Political science. Dictionary. What is self-determination, what does it mean and how to spell it correctly. Professional and personal self-determination What is self-determination definition

It is extremely important for every person to find their place in this world. This applies not only to the profession, but also to personal qualities. Self-determination is necessary for gaining self-confidence, self-realization, the skill of getting out of conflict situations and mastering social roles. However, not all people find it equally easy to find themselves and their place in life. What is self-determination? What problems can a person face on the way to it?

What is self-determination?

Throughout their lives, people are searching for their destiny and place in this world. Self-determination is the process of choosing and establishing by a person individual values, capabilities, needs, ways and norms of behavior, as well as the criteria by which he himself evaluates himself and his achievements.

Finding your destination takes more than one year. This process is very complex and lasts throughout our lives. What is self-determination in terms of philosophy? First of all, it is an attempt of a person to find and find the meaning of his existence. People constantly think about how to behave correctly in certain situations, when and who should be helped, what to do in order to bring maximum benefit to society - all this is self-determination.

The meaning of self-determination

Self-determination of a person plays the most important role in the formation and development of him as a person. People who have not been able to find their place in the world are deeply unhappy. They do not see the meaning of their existence, and, accordingly, they have nothing to strive for, there are no goals that they would like to achieve. A person who has lost interest in life falls into a deep depression, withdraws into himself.

Self-determination contributes to the socialization of the individual. It helps a person to find a way out of difficult situations, to resolve conflict situations correctly and with dignity, to behave confidently in society, and to observe the norms of etiquette.

Self-determination is an important step towards self-realization. A person who correctly determines for himself what he wants to do in life achieves success in his career, becomes financially independent. If work brings not only material wealth, but also pleasure, people feel truly happy.

Types of self-determination

It is conditionally possible to distinguish 3 types of self-determination: personal, professional and vital. All of them are closely related and very often intersect.

Personal self-determination is inextricably linked with Forming them, people decide what they should be, what norms of behavior are acceptable to them, how to treat other people, how to evaluate themselves and their actions.

Choosing a specialty is a rather difficult task. A lot of people can not immediately correctly determine their profession. Having started training or having already completed it and going to work, very often a person is disappointed in his choice. That's why we have so many people getting a second education.

Personal and life self-determination of a person

Each person is unique and independently chooses his own path of development. What is self-determination of personality? First of all, these are the values ​​that a person puts for himself above all else.

There are several areas of personal development. Someone chooses spiritual development as a priority. At the same time, a person must go through a difficult path, cleanse himself of bad thoughts, shortcomings, addictions and devote himself to serving God.

Another direction of personal development is caring for loved ones. In this case, the main values ​​​​of a person are children, family, friendship.

Some people live exclusively for themselves. They try to satisfy all their needs, travel, do not deny themselves anything. Sometimes the goal of such people is self-realization and achievement of maximum success in terms of career.

Not every person manages to easily find his own. For some, the search for oneself is delayed and becomes an independent direction of personal development.

The problem of self-determination

In search of his place in the world, a person can face a lot of problems. The main difficulty is the choice of a suitable profession. So many students are completely unaware of the future. They are used to living without problems and worries, not thinking about tomorrow and what self-determination is. It is very difficult for them to make such a responsible choice.

Some young people do not decide on their own what to become in the future. The choice for them is made by parents who try to choose the highest paid specialty for their child, while not thinking about his interests at all. As a result, schoolchildren do not have the slightest idea of ​​what they have to do all their lives, or, even before they start studying, they hate their future profession.

There are also many problems with personal self-determination. Very often, people who are confused in themselves and their values ​​turn to psychologists for consultations. Difficult life situations cause seemingly unshakable values ​​to shake, as a result of which a person loses the meaning of his existence. Various trainings, seminars and high-quality psychological support from relatives and specialists help to cope with this.

1) Self-determination- - English. self determination; German Selbstbestimmung. 1. or subject to its own nature or basic properties. 2. the act of identifying and asserting one's own in problem situations. 3. nation, people, etc. the very form of government without interference.

2) Self-determination - (eng. self-determination) - the process and result of a person's choice, goals and means of self-realization in specific circumstances of life; the main mechanism for gaining and manifesting freedom by a person. Until recently, the theme of S. was irrelevant for the domestic socio-cultural situation. Only the sphere of professional S. was singled out and provided (and then only in the field of choosing the type of professional activity). In other areas, S. had a formal and declarative-demonstrative character. The actualization of the theme of S. is due to at least two sociocultural processes. Firstly, this is the growth of global changes in society, which gives rise to the need for each person to develop their own attitude to what is happening - i.e. S. becomes an integral part of the processes associated with the adoption of vital decisions by a person (from finding a new job or choosing a field of business activity to choosing candidates for government). Secondly, this is the destruction of the ideological barrier built in Soviet times, which separated the Soviet "social space" from everything that constitutes the spiritual wealth of modern society (the assets of world culture, philosophy, religion, art) - i.e. in terms of understanding one’s own history, personal “roots”, belonging to cultural traditions, and much more, a person has problems with S., due to the resulting “vacuum” in the place previously occupied by the Marxist-Leninist ideology. Man, as the subject of his own life, is characterized by a vital S. that is broader than professional, moral, or civil. The meaning of life S. is inclusion in the system of values ​​that raise the subject's life activity to a fundamentally different level - the level of the life "path" is no longer so much a person as such, but the values ​​with which he identified himself and took his position in the sociocultural space. Taking a certain position, anticipating his future, realizing his real achievements and shortcomings, a person strives for self-improvement through his own activities, communication with other people. He acts as a subject of his own development, determining his life program. For him, there is a need for self-improvement, in building himself as a person. Expanding the boundaries of one's own capabilities is development management, which can be described by the formula: "S. self-overcoming." S. can be understood as the establishment of internal restrictions on one's own activity, as the expansion of the boundaries of one's own capabilities aimed at the implementation of plans carried out within the framework of the accepted restrictions. Self-development is due to the awareness of the discrepancy between the I-ideal and I-real, the struggle of motives, overcoming shortcomings through the organization of activities and behavior. The essence of the S. process consists in the acts of identifying and asserting an individual position in problem situations, when a person is faced with the need for an alternative choice and must make existential or pragmatic decisions. The result of S. is a person's access to goals, directions, and methods of activity that are adequate to his individual characteristics, and to the formation of spiritual self-worth, the ability, through goal-setting, to realize his natural and cosmic destiny in an original and independent way. The situation of S., and not just a choice from alternatives, S. as a movement in the grounds of one's actions, deeds and deeds can be considered as a kind of unit of the creative process of personality development. S.'s conceptual scheme is described as movement in four semantic spaces: situational, social, cultural, and existential. The search for grounds for solutions in a problem situation, depending on the type of S., can unfold: as situational behavior directed by circumstances (situational space); as a social action determined by a local goal (social space); as a reflection of one's own activity and giving it the status of a "case", inscribed in a certain cultural tradition (cultural space); as a reflection of being and, accordingly, movement in eternal values ​​and questions (existential space). Consistent reflection of actions, activities, and being appears in the scheme as a method of S., the motivation for which is the evaluation of the results of situational behavior, the analysis of the results and consequences of independent activity, the establishment of restrictions on one’s own ideas in the process of reflection on their implementation. In addition, reflection serves as a key to realization, a means of intensifying intellectual functions (thinking, understanding, thought communication, thought action). In the field of education, along with the process of transferring knowledge, another process takes place - the transfer of methods of S. Education becomes the area in which precedents and models of S. are created. The concept of S. raises the question of the "object" of education in a new way. They can be neither an individual nor a class (group, collective), but only educational material (objects, phenomena, symbols, models, situations, values, activities, relationships, psychological atmosphere), in the process of selection, research and transformation of which occurs FROM. and self-development of the subject of education (teacher, student, interacting group, community, etc.). S. underlies innovative pedagogy, which leads to this type of education, to such work with teaching, educating material that changes both the material itself and the subjects of education themselves, and their interaction, mutual influence. S.B. Savelov


English self determination; German Selbstbestimmung. 1. Understanding or determination by the subject of his own nature or basic properties. 2. A conscious act of identifying and asserting one's own position in problem situations. 3. The right of the nation, people, etc. to determine the form of government itself without outside interference.

(eng. self-determination) - the process and result of a person's choice of his position, goals and means of self-realization in specific circumstances of life; the main mechanism for gaining and manifesting freedom by a person. Until recently, the theme of S. was irrelevant for the domestic socio-cultural situation. Only the sphere of professional S. was singled out and provided (and then only in the field of choosing the type of professional activity). In other areas, S. had a formal and declarative-demonstrative character. The actualization of the theme of S. is due to at least two sociocultural processes. Firstly, this is the growth of global changes in society, which gives rise to the need for each person to develop their own attitude to what is happening - i.e. S. becomes an integral part of the processes associated with the adoption of vital decisions by a person (from finding a new job or choosing a field of business activity to choosing candidates for government). Secondly, this is the destruction of the ideological barrier built in Soviet times, which separated the Soviet "social space" from everything that constitutes the spiritual wealth of modern society (the assets of world culture, philosophy, religion, art) - i.e. in terms of understanding one’s own history, personal “roots”, belonging to cultural traditions, and much more, a person has problems with S., due to the resulting “vacuum” in the place previously occupied by the Marxist-Leninist ideology. Man, as the subject of his own life, is characterized by a vital S. that is broader than professional, moral, or civil. The meaning of life S. is inclusion in the system of values ​​that raise the subject's life activity to a fundamentally different level - the level of the life "path" is no longer so much a person as such, but the values ​​with which he identified himself and took his position in the sociocultural space. Taking a certain position, anticipating his future, realizing his real achievements and shortcomings, a person strives for self-improvement through his own activities, communication with other people. He acts as a subject of his own development, determining his life program. For him, there is a need for self-improvement, in building himself as a person. Expanding the boundaries of one's own capabilities is development management, which can be described by the formula: "S. self-overcoming." S. can be understood as the establishment of internal restrictions on one's own activity, as the expansion of the boundaries of one's own capabilities aimed at the implementation of plans carried out within the framework of the accepted restrictions. Self-development is due to the awareness of the discrepancy between the I-ideal and I-real, the struggle of motives, overcoming shortcomings through the organization of activities and behavior. The essence of the S. process consists in the acts of identifying and asserting an individual position in problem situations, when a person is faced with the need for an alternative choice and must make existential or pragmatic decisions. The result of S. is a person's access to goals, directions, and methods of activity that are adequate to his individual characteristics, and to the formation of spiritual self-worth, the ability, through goal-setting, to realize his natural and cosmic destiny in an original and independent way. The situation of S., and not just a choice from alternatives, S. as a movement in the grounds of one's actions, deeds and deeds can be considered as a kind of unit of the creative process of personality development. S.'s conceptual scheme is described as movement in four semantic spaces: situational, social, cultural, and existential. The search for grounds for solutions in a problem situation, depending on the type of S., can unfold: as situational behavior directed by circumstances (situational space); as a social action determined by a local goal (social space); as a reflection of one's own activity and giving it the status of a "case", inscribed in a certain cultural tradition (cultural space); as a reflection of being and, accordingly, movement in eternal values ​​and questions (existential space). Consistent reflection of actions, activities, and being appears in the scheme as a method of S., the motivation for which is the evaluation of the results of situational behavior, the analysis of the results and consequences of independent activity, the establishment of restrictions on one’s own ideas in the process of reflection on their implementation. In addition, reflection serves as a key to realization, a means of intensifying intellectual functions (thinking, understanding, thought communication, thought action). In the field of education, along with the process of transferring knowledge, another process takes place - the transfer of methods of S. Education becomes the area in which precedents and models of S. are created. The concept of S. raises the question of the "object" of education in a new way. They can be neither an individual nor a class (group, collective), but only educational material (objects, phenomena, symbols, models, situations, values, activities, relationships, psychological atmosphere), in the process of selection, research and transformation of which occurs FROM. and self-development of the subject of education (teacher, student, interacting group, community, etc.). S. underlies innovative pedagogy, which leads to this type of education, to such work with teaching, educating material that changes both the material itself and the subjects of education themselves, and their interaction, mutual influence. S.B. Savelov

Self-determination is the definition of oneself in later life. The process of self-determination is very complex. There are several types of self-realization that exist in parallel with each other, sometimes even intertwined. Personal self-determination is the formation of a person's personality, the search for one's own positions. Social self-determination - the choice of life path in society. Family self-determination is a conscious choice and building of family life. Professional self-determination - self-realization in the profession. Self-determination is influenced by many factors: the social status of the family, its material well-being, hobbies, the level of education of parents and an example of their life self-determination.

Some people ask: how do you understand the word "self-determination"? Some don't know what to answer. I will try to explain all the patterns of this term. My story is divided into the following sections:

  • what is the self-determination of the people;
  • self-determination functions;
  • purpose of self-determination.

What is self-determination

Self-determination means the right of any nation to decide on its own questions about the form of state existence, the right to freely determine its political status, as well as the implementation of its economic and cultural development.

Self-determination depends on numerous factors, such as economic, political, historical, etc.

The national idea is a kind of generalization of the self-consciousness of the people, which can be expressed through works of art, for example.

The optimal path for the development of the state depends on whether society has a self-determination that would reflect the goals and interests of the people and the country itself. A self-determined people can freely choose both the status regarding domestic politics and foreign policy orientation.

Self-determination functions

Self-determination functions can be as follows:

  1. self-determination is a socially integrating principle that creates an integral space of norms and values ​​for the people to live and develop;
  2. self-determination - an explanation of the political and social structure of the state;
  3. self-determination is the formulation of consolidating goals for "common affairs".

The purpose of self-determination

If we talk about the purpose of self-determination, we can say the following.

The vocation of self-determination: the possibility of answering some of the questions that characterize the people who live in the state. Questions about the history and origin of the nation, questions about historical goals, as well as the meaning of life in this territory. Self-determination often has religious aspects, because religion is one of the most powerful and powerful factors that could contribute to popular unification.

Speaking about self-determination, it is probably worth starting with the interpretation of this concept. Self-determination is a difficult process of becoming a person, a conscious choice of one's destiny in public life.

Absolutely every person in his life determines his place in the family, at work, and also finds himself as an individual. Depending on the place where a person manifests himself, the following types of self-determination are distinguished: family, professional and personal.

In fact, the process of self-determination in a person lasts all the time that a person spends in society. Every day we do not stop thinking about eternally existing questions - such as: why do I live, what special can I do.

Types of self-identification

In psychology, it is customary to distinguish the following types of definitions, depending on the area in which they are implemented:

  • Life identity.
  • Professional identity.
  • Personal self-identification.
  • Social identity.

Each of these species, in principle, does not exist in nature in its pure form. They are inextricably linked. Let's try to deal with each of them.


Let's start with such a thing as professional self-determination of a person. This is a person's definition of himself through comparison with other people who work in this area. But it is worth noting that for each person these criteria are different. Someone considers this criterion simply the possession of a particular profession, others - a creative approach to the performance of their duties.

A person begins his professional self-determination with a seemingly simple matter - with the choice of a profession in which he will develop; but it doesn't end there. And all because throughout his life a person learns, acquires new knowledge, competencies. Consequently, he develops professionally, expands his professional skills.

Dealing with professional self-identification, it is impossible not to mention the types and levels of professional self-determination. There are the following types of self-determination:

  • in a specific job function.
  • At a specific job post.
  • At the level of a specific specialty.
  • in a particular profession.

Also the levels:

  • Infusion into culture.
  • Joining your profession.
  • Getting used to the profession.
  • Compliance with his position and work post.
  • Fulfillment of specific labor tasks.

Having passed all these types and levels of professional self-determination, a person will be able to fully determine his profession.

Professional and personal self-determination are closely related to each other. After all, developing professionally, it is impossible not to develop personally.


Personally self-determined nature is a person who has defined himself in relation to the criteria inherent in a given society, showing the process of formation of special qualities in a person.

Perhaps, personal self-determination is one of the most important processes. This is due to the fact that self-determination cannot exist without stable personal characteristics. Any person who has encountered psychology knows such concepts as responsibility and the field of independence. All this directly affects self-determination.

An integral part of personal self-determination is the process of becoming a person in society. This process helps a person to assimilate social experience, develop his "I", form a worldview, and also contributes to the accomplishment of many other important things for an individual.


Life self-determination is also inextricably linked with the previous concepts. It implies the definition of oneself as a person realized in life. Perhaps life self-determination is the basis of everything, since it begins from the very birth of a person.

From the moment we appeared on earth, we begin to fulfill some of our mission, thereby realizing ourselves. For most people, the peak of the development of life self-determination falls on the school years, especially the senior classes. Remember yourself, because most often we ask ourselves the question of our purpose precisely while studying at school or at the university. At this time, it is of great importance for a person what he can do for the world.


Social self-determination is closely intertwined with all other types of self-determination. Self-identification is impossible without special qualities: personal, life and professional. Social self-determination is a definition that shows the extent to which a person belongs to a particular social group.

Identity Crisis

Like any process, self-identification has a peak of development and a crisis of self-determination. The essence of the crisis is that the harmony between the various components of development is broken, which in turn causes contradictions. The main problem that arises during this crisis is that not every person can see the crisis situation in time and find the right solution to the incident.

Now there are a large number of crises associated with self-identification. For example, such crises as an identity crisis, a crisis of disappointment, a crisis associated with a professional choice, and many others that affect the development of a person.

Various changes in a person's attitude to the world and to himself inevitably lead to a conflict of a self-determining personality with the world and with himself. But it is worth noting that this is not always negative. A considerable number of famous people were in such crisis situations, but these people were nevertheless successful.

A person who is self-determining at the present time cannot always find genuine thoughts for himself, and he tries to find them in other sources. Crises are often cyclical. Each cycle usually ends with a person discovering a new truth, which leads him to wisdom.

As you can see, every day we meet with the concept of self-identification. The most important conclusion that suggests itself here is that it is very important to self-determine in every area of ​​life. After all, if a person does not determine himself in life, it means that he will not find his place and, therefore, will live an unhappy life. Thus, the importance of self-determination is beyond doubt. Author: Olga Morozova

  1. self-determination

    1. to Self-determination - self-determination.
    2. Identification by the people of their will in relation to their national and state structure. Right to p.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov
  2. self-determination

    Self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination, self-determination

    Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  3. self-determination

    self-determination cf.
    1. The process of action according to Ch. self-determine, self-determine.
    2. The right of the nation to create its own national statehood.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  4. self-determination

    I, cf.
    Action by value vb. self-determine - self-determine.
    Identification by the people of their will in relation to their national and state structure.
    The right of nations to self-determination.

    Small Academic Dictionary

    SELF-DETERMINATION self determination; German Selbstbestimmung. 1. Understanding or determination by the subject of his own nature or basic properties. 2. A conscious act of identifying and asserting one's own position in problem situations.

    sociological dictionary

    SELF-DETERMINATION - the right of the population of a country to independently determine its political and economic systems.
    This problem is related to the right to self-determination of nations...

    New Philosophical Encyclopedia
  7. self-determination

    1. see self-determination.
    2. Determination, identification by the people of their will in relation to their national and state structure. Free with. nations.

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  8. self-determination

    Sam/o/determined/eni/e [y/e].

    Morphemic spelling dictionary
  9. self-determination

    The central mechanism for the formation of personal maturity, which consists in a person's conscious choice of his place in the system of social relations. The emergence of a need...

  10. self-determination


    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  11. self-determination

    SELF-DETERMINATION, self-determination, pl. no, cf. (Books). Action under ch. self-determine - self-determine.
    | Identification by the people of their will on the question of the national and state structure (polit.). The right of self-determination of peoples.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  12. self-determination

    noun, number of synonyms: 1 definition 43

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

    SELF-DETERMINATION (eng. self-determination) - the process and result of a person's choice of his position, goals and means of self-realization in specific circumstances of life; the main mechanism for gaining and manifesting freedom by a person.

    The latest philosophical dictionary
  14. National self-determination

    culture through common language. The most important principle self-determination is the aspiration

    Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms
  15. The most important principle self-determination- the desire for national independence, the creation of an independent state.

    Glossary of linguistic terms Zherebilo
  16. national self-determination

    a truly democratic solution of the national question through the realization of the right of peoples to self-determination.

    Ethnographic dictionary
  17. Professional self-determination

    vital self-determination, i.e. entry into one or another social and professional group, choice
    relationship P.s. with common life self-determination personality, the influence of influences on the personality of the environment

    Pedagogical terminological dictionary
  18. self-determination of peoples principle

    And self-determination peoples (clause 2, article 1 of the UN Charter). generally accepted interpretation of it internationally
    where it says: all peoples have the right to self-determination. by virtue of this right, they freely determine
    their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. see also the right of peoples to self-determination.

    Big Law Dictionary
  19. the right to self-determination of peoples

    to the full self-determination(i.e. up to secession from the existing state

    Big Law Dictionary

    See National question.

  21. annexation

    there is a violation self-determination nation, is the establishment of the boundaries of the state against the will of the population. Lenin
    Outcomes of the discussion about self-determination.
    [From lat. annexio - joining]

    Small Academic Dictionary
  22. Tubelsky, Alexander Naumovich

    "self-determination"(Moscow); born in 1940; graduated from the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute
    them to school" self-determination"; Honored Teacher of Russia; author of 16 books on problems of pedagogy
    collections "School self-determination: the first step", "The teacher who works wrong".
    School " self-determination


    to inorganic, about ethical A., i.e. ethical self-determination person based on their own
    mind and strength in accordance with its nature. According to Kant, only this self-determination conforms

    The latest philosophical dictionary
  24. deed

    his self-determination.
    (Kodzhaspirova G.M. Pedagogical Dictionary. - M., 2005. P. 116)

    Pedagogical terminological dictionary
  25. Ethnic qualifier

    by language, ideology (religion), self-name ( self-determination, ethnonym) and elements of culture.

    Physical anthropology
  26. independence

    polit.). The bourgeois counter-revolutionary movement in Ukraine, which acted under the banner of national self-determination.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  27. ethnic mobility

    aimed at ethnic self-affirmation and self-determination.
    (Krysko V.G. Ethnopsychological dictionary. M.1999)

    Ethnographic dictionary
  28. international legal relations

    subjective rights and obligations: states, peoples or nations fighting for their self-determination; international organizations.

    Big Law Dictionary
  29. self-determine

    social, class, national interests.
    | nesov. self-determine, I am, I am.
    | noun self-determination, i, cf.

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  30. "Pedagogy of freedom"

    Pedagogy aimed at developing tools that help a person in self-development, self-determination

    Pedagogical terminological dictionary
  31. decentralistic

    law self-determination and self-government. 1917. Congresses of Cadets 3 (1) 394.


    R. 1881) - leader of the Pashtun movement for granting them the right to self-determination, representative
    and detachments of the "Red Shirts". In 1947, together with other Pashtun nationalists, he put forward the slogan self-determination

    Soviet historical encyclopedia
  33. ethnic mobilization

    actions aimed at ethnic self-assertion and self-determination.
    (Krysko V.G. Ethnopsychological dictionary. M.1999)

    Ethnographic dictionary
  34. negligence

    can be formulated as a gradual transition from the principle " self-determination peoples" to complete negligence

    Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms
  35. nation state

    self-determination of a particular nation (in the ethno-cultural sense of the word), expresses, first of all, the will of the

    Big Law Dictionary
  36. TEAM

    characterized by common interests and goals, a sense of solidarity, self-determination. depending

    sociological dictionary
  37. autonomy

    norms, self-determination, contra. heteronomy (philosophical). Autonomy of will.

    Large dictionary of foreign words
  38. Starushenko, Gleb Borisovich

    self-determination peoples and nations in the foreign policy of the Soviet state" (1960), "Principle
    self-determination peoples and nations" (1964), "Nation and state in the liberated countries" (1967), "World

    Big biographical encyclopedia
  39. Collection of "Social Democrats"

    in December 1916. Lenin’s works “The results of the discussion on self-determination”, “About brochure
    Junius", "Socialist revolution and the right of nations to self-determination. Theses”, “On the slogan of “disarmament

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    self-determination, up to separation and education are independent. state-va; abolition of all and any national
    And self-determination for all border nations. 3 (16) Dec. 1917 SNK declared recognition for Ukrainian. the people of the right to
    self-determination and education Ukr. republics; 18 (31) Dec. 1917 Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution on recognition
    on the national question, Soch., 4th ed., vol. 20; his own, On the right of nations to self-determination, ibid., vol. 20; Decrees of the Soviets. authorities, vol. 1, M.. 1957.

    Soviet historical encyclopedia
  41. absolute

    only the victory of the working class can bring about the liberation of all nationalities. Lenin, On the right of nations to self-determination.
    [From lat. absolutus - independent]

    Small Academic Dictionary
  42. URSENAR Marguerite

    philosophical prose, mainly in the spirit of historical stylization, about moral self-determination

  43. Social activity

    volitional acts, communication, behavior. Social activity is a condition self-determination human

    Pedagogical terminological dictionary
  44. Hess Moses

    freedom self-determination personality, universal suffrage, broad public education. In 1861

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron

    self-determination and assertions of personality, interest in the Middle Ages and the "natural", unaffected

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

    self-determination and independence from any form of mass ideology. Publicism: collection "Ghost and action

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  47. Union

    as a result of free self-determination nations and the voluntary unification of equal Soviet

    Small Academic Dictionary
  1. self-determination

    Apsisprendimas (2)

    Russian-Lithuanian dictionary
  2. self-determination

    from. polit.
    autodetermination f

    Large Russian-Spanish Dictionary
  3. self-determination

    autodeterminação f

    Russian-Portuguese Dictionary
  4. self-determination

    1. samookreślenie się;
    2. samostanowienie, samookreślenie, stanowienie o sobie;

    Russian-Polish dictionary
  5. self-determination


    Russian-Czech dictionary
  6. self-determination

    Wed self-determination c. self determination; ~ owls. see self-determination.

    Complete Russian-English Dictionary
  7. self-determination

    Autodeterminazione w.

    Russian-Italian dictionary
  8. self-determination

    Self-signed, the right of nations to self-determination - the rights of nations to self-signed

    Russian-Belarusian dictionary
  9. self-determination

    Wed pl. no (siyasi) tə "yin-müqəddərat, öz müqəddəratını tə" yin etmə, müstəqil yaşamağa başlama; the right of nations to self-determination millətlərin öz müqəddəratını tə "yin etmə hüququ.

    Russian-Azerbaijani dictionary
  10. self-determination

    2. enesemääramine
    3. eneseteostus

    Russian-Estonian dictionary
  11. self-determination

    the right of nations to self-determination

    Russian-Finnish dictionary
  12. self-determination

    הַגדָרָה עַצמִית נ"

    Russian-Hebrew Dictionary
  13. self-determination

    noun cf. kind

    Russian-Ukrainian dictionary
  14. self-determination


    Russian-Swahili dictionary
  15. self-determination

    Selbstbestimmung f
    right to self-determination - Selbstbestimmungsrecht n

    Russian-German dictionary
  16. self-determination

    from. polit.
    autodetermination f
    the right of nations to self-determination

    Russian-Spanish dictionary
  17. self-determination Russian-Dutch Dictionary
  18. self determination

    [ˈselfdɪˌtə:mɪˈneɪʃən] n self-determination self determination self-determination

    Complete English-Russian Dictionary
  19. apsisprendimas

    @apsisprendimo teisė
    right to self-determination

    Lithuanian-Russian dictionary
  20. self determination

    Ex. self-determination to achieve, realize self-determination - to determine oneself to give, grant self
    determination - give the right to self-determination self-determination- the right of people to * right
    peoples on self-determination independence; free will local ~ local self-determination
    self determination self-determination~ independence

    Complete English-Russian Dictionary
  21. autodetermination

    autodeterminazione dei popoli - self-determination peoples

    Italian-Russian Dictionary