Logopedic characteristics of a preschool child with OHP-III level of speech development. Thesis: Features of the development of vocabulary of children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech of level III What is the survey

One of the necessary qualities of a full-fledged oral speech is the correct sound pronunciation. Most children master this correct pronunciation even at preschool age, and this happens without any special training, on the basis of imitation of the correct speech of the people around them. However, in many children certain defects in the pronunciation of sounds remain for a long time and do not disappear without special speech therapy help. These children include children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP). ONR - various complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system is impaired, i.e. the sound side (phonetics) and the semantic side (lexicon, grammar). The problem of sound pronunciation in children with OHP level III was dealt with by many scientists: T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, L.N. Efimenkova, M.F. Fomicheva, A.I. Bogomolova, N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova and others. Many books have been written that give clear recommendations on how to overcome impaired sound pronunciation in children. The sequence in work on sound is determined.

The sound pronunciation of older preschool children is characterized by a number of features.

a) Children have the skills of sound analysis, determine the place of sound in a word.

b) All sounds are pronounced correctly and clearly.

c) The replacement of hissing and whistling sounds disappears.

d) Children are allowed to have not yet fully formed sounds that are difficult in articulation (hissing and r). Thus, the sound r, which is difficult to pronounce, requires the flexibility of the movements of the tongue, the rapid vibration of its tip. Hissing sounds require a strong air jet, raising the tongue in the shape of a "scoop", rounding the lips and pulling them slightly forward.

All age-related pronunciation errors disappear in children by 4-5 years. But this process does not occur on its own, but under the influence of adult speech and their pedagogical influence: the child hears normal speech, receives instructions from adults on how to speak, and as a result begins to experience an interest in correct, pure speech. Thus, it is very important that the speech environment surrounding the child is completely complete, that is, both parents and educators speak correctly, clearly.

The causes of OHP in children include: various infections, intoxication (toxicosis) of the mother during pregnancy, incompatibility of the Rh factor of the blood or the group affiliation of the mother and child, trauma during childbirth and pathology in childbirth, various diseases of the central nervous system, brain injuries in the beginning of life.

In addition, the general underdevelopment of speech in children can be caused by inappropriate conditions for education and training, mental deprivation (the inability to meet vital needs) at the most appropriate stages of speech development. Very often, OHP occurs as a result of the complex influence of various factors, for example, such as hereditary predisposition, organic insufficiency of the central nervous system, and an unfavorable social environment.

In the picture of the general underdevelopment of speech, the lack of formation of its sound side comes to the fore. Characteristic for these children is the incompleteness of the process of formation of phonemic perception. The shortcomings of speech are not limited to the incorrect pronunciation of sounds, but are expressed by their insufficient discrimination and difficulty in the sound analysis of speech. At the same time, lexical and grammatical development is often delayed.

The lack of formation of the sound side of speech is expressed in the following:

1) Undifferentiated pronunciation of whistling, hissing sounds, and one can be replaced simultaneously by two or more sounds of a given or close phonetic group. For example, a soft sound, which is not yet pronounced clearly enough, replaces the following sounds: s hard (syapogi instead of boots), c (syapya instead of a heron), sh (syuba instead of a fur coat), h (syainik instead of teapot), u (mesh instead of brush ).

2) Replacing some sounds with others, simpler in articulation. More often this refers to the replacement of sonors (duke instead of hand, palokhod instead of steamboat), whistling and hissing (totna instead of pine, duk instead of beetle).

3) Unstable use of sound, when it is pronounced differently in different words (payahod - steamboat, hell fell - parade, hatch - hand).

4) Displacement of sounds, when in isolation the child pronounces certain sounds correctly, and in words and sentences - mutually replaces them. This most often applies to ioted sounds and sounds l, g, k, x (yamak instead of a hammock, kitten instead of a kitten), while there is a distortion of the articulation of some sounds (interdental pronunciation of whistling, throat p, etc.).

All children with ONR sound pronunciation is impaired. According to T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, two groups of sounds are violated in 15% of children (whistling and sonorous or hissing and sonorous), substitutions are infantile in nature, omissions are noted. Three groups of sounds are violated in 30% of children, distortions, regular substitutions, permutations of sounds, omissions of syllables in polysyllabic words are observed. Four or more groups of sounds are disturbed in 55% of children, irregular substitutions of an infantile nature and distortions are observed. Phonemic processes are grossly disturbed in 85% and not formed in 15% of children.

In order to prevent any variations in the general underdevelopment of speech, it is necessary to identify deviations in the speech development of the child as early as possible and start working with a speech therapist in time.

Scientists-speech therapists (B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, M.F. Fomicheva, N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, Paramonova L and others) agree that speech therapy work to overcome sound pronunciation disorders is carried out in a certain sequence, step by step:

1) preparatory stage;

2) sound setting;

3) sound automation;

4) differentiation of the newly educated sound from those similar to it.

The preparatory stage is necessary because it is often impossible to start sound production right away, since the child cannot give his articulatory organs the desired position. Under these circumstances, preparatory work is necessary. It consists mainly in the so-called articulatory gymnastics, the main goal of which is to develop sufficient mobility of the lips and tongue.

The choice of articulatory exercises is largely determined by the very nature of the defective pronunciation of sound.

Sound staging refers to the process of teaching a child the correct pronunciation of this sound. The child is taught to give his articulatory organs the position that is characteristic of the normal articulation of sound, which will ensure the correctness of its sound.

Sound setting can be done by imitation, with mechanical help, from other correctly pronounced sounds, based on the articulatory structure and in a mixed way.

As soon as it is possible to achieve the correct sounding of an isolated sound, you must immediately proceed to the next stage of sound pronunciation correction - to the automation stage, that is, to teaching the child the correct pronunciation of sound in coherent speech.

In order to facilitate this difficult task for the child, the automation of sound is carried out under the condition of a gradual increase in the complexity of speech material. At the same time, at the automation stage, in contrast to the preparatory stage and the stage of sound production, for any causation of defects in sound pronunciation, work is carried out in the same way and in the same sequence, namely:

Automation of sound in syllables;

Automation in words;

Automation in specially selected phrases;

Automation in texts saturated with newly brought up sound;

Automation in ordinary colloquial speech.

The main task of the stage of differentiation of mixed sounds is to educate the child in a strong skill of appropriate use of the newly raised sound in speech, without mixing it with acoustically or articulatory close sounds. This is achieved through special exercises.

The work of distinguishing the mixed sounds by the child, in fact, begins already in the preparatory period and during the setting of the sound. At the preparatory stage, they are taught to differentiate the sounds replaced in speech by ear, and at the stage of setting the sound, the child’s attention is drawn to the different positions of the lips and tongue and to the jet of exhaled air of a different nature when articulating the sounds mixed by it (for example, “s” and “sh” , "z" and "g").

The transition to a special stage of sound differentiation can be started only when both mixed sounds are already correctly pronounced by the child in any sound combinations, that is, when they are fully automated.

Corrective and developmental work to overcome OHP is a very long and laborious process, which should begin as early as possible (from 3-4 years).

Prevention of OHP in children is similar to the prevention of those clinical syndromes in which it occurs (alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, aphasia). Parents should pay due attention to the speech environment in which the child is brought up, from an early age stimulate the development of his speech activity and non-speech mental processes.


1. Efimenkova, L. N. Formation of speech in preschoolers [Text] / L. N. Efimenkova. - M., 1998.

2. Zhukova, N. S. Speech therapy. Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers [Text]: Book. for a speech therapist / N. S. Zhukova, E. M. Mastyukova, T. B. Filicheva. - Yekaterinburg: ARD LTD, 1998.

3. Correction of speech disorders in preschoolers [Text] / Compiled by: L. S. Sekovets, L. I. Razumova, N. Ya. Dyunina, G. P. Sitnikova. - Nizhny Novgorod, 1999.

4. Methods for examining the speech of children [Text]: A manual for the diagnosis of speech disorders / Under the general. ed. G. V. Chirkina. - 3rd ed., add. – M.: ARKTI, 2008.

5. Fundamentals of speech therapy with a workshop on sound pronunciation [Text]: Proc. allowance for students. avg. ped. studies, institutions / M. F. Fomicheva, T. V. Volosovets, E. N. Kutepova and others; Ed. T.V. Volosovets. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.

The modern world is oversaturated with information, means of communication, wide access to books is open, many educational and entertaining children's channels have been created. It would seem that in such an environment, speech in children should develop without any difficulties, and speech therapists' offices will become a thing of the past. However, it is not. Bad ecology, in many ways cultural degradation, a reduced degree of psychological protection - all this is reflected in the development of the baby's speech. For some children, a speech therapist diagnoses "general underdevelopment of speech (OHP) level 3", the characteristic of which indicates that the child needs additional classes. The full development of each baby primarily depends on the efforts of his parents. They are obliged to seek help from specialists in time, noticing some deviations in the formation of the personality of their child.

OHP characteristic

ONR is observed in children with a normal level of development of intelligence corresponding to their age, while not having any physiological problems with the hearing aid. Speech therapists say about such a group of patients that they do not have phonemic hearing, do not distinguish between individual sounds, therefore they understand the meaning in a distorted form. The child hears words differently from how they are actually pronounced.

In children with OHP level 3 (characteristics are presented below), such speech skills as word formation, sound formation, the semantic load of the word, as well as the grammatical structure are distorted. When speaking, older children may make mistakes that are inherent in more early age. In such children, the rates of development of speech and the psyche do not correspond to each other. At the same time, children with OHP are no different from their peers in terms of development: they are emotional, active, play with pleasure, and understand the speech of others.

Typical manifestations of OHP

The following indicators are considered typical manifestations of general underdevelopment of speech:

  • the conversation is incomprehensible and illegible;
  • phrases are constructed grammatically incorrectly;
  • verbal interaction has low activity, words are perceived with a lag when they are used independently;
  • the first pronunciation of the first words and simple phrases at a later age (instead of 1.5-2 years at 3-5 years).

With the general development of the psyche:

  • new words are poorly remembered and pronounced, memory is undeveloped;
  • the sequence of actions is broken, simple instructions are carried out with great difficulty;
  • attention is scattered, there are no skills to concentrate;
  • logical verbal generalization is difficult, there are no skills in analyzing, comparing objects, separating them according to their characteristics and properties.

Development of fine and gross motor skills:

  • small movements are performed with inaccuracies and errors;
  • the child's movements are slowed down, there is a tendency to freeze in one position;
  • coordination of movements is broken;
  • rhythm is undeveloped;
  • when performing motor tasks, disorientation in time and space is visible.

The characteristic of OHP level 3, as well as other levels, contains the listed manifestations to one degree or another.

Causes of OHP

Experts do not find gross pathologies in the functioning of the nervous system and brain of children with ONR. Most often, social or physiological causes are considered to be the sources of speech lag. It can be:

  • transferred during pregnancy or hereditary diseases of the mother;
  • during the period of bearing the baby, the mother had nervous overload;
  • bad habits during pregnancy (alcohol, smoking);
  • receiving any injuries during childbirth;
  • very early or too late pregnancy;
  • infections, complex diseases in a baby in infancy;
  • possible head injury in a child;
  • trouble in the family, where the baby is experiencing early stress;
  • there is no emotional contact between the baby and parents;
  • unfavorable moral situation in the house;
  • scandalous, conflict situations;
  • lack of communication and attention;
  • abandonment of the baby, rough speech in adults.

Classification. OHP level 1

General underdevelopment of speech is classified into four levels, each of which has its own characteristics. Level 1 OHP differs in many ways from Level 3 OHP. Characteristics of speech in pathology of the 1st level: babbling, onomatopoeia, pieces of small phrases, parts of words. Toddlers make sounds indistinctly, actively help with facial expressions and gestures - all this can be called the skills of babies.

Children actively show interest in the world around them, communication, but at the same time, the gap between active and passive vocabulary is much larger than the norm. Also, the characteristics of speech include the following:

  • the pronunciation of sounds is blurred;
  • one-syllable, sometimes two-syllable words predominate;
  • long words are reduced to syllables;
  • words-actions are replaced by words-objects;
  • different actions and different objects can be denoted by one word;
  • words that are different in meaning, but consonant can be confused;
  • in rare cases, there is no speech at all.

Level 2

OHP 2, 3 levels of characteristics are somewhat similar, but there are also significant differences. At level 2, there is an increase in the development of speech. A greater number of common words are assimilated, the simplest phrases are used, the vocabulary is constantly replenished with new, often distorted words. Children already master grammatical forms in simple words, more often with stressed endings, distinguish between plural and singular. Level 2 features include:

  • sounds are pronounced with great difficulty, often replaced by simpler ones (voiced - deaf, hissing - whistling, hard - soft);
  • grammatical forms are mastered spontaneously, are not associated with meaning;
  • speech self-expression is poor, vocabulary is poor;
  • different objects and actions are denoted by one word if they are somehow similar (similarity in purpose or appearance);
  • ignorance of the properties of objects, their names (size, shape, color);
  • adjectives and nouns do not agree; replacement or absence of prepositions in speech;
  • inability to respond coherently without leading questions;
  • endings are used randomly, replaced by one another.

Level 3

The characteristics of children with OHP level 3 looks like this: general speech skills are lagging behind, but the construction of phrases and extended speech are already present. The basics of grammatical construction are already available to children, simple forms are used correctly, many parts of speech, more complex sentences are used. Life impressions at this age are already enough, vocabulary increases, objects, their properties and actions are called correctly. Toddlers are able to compose simple stories, but still experience the freedom of communication. OHP level 3 speech characteristic has the following:

  • in general, there is no active vocabulary, vocabulary is poor, adjectives and adverbs are not used enough;
  • verbs are used ineptly, adjectives with nouns agree with errors, so the grammatical structure is unstable;
  • when constructing complex phrases, unions are used incorrectly;
  • no knowledge of subspecies of birds, animals, objects;
  • actions are called instead of professions;
  • instead of a separate part of an object, the whole object is called.

Approximate characteristic for a preschooler

The characteristic for a preschooler with OHP level 3 is as follows:

Articulation: anatomy of organs without anomaly. Salivation is increased. The accuracy of movements and volume suffer, the child is not able to keep the organs of articulation in a certain position for a long time, the switchability of movement is impaired. With articulation exercises, the tone of the tongue increases.

Speech: the general sound is inexpressive, a weakly modulated quiet voice, breathing is free, the rhythm and pace of speech is normal.

Sound pronunciation: there are violations of the pronunciation of sonorous sounds. The sizzling ones are set. There is an automation of sounds at the level of words. Control over the pronunciation of sounds, free speech is controlled.

Phonemic perception, synthesis and sound analysis: phonemic representations are formed with a delay, the level is insufficient. By ear, the child selects a given sound from the syllabic, sound series, as well as a number of words. The place of the sound in the word is not determined. The skills of sound and letter analysis, as well as synthesis, are not formed.

Syllabic structure: Words with a complex syllabic structure are difficult to pronounce.

If a diagnosis of "general underdevelopment of speech (OHP) level 3" is made, the characteristic (5 years - the age when many parents are already preparing their children for school, visiting specialists) should include all of the above items. Children at this age should be given utmost attention. A speech therapist can help you with speech problems.

Speech at OHP level 3

Characteristics of the speech of children with OHP level 3:

Passive, active vocabulary: poverty, stock inaccuracy. The child does not know the names of words that go beyond the scope of daily communication: he cannot name parts of the body, the name of animals, professions, actions with which they are associated. There are difficulties in the selection of single-root words, antonyms, synonyms. The passive vocabulary is much higher than the active one.

Grammar: speech therapy characteristics of a child with OHP level 3 indicates that in the formation of words, their coordination with other parts of speech, agrammatisms are observed. The child makes a mistake when choosing the plural of a noun. There are violations in the formation of words that go beyond the scope of everyday speech. Word-building skills are difficult to transfer to new speech. Mostly simple sentences are used in the presentation.

Connected speech: there are difficulties in detailed statements, language design. The sequence in the story is broken, there are semantic gaps in the storyline. The text violates temporal and causal relationships.

Preschool children with OHP level 3 are characterized at the age of 7 by a speech therapist who conducts classes with them. If the results of classes with a speech therapist do not bring the desired result, it is necessary to seek the advice of a neurologist.

Level 4

Above, an approximate description of the OHP of level 3 was given, the 4th is somewhat different. Key parameters: the child's vocabulary is markedly increased, although there are gaps in vocabulary and grammar. New material is assimilated with difficulty, inhibited learning to write and read. Children correctly use simple prepositions, do not abbreviate long words, but still, some sounds are often missing from the word.

Speech difficulties:

  • sluggish articulation, slurred speech;
  • the narration is dull, not figurative, the children express themselves in simple sentences;
  • in an independent story, logic is violated;
  • expressions are chosen with difficulty;
  • possessive and diminutive words are distorted;
  • properties of objects are replaced by approximate ones in meaning;
  • the names of objects are replaced by words with similar properties.

Help from a psychologist

The characteristics of children with OHP level 3 indicate the need for classes not only with a speech therapist, but also with a psychologist. Comprehensive measures will help correct the shortcomings. Due to the speech disorder, such children have problems concentrating, it is difficult for them to concentrate on the task. As a result, the performance decreases.

During speech therapy correction, it is necessary to connect a psychologist. Its task is to increase motivation for learning and classes. The specialist must conduct a psychological impact, which will be aimed at developing concentration of attention. It is recommended to conduct classes not with one, but with a small group of kids. It is important to take into account the self-esteem of the child, underestimated inhibits development. Therefore, a specialist should help children with ONR to believe in their own strength and success.

Complex corrective action

The pedagogical approach to correcting OHP is not an easy process, it requires a structural, special fulfillment of the tasks set. The most effective work is carried out in specialized institutions where qualified teachers work. If, in addition to OHP, a diagnosis of dysarthria is established, therapy is based on all pathologies. Medical treatment can be added to the corrective effect. This is where a neurologist should be involved. Special institutions, centers aim at correcting deficiencies in the development of intellectual functions and correcting deficiencies in communication skills.

The first thing I want to say to parents: do not despair if the child suffers from ONR. There is no need to conflict with teachers, specialists, if they diagnose "OHP level 3". This will only help you take action in time. Classes with the baby will help to quickly correct his speech, deal with pathologies. The sooner you get to the bottom of the problem, start working together with specialists, the faster the recovery process will turn in the right direction.

Treatment can be long, and its outcome largely depends on the parents. Be patient and help your baby enter the world with confident, well-developed speech.

Speech impairment is now becoming an increasingly common speech deviation among preschool children. Level 3 OHP is especially common, the characteristics for which are often made up not only by speech therapists, but also by psychologists. This pathology is amenable to correction in the treatment of a speech therapist.

For the fastest recognition of the disease, it is important to know what can provoke the development of this condition, what characterizes type 3 ONR, how this condition is treated, whether it is possible to completely correct the violation without consequences.

Under the general underdevelopment of speech is understood the distortion of any speech characteristic (grammatical, semantic or auditory) with normal intellectual formation and a sufficient level of hearing of the child. This deviation is classified as a speech disorder.

Depending on the degree of manifestation of the violation, 4 levels of general underdevelopment of speech are distinguished:

  • absolute absence of speech ();
  • the scarcity of vocabulary (ONR level 2);
  • the presence of speech with certain semantic errors (OHP level 3);
  • trace fragments of lexical and grammatical errors (OHP level 4).

In speech therapy practice, the 3rd level of speech impairment is most common, in which the child speaks with a predominance of simply built phrases without complex turns.

Causes, first signs

Often speech problems that determine the level of speech development are predetermined even before the birth of a child due to a genetic predisposition or complications during pregnancy. The most common reasons for the development of general underdevelopment of speech include:

  • Rh-conflict of the child with the mother;
  • intrauterine strangulation of the fetus, hypoxia;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • persistent infectious diseases in infancy;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • diseases of a chronic nature.

Psycho-emotional and mental reasons include shock of any nature, place of residence or conditions unsuitable for the development of communication skills, lack of verbal communication, attention.

Usually, the occurrence of a deviation can be diagnosed at a fairly late age. The development of OHP can be indicated by a prolonged absence of speech in a child (mainly by 3-5 years). In the presence of speech activity, its activity and variety are not high, often spoken words are illegible and illiterate.

The concentration of attention may be reduced, the processes of perception and memorization are inhibited. In some cases, there is a violation of motor activity (especially associated with coordination of movements) and latent motor skills of pronunciation.

Often, the general underdevelopment of speech of the 3rd level is mistakenly identified with a delay in speech development. These are different deviations: in the first case, there is a pathology of speech reflection of thoughts, in the second - the untimely appearance of speech while maintaining its clarity and literacy.

Deviation characteristic

Children with OHP level 3 are characterized by the use of simple, uncomplicated words without constructing complex sentences. Often the child does not form full-fledged phrases, limiting himself to fragmentary phrases. Nevertheless, the speech is widespread and expanded. Free communication is quite difficult.

With this type of deviation, the understanding of the text is not distorted, with the exception of complex participial, participle, additional constructions that are built into sentences. The interpretation of the logic of the narrative may be violated - children with OHP level 3 do not draw analogies and logical chains between the spatial, temporal, causal relationships of speech.

In contrast, the volume of the vocabulary of children with OHP level 3 is extensive, as it includes words of almost all parts of speech and forms, each of which is in the active vocabulary of the speaker. The most commonly used words in children with such a deviation are nouns and verbs due to the general simplification of speech, adverbs and adjectives are less common in oral narration.

Typical for OHP 3 is the inaccurate and sometimes incorrect use of item names and names. Concepts are changing:

  • a part of an object is called the name of the whole object (hands - hours);
  • the names of professions are replaced by descriptions of actions (pianist - “a person plays”);
  • species names are replaced by a common generic characteristic (pigeon - bird);
  • mutual substitution of non-identical concepts (high - large).

Mistakes are made in the selection of service parts of speech (prepositions, conjunctions), cases for them (“into the forests - in the forest”, “from a cup - from a cup”), up to their unjustified ignoring. It may be incorrect to coordinate the words of different parts of speech with each other (usually children confuse endings and cases). Often there is an incorrect placement of stress in words.

With uncomplicated forms of general speech underdevelopment of type 3, errors in the sound perception of words and a violation of the structure of syllables (with the exception of the repetition of long words of 3 or 4 syllables, where such a reduction occurs) are practically not observed. To a lesser extent, the distortion of the sound transmission of speech is expressed, but when this symptom manifests itself in a free conversation, even those sounds that the child can pronounce correctly may be distorted.

Diagnosis of ONR by a speech therapist

Diagnosis of speech deviations in any type of ONR at the initial stages does not differ. Before the examination, the speech therapist collects an anamnesis of the disease, which indicates all the features of the course of the condition in a particular case:

  • state duration;
  • moment of occurrence;
  • main symptoms;
  • speech characteristics of children with OHP;
  • degree of expression;
  • possible speech pathologies associated with the activity of the speech centers of the brain (, etc.);
  • features of the manifestation of OHP in the early stages;
  • past illnesses suffered by the child.

For an accurate diagnosis of the condition, a preliminary consultation with a pediatrician and a neuropathologist dealing with disorders of children's mental activity is necessary.

Direct examination of speech function includes checking all components of harmonious, coherent speech. Usually investigated:

  • the ability to form coherent thoughts (when describing images, retelling and storytelling);
  • the degree of development of the grammatical component (literacy of agreement of words in a sentence, the ability to change and form word forms);
  • the degree of correctness of the sound transmission of thought.

On images for children with OHP level 3, it is proposed to separate the concept of an object and its parts (handle - cup), correlate professions and relevant attributes (singer - microphone), animals with their cubs (cat - kitten). Thus, the ratio of active and passive reserves and their vastness are revealed.

Vocabulary breadth is examined to determine the child's ability to draw analogies, identify a concept with its denoting object, and relate several related concepts.

When confirming the diagnosis of ONR, a study of the ability to remember through auditory memory is performed. The degree of correct pronunciation of words, the literacy of the construction of syllables, the phonetic component of speech and the peculiarities of the motor skills of the child's speech activity are analyzed. The child's skills in the field of speech etiquette are also evaluated.

OHP type 3 involves:

  • a slight change in the sound pronunciation and syllabic transmission of words;
  • the presence of non-rough grammatical errors in the construction of sentences;
  • avoiding pronunciation of complex sentences;
  • simplification of speech reflection of thoughts.

Based on the results of the examination, the speech therapist makes a conclusion about the presence or absence of ONR, if necessary, prescribing a number of preventive or therapeutic measures to correct the condition. A characteristic of the speech of children with ONR is compiled.

Level 3 OHP correction

There is no basic, commonly used treatment method: in each specific case, the type of treatment is selected differentially due to differences in the development of speech in different children.

When setting the OHP of the 3rd degree, corrective speech therapy sessions are prescribed. In the course of treatment, the skills of forming a coherent thought are developed, the quality of speech is improved in terms of lexical and grammatical parameters, the sound pronunciation of words and their auditory reflection are improved.

During the correction, at the same time, children with OHP level 3 are being prepared for the study of the grammatical aspects of the language.

Usually, regular sessions with a speech therapist are sufficient to correct the condition, but for complicated cases of speech disorders, training is provided in specialized preschool and school educational institutions. The term of study for children with OHP level 3 is 2 years. Correction is more effective at an early age (about 4 or 5 years old) - it is at this age that enrollment in such educational institutions occurs.

In the general case, there are no grounds for the indispensable enrollment of a child with OHP level 3 in a specialized school. Such a child is distinguished by increased distraction of attention, as well as concentration.

Preventive measures, prognosis for OHP correction

Level 3 ONR is much more treatable than grade 2 ONR. At the same time, the process of improving oral speech skills is long and complex, as it is associated with a change in speech habits, expansion of the vocabulary, and the formation of the correct pronunciation of complex words.

Preventive measures are aimed at reducing the influence of adverse factors. For the harmonious development of speech, it is important:

  • pay sufficient attention to the development of communication skills;
  • reduce the risk of developing infectious diseases in childhood;
  • prevent traumatic brain injury;
  • stimulate speech activity from infancy.

It is especially important to stick to this regimen during and after the OHP correction, because it is necessary to maintain the effect with the formation of a habit.

ONR grade 3 responds well to therapy, since this type of deviation is not critical. Children can express their thoughts relatively freely, despite the simplification of speech reflection and the appearance of some grammatical, lexical or sound errors in the narrative.

Compulsory education in a specialized school for such a violation is not required - it is enough to correctly organize the child's daily routine, follow the recommendations of a speech therapist, and if necessary, regularly attend general correction sessions.

Another will be the survey, when, along with identifying the nature of the speech disorder, the task is to differentiate the actual speech disorder from speech disorders caused by hearing loss or mental retardation, which is necessary in the process of selecting children for education in special schools. In this case, speech material can be used to examine hearing and intelligence. In addition, there is a need to apply additional techniques to explore the intellectual capabilities of children. Depending on the purpose and specific practical tasks, one or another type of survey is used.



The general underdevelopment of speech in children with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence should be understood as a form of speech anomaly in which the formation of all components of the speech system related to both the sound and semantic aspects of speech is impaired.

With a general underdevelopment of speech, its late onset, a meager vocabulary, agrammatism, pronunciation and phoneme formation defects are noted.

Speech underdevelopment in children can be expressed to varying degrees: from the complete absence of speech or its babbling state to expanded speech, but with elements of phonetic and lexical and grammatical underdevelopment.

Conventionally, three levels of general underdevelopment of speech can be distinguished, with the first two characterizing the deep degrees of speech impairment, and at the third, higher level, children have only individual gaps in the development of the sound side of speech, vocabulary and grammatical structure.

The first level of speech development It is characterized by a complete or almost complete absence of verbal means of communication at an age when speech is mostly formed in normally developing children. Children 5-6 years old, and sometimes older, have a meager active vocabulary, consisting of onomatopoeia and sound complexes. These sound complexes, accompanied by gestures, are formed by the children themselves and are incomprehensible to those around them. So, instead of a car driving, the child says “bibi”, instead of the floor and ceiling - “li”, accompanying the speech with a pointing gesture, instead of grandfather - “de”, etc.





named after A.S. PUSHKIN

Faculty of Defectology

Department of correctional pedagogy and correctional psychology

Graduate work

Inflection disorders and their correction in preschoolers with OHP level III


5th year student

distance learning

Tyshchenko M.N.

Saint Petersburg

















Relevance of the topic This study is determined by the fact that at the present time, when there is an increase in the requirements for primary education, a number of psychological and pedagogical problems related to the preparation of children for school are being updated. A child's success in school is largely determined by his readiness for schooling. For preschool children with speech disorders, the solution of these issues is of particular importance, as it is associated with the problem of early social adaptation of these children.

At the present stage, researchers note the rapid growth of speech pathology due to many harmful biological causes. A fairly common speech disorder among preschool children is general speech underdevelopment (OHP).

A number of fundamental and versatile studies have been devoted to the study of children with general underdevelopment of speech (I.T. Vlasenko, L.N. Efimenkova, I.M. Zhukova, G. Kashe, R.E. Levina, E.M. Mastyukova, N.V. (Novotortseva, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, etc.)

Speech is a complex and specially organized form of mental activity. Speech takes part in thought processes and is a regulator of human behavior. Mastering the native language as a means and way of communication and cognition is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. It is preschool childhood that is especially sensitive to speech acquisition: if a certain level of mastery of the native language is not achieved by the age of 5-6, then this path, as a rule, cannot be successfully completed at later age stages.

In children with general underdevelopment of speech, there is an insufficient formation of the speech functional system, the poverty of the dictionary, which is characterized by limited and inaccurate subject, verbal vocabulary, and a dictionary of features.

The limited vocabulary, the lack of formation of the grammatical system in children of older preschool age with OHP, are also manifested in the violation of word formation and inflection.

This topic relevant because the formation of inflection is a necessary condition for successful schooling. The level of formation of inflection and the grammatical structure of speech is the most important factor in mastering reading, writing, and spelling.

The development and formation of inflection, clarification of the meaning of the word, the formation of lexical consistency is of great importance for the development of the child's cognitive activity.

Object of study - the process of inflection in children of senior preschool age.

Subject of study- features of inflection in children of senior preschool age with a general underdevelopment of speech of the III level.

The purpose of this study- revealing the features of inflection in children of senior preschool age with a general underdevelopment of speech of the III level.

Hypothesis This study consists in the assumption that since children with general underdevelopment of speech have an underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech, the state of the inflection function in these children will have a number of features.

In accordance with the purpose, hypothesis, subject and object of the study, the following tasks:

¾ Analyze and study pedagogical, speech therapy, psychological literature on the topic.

¾ To develop and theoretically substantiate the methodology of the ascertaining experiment, aimed at studying the features of inflection in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III and their peers without speech disorders.

¾ In the course of the study, identify and compare the features of inflection in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III and their peers without speech disorders.

Theoretical significance The research lies in the fact that it allows you to expand scientific understanding of the symptoms of general underdevelopment of speech, to deepen knowledge about the features of the development of the grammatical structure of speech, in particular about the features of inflection in this category of children.

Practical significance lies in the fact that it allows you to determine the principles, directions and system of correction of general underdevelopment of speech.

Research methods

The following methods were used during the research:

¾ theoretical analysis of speech therapy, psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem;

¾ empirical - observation, psychological and pedagogical experiment, psychodiagnostic (questionnaires, conversations), biographical (collection and analysis of anamnestic data, study of documentation);

¾ interpretive methods;

¾ quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research results.

Provisions for protection - The formation of the grammatical structure of speech and inflection in ontogenesis is closely related to the general speech development of the child. By the end of preschool age, as a result of the development and complication of the types of activities of the child and the forms of his communication with the people around him, there is significant progress in the practical mastery of the child's native speech.

With general underdevelopment of speech (OHP), the formation of the grammatical structure of speech and inflection occurs with greater difficulties than mastering the active and passive vocabulary. This is due to the fact that grammatical meanings are always more abstract than lexical ones, and the grammatical system of a language is organized on the basis of a large number of language rules.

Violations of the grammatical structure of speech in OHP are due to the underdevelopment of morphological and syntactic generalizations in these children, the lack of formation of those language operations during which grammatical construction occurs, the choice of certain language units and elements from the paradigm fixed in the mind of the child and their combination into certain syntagmatic structures.

inflection underdevelopment speech preschool speech therapy


1.1 Linguistic and psycholinguistic aspect of the study of inflection

Research L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria and others show that the word does not only indicate a certain object, action, quality or attitude. The word calls to life, actualizes a whole complex of associations, behind each word there is necessarily a system of different connections: situational, conceptual, sound, etc. For example, the word "CAT" can cause connections by sound similarity ( cat - baby, lid, mug, window). In response to the same word, situational connections (cat - milk - mouse) and conceptual connections (cat - pet) can emerge.

The complex of associations that arise around one word is called the "semantic field". The presence of a "semantic field" allows a person to quickly select words in the process of communication. And if we have forgotten the word, then we are looking for it among the "semantic field". Words are normally grouped according to the type of oppositions (paradigms) and according to certain "semantic fields", that is, they are stored in the memory of the language in an orderly manner.

The "semantic field" consists of a core that surrounds the periphery - concerns. The core should be the most voluminous and only semantic. The "semantic field" is built on the basis of the analysis of the results of paradigmatic associates. In response to the stimulus word, children give out associates according to the type:

Rice. 1 - Associate types

All types of associates are divided into semantic and non-semantic. Non-sense associations include random and sound, and all the rest are semantic. Such a voluminous "semantic field" is formed gradually. First, children learn to model a small "field" associated with a certain situation, and then gradually expand it. As a result of such work, the child easily updates, recalls and memorizes up to 25-35 new words in one lesson. At the same time, there is a systematization of the meanings of the words of verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns of a more abstract meaning.

The existence of a "semantic field" shows that the selection of words in the process of utterance is a very complex process for a child. This is nothing more than "choosing the closest meaning of a word." This theoretical position is also confirmed by the fact that any word has a bunch of direct and figurative meanings. For example, the word "WING" can mean a bird's wing, an airplane's wing, a building's wing, and so on.

Thus, the process of perception and naming of a word by a child should be considered as a complex process of choosing the “closest meaning of the word”.

Psychological research shows that the word has an apparatus that creates the potential possibility of linking some words with other words. The connections that arise between words are commonly called word valences. The probability of evoking a word depends on the lexical connections that characterize the words.

Research by A.P. Klimenko, A.R. Luria, O.S. Vinogradova and others showed that words have a different number of potential connections (valences). In Russian, each word has a limited number of valences. The existence of valences and the organization of "semantic fields" of word meanings make it possible to "see" those psychological mechanisms that give impetus to the spontaneous (independent) development of speech in children with its underdevelopment, namely:

The word actualizes the chain of associations, which causes a multitude of new words;

Facilitates the search for words that are more accurate in meaning;

Teaches how to build phrases;

Generates a scheme of the whole statement;

Expands a simple sentence to a complex sentence, based on phrases.

All taken together is the basis for programming the scheme of the whole utterance.

When studying the characteristics of vocabulary in children with speech pathology, the psycholinguistic approach is promising and significant, as well as modern ideas about the development of vocabulary and various aspects of its study: about the structure of the meaning of a word and its development in ontogenesis, about semantic fields and features of their formation.

The word is the main element of language and speech and is considered from various perspectives: from the point of view of linguistic, psychological, psychophysiological, psycholinguistic. But with any approach, the importance of studying, first of all, the semantic side of the word is emphasized. The study of the meaning of a word is of great interest, since the meaning is a key moment in the process of verbal communication, perception and transmission of information, it is the basis of verbal thinking.

At present, in modern linguistics and psycholinguistics, the opinion on the multidimensionality of the systemic organization of vocabulary has been proved; the position of which, in the language system, is determined by a combination of factors. The lexical system of a language is a system of units of the same level, connected with each other by various relationships. The basis for combining words into different groups is the variety of criteria (based on the commonality of semantics, linguistic features).

The organization of the dictionary is based on semantic, derivational, grammatical connections, on the statistical and stylistic properties of words.

In the psycholinguistic aspect, the problem of the meaning of a word is covered in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.A. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, L.V. Sakharny and others. The semantics of a word determines its place in the lexical system of the language. The semantics of a word has a complex structure and has a number of important functions (L.S. Vygotsky, V.K. Gak, Yu.G. Karaulov, S.D. Katsnelson, A.P. Klimenko, N.G. Komlev, A.A. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, I.A. Sternin, N.V. Ufimtseva and others).

On the one hand, the word is the designation of a certain object, it correlates with a specific image of the object; on the other hand, the word generalizes the totality of objects.

1.2 Development of the grammatical structure of speech and inflection in ontogenesis

The development of the grammatical structure in ontogenesis is described in the works of many authors: A.N. Gvozdeva, T.N. Ushakova, A.M. Shakhnarovich.

The formation of the grammatical structure (inflection, syntactic structure of the sentence) is carried out only on the basis of a certain level of cognitive development of the child.

So, when forming inflection, the child, first of all, must be able to differentiate grammatical meanings: gender, number, case, etc., since before starting to use the language form, the child must understand what it means. When forming the grammatical structure of speech, the child needs to learn a complex system of grammatical patterns based on the analysis of the speech of others, the allocation of general grammar rules at a practical level, the generalization of these rules and fixing them in their own speech. The development of the morphological and syntactic systems of language in a child occurs in close interaction. The appearance of new grammatical forms of the word contributes to the complication of the sentence structure, and vice versa - the use of a certain sentence structure in oral speech simultaneously reinforces the grammatical forms of words.

In the works of A.N. Gvozdev, taking into account the close interaction of the morphological and syntactic systems of the language, three periods of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech are distinguished.

The first period is characterized by the use of sentences consisting of amorphous words-roots (from 1 year 3 months to 1 year 10 months), consists of 2 stages:

Stage 1 - a one-word sentence (from 1 year 3 months - up to 1 year 8 months)

Stage 2 - sentences from several words - roots (from 1 year 8 months - up to 1 year 10 months)

1st stage of the 1st period (Yy. 3 months - 1 year 8 months). At this short-term stage, the child uses the pouring of individual words as a sentence (single-word sentences). In the speech of the child, there are only a small number of words that he uses to express his desires, needs, impressions. At the same time, to clarify the meaning of his statement, the child often uses gestures and intonation. The first words that a child uses do not have a specific grammatical form, they are amorphous root words. In different sentences, they are used in the same sound design, without change.

The main part of the words are nouns denoting the names of persons, objects, onomatopoeia (boom, bi-bi, mu, meow), babble words (di, moko).

2nd stage of the 1st period. (1 year 8 months - 1 year 10 months) - the stage of sentences from several words-roots.

At this stage, the child combines in one statement, first 2, then 3 words, that is, a phrase appears in the child’s speech. There is no grammatical connection between the words. The child combines words in a statement, linking them only with intonation, the generality of the situation. In this case, words are used in sentences in the same amorphous, unchanging form. Nouns are used either in the nominative singular, or in a truncated, distorted, invariable form. Verbs are presented either in the indefinite form or in the form of the 2nd person singular imperative (dai, nisi, pat). An analysis of children's utterances at this stage shows that children catch from the speech of those around them only the general content, the general meaning of the word, expressed in its lexical basis. The formal-sign means of the language are not differentiated, they remain outside the sphere of its perception. Thus, when perceiving various forms of words (home, home, home, home, etc.), the child perceives the common part of these words (home).

When combining amorphous root words, the child still does not set and cannot solve the problem of choosing the desired grammatical form and uses the same form of the word in various phrases.

II period - the period of assimilation of the grammatical structure of the sentence (1 year 10 months - 3 years). This period consists of three stages:

1 stage of formation of the first forms of layers (I year 10 months -2 years 1 month);

Stage 2 of using the inflectional system of the language to express the syntactic relations of the elephant (2 years 1 month 2 years 6 months);

3 stage of assimilation of function words for expressing syntactic relations (2 years 6 months - 3 years).

The 1st stage of the II period is characterized by the appearance of the first forms of words. At this stage of the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, children begin to notice a different relationship between words in a sentence.

Unlike the previous stage, at which all words were used in the same, unchanging form, at this stage the child begins to use various forms of the same word in speech.

The first grammatical forms of nouns are the following: nominative singular and plural forms with the endings ы-, -и (phonetically always -i due to the softening of consonants), accusative forms with the ending -у (kisu, doll), sometimes genitive forms appear case with the ending s (no kitty), the ending -e to indicate a place (table instead of on the table), while the preposition is not used.

The first grammatical forms of verbs are: the imperative mood of the 2nd person singular (go, carry, give), formulas of the 3rd person singular of the present tense (without alternation in the stem) (sitting, sleeping g), reflexive and irrevocable verbs.

By the age of 2, adjectives appear, more often in the form of the nominative case, masculine or feminine, but without agreement with nouns.

Thus, in the child's speech, the first grammatical relations between words begin to be indicated: the agreement of nouns in the nominative case of the singular with the verb of the indicative mood (matik plays), some forms of verb control (dai kisu). However, in the speech of the child there are a large number of agrammatisms.

At this stage, there is an expansion of the sentence structure to 3-4 words (Tanya plays the cookie).

2nd stage of the II period - the stage of using the system of inflections to express word connections (from 2 years 1 month to 2 years 6 months).

Inflection in the Russian language is characterized by a wide variety of inflections, which are systematized during formation into various types of declensions of names and conjugations of verbs. Due to the complexity of the flexion system, the child cannot simultaneously learn all forms of inflection.

The sequence of mastering the grammatical forms of words by the child is determined by the semantic function and frequency of use in the speech of others.

The general tendency of children's speech is the initial assimilation of the most frequent inflections. For a certain time, children use only one, the most productive ending, which A. N. Gvozdev calls "dominant." Other variants of endings expressing the same grammatical meaning are absent in speech, are forced out, they are replaced by productive inflections.

So, the forms of genitive plural nouns have several endings: - oe, zero ending, -ey-, among which the ending -oe- is a productive inflection. In this regard, for a long time in the speech of children, replacements of unproductive inflections with the ending - oe (many spoons, knives) are observed. The more inflections are used in the language to express the same grammatical meaning, the more difficult it is to learn these forms.

A characteristic feature of children's speech at this stage is the desire to unify the basis of various forms of the word. Initially, there is an unambiguous connection of the root and inflection, which is expressed in the absence of alternation, fluency of vowels, suppletivism (hammer, left, people).

Thus, at the initial stage, the child learns the most general, most productive rules of formation, later masters particular rules, exceptions to the general rule (the norm of the language), and differentiation occurs within the language system.

At this stage, there are still many grammatical inaccuracies in children's speech. Some inflections are replaced by others, but within the same grammatical meaning.

Among the grammatical forms of nouns, non-prepositional forms of indirect cases are intensified: accusative, genitive, instrumental.

In the speech of children, differentiation of the singular and plural forms of verbs of the indicative mood is observed, the change is assimilated, but for persons (except for the 2nd person plural), the forms of the present and past tense are distinguished, but in the past tense the forms of masculine, feminine and neuter are still mixed.

The inflection of adjectives has not yet been mastered; in the speech of children, both correct and incorrect agreement of the adjective with the noun is observed. In the plural, adjectives are used correctly only in the nominative case. In some cases, adjectives are used after nouns. Personal pronouns are already learned. In the oral speech of children at this stage, some semantically simple prepositions appear: in, on, y, s, but their use does not always correspond to the language norm, there are replacements of prepositions, a mixture of endings.

There is an expansion and complication of the sentence structure up to 5-8 words, complex sentences appear, first non-union, then compound sentences with conjunctions.

3rd stage of the II period - the stage of assimilation of functional words for expressing syntactic relations (from 2 years 6 months to 3 years). A characteristic feature of normal speech development is that the assimilation of prepositions occurs only after the assimilation of the main most functional grammatical elements of the language - inflections.

At the initial stages of speech development, there are no prepositions in children's speech (on the table - table). But this period is not long. Having learned to isolate and use inflection, the child then introduces into this construction the missing third element - a preposition, expressing the lexico-grammatical meaning with the help of a preposition and inflection.

At this stage, the child correctly uses simple prepositions and many conjunctions, but when using more complex prepositions (because of, from under), agrammatisms are observed.

The assimilation of more specific rules of inflection continues, including the differentiation of the morphological system of declension of nouns (the assimilation of plural endings: -ov, -ami, -ah, case endings of the nominative plural: -a, -ia (horns, chairs).

At this stage, the agreement of adjectives with nouns in indirect cases is fixed.

In the speech of children at this stage, there is a further development of complex and complex sentences, many functional words are assimilated.

Thus, many grammatical forms are basically assimilated. However, the morphological system of the language has not yet been fully assimilated.

III period - the period of further assimilation of the morphological system (from 3 to 7 years).

During this period, the child systematizes grammatical forms according to the types of declension and conjugation, learns many single forms, exceptions. During this period, the free use of morphological elements (word creation) is significantly reduced, since the child masters not only the general rules of grammar, but also more specific rules, a system of "filters" imposed on the use of general rules.

In the speech of children under 4 years of age, sometimes there are still cases of fixed stress during inflection (on a horse), a tendency to unify the stem (peni, levy). After 4 years, this kind of occasionalisms disappear from children's speech, only violations of alternation in the stems of the verb (I'll pay) remain. The agreement of an adjective with a noun in indirect cases, verb control is assimilated.

Thus, by school age, the child masters basically the entire complex system of practical grammar. This level of practical knowledge of the language is very high, which allows the child at school age to move on to understanding grammatical patterns when learning the Russian language.

1.3 Causes and symptoms of general underdevelopment of speech

In speech therapy as a pedagogical science, the concept of "general underdevelopment of speech" is used in such a form of speech pathology in children with normal hearing and intact intelligence, when the formation of all components of the speech system is disturbed.

For the first time, a theoretical justification for the general underdevelopment of speech was formulated as a result of multidimensional studies of various forms of speech pathology in children of preschool and school age, conducted by R. E. Levina and a team of researchers from the Research Institute of Defectology (T. A. Kashe, L. F. Spirova) in 50-60s XX century. Deviations in the formation of speech began to be considered as developmental disorders proceeding according to the laws of the hierarchical structure of higher mental functions. From the standpoint of a systematic approach, the issue of the structure of various forms of speech pathology depending on the state of the components of the speech system was resolved.

Special studies of children with OHP have shown a clinical variety of manifestations of general underdevelopment of speech. Schematically, they can be divided into three main groups.

In children of the first group, there are signs of only a general underdevelopment of speech, without other pronounced disorders of neuropsychic activity. This is not a complicated variant of the general underdevelopment of speech. These children do not have local lesions of the central nervous system.

The absence of paresis and paralysis, pronounced subcortical and cerebellar disorders indicates the preservation of their primary (nuclear) zones of the motor speech analyzer. The distinguished minor neurological dysfunctions are mainly limited to disturbances in the regulation of muscle tone, insufficiency of fine differentiated movements of the fingers, unformed kinesthetic and dynamic praxis. It is predominantly a dysontogenetic variant of OHP.

Despite the absence of pronounced neuropsychiatric disorders in preschool age, children in this group need long-term speech therapy correctional work, and in the future - in special learning conditions.

In children of the second group, general underdevelopment of speech is combined with a number of neurological and psychopathological syndromes. This is a complicated variant of ONR of cerebro-organic genesis, in which there is a dysontogenetic encephalopathic symptom complex of disorders.

Clinical and psychological-pedagogical examination of children of the second group reveals the presence of characteristic disorders of cognitive activity in them, caused both by the speech defect itself and by low working capacity.

The children of the third group have the most persistent and specific speech underdevelopment, which is clinically referred to as motor alalia. These children have lesions (or underdevelopment) of the cortical speech areas of the brain and, first of all, Broca's area. The characteristic signs of motor alalia are the following: pronounced underdevelopment of all aspects of speech - phonemic, lexical, syntactic, morphological, all types of speech activity and all forms of oral and written speech.

A detailed study of children with OHP revealed the extreme heterogeneity of the described group in terms of the degree of manifestation of a speech defect, which allowed R. E. Levina to determine three levels of speech development of these children: from the complete absence of speech means of communication to detailed forms of connected speech with elements of phonetic-phonemic and lexical- grammatical underdevelopment.

The approach put forward by R. E. Levina made it possible to move away from describing only individual manifestations of speech insufficiency and to present a picture of the abnormal development of the child in a number of parameters that reflect the state of language means and communication processes. On the basis of a step-by-step structural-dynamic study of abnormal speech development, specific patterns are also revealed that determine the transition from a low level of development to a higher level.

Each level is characterized by a certain ratio of the primary defect and secondary manifestations that delay the formation of speech components that depend on it. The transition from one level to another is determined by the emergence of new language capabilities, an increase in speech activity, a change in the motivational basis of speech and its subject-semantic content, and the mobilization of a compensatory background.

Three levels of speech development are distinguished, reflecting the typical state of language components in preschool and school-age children with general underdevelopment of speech.

The first level of speech development . Speech means of communication are extremely limited. The active vocabulary of children consists of a small number of fuzzy everyday words, onomatopoeia and sound complexes. Pointing gestures and facial expressions are widely used. Children use the same complex to designate objects, actions, qualities, intonation and gestures, denoting the difference in meanings. Babbling formations, depending on the situation, can be regarded as one-word sentences.

There is almost no differentiated designation of objects and actions. The names of actions are replaced by the names of objects (to open - "tree" (door), and vice versa - the names of objects are replaced by the names of actions (bed - "pat"). The polysemy of the words used is characteristic. A small vocabulary reflects directly perceived objects and phenomena.

Children do not use morphological elements to convey grammatical relationships. Their speech is dominated by root words devoid of inflections. The "phrase" consists of babbling elements that consistently reproduce the situation they designate with the involvement of explanatory gestures. Each used in such a “phrase” has a diverse correlation and cannot be understood outside a specific situation.

There is no or only in its infancy understanding of the meanings of the grammatical changes of the word. If situationally orienting signs are excluded, children are unable to distinguish between singular and plural forms of nouns, the past tense of a verb, masculine and feminine forms, and do not understand the meaning of prepositions. In the perception of addressed speech, the lexical meaning is dominant.

The sound side of speech is characterized by phonetic uncertainty.

The task of isolating individual sounds for a child with babble is motivationally and cognitively incomprehensible and impossible.

A distinctive feature of the speech development of this level is the limited ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of the word.

The second level of speech development . The transition to it is characterized by increased speech activity of the child. Communication is carried out through the use of a constant, though still distorted and limited, stock of common words.

The names of objects, actions, and individual signs are designated differently. At this level, it is possible to use pronouns, and sometimes unions, simple prepositions in elementary meanings. Children can answer questions about the picture related to the family, familiar events of the surrounding life.

Speech deficiency is clearly manifested in all components. Children use only simple sentences consisting of 2-3, rarely 4 words. Vocabulary significantly lags behind the age norm: ignorance of many words denoting parts of the body, animals and their cubs, clothing, furniture, and professions is revealed.

Gross errors in the use of grammatical constructions are noted.

Children experience many difficulties when using prepositional constructions: often prepositions are omitted altogether, while the noun is used in its original form (“the book goes that” - the book lies on the table); it is also possible to replace the preposition (“it dies on the distance” - the mushroom grows under a tree). Unions and particles are rarely used.

The understanding of reversed speech at the second level develops significantly due to the distinction of some grammatical forms (unlike the first level), children can focus on morphological elements that acquire semantic difference for them.

The meanings of prepositions differ only in a well-known situation. The assimilation of grammatical patterns is more related to those words that early entered the active speech of children.

The phonetic side of speech is characterized by the presence of numerous distortions of sounds, substitutions and mixtures.

In children, the insufficiency of phonemic perception is revealed, their unpreparedness for mastering sound analysis and synthesis.

The third level of speech development is characterized by the presence of extended phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly whistling, hissing, affricates and sonoras), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given or close phonetic group.

Correctly repeating three or four syllable words after a speech therapist, children often distort them in speech, reducing the number of syllables (Children made a snowman - “Children hoarse Novik”). Many errors are observed in the transmission of the sound-filling of words: permutations and replacements of sounds and syllables, reductions in the confluence of consonants in a word.

Against the background of relatively extended speech, there is an inaccurate use of many lexical meanings. The active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs. There are not enough words denoting qualities, signs, states of objects and actions.

In free statements, simple common sentences predominate, complex constructions are almost never used.

Agrammatisms are noted: errors in agreeing numerals with nouns, adjectives with a noun in gender, number, case. A large number of errors are observed in the use of both simple and complex prepositions.

Understanding of addressed speech is developing significantly and is approaching the norm. There is an insufficient understanding of the changes in the meaning of words expressed by prefixes, suffixes; there are difficulties in distinguishing morphological elements expressing the meaning of number and gender, understanding logical-grammatical structures expressing causal, temporal and spatial relationships.

The described gaps in the development of phonetics, vocabulary and grammatical structure in school-age children manifest themselves more clearly when studying at school, creating great difficulties in mastering writing, reading and educational material.

Analysis of the data of speech therapy practice, pedagogical experience in studying children with general underdevelopment of speech has established that the variability of manifestations of general underdevelopment of speech is not limited to three levels of speech development. As a result of a long-term comprehensive psychological and pedagogical study of children with general speech underdevelopment, T. B. Filicheva revealed another category of children with general speech underdevelopment, “whose signs of speech underdevelopment are erased” and are not always correctly diagnosed as systemic and persistent speech underdevelopment. And this group of children can be defined as the fourth level of general underdevelopment of speech.

It is characterized by a slight violation in the formation of all components of the language system, which is revealed in the process of in-depth speech therapy examination when children perform specially selected tasks. The general underdevelopment of speech of the fourth level is defined by the author as a kind of erased or mild form of speech pathology, in which children have implicit but persistent impairments in mastering the language mechanisms of word formation, inflection, in the use of words of complex structure, some grammatical constructions, and an insufficient level of differentiated perception of phonemes. .

Inadequate speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in children.

There is a lack of stability of attention, limited possibilities of its distribution. With a relatively intact semantic logical memory in children, verbal memory is reduced, memorization productivity suffers. They forget complex instructions, elements, and sequences of tasks.

The relationship between speech disorders and other aspects of mental development determines the specific features of thinking. Possessing, on the whole, full-fledged prerequisites for mastering mental operations, accessible to their age, children lag behind in the development of verbal-logical thinking, without special training they hardly master analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

Along with general somatic weakness, they are also characterized by a certain lag in the development of the motor sphere, which is characterized by poor coordination of movements, uncertainty in performing dosed movements, a decrease in speed and in dexterity. The greatest difficulties are revealed when performing movements according to verbal instructions.

There is insufficient coordination of fingers, hands, underdevelopment of fine motor skills. Slowness is detected, stuck in one position.

Thus, it can be noted that for the general underdevelopment of speech, the characteristic features are: its late appearance, a meager vocabulary, agrammatisms, pronunciation and phoneme formation defects. Insufficient speech activity leaves an imprint on the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in children.

Thus, understanding the structure of general underdevelopment of speech, the reasons underlying it, understanding the ratio of primary and secondary disorders is necessary when sending children to special institutions, choosing adequate corrective measures.

1.4 Features of the grammatical structure of speech and inflection in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech of level III

With OHP, the formation of a grammatical structure occurs with greater difficulties than mastering a dictionary: the meanings of grammatical forms are more abstract, the rules for grammatical change of words are diverse.

Mastering the grammatical forms of inflection, methods of word formation, various types of sentences occurs in children with OHP in the same sequence as in normal speech development; the insufficiency of the grammatical structure is manifested in a slower pace of assimilation of the laws of grammar, in the disharmony of the development of the morphological and syntactic systems of the language.

One of the pronounced features of the speech of children with OHP is the discrepancy in the volume of the passive and active vocabulary: children understand the meanings of many words, the volume of their passive vocabulary is sufficient, but the use of words in speech is very difficult.

The poverty of the active vocabulary is manifested in the inaccurate pronunciation of many words - the names of berries, flowers, wild animals, birds, tools, professions, parts of the body and face. The verb dictionary is dominated by words denoting daily household activities. It is difficult to assimilate words that have a generalized meaning, and words denoting the assessment, state, quality and attribute of the subject. Words are both understood and used inaccurately, their meaning is unduly expanded, or, on the contrary, it is understood too narrowly. There is a delay in the formation of semantic fields.

Violation of the formation of grammatical operations leads to a large number of morphological agrammatisms in the speech of children with OHP. The main mechanism of morphological agrammatisms lies in the difficulties of isolating a morpheme, correlating the meaning of a morpheme with its sound image.

In the works of N.S. Zhukova, L.F. Spirova, T.B. Filicheva, S. N. Shakhovskaya, the following violations of the morphological system of the language in children with ONR were identified.

1) incorrect use of generic, numerical, case endings of nouns, pronouns, adjectives (digs a shovel, red balls, many spoons);

2) incorrect use of case and generic endings of cardinal numbers (two buttons are missing);

3) incorrect agreement of verbs with nouns and pronouns (children draw, they fell).

4) incorrect use of generic and numerical endings of verbs in the past tense (the tree has fallen);

5) incorrect use of prepositional case constructions (under the table, at home, from a glass).

At the same time, both general and specific agrammatisms (occasional forms) are revealed in children. General occasionalisms are characteristic of both normal and impaired speech development.

The main trend that manifests itself in inflection is the unification of the basis and paradigm of inflection.

We can distinguish the following types of occasionalisms in shaping.

Unification of the place of the stressed syllable, i.e., fixing the stress on a certain syllable in a word. So, in various forms of nouns, the stress of the original word is preserved (there is no table, there are many trains).

Elimination of fluency of vowels, i.e., alternation of a vowel with zero sound (lefts, pennies, hammers, dogs, pieces, many sisters).

Ignoring alternations of final consonants (uhi, teket, beget, neighbors).

Elimination of the build-up or change of suffixes (friend - others, com - coma, chair - chairs, kitten - kittens, miracle - chula, tree - trees).

The absence of suppletivism in shaping (a person - people, a child - children, a horse - horses).

At the same time, the choice of occasional inflection comes from the paradigm of forms of the same grammatical meaning; "Misselection of a functional element always occurs within the required functional class or subcategory".

There is a lag in the use of words-signs of objects denoting shape, color, material. Often there are substitutions for the names of words, due to the generality of situations (cuts - tears, sharpens - cuts). During a special examination, gross errors in the use of grammatical forms are noted:

Changes of case endings ("rolled-gokam" - rides on a hill);

Errors in the use of forms of number and gender of verbs ("Kolya pi-tyalya" - Kolya wrote);

When changing nouns by numbers ("da pamidka" - two pyramids, "two kafi" - two cabinets);

Lack of agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns ("asin adas" - a red pencil, "asin eta" - a red ribbon, "asin aso" - a red wheel, "pat kuka" - five dolls, "tinya pato" - a blue coat, "tinya cube" - a blue cube, "tinya cat" - a blue jacket).

Children make many mistakes when using prepositional constructions: prepositions are often omitted altogether, while the noun is used in its original form (“Kadas ledit aepka” - The pencil is in the box), prepositions can also be replaced (“Tetatka is down and melting” - The notebook fell off the table ).

Unions and particles are rarely used in speech.

In the process of inflection in children with OHP, the processes of “generalization” do not function enough, i.e., the identification of the rules and patterns of the morphological system of the language and their generalization in the process of generating speech. For the processes of formation of preschoolers with OHP, linguistic asymmetry is characteristic, that is, a deviation from regularity in the structure and functioning of linguistic signs.

Preschoolers with OHP have a large number of mixtures of morphemes, that is, morphemic paraphasias, not only semantically close, but also semantically distant, not included in the paradigm of morphemes of the same meaning.

Among the forms of inflection in preschool children with OHP 6 years of age, the greatest difficulties are caused by prepositional case constructions of nouns, case endings of plural nouns, changing past tense verbs by gender (especially agreement in the neuter gender), agreement of an adjective with a noun in gender, number and case .

A specific feature of the speech of children with OHP is a great dependence on lexical semantics, the degree of familiarity of the word, on the sound-syllabic structure of the word, and on the type of sentence.

Conclusion on the first chapter

The formation of the grammatical structure of speech and inflection in ontogenesis is closely related to the general speech development of the child. By the end of preschool age, as a result of the development and complication of the types of activities of the child and the forms of his communication with the people around him, there is significant progress in the practical mastery of the child's native speech.

With general underdevelopment of speech (OHP), the formation of the grammatical structure of speech and inflection occurs with greater difficulties than mastering the active and passive vocabulary. This is due to the fact that grammatical meanings are always more abstract than lexical ones, and the grammatical system of a language is organized on the basis of a large number of language rules.

Grammatical forms of inflection, word formation, types of sentences appear in children with OHP, as a rule, in the same sequence as in normal speech development. A peculiar mastery of the grammatical structure of speech by children with OHP is manifested in a slower pace of assimilation, in the disharmony of the development of the morphological and syntactic systems of the language, semantic and formal language components, in the distortion of the overall picture of speech development.

Thus, preschoolers with OHP have word formation disorders.

It's related:

Difficulties in isolating the essential features of words;

With underdevelopment of mental operations of comparison and generalization;

With insufficient word search activity;

With the unformed semantic fields within the lexical system of the language;

With the instability of connections within the lexical system of the language;

With a limited vocabulary, which makes it difficult to choose the right word.


2.1 Purpose and objectives of the study

aim This study is the optimal selection of methods to determine the features of word formation in older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment of level III.

Based on the goal, we have identified the following tasks:

To select methods for identifying the features of word formation in older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech of the III level and their peers without speech impairment.

To conduct a study of the features of word formation in older preschoolers with a general underdevelopment of speech of the III level and their peers with a normative variant of speech development using selected methods.

Analyze and compare the results obtained during the study by conducting a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the study results.

2.2. The content of the methodology of the ascertaining experiment

For the study, modified methods of R.I. Lalaeva, G.V. Chirkina.

Diagnosis of the formation of the inflection system [ 20 ] .

Exercise 1.

Target- diagnostics of the formation of the ability to change nouns by cases.

speech material

The horse eats a piece (sugar).

The children were given jam from (strawberries).

There are many (horses) in the meadow.

There are many in the city (tram).

The guys made a gift (teacher).

Instruction: " Listen carefully! I will read an unfinished sentence, and you choose a picture that will help you find a word and change it so that the sentence sounds right.

Grade :

2- a large number of errors;

1 - did not cope with the task.

Task 2.

Target diagnostics of the formation of the ability to agree on adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

Speech material: Wing (black), gloves (black), switch (black), handle (black).

Instruction:"Be careful! I will give you the words, and you change the second word so that it answers the questions: Which one? Which? Which? Which? and fit the first word.


5 - correct performance of tasks;

2- a large number of errors;

1 - did not cope with the task.

Task 3.

Target diagnostics of the formation of the ability to form nouns of the genitive case of the singular and plural.

Speech material:

Butterfly, Dress, Squirrel, Orange, Finger, Face,

Instruction:"Be careful! I will tell you the words, and you change the word so that you can say about it: There is no one? There is nothing?

For example, Butterfly - no one? Butterflies.


5 - correct performance of tasks;

4-1-2 self-correcting errors;

3- minor errors with correction with the help of a speech therapist;

2- a large number of errors;

1 - did not cope with the task.

Task 4.

Target diagnostics of the formation of the ability to change verbs by numbers.

Speech material:

The apple is ripe. Apples

The lily of the valley smells. lilies of the valley

The cow is mooing. cows

The horse is jumping. Horses

Instruction:"Be careful! I will give you a word, and you change it so that there are many objects that it denotes. For example, an apple is ripening. The apples are ripe."


5 - correct performance of tasks;

4-1-2 self-correcting errors;

3- minor errors with correction with the help of a speech therapist;

2- a large number of errors;

1 - did not cope with the task.

Task 5.

Target diagnostics of the formation of the ability to agree on past tense verbs with nouns in gender and number.

Speech material:

(Sleep) cat... (Make noise) sea

kittens .... streams ....

Instruction: Be careful! I will give you the words, and you change them so that they fit the word sleep (make noise) and indicate that it has already passed. For example, the cat was sleeping. The sea was noisy.


5 - correct performance of tasks;

4-1-2 self-correcting errors;

3- minor errors with correction with the help of a speech therapist;

2-a large number of errors;

1 - did not cope with the task.

Task 6.

Target diagnostics of the formation of the ability to agree on verbs with personal pronouns.

speech material

WorkI You He

Instruction: « Be careful! Change the words go, read, work, so that it would be correct. For example, I go, you go, he goes.


5 - correct performance of tasks;

4- 1-2 errors with self-correction;

3 - minor errors with correction with the help of a speech therapist;

2- a large number of errors;

1 - did not cope with the task.

Task 7.

The study of the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals "two" and "five".

Material: pictures on which are drawn: a bear, two bears, five bears, a frog, two frogs, five frogs, a tree, 2 trees, 5 trees, a ball, 2 balls, 5 balls.

Instruction: carefully examine the pictures, say what is drawn on them and in what quantity.

Outcome evaluations :

5 points for completing the task without difficulty or error.

4 point - correction of individual errors independently or after the comments of the experimenter.

3 points - significant difficulties and numerous errors in inflection, the help of the experimenter helps to complete the task to the end.

2 points - violation of mastering the skill of inflection in most cases.

1 point - correct answers only in some cases, the help of the experimenter is ineffective.

2.3 Organization of the study. Characteristics of the subjects

Research Base: The study was conducted in the State preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5 of the combined type" of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg, preschoolers 6-6.5 years old took part in the study. The experimental group included 12 children diagnosed with OHP level III, the control group included 12 children without speech pathologies, aged 6-6.5 years.

The ascertaining research was carried out in three stages.

On first stage children were selected into the experimental and control groups. The anamnesis, history of development of children of both groups, psychological and pedagogical characteristics were studied. The results of a speech therapy examination of children from the experimental group were analyzed. Consultations were held with the doctor, teachers and speech therapist of the preschool educational institution in order to clarify the clinical, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the children, as well as to clarify the speech status of the children who made up the experimental group.

On second stage an experimental study was carried out according to the developed methodology. The examination of each child was carried out individually in the course of seven specially organized sessions, lasting thirty minutes each. The results of the survey were recorded in individual protocols, which were later subjected to qualitative and quantitative processing and interpretation.

On third stage During the ascertaining study, a qualitative analysis of the experimental data was carried out, after which the results of the study were summarized and conclusions were formulated on their basis.

A sample of children is presented in Appendix 1.

Experimental group For most children, life experience and ideas about the world around them are poor and limited. As a result, their communication with peers and adults is limited, which ultimately leads to an insufficient understanding of the meaning and meaning of words.

Children are characterized by such deviations in personality development as violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, manifested in increased sensitivity, excitability, motor disinhibition, infantilism, and weak arbitrariness of behavior. During classes, the main part of the children experience increased fatigue, exhaustion, poor performance.

Attention is drawn to the insufficient cognitive activity of preschoolers. The questions with which they turn to an adult most often relate only to the external, unimportant aspects of objects.

There is a violation of the process of orientation activity, which entails an insufficiently active search for solutions: they are usually satisfied with the first option that comes to mind and do not seek to find a more adequate one.

We can also note increased anxiety, situationalness, weakness of self-regulation and purposefulness of behavior. There is also a weak concentration of attention, impulsivity, exhaustion of nervous processes.

Control group. Mental and psychophysiological indicators of these children are normal.

Clinical characteristics of children showed that:

According to the medical records, the children of the two groups do not have visual or auditory impairments. One child from the experimental group is registered with a neurologist, two children from the same group are registered with a dermatologist.

Children from the control group have I health group, physical development corresponds to 1.

50% of children from the experimental group have the I group of health and 50% of the children have the II group.

The collection of anamnestic data showed that in children with ONR in 67% of cases, there are violations of the normal course of pregnancy, there are such deviations as: severe toxicosis of pregnancy, infections, in 73% of cases the pathology of childbirth was recorded. Previously, psychomotor and speech development proceeded with a delay. The development of children in the control group corresponded to age characteristics.

The main characteristics of deviations of various periods of development in children of the control and experimental groups are shown in Table 2.

table 2

The nature of deviations of various periods of development in children of the control and experimental groups

Anamnestic data


group of 12 children

Control group

1. Speech disorders in parents. - -
2. The nature of the course of pregnancy

a) toxicosis (1st, 2nd half of pregnancy)

3- toxicosis of the first floor. pregnancy

4 - without toxicosis

5- toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy

7 - without toxicosis

5 - toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy

b) Chronic diseases of the mother:

Infectious diseases



The use of medications

6 antipyretics, antibiotics
- nicotine use, smoking deny deny
- mental and physical trauma of the mother -

3. The nature of the course of childbirth

Urgent, without features - 4

5 - emergency caesarean section.

3-early, protracted, dehydrated

11-normal, no features

1 - emergency caesarean section.

- stimulation 0 0

The child screamed

7 - (not immediately, the presence of mild asphyxia)

2- (not immediately, the presence of mild asphyxia)

- trauma during childbirth 0 0

4. Early postnatal development

8 children were breastfed, 8 had psychomotor retardation.

Breastfeeding of all children was carried out, the life rhythm was without features, early psychomotor development was normal.
- past illnesses

SARS, rubella, chicken pox.

2 - allergy

Rare SARS, rubella, chickenpox after a year

5. Early development

Delayed early development is observed in 10 children. Early development proceeded without features.

Thus, we determined the presence of natal and postnatal pathology in most children of the experimental group, which reveals a predisposition to speech pathology.


3.1 Characteristics of the results of the study of the experimental group

The results of the study of the experimental group are reflected in table 1 and diagram 1.

Table 1

Analysis of the results of the study of the features of inflection in children of senior preschool age with OHP level III

Name total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sveta Ch. 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1,7
2 Ksyusha K. 2 3 1 4 1 2 3 2,3
3 Vika T. 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 2,1
4 Christina R 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1,9
5 Valya L. 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2,1
6 Luda R. 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1,7
7 Misha P. 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2,7
8 Igor S. 2 3 1 4 1 2 2 2,1
9 Kostya S. 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 2,3
10 Ksyusha V. 2 3 1 4 1 2 2 2,1
11 Natasha K. 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1,7
12 Olya M. 1 2 1 3 1 2 2 1,7
Average value 1,8 2,4 1,3 2,9 1,6 2,3 2,4 2,0









Graphically, the results of the study are presented in Diagram 1.

Diagram 1

Analysis of the results of the study of the features of inflection in children of senior school age with OHP level III


1. case changes of nouns.

2. agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

3. the ability to form nouns in the genitive case of the singular and plural.

4. ability to change verbs by numbers.

5. ability to agree past tense verbs with nouns in gender and number.

6. ability to agree verbs with personal pronouns.

7. ability to coordinate nouns with numerals "two" and "five".

So, based on the data noted in table 1 and diagram 1, we can talk about the following facts:

In the experimental group, violations of inflection were revealed, expressed in the incorrect change of nouns in cases - three children did not cope with the task, 8 children made a large number of mistakes, one subject made minor mistakes on the second attempt.

In the children of the experimental group, problems were caused by tasks for matching adjectives with nouns in gender and number. Although all the children coped with the task, 8 people made a large number of mistakes, four children made minor mistakes after the second attempt.

8 children from the experimental group did not cope with the task of forming genitive singular and plural nouns, only two children coped with the task with multiple errors and two children made minor mistakes with correction with the help of a speech therapist.

When performing tasks for changing verbs by numbers, the children showed the highest results, although they made minor mistakes with correction with the help of a speech therapist.

In tasks for agreeing past tense verbs with nouns in gender and number, 6 people did not cope at all, and 6 showed the result with many errors, when agreeing verbs with personal pronouns, the results were higher, but despite the fact that all the children completed the task, they made a lot of mistakes.

So, Misha P. said: "The children were given strawberry jam"; Igor S.: "Black gloves", Sveta Ch.: "Butterfly, butterfly, butterflies", Kostya S.: "Horses are galloping", Vika T.: "Dress, dresses, dresses".

Analysis of the results of the study revealed an incorrect agreement of numerals with nouns in almost all subjects of the experimental group, so when performing this task, 5 people experienced significant difficulties and made numerous mistakes in inflection, they were able to complete the task to the end only with the help of the experimenter, while 7 people, with performing this task, there are violations of mastering the skill of inflection in most cases.

3.1 Characteristics of the results of the study of the control group

The results of the study of the control group are reflected in table 2 and diagram 2.

table 2

Analysis of the results of the study of the features of inflection in children of senior preschool age with normal speech development

Name Method for diagnosing the formation of the inflection system Outcome
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Masha S. 4 4 5 4 5 3 4 4,1
2 Sasha K. 5 4 3 4 5 4 4 4,1
3 Vanya T. 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 4,4
4 Cyril M. 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4,1
5 Ksyusha V. 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3,9
6 Lera R. 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 4,7
7 Masha R. 4 4 5 4 5 3 4 4,1
8 Victor M. 3 3 2 4 4 4 4 3,4
9 Katya P. 5 4 3 4 5 4 4 4,1
10 Misha K. 4 5 5 4 4 5 4 4,4
11 Nastya A. 5 4 3 4 5 4 4 4,1
12 Philip T. 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3,9
Average value 4,1 4,2 4,1 4,1 4,5 4,2 4,0 4,1


1. case changes of nouns.

2. agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

3. the ability to form nouns in the genitive case of the singular and plural.

4. ability to change verbs by numbers.

5. ability to agree past tense verbs with nouns in gender and number.

6. ability to agree verbs with personal pronouns.

7. ability to coordinate nouns with numerals "two" and "five".

Diagram 3

Analysis of the results of the study of the features of inflection in children of senior school age with normal speech development


1. case changes of nouns.

2. agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

3. the ability to form nouns in the genitive case of the singular and plural.

4. ability to change verbs by numbers.

5. ability to agree past tense verbs with nouns in gender and number.

6. ability to agree verbs with personal pronouns.

7. ability to coordinate nouns with numerals "two" and "five".

Children of the control group showed high results in all the proposed tasks. The study showed that in children without speech pathology, the formation of the inflection system is at a high level, which corresponds to the age category. The research materials show that almost all children in the control group have a high level of formation of the grammatical means of the language (90%), and only 10% have an average level. A low level in this group of children was not noted.

Almost all children in the control group completed the tasks with pleasure, did not experience great difficulties, sometimes the children needed an additional explanation of the instructions.

The study confirmed the presence of inflectional features in children with OHP level III, for their detailed identification, a comparative analysis of the study results was carried out.

3.3 Comparative analysis of the results of the study of inflection in older preschool children with OHP level III and preschoolers without speech disorders

In preschoolers with OHP level III, low-productive, unstable attention, poor ability to concentrate, distribute attention, and rapid exhaustion of attention were noted.

An experimental study conducted with children with OHP level III and children without speech disorders revealed specific features of the violation of the grammatical structure of children's speech. There is a lack of formation in the children of the experimental group of some complex grammatical forms.

A comparative comprehensive study revealed a lower level of formation and qualitative originality of the processes of inflection in children with OHP level III in comparison with children in the control group.

Graphically, the results of this study are presented in Diagram 3.

Diagram 3

Analysis of the results of the study of the characteristics of inflection in children of the control and experimental groups


1. case changes of nouns.

2. agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

3. the ability to form nouns in the genitive case of the singular and plural.

4. ability to change verbs by numbers.

5. ability to agree past tense verbs with nouns in gender and number.

6. ability to agree verbs with personal pronouns.

7. ability to coordinate nouns with numerals "two" and "five".

A comparative analysis of the results of the experiment made it possible to identify three levels of formation of the inflection system in the subjects.

The low level of formation corresponds to the results from 0 to 2.1 points, the average level corresponds to the results from 2.1 to 3.6 points, the high level of formation of the inflection system corresponds to 3.6 to 5 points.

Among the children of the control group, there is mainly a high level (8 people), four children showed an average level, and a low level was not detected.

Among the subjects of the experimental group, a low level of the state of inflection was mainly revealed (8 children). Four children showed an average level, a high level of inflection development in the experimental group was not revealed.

The results of the study by levels are shown in Diagram 4.

Diagram 4

The results of the study of the control and experimental groups by levels

Thus, in children with OHP, there is mainly a low level of formation of the inflection system, since according to the results of the study, the average score for these values ​​is 2.05 and 2.1 points, respectively.

The indicators of the children of the control group are much higher than the children of the experimental group, a high level of formation of the inflection system prevails. In this group of children, the result is mainly determined by the results of the study, which is 4.17 and 4.18 points, respectively.

Analysis of the results of the study made it possible to identify the most common mistakes:

Children with OHP level III experienced great difficulty in changing nouns in cases, often not noticing their mistake even when a speech therapist pointed it out, they said: The horse eats a lump of sugar. The children were given strawberry jam. This task did not cause difficulties for preschoolers without speech disorders, in general, children in the control group coped with the task at a high level, the average result for the group was 4.1 points, in the experimental group the result is much lower than 1.8 points. Preschoolers in the control group, even if they pronounce words and phrases with errors, they immediately corrected themselves when they heard that they did not pronounce correctly, and children in the experimental group could hardly correct themselves even after the help of a speech therapist.

Wrong accents in a word

The difficulties of developing inflectional skills in preschoolers must be taken into account in correctional and pedagogical activities to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech.

Revealing the nature of the formation of inflection processes in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech is necessary to develop a theoretical justification for the inclusion of new sections in speech therapy work aimed at developing conscious skills and abilities to use new words.

Mastering the laws of inflection at a practical level, the ability to isolate, differentiate and synthesize morphemes, determine their common meanings are necessary conditions for replenishing vocabulary through derivative words, mastering the grammatical system of the language, creating the prerequisites for spelling-correct writing, the most important principle is morphological.

The data of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children with OHP level III allow the speech therapist to determine the most adequate system for organizing children in the learning process, to find the most appropriate individual methods and correction techniques for each.


4.1 Basic principles of speech therapy work on the formation of inflection in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech

When developing the basic principles for correcting impaired word formation in preschoolers with OHP level III, we proceeded from the results of the study, as well as the generalization of many years of experience of researchers in this field.

The formation of inflection in preschoolers with OHP is carried out by using a phased system of speech formation. The following principles are put in the basis of the correctional system of education and upbringing of children with OHP of the III level (Levina R. E.):

Early impact on speech activity in order to prevent secondary deviations;

Development of speech and reliance on ontogenesis (taking into account the patterns of development of children's speech in the norm). At the same time, it is supposed to analyze the objective and subjective conditions for the formation of the child's speech function, identify the leading speech defect and the deficiencies of mental development caused by it;

A differentiated approach in speech therapy work for children with ONR, who have a different structure of speech impairment;

Connections of speech with other aspects of mental development, which reveal the dependence of the formation of individual components of speech on the state of other psychological processes.

The identification of these connections underlies the impact on those psychological characteristics of children with OHP, which directly or indirectly prevent the effective correction of their speech activity. It is very important that the process of normalizing the speech of children is carried out taking into account general didactic principles that reflect the patterns of mastering language and speech.

The most important of them are:

1. The principle of the relationship of sensory, mental and speech development of children. It involves the assimilation of speech material not through simple reproduction, but on the basis of solving mental problems.

2. The principle of a communicative-active approach to the development of speech.

3. The principle of formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language (F. A. Sokhin, A. A. Leontiev). At the same time, it is emphasized that awareness is an indicator of the degree of formation of speech skills.

4. The principle of enriching the motivation of speech activity. Correctional work ensures that children master coherent, grammatically correct speech, the phonetic system of their native language, as well as elements of literacy, which forms the readiness of a significant part of children to study in a general education school.

5. The principle of systemic interaction between the various components of the language, which is necessary for understanding the regular relationships between various manifestations of speech insufficiency and foreseeing the systemic effect of pedagogical influence.

6. Pathogenetic principle. The main content of correctional and speech therapy work is to overcome the pathological mechanism of a speech defect.

7. The principle of consistency. Each of the corrective directions is implemented in the process of phased work.

8. The principle of selection of linguistic material. Properly selected linguistic material acts as one of the important basic conditions for correction. A text that is easy to pronounce, in which difficult sound combinations are absent or rarely found, many vowels.

4.2 Directions of speech therapy work on the correction of inflection disorders in children with OHP level III

A comparative comprehensive study revealed a lower level of formation and qualitative originality of inflection skills in children with OHP; the identified violations must be taken into account when planning corrective work.

Speech therapy work with children with ONR is carried out in the following areas:

Taking into account the foregoing and the results of the study, recommendations were developed for speech therapy work with preschoolers with OHP.

Difficulties in understanding the proposed tasks by children with OHP lead to the need to expand the indicative part, i.e.

- repeat tasks repeatedly;

- highlight orientations in the material;

- use instructions with several requirements, providing for verbal pronunciation of actions;

- rely on the display of pictures, leading questions.

According to the directions chosen for correctional work on the formation of inflection in older preschoolers with OHP, we have selected the following didactic exercises and games:

1. Improving the ability to change nouns in cases.

1. “Name the paired pictures”

Ball - balls, wasp - wasps; cube - cubes; eye - eyes; chair - chairs.

2. “Name the pictures in order”

Remember, turn over - name them in the same order.

3. “Find a mate”

Divide the children into two teams. The first receives pictures with the image of one object, and the second - several. The child from the first team says: “I have a tree.” From the other - "I have trees." These kids are getting close.

4. “And you?”

I have a doll, what about you? - Do I have dolls? (Based on pictures, toys, objects)

5. “Name who it is?”

According to paired pictures (kitten - kittens)

6. “Who came and who went?

By figurines or pictures of animals and their cubs.

7. “Who drew what?

What did the boy draw? - ball.

What did the girl draw? - balls.

8. “Shop”

- I have a car, but what's in the store? - cars.

9. “Change the word like me”

Leaf - leaves, chair - ...

10. “What word did I have in mind?

2 pictures: “-onok” - a bear cub, “- ata” - cubs.

11. “Where is the poppy drawn, and where are the poppies?”

12. “Help me complete the sentence”

Sang early in the morning...

13. “Name what and what objects?”

“Excursion to the zoo” - Whom did you see at the zoo?

14. “Who did Little Red Riding Hood see in the forest?” - Wolves, foxes ...

15. “What did you take?” - By pictures, objects.

“Who loves what?” – Dog bone, cat milk, etc.

16. “Who (what) did you see in the store?” - Look at the pictures, remember, turn over and name what toys you can buy in the store.

17. “Finish the sentence” - Based on pictures.

Dad is reading ... a book. Mom washes ... daughter. Grandma knits ... socks.

18. “Chest with pictures”

I posted a picture

In a multi-colored box.

Come on, Tanya, come on,

Take out the picture, name it.

- What did you pull out? - Red apple, blue bucket.

19. To designate a place, with prepositions B, ON.

"Who is the most observant?" - A speech therapist or a child stops looking at any object in the room, while saying the beginning of the phrase: "I look at ... - the children add - a flower."

“To whom will you give what kind of food?” - By pictures or objects.

I will give milk to the cat.

20. “Who will you help?” - Find the animals of their mothers for children.

21. “Who needs what for work?” - A thermometer for a doctor, a ladle for a cook.

22. "Pass the key"

Children sit in a circle, the speech therapist starts the game:

- I give the key to Tanya, and I give Sasha, etc.

To indicate a place with prepositions B, ON

"Who lives where?" - A bear in a den, etc.

23. “Where are things kept?” - in the closet, in the sideboard, etc.

24. “What grows where?” - spruce, apple tree, chamomile ...

25. “Let's help Dunno” - children correct Dunno:

- The cat is sitting on the roof. Right?

26. “Where does the object lie, is it worth?”

27. “Guess where I was?” - I saw a squirrel and a hedgehog. (In the forest)

28. “Sunny Bunny”

29. “Who is where?” - Starlings on the birch, children on the couch ...

30. “Where can you see them?” - In the forest, in the zoo, in the circus ...

Finish the sentence ”- The floor is swept (with what?) ... with a broom - complements the one who has the corresponding picture.

31. With signs of the times.

“When does it happen?” - In winter, spring, evening, etc.

32. To indicate compatibility with the preposition C.

“Guess who is talking to whom?”

33. “Find your place” – Who are you standing with?

34. “What do they eat with” – bread, soup, meat, etc.

2. Improving the ability to agree on adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

1. Take the silhouettes of the trees, match the leaf to your tree. What leaf is it, what branch is it?

an oak leaf is oak, and a branch:

maple leaf - maple, :

birch leaf - birch, :

aspen leaf - aspen, :

rowan leaf - rowan,:

apple leaf - apple,:

2. Ball game "What object is this?"

The speech therapist calls the sign and throws the ball to one of the children. The child who caught the ball names the object that has this feature and returns the ball to the speech therapist. Next, the speech therapist throws the ball to other children in turn. For example:

Long - rope, fur coat, thread, street, elastic band, braid, skirt, road, elastic band, ribbon, shirt, curtain.

Long - train, lace, cucumber, day, pencil, knife, jacket.

Wide - street, river, ribbon, road, jacket, skirt, elastic band.

Wide - scarf, lane, yard, corridor, window sill.

Red - star, berry, ribbon, cap, shirt, T-shirt, raspberry.

Red - ball, scarf, tomato, poppy, house, pencil.

3. Playing the loto "What color?"

The game can be played in two versions.

1st option. Children have cards with the image of objects of different colors. The speech therapist calls the color. Children find an object of this color on the cards, then name the object and its color (for example, I have a red hat, I have a red ball, etc.).

2nd option. Children have cards that show objects of the same color. The speech therapist names the object. Children find the image of this item on their cards and name its color (for example, I have a red car, I have a green car, etc.).

4. The game "Find by color"(fixing the agreement of adjective and noun in gender and number).

Children are offered pictures or objects of different colors. The speech therapist calls the color. Children find objects of a given color that match the given form of the adjective.

Red - apple, dress, coat, scarf. Yellow - turnip, pumpkin, bag, melon.

Green - cucumber, grasshopper, leaf, bush.

5. Game "Rainbow"(fixing the agreement of adjective and noun).

A large poster on a blackboard shows a rainbow. The name of the colors of the rainbow is specified. Children receive subject pictures of different colors.

Speech therapist: Each color of the rainbow has its own favorite objects that always or almost always have this color. Match the pictures to each color of the rainbow.

Children distribute pictures under the colors of the rainbow and name the colors of objects: red tomato, orange orange, yellow lemon, yellow sun, green leaf, green grass, blue sky, blue forget-me-nots, blue cornflower.

6. The game "Young artist"(fixing the agreement of an adjective with a noun).

Children choose their own paint mugs of different colors. Then they put them on the palette and call the paint: “I have red paint”, etc. Then the children are given unpainted pictures of vegetables (fruits). Children should name what color they will paint this vegetable or fruit. For example: “I have a tomato. It's red, so I'll take red paint."

7. The game "Which pencil will you color in?"(fixing the agreement of an adjective with a noun).

Children are given uncolored pictures. Children determine what color and what they will color.

For example: “With a green pencil I will color the grass, leaves on the trees, with a yellow pencil I will color the sunflower, the sun, etc.”

8. The game "Dunno came to the store"(fixing the agreement of the adjective and noun, the development of dialogic speech).

Dunno: I forgot the name of what I wanted to buy. Seller: Did you want to buy a vegetable or fruit? Dunno: I wanted to buy fruit. Seller: What color is it? Stranger: It's yellow. Seller: And what is its shape? Dunno: This fruit is oval. Seller: And what does it taste like? Dunno: This fruit is sour. Seller: You probably wanted to buy a lemon. Dunno: That's right, I wanted to buy a lemon. It is a fruit, it is yellow, oval and sour.

3. Improving the ability to form nouns of the genitive case of the singular and plural

1. “Finish the sentence” (according to the pictures)

There are many trees, mushrooms, berries in the forest...

2. “What is there a lot and what is not enough?”

3. "Orders" - Game with a bear.

- Ask the bear to bring five cubes.

- What did the bear do?

4. Give the children three chips each. Children are warned to include the words “no” or “a lot” in the answer.

Are there mittens in the locker room?

– Is there a pencil in the pencil case?

A chip is taken away for each wrong answer. The one with the most chips left wins.

5. “What is there in the store?” Based on the poem by S. Mikhalkov “Andryushka”

Lying on a shelf, standing on a shelf

Elephants and dogs, camels and wolves.

Fluffy cats, harmonicas,

And ducks, and pipes, and dolls - nesting dolls.

6. “Shop”

Children buy a different number of items, some one lemon, and some many lemons, etc.

7. “Paired pictures”

Choose a steam room for your picture and say what it has a lot of.

8. “What objects are called with the word steam?”

9. “How many are there?”

From pictures of animals.

10. “Guess who I hid?” – calves, kittens, etc.

Exercises in the use of generalizing words in front of homogeneous parts of a sentence are useful, for example:

We see a lot of fruits: apples, pears, oranges.

Aunt bought a lot of food: cookies, sweets, bread.

11. “Guess the tree by the leaf” - birch leaf, etc.

12. “This is part of what object?” - the roof of the house, the back of the chair, etc.

13. “Guess what's gone?”

14. “What is Misha missing to go outside?”

4. Improving the ability to change verbs by numbers

1. Match the pictures to the word.

Equipment. Pictures depicting a cat, a cat, kittens.

Speech therapist. About whom did I say sleep ..? (Children hold up a picture depicting a cat.) Who did I say slept about? (Children hold up a picture depicting a cat.) Who did I say they were sleeping about? (Picture depicting kittens.)

2. Complete the sentences by changing the words correctly. (The speech therapist calls the first word. Children complete the sentence with a predicate verb.)

a) run.

Hare... (ran). Squirrel... (ran). Mice... (fled).

b) play.

Kolya... (played). Lena... (played). Children... (were playing).

c) make noise.

River... (noisy). Creek... (noisy). Sea .. (noisily). Leaves (noisy).

d) shine.

Nightlight... (shone). Lamp (luminaries). Sun... (light). Lanterns... (shone).

3. Complete the sentences with reference pictures and without pictures. The speech therapist starts a sentence and shows a picture. Children name the picture, for example:

ran up

4. Make sentences on the pictures.

The speech therapist distributes subject pictures depicting animals. Using these pictures, children should make sentences, for example: The cow is mooing.

5. Answer questions: what does it do? What are they doing?

What is the cow doing? (Cow mooing.) What are the cows doing? (Cows moo.) What is the dog doing? (The dog barks.) What are the dogs doing? (Dogs bark.) etc.

5. Improving the ability to agree on past tense verbs with nouns in gender and number

1. Children are given the task to complete a sentence of this type:

They barked in the yard ... (dogs).

They grew near the road ... (spruce).

2. The game "He, she, they."

Agreement of past tense verbs in gender and number. Asking a question, for example, "What did the bear do?" or "What did the doll do?", the speech therapist points to the picture. When asked about pronouns he she They, speech therapist. Gesture shows two pictures at once.

What was the bear doing? - He slept. - What did the doll do? - She slept. - What they were doing? - They slept. - What did the bus do? - He was driving. - What was the car doing? - She was driving. - What they were doing? - They were driving.

3. The speech therapist invites the children to show in the pictures where Masha has already performed the action, and where she is doing it now:

4. Game “Smart Arrow”

A visual aid is used: a circle divided into parts, and a movable arrow fixed in the center of the circle. On the circle are various plot pictures depicting actions.

The speech therapist calls the action (draws, plays, builds, washes, etc.). Children put an arrow on the corresponding picture and come up with a sentence based on it. (Children are building a tower. The girl combs her hair with a comb, etc.)

6. Improving the ability to agree on verbs with personal pronouns

1. The game "obedient child".

Speech therapist. Now I will ask you to do something, and you - an obedient child - answer what you are doing, showing a picture.

Go! - I'm coming! - Stop! - I am standing! - Run! - I am running! - Read! - I am reading! etc.

2. The game "What did mom ask?"..

Are you running? (I run.) Are you carrying? (I'm carrying.) Are you eating? (I eat), etc.

3. The game "Tell me about him."

The speech therapist reads the first couplet to the children and shows how to change it, then pronounces only the couplet from the first column, inviting the child to change it himself.

I run, I run, I run, I don't stand still. He runs, runs, runs, He does not stand still, etc.

4. The game "Friendly guys".

We go and you go... We sing and you... (sing). We take and you... (take).

We carry, and you... (carry).

7. Improving the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals

1. Think differently!

Matryoshka dolls (no more than seven) are on the table at the speech therapist.

Speech therapist. How many nesting dolls are on the table?

(Children count in chorus?)

Now close your eyes. (Puts away two nesting dolls?)

How many matryoshkas did I remove?

How many matryoshkas are left? (Two nesting dolls were removed, five nesting dolls remained).

Children perform the same task by counting other objects whose names are masculine and neuter (for example, two chairs, two windows, five chairs, five windows). Thus, children learn to agree on a noun with a numeral and at the same time repeat the topic related to determining the gender of nouns.

2. We examine the picture.

Speech therapist. Who is in this picture? That's right, rooster.

What can a rooster say "one" about?

(One head, one beard?)

What can you say "two" about? (Two wings, two eyes?)

What can you say "one"? (One tail, one beak?)

What can you say "two" about? (Two spurs?) Why does the rooster have a lot? (Feathers?)

3. What is missing?

Speech therapist. Let's look at the pictures and say how much and what is missing from the animals depicted in them.

What is missing from the cat? (Four paws, two ears?)

What is missing from the lamb? (Two horns) What is missing from the fox? (Tail) What is missing from the wolf? (One ear and one paw) What is the donkey missing? (two ears)

4. What's in the picture?

Each child on a tray at the edge of the table has pictures face down (vases, plates, baskets, an aquarium with slots and small plums cut out of paper, sweets, carrots, etc. inserted into them).

Speech therapist. Turn the pictures over, look and answer the question of what is on your trays in a full sentence. (I have five plums in my plate. I have two fish in my aquarium. I have four apples in my vase, etc.)

You can invite children to insert pictures into the slots themselves.

5. Compose telegrams!

Speech therapist. Look who came to us. (Pinocchio.)

Right! Pinocchio brought telegrams.

(Pinocchio has several sheets of paper on which texts like “Send, parcel, 2” are written in block letters)

Understood nothing! Looks like the post office got it mixed up! Let's remember how to say it right.

The speech therapist gives a model: "Send two parcels."

Children compose the following texts.

Texts for telegrams can be as follows:

1. Send, book, 5.

2. Mom, buy a fur coat, 2.

3. Come, dad, in, day, 6.

4. Murka, 3, give birth, kittens.

5. U, 3, river, tree.

6. Boat, in, oar, 2.


The leading trend of the modern stage of education is the integration of children with speech development disabilities into the mass school system. Early complex correction opens up the possibility of including a significant part of preschool children with speech disorders in the general educational flow of the school.

In children with general underdevelopment of speech, inferior speech activity affects the formation of word formation, inflection, vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.

The lack of formation of the basic prerequisites for writing and reading in children with speech impairment can be detected even at preschool age, and corrective and preventive work will prevent the development of these disorders or sharply reduce their severity.

The study revealed that in preschool children with OHP, the inflection systems available to peers with normal speech development are not well developed.

When diagnosing the formation of the ability to match adjectives with nouns in gender and number, the errors in the experimental group were approximately the same: The wing is black, the gloves are black.

Mixing the endings of masculine and feminine nouns in oblique cases ("The horse eats a piece of sugar"),

Replacing the endings of neuter nouns in the nominative case with the ending of feminine nouns (jam - jam, dress - dresses),

Declension of neuter nouns as feminine nouns ("strawberry jam"),

Wrong accents in a word

Violation of the differentiation of the type of verbs (“The apple is ripening. - Apples are ripening; Lily of the valley smells. - Lilies of the valley smelled”),

Mistakes in unprepositional and prepositional management (“the sea was noisy”, “kittens are sleeping”),

Incorrect agreement between a noun and an adjective, especially in the middle gender (“black wing”, “black gloves”).

Unification of the endings of the genitive case of plural nouns, reducing all their diversity to the ending -ov (s) according to the type of tables: "squirrels", "butterflies", "persons", "persons";

non-declension of numerals: “five bears”, “two frogs”.

Among the forms of inflection, the greatest difficulties in children with OHP were noted in the formation of nouns in the genitive case of the singular and plural, in the change of past tense verbs with nouns in gender and number, in cases of agreement between the adjective and the noun in the genitive plural, and also the task caused difficulties. agreement of the noun with the numerals "two" and "five", while in the children of the control group, these violations are not observed.

A specific mistake of preschoolers with OHP was the replacement of one case ending of a noun with another case ending.

Approximately two times, preschoolers with OHP level III showed lower results than children in the control group, without speech impairments, when performing all tasks on inflection.

The data of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children with OHP allow the speech therapist to determine the most adequate system for organizing children in the learning process, to find the most appropriate individual methods and correction techniques for each.

Taking into account the foregoing and the results of the study, recommendations were developed for speech therapy work with preschoolers with OHP in the following areas:

Improving the ability to change nouns in cases.

Improving the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

Improving the ability to form nouns of the genitive case of the singular and plural.

Improving the ability to change verbs by numbers.

Improving the ability to agree on past tense verbs with nouns in gender and number.

Improving the ability to agree on verbs with personal pronouns.

Improving the ability to coordinate nouns with numerals.

Correction of deviations in speech development in children with OHP is one of the most important conditions for the effectiveness of speech therapy in order to ensure that these children are ready for literacy.

Thus, each direction includes specific tasks, a system of developmental exercises, corrective work in the areas we have identified, with the help of selected exercises, will contribute to the formation of the inflection skill and the elimination of the identified violations in older preschool children with OHP level III.


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Annex 1

Table 1

A sample of children in the control and experimental groups.

group No. p / p Name age
Control group 1 Masha S. 6
2 Sasha K. 6,8
3 Vanya T. 7
4 Cyril M. 6,5
5 Ksyusha V. 6,3
6 Lera R. 7
7 Masha R. 6,4
8 Victor M. 6,5
9 Katya P. 6,7
10 Misha K. 6,4
11 Nastya A. 6,5
12 Philip T. 6,9
Experimental group 1 Sveta Ch. 7
2 Ksyusha K. 6,5
3 Vika T. 7
4 Christina R 6,4
5 Valya L. 6,8
6 Luda R. 6,6
7 Misha P. 6,5
8 Igor S. 6,9
9 Kostya S. 7
10 Ksyusha V. 6
11 Natasha K. 6,5
12 Olga M. 6,3