State of emergency investigation of Kasyanov day 01 04. "Kasyanov day": NTV showed a scandalous film with an intimate video and wiretapping of Kasyanov

Published on 01.04.16 17:35

The scandalous investigative film "Kasyanov's Day" was released on the NTV channel.

"Kasyanov's Day": an intimate video with a man "like Kasyanov" aired on NTV

On the air of the program "State of emergency. Investigation" on April 1, the NTV channel showed a documentary film "Kasyanov's Day", dedicated to the political activities and personal life of the leader of "Parnassus" Mikhail Kasyanov. The program is replete with scenes of an intimate nature and discussions of other figures of the non-systemic opposition.

According to NTV journalists, the apartment where party comrades meet could have been specially bought for joint leisure.

Kasyanov promises Pelevina a political career. The first step in this direction, as conceived by the leader of the party, is the passage of "Parnassus" to the State Duma in September of this year, where Pelevina should be guaranteed a place as a deputy.

Kasyanov on video admitted to buying a house in Manhattan

From the video it becomes known that Kasyanov recently purchased a penthouse in Manhattan together with his son-in-law, Andrei Klinovsky, and is also considering the option of emigrating to the UK.

"Kasyanov day". Film NTV. VIDEO

The program shows the ex-premier's real estate on Rublevsky Highway - "two luxurious houses and a hectare of land" in the famous village of Zhukovka. This property is registered to the ex-premier's wife, Irina Kasyanov. In addition, footage of the well-known 8-room apartment of the Kasyanovs on Rochdelskaya Street in Moscow is shown.

NTV journalists published wiretapping of Kasyanov when he criticized Yashin

NTV journalists also made public the wiretapping of Mikhail Kasyanov, on the basis of which he intends to nominate as many "his" candidates from Parnassus as possible to the primaries, as opposed to the people of Alexei Navalny from the Anti-Corruption Foundation.

"How to construct a front against Navalny, oh my! That's the main task - everything must be subordinated to it," Kasyanov states.

Pelevina dissuades him from direct confrontation, although she confirms that Navalny is "shit" as a person and ally. She sharply criticizes Yashin, who allegedly promised to give up his place in the election campaign for 30 thousand dollars - these words of Pelevina can be confirmed by a certain "Kostya" (apparently, this means Konstantin Jankauskas from Solidarity). Pelevina calls Yashin a "complete scum", because of which his party comrades-in-arms are changing in a negative direction.

A documentary film "Kasyanov's Day" was shown, which told about the political activities and personal life of the leader of the PARNAS party, Mikhail Kasyanov. The program contains a large number of scenes of an intimate nature and discussions of other figures of the non-systemic opposition.

Judging by the published information, Mikhail Kasyanov is in a rather close relationship with his party ally, Natalya Pelevina, who recently became. However, journalists do not directly point to this fact, describing the characters in the video as a man who looks like Kasyanov and a woman who looks like Pelevina.At the same time, nothing is reported about Kasyanov's divorce from his wife Irina.

It is noted that Kasyanov prophesies Pelevina a political career of a fundamentally different level than now, and the first step towards this, according to his idea, will be the passage of PARNAS to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the elections in September. After that, Pelevin, according to the politician's forecast, may take the chair of the deputy.

It is clear from the video that Kasyanov recently purchased a penthouse in Manhattan, New York, together with his son-in-law, Andrey Klinovsky. At the same time, he is considering the option of emigrating to the UK.

In conversations with Pelevina, Kasyanov also discusses his businessmen friends who made a fortune in the 90s. According to him, he became rich for the same reason as they: "Buying for five kopecks, selling for five rubles." In response to Pelevina's phrase about "stolen" money, the former prime minister says that with such an assessment of the business, "he is also a thief."

I have five apartments and a couple of houses,"

he admits.

In their material, the journalists show Kasyanov's property on Rublevsky Highway - "two luxurious houses and a hectare of land" in the village of Zhukovka. This property is registered to the wife of the former prime minister. In addition, you can see his 8-room apartment on Rochdelskaya Street in Moscow on the air.

NTV people also published the results of Kasyanov's "wiretapping", from which it becomes clear that he intends to nominate as many "his" candidates from PARNAS as possible in the primaries, as opposed to members of Alexei Navalny's team from the Anti-Corruption Foundation.

How to construct a front against Navalny, oh my?! This is the main task - everything must be subordinated to it.

notes Mikhail Kasyanov.

To this, Pelevina tries to dissuade him from direct confrontation, but calls Navalny "shit", referring to him as a person and as an ally.

Pelevina herself considers Ilya Yashin her main rival in PARNAS, whose people, according to her, "run across" to her own camp. She speaks of her political opponent with harsh criticism, and notes that he allegedly promised to give up his place in the election campaign for 30 thousand dollars, which can be confirmed by a certain "Kostya" (possibly Konstantin Jankauskas from Solidarity). At the same time, Pelevin calls Yashin a "complete scum."

During one of the conversations, Kasyanov shares his thoughts with Pelevina about working with Khodorkovsky, who could provide financial support to the party, but the former prime minister doubts that the former owner of Yukos will do this if the Open Russia project exists.

According to journalists, after a meeting with Khodorkovsky in London, the outcome of which remains unknown, Kasyanov and Pelevina arrived in Paris and stayed in a five-star hotel near the Champs Elysees.

The investigative film also touches on the topic of material support for prisoners in the case of the riots on Bolotnaya Square in 2012. It is noted that Pelevina regularly transferred money to the relatives of activists, but financial documents do not confirm the legality of these operations, as well as the source of considerable funds.

The authors of the scandalous material believe that Pelevina's American partners from non-state foundations and organizations close to Bill Browder and Senator John McCain could become sponsors of these donations. At the same time, at the end of the film, Pelevina's conversation is cited, in which she talks about a possible departure to the United States, where, according to her, she could get the position of adviser to Hillary Clinton.

"Kasyanov day". Film NTV. VIDEO

The naked (in every sense) truth about the fifth column in the face of the opposition party RPR-PARNAS. By the way, it was for this office in the fall of 2015 that the asbestov “bog opposition” campaigned in the city of Kostroma. Now the "experience" gained in Kostroma is being used with might and main in our city, because there is such a desire to get into the legislature of the Sverdlovsk region at any cost ...

Videos of intimate meetings between PARNAS leader Mikhail Kasyanov and his party ally Natalya Pelevina, against whom a criminal case was recently opened, have appeared on the Internet. These unique materials shed light on many secrets of the opposition. Natalya Pelevina, a 39-year-old British citizen, is now coordinating the work of the youth department and acting as an assistant to Kasyanov. And, judging by the discovered frames, not only assistants. Meetings of party members take place in a safe house, bought, most likely, specifically for such meetings. What happens on the tape is a personal matter of two people who look like oppositionists. But what they discuss, on the contrary, concerns very many. These are political plans, goals of the opposition and methods of achieving them. Pelevin is going to "run for office in this country." Kasyanov talks about his family and plans: it turns out that his daughter and son-in-law, businessman Andrei Kalinovsky, have already bought a 500-meter penthouse in Manhattan, and they are going to emigrate to the UK. Mikhail Kasyanov: “I think this is the right decision. Because if a mess starts here and killing each other, then you need to leave and take your family and children there.” Pelevina accuses the Kasyanov family of greed and theft. Kasyanov makes excuses, denounces his friends-oligarchs along the way and, as if in spirit, talks about the origin of his own capital. Mikhail Kasyanov: “I have it for this very reason: I buy for 5 kopecks, I sell for 5 rubles. They are the same, they just have a different scale. I have five apartments and a couple of houses there. And they have hundreds of hectares of land there.” Kasyanov considers the resale of state goods to be an excellent business and confirms that he was actively engaged in this business, being the prime minister. Now the ex-premier is actively preparing for the elections to the State Duma. In this situation, Kasyanov's relationship with another well-known opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, is especially interesting. Allies in public, in reality they are competitors and even enemies. Kasyanov is interested in having as many of his candidates as possible participate in the elections, and actively promotes Pelevina. Navalny only interferes with him, but Kasyanov is interested in him because he can provide information support on the Internet. Kasyanov and Pelevina fear that in exchange for this support, Navalny will demand that too many of his supporters be included in the lists for the primaries. The “loafer” Navalny, who enjoys the fruits of other people’s labor, as Pelevina characterizes him, will not go to the polls because of his convictions, but his people can create problems, and above all for Pelevina. Kasyanov talks about his primary task - to get his mistress into the Duma. Mikhail Kasyanov: “How to construct a front against Navalny is the main task, everything must be subordinated to this! How to ensure you win the primaries? How to ensure your victory now, and then how to ensure your victory, so that you are in thought, so that your star will shine in full color already? Having never really worked in Russia, Natalia Pelevina regularly travels to the United States. According to some reports, she maintains constant ties with McCain, Browder and people from the Hillary Clinton team. It is Browder and McCain who are the main lobbyists for the sanctions lists against Russia, and Pelevina personally participated in the hearings on the Magnitsky law in the British Parliament. Natalya Pelevina knows how to benefit from her connections. Mikhail Kasyanov, a former prime minister who made his fortune selling property, is an ideal target for manipulation and recruitment. Now Pelevina is obviously trying to become more than just one of the co-chairs of PARNAS. In her plans - the elimination of other competitors. Incredibly, Kasyanov guarantees it to her. From time to time, some very good connections of Pelevina in the USA are mentioned in conversations. Not a word about the CIA, but Pelevina makes it clear that her patrons, in the event of a failure in the elections in Russia, will provide her with a warm place in Washington - either in the State Department or with Hillary Clinton. How did Kasyanov go to ask Khodorkovsky for money? Where do opposition leaders get real estate abroad and who pays for their pre-election intrigues? Revelations after which the life of the opposition will never be the same - in the film "Kasyanov's Day" from the cycle "State of emergency. Investigation".

The Parnassus party, which has become the center of the Democratic Coalition, is running for seats in the State Duma of Russia, planning to participate in the elections to be held in 2016. Now the opposition leaders began to be under the gunpoint of the media and the NTV channel conducted an investigation, the hero of which was Mikhail Kasyanov and the namesake of the famous writer, Natalya Pelevina. In the sensational video, two party comrades appear almost naked. The video is sexual and revealing. It shows that there are not only business ties between party members, but they also share the same bed, despite the fact that Mikhail Mikhailovich has a wife and children.

An interesting detail of this video is that during covert filming, the characters are discussing their coalition colleagues - Navalny and Yashin. At the same time, their comments cannot be called flattering. Natalya Pelevina insults Alexei and Ilya, while also saying that she is forced to work with them, since they have great support and an “army” of employees. The authors of the video suggest that Kasyanov and Pelevina teamed up with other oppositionists so that they could conduct a large-scale propaganda campaign on the Internet.

An interesting dialogue developed between the two politicians, in which Mikhail Mikhailovich spoke about the future position of Natalya. She should take a place in the Duma, and also be the person who will conduct international negotiations, as she has extensive experience in this and important connections.

In connection with this publication, Natalya Pelevina is going to sue NTV and calls this incident “flagrant lawlessness”.

The reaction of some people connected with political activities has already appeared on the Internet. But Ilya Yashin and Alexei Navalny never left their comments on social networks.

Pelevina herself has already stated that she will sue the NTV channel:

Activist Maria Katasonova left the following review:

Mikhail Khodorkovsky shared his opinion on the Open Russia website:

We also bring to your attention other comments from Twitter:

The well-known Internet user Stalin Gulag left his comment on Instagram: