue twisters - what you need to pay attention to, what pace to choose, how many repetitions to do. Very helpful video.

Tongue twisters for children 7-8 years old

Children grow up, and tongue twisters grow with them. If simpler and more straightforward phrases are used for preschool children, then for schoolchildren you can already take something more complicated. So, there are short tongue twisters for children 7-8 years old, and there are more authentic ones, like real poems.

Topal stomped along the road,
Topal stomped to Sevastopol.
Well, Seva stomped nearby,
Topal on the right, Seva on the left.

Mila washed the bear with soap,
Mila dropped the soap
Mila dropped the soap
Mila didn't wash the bear.

Sasha walked along the highway,
Carried drying on a pole.
And sucked dry.

Greek rode across the river.
He sees the Greek - there is cancer in the river.
He put the hand of the Greek into the river.
Cancer for the hand of the Greek - tsap.

A lilac eye-picker with half-broken legs.

Already stung by a snake,
I can’t get along with the snake,
I've already become terrified,
Do not eat the snake of the snake-husband,
Without a husband, it will be worse.

Grass in the yard
Firewood on the grass.
Don't cut wood
On the grass of the yard.

The longboat arrived at the port of Madras.

The sailor brought a mattress on board.

In the port of Madras, a sailor's mattress

Albatrosses broke up in a fight.

The parrot says to the parrot:
- I'm you, parrot, parrot!
The parrot answers him:
- Parrot, parrot, parrot!

The tongue twister was quick to say: you can’t over-speak all tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak. But having begun to speak quickly, he nevertheless spoke out: you will over-speak all tongue twisters, you will over-speak.

three hundred and thirty three ships
tacked, tacked,
tacked, tacked,
tacked, tacked,
Yes, and they didn’t catch it,
Yes, and they didn’t catch it,
Yes, they didn't catch it.

Four black knights are not at all a match for the fourth Thursday in November.

Once upon a time there were three Chinese - Yak, Yak-Tsidrak, Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni,
And three more Chinese women - Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi.
Married Yak to Tsyp, Yak-Tsidrak to Tsyp-Drip,
Yak-Cidrak-Cidron-Cidroni on Tsype-Dripe-Lampomponi.
Here they had children: Yak and Chick had Shah,
At Yak-Tsidrak with Tsypa-Drypa - Shah-Sharah,
At Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidroni with Tsypo-Drypa-Lampoponi - Shah-Sharah-Sharoni.

Four black
grimy little imp
Drawn in black
Ink drawing
Extremely clear.

If you did not live near the blackberry,
But if you lived near a strawberry,
That means strawberry jam is familiar to you
And not at all the usual blackberry jam.
If you lived near the blackberry,
That means blackberry jam is familiar to you,
And not at all the usual strawberry jam.
But if you lived near the blackberry,
And if you lived near the strawberry,
And if you did not regret the time for the forest,
That means excellent blackberry jam,
You ate strawberry jam every day.

Who wants to talk
He must speak
Everything is correct and clear
To be clear to everyone.
We will talk
And we will speak
So right and clear
To be clear to everyone.

Carl stole corals from Clara,
And Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.
If Carl had not stolen corals from Clara,
Then Clara would not steal the clarinet from Karl.

No apricot, coconut, radish,
Halibut, vinegar, kvass and rice,
There is no compass, longboat and cable,
Thermos, press, Indian sailor,
There is no bass, taste, weight and demand,
No interest - no question.

Count Toto plays loto
And Countess Toto knows about
That Count Toto plays loto,
If Count Toto knew about that,
What does Countess Toto know about
That Count Toto plays lotto,
That would be Count Toto never in his life
I wouldn't play loto.

The king saved a penny for the crown,
Yes, I bought a cow instead of a crown,
And this king saved up for a cow.

We walked Strumai, Stroktsig, Marnos,

Proktsogtsin and Prygnotskroz.

Next to them were the sons of Strumayka Protsgovich, Strantsigka Inkognitovich,
Proktsogtsin Prozsikovich and Karzatsig Prygnotskroz.

The mouse whispers to the mouse:
"Are you not sleeping, are you rustling?"
The mouse whispers to the mouse:
"I'll rustle quieter."

Many of these tongue twisters are used by speech therapists in their practice. There are separate tongue twisters for setting a certain sound. So, you can pick up verses for virtually any sound that the child has to master. Let's look at examples.

Masha sewed for a monkey
Fur coat, hat and pants.

Egor walked through the yard,
Carry an ax to mend the fence.

silkworm, silkworm
Silk is spun after row.
Wrapped tightly in silk
The silkworm remained inside.

Here's the big one hissing:
- Very stuffy. I'd like a shower.
Need to take a shower
To not be so stuffy.

Sasha ate porridge.
Sasha ate porridge.
Sasha, eat slowly
Our porridge is good.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on a cuckoo hood.
How funny he is in the hood!

On the edge of the hut
The old chatterboxes live.
Every old woman has a basket,
In every basket there is a cat,
Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

Tongue twisters with the letter "c" for children

Sasha smartly dries drying,
Sasha dried six pieces,
And funny old women hurry
Sushek Sasha to eat.

Senya was carrying a hay cart.

Alesya village, legs hanging from the stove,
Do not laugh, Alesya, but warm yourself on the stove.

Stepan has sour cream
Yogurt and cottage cheese
Seven kopecks - tuesok.

Eat me - the cherry asks, afraid of being thrown away.

Slava ate lard, but there was little lard.

Sitting in a taxi, the dachshund asked:
"What's the fare?"
The taxi driver replied:
“We carry taxis just like that, sir.”

The stern Suvorovite Suvorov sternly drilled the damp wall of the Suvorov School with a drill.

The sun is shining very bright
The hippo got hot.

Elephants are smart, elephants are quiet,
Elephants are calm and strong.

Centipedes have too many legs.

The sun is setting, water is flowing,
The tit bird looks into the water.
The tit will drink pure water -
Glorious today it rings-sings!

It's so easy and fun to teach a child to speak correctly. But do not force your son or daughter to cram tongue twisters! It is unlikely that you will get the result you need from under the stick.

Another thing is if you turn learning into a fun game. Together with your child, you can compose a fairy tale about some kind of sound, look for them in a tongue twister, build houses for them in the sand, and invent songs. And along the way, repeat tongue twisters.

There can be a lot of ideas, the main thing is to start, turn on your imagination and act! Try it and your child will be very pleasantly surprised. And you too, trust me.

Funny tongue twisters for kids

Tongue twisters can be not only difficult to pronounce and educational, but also funny. Sometimes the text of the rhyme is amusing in itself. And such lines are much easier to remember, right? Here are examples of such phrases.

Again the Greek wanted to cross the river,
The crab, hushed like a fish, sat under a snag.
The stupid Greek put his hand into the river without thinking.
He grabbed the crab by the hand of the Greek, laughed heartily.

Carp once crucian
Gave me a coloring book.
And Karas said:
"Color, Karasenok, a fairy tale!"
On the coloring page Karasenka -
Three funny little pigs:
The carp repainted the piglets into crucians!

Brother sister repeats for three days:
Soon my holiday
third birthday,
Let's eat jam.

The red crab yells "Hurrah!"
It's time to cut the cake.

Thunder rumbled - storm in full swing.

Three hundred and thirty three boxes
And there are three plugs in a box.

Four turtles learned to drink from a cup.
A cup of tea was brewed, divided into four.

When I'm in a hurry, I eat noodles.
I'll finish my noodles and hurry up.
I'm in a hurry.
Noodle noodles.
Well, I'll make everyone laugh again.

The prince invited the princess to take a walk along the avenue.

Chickens, geese and turkeys pecked parsley,
We had a bite of swan, ran for water.

Pashka has insects and papers in his pocket.

Behind the village, near the country road, a quail sang in the field
Quail flew in, quail quail.

Yasha and Pasha ate porridge,
Sasha and Masha yogurt,
And Mishutka ate a herring under a fur coat.

The mouse crawled under the lid
To gnaw a crumb under the lid,
The mouse is probably covered -
The mouse forgot about the cat!

Skinny weak Koschei
Carries a box of vegetables.

A cunning magpie to catch a hassle,
And forty forty - forty troubles.

The ship was carrying caramel,
The ship ran aground
And sailors three weeks
They ate caramel aground.

You can use funny tongue twisters for children as counting rhymes, as well as compose new ones during the game.

Do not be afraid to create with children, fantasize, invent. And such activities will pay off handsomely, filling your relationship with new emotions and impressions.

I hope you enjoy our selection of tongue twisters. Merry games to you, joyful development of your beloved children and a happy life!

Anna Kutyavina,
psychologist, storyteller,
site hostess Fairy world

I thank Anna for the material. From myself I want to add a few words. Working at the Theater Institute, we often encounter big problems in students' speech. They also learn tongue twisters. It is very difficult for both us and students to catch up and correct what could have been paid attention to in childhood. But correct, pleasant speech is what we always pay attention to when communicating with people.

Engage with your children in a fun, interesting, useful way! Yes, learn your own tongue twisters. I am sure that we will not be able to quickly pronounce everything ...

Horseradish as a source of health

We present you a selection of Russian tongue twisters for children and adults from folklore, used to practice the pronunciation of various sounds. They are also called "Russian nursery rhymes". The best tongue twisters for speech development and diction training.

Sound development:
b, p, c, f, d, k, e, t, x

1. I got beans.
2. Vakul shod a woman, and Vakula a woman shod her.
3. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
4. The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull's white lip was stupid.
5. Cap on the cap, cap under the cap.
b. Tall Vavila merrily tossed his pitchfork.
7. Near the stake of the bell, near the gate there is a whirlpool.
8. Jackal walked, jackal galloped.
9. Buy a kipu pik, buy a kipu pik. Buy a pile of fluff, buy a pile of fluff.
10. Cook Peter, cook Pavel. Peter swam, Pavel swam.
11. The weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya's scarves.
12. The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.

13. Our head over your head over your head, over your head.
14. To your sexton our sexton can't be reoffended, not reoffended; our sexton will re-sponsor your sexton, re-sponsor.
15. There is a mop with a pod.
16. In the field, Frosya is flying millet, Frosya takes out the weeds.
17. Crab made a rake for a crab. The crab gave the rake to the crab: hay with a rake, crab, rob!
18. The needles of the tree are splitting.
19. Cuckoo bought a hood. Put on a cuckoo hood. How funny he is in the hood!
20. All beavers are kind to their beavers. Beavers take beans for their cubs. Beavers sometimes excite beavers by giving them beans.
21. Pankrat Kondratov forgot the jack, and without a jack Pankrat cannot lift a tractor on the tract. And the tractor is waiting on the tract for a jack.
22. There is a honey cake on the honey, but I have no time for the honey cake.
23. Prokop came, dill boiled, Prokop left, dill boiled; just as dill boiled under Prokop, so dill boiled without Prokop.
24. There were three priests, three Prokopiy-priest, three Prokopyevich, talking about the priest, about Prokopiy-priest, about Prokopyevich.
25. One day, scaring a jackdaw, he saw a parrot in the bushes, and that parrot says: you scare jackdaws, pop, scare, but jackdaws, pop, scaring in the bushes, don’t you dare scare a parrot.
26. A sorcerer worked in a barn with wise men.
27. Bombardier bombarded young ladies with bonbonnieres.
28. Feofan Mitrofanch has three sons Feofanych.
29. Pharaoh's favorite for sapphire was replaced by jade.
30. Rhododendrons from the arboretum given by parents.
31. A grouse sat on a tree, and a grouse with grouse cubs on a branch.
32. Brit Klim brother, Brit Gleb brother, brother Ignat bearded.
33. Crested laughers laughed with laughter.

Sound development:
r, l, m, n

34. You can’t over-speak all tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak.
35. In our backyard, the weather got wet.
36. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters talked about the Stall, about Varka, about Marina's wife.
37. Klara-kralya crept to the chest.
38. The commander spoke about the colonel and about the colonel, about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the ensign and about the ensign, about the lieutenant, but kept silent about the lieutenant.
39. There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass - one firewood, two firewood, three firewood. Do not cut wood on the grass of the yard.
40. Firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood in the breadth of the yard, the yard of firewood will not fit, it is necessary to expel the firewood to the wood yard.
41. In the yard of the widow Varvara, two thieves were stealing firewood, the widow got angry and removed the firewood into the barn.
42. I reported but didn’t report, I reported but reported.
43. Snouted a white-faced pig, blunt-nosed; I dug half the yard with my snout, dug, dug.
44. Well done ate thirty-three pies with a pie, but all with cottage cheese.
45. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked and did not catch.
46. ​​On the shallows we lazily caught burbot. On the shallows we lazily caught tench. Didn't you sweetly pray for love And beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?
47. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole the clarinet from Karl.
48. Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing coral.
49. Karl put the bow on the chest. Clara was stealing an onion from the chest.
50. Shot for quails and black grouse.
51. Mother Romasha gave whey from curdled milk.
52. Tell me about shopping. About what about purchases? About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases.
53. A cap is sewn, but not in a cap style; a bell is poured, but not in a bell-like way. It is necessary to re-cap the cap, re-cap, it is necessary to re-bell the bell, re-bell.
54. A protocol was recorded by a protocol.
55. Was at Frol's, Frol lied to Lavr. I'll go to the Lavra, to the Frol Lavra Navra.
56. Eagle King.
57. The courier overtakes the courier in the quarry.
58. Malanya chattered milk, blurted out, but did not blurt out.
59. A Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria.
60. Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia? They watered the lily, saw Lydia.
61. The messenger from the galleys burned down.
62. Thaler plate stands.
63. Go to the army, so take the reed.
64. The interviewer interviewed the interviewer.
65. Libretto by Rigoletto.
66. Our Polkan from Baikal lakal. Polkan lapped, but Baikal did not grow shallow.
67. We ate, ate ruffs at the spruce, they barely ate them.
68. Mom did not spare soap. Milu's mother washed soap with soap. Mila did not like soap, Mila dropped the soap.
69. In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.
70. Tractors rumble on the road in the morning.
71. Eat in rye, but do not rye in rye.
72. An eagle on a mountain, a feather on an eagle, a mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.
73. On Mount Ararat Varvara was picking grapes.
74. From under Kostroma, from under the Kostroma region, four men were walking. They talked about auctions, but about purchases, about cereals and about sub-grains.
75. A captain with a captain, a captain with a captain.
76. The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grains. Do not smoke, Turk, pipe, do not peck, cock, grits.
77. And I'm not up to the malaise.

Sound development:
h, s, f, w, h, u, c

78. At Senya and Sanya in the nets of catfish with a mustache.
79. A wasp does not have a mustache, not a mustache, but a mustache.
80. Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge lope, Senka from his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
81. Osip is hoarse, and Arkhip is hoarse.
82. He does not want to mow a scythe with a scythe, he says, a scythe is a scythe.
83. Seven in a sleigh sat themselves.
84. From body to body was an overload of watermelons. In a thunderstorm, in the mud from a load of watermelons, the body collapsed.
85. A whistler whistles with a flute.
86. The nervous constitutionalist was found assimilated in Constantinople.
87. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.
88. The heron withered, the heron withered, the heron died.
89. Forty mice walked, found forty pennies, two worse mice found two pennies each.
90. Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are worse, noisily rummage around for pennies.
91. Pike scales, ingot bristles.
92. A quarter of a quarter of a pea without a wormhole.
93. Incident with the quartermaster.
94. Precedent with the applicant.
95. Constantine stated.
96. A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a snake has a snake.
97. It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.
98. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.
99. In vain does the pike try to pinch the bream.
100. The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, but does not spin.