How to understand that a person is lying by his conversation, the behavior of his hands and eyes. How do I know if a man is lying to me? How to understand that a guy is lying by correspondence

People lie all the time, according to statistics, not a single conversation is complete without a lie. To do this, you do not need to prove anything, just remember your first date, how many times have you tried to embellish something or keep silent about something? Can you imagine how often you are lied to in a day? Your significant other, friends, colleagues, business partners. Sometimes these are trifles, and sometimes important issues on which a lot depends. Would you like to knowhow to understand that a person is lying? Is it easy to determine when you are being told the truth and when they are trying to deceive you? This will help usfacial expressions and gestures of lies, which are the same for everyone.

When it comes to facial expressions and gestures, some people do not understand how everything works, and someone thinks that it is difficult to master and therefore do not even try. In fact, it is very simple to determine the signs of a lie, for this you do not need to study dozens of books or memorize every movement. It is enough to know the most common gestures that appear in 80% of cases, and you are almost guaranteed to be able to identify liars no worse than a lie detector. The gestures that you learn can alternate, mix, but will always be a signal for you.

It is important to consider one rule - often facial expressions and gestures speak of a person's emotions, but for what reason he experiences them, this is a big question.

How to recognize a lie by facial expressions? The fact is that the human body has a lot of functions that our consciousness does not control. Let's say heartbeat or breathing. There are other examples - every time you are afraid or excited, your pupils become wider. Exactly every time. This is important to understand if you want to deal with the question, how to understand that a person is lying?

The same applies to absolutely any feeling and emotion. Regardless of what words we heard from the interlocutor, his body will simultaneously voice the truth to us. All that is needed is to know and identify the gestures of lies.

It is worth clarifying that there are direct signs of a lie - when you notice them, you can say with a greater degree of confidence that the interlocutor is deceiving you. And there are indirect ones, when a person says one thing, and his body gives out emotions that do not correspond to what was said. This is the expression of a lie. For example, in words, the interlocutor is happy about something, and his body shows that he is in a state of stress. It is with indirect signs that you need to be very careful, because it is easy to determine an emotion, but understanding what it is connected with is another matter. But first things first.

How to identify lies by gestures? Direct signs

touches the neck

When your interlocutor says something to you and at the same time scratches his neck, this is a sign of uncertainty in his words. He's lying to you.

touches the ear

If a person touches the earlobe, rubs it or tries to scratch it, this is a sign that the conversation makes you nervous, which means that the interlocutor either told a lie or kept silent about something.

Looking straight into the eyes

Everyone knows that liars try not to look their interlocutor in the eye. And liars know this too - often, in order to show their confidence in what was said, they keep looking into the eyes, in fact, playing an “honest hussar”. And sometimes even overacting. Judge for yourself, in a normal state, when they tell you the truth and do not hide anything, people behave naturally.

Doesn't make eye contact

For that matter, the classic sign of a lie is that a person is trying in every possible way to avoid the gaze of the interlocutor. Psychology explains this by the desire to end a conversation in which a person acts immorally. The exception is when a person is embarrassed.

Rubbing the eyelid

There are other gestures of deceit from the same opera - when the interlocutor rubs his eyelid, trying to avoid looking directly into the eyes of the person he is lying to. For men, this movement is especially noticeable and accentuated, for women it is a more subtle, barely noticeable gesture.

Scratches his face

Do you want to know how to recognize lies by gestures? Follow the hands of the interlocutor. Scientists have proven that lying can cause itching in the muscles of the face. Therefore, when the interlocutor lies to you, then he may have a desire to scratch himself.

Covers mouth with hand

Shame and uncertainty about what was said - this is what a person feels when he covers his mouth during a conversation. This is one of the most striking signs of deception.

touches the nose

Continuing the theme, ticklish urges during a lie can also occur at the tip of the nose, so if you notice that the interlocutor has touched the nose, you should be on your guard.

Lying gestures can alternate and be combined, but they will always speak of uncertainty in what was said, fear and a sense of shame.

The duration of a real emotion is 1-2 seconds, anything longer is most often a pretense.

How to spot a lie?

Separately, I would like to talk about the eyes of the interlocutor, because during the conversation they are always open to us and can say so much that you immediately understand why this is a mirror of the soul. In addition, facial expressions and gestures of deception are always based on deep emotions that we feel. And the eyes will definitely show everything, because it is very difficult to control them consciously for a long time. So let's get started.

Blinking frequently

This is a common stress reaction to deceit, most often occurs when the lie is not prepared, but is invented right during the conversation. An exception is if a person is stressed for another reason.

shifty eyes

When the interlocutor quickly looks around the room, this may indicate a lie or embarrassment. In this case, you need to be careful and evaluate the situation in context.

fixed gaze

If a person remembers something, he usually looks away. To check this, remember the face of your first love. Pay attention to your eyes? Exactly. And if a person does not look away, he does not remember, because education does not exist, which means that he is lying.

eye movement

If a person looks to the left, he pulls information out of memory, if he looks to the right, he comes up with something that was not in memory before. That is, fantasize. However, here it is important not to make a mistake. You have never met a purple elephant, but if one day you imagine it, then the thought will become a memory (for the brain, what is happening in reality and in the imagination is the same thing), and in order to return to this picture, people will look to the left.

However, you need to understand that the facial expressions of a lie are not always so obvious and noticeable, so practice, ask questions and observe.

How to identify lies by facial expressions?

Another way to spot a lie is to notice the discrepancy between what the person is saying and what they are feeling. Human emotions are best conveyed by facial expressions. So there are 7 basic emotions: surprise, fear, anger, joy, disgust, sadness. They will help you understand how to identify a lie.

Astonishment: eyebrows and upper eyelids are raised, the lower ones are lowered, the lower jaw is lowered, the mouth is ajar.

Fear: the eyebrows are raised and slightly brought together, wrinkles appear on the forehead, the mouth is parted, the lips are slightly tense, the eyes are wide open, the biting of the lips.

Anger: the eyebrows are lowered and slightly brought together, vertical wrinkles appear between them, the upper and lower eyelids are tense, the gaze is fixed, the lips are compressed, the corners of the mouth are straight or down.

Joy: the corners of the mouth are pulled back and up, the cheeks are raised, nasolabial folds appear from the nose to the edges of the mouth, the lower eyelids are raised, wrinkles appear to the right and left of the eyes.

Disgust: the upper lip is raised, the lower lip is raised and pushed to the top or slightly lowered and pushed forward, the nose is wrinkled, the cheeks are raised, wrinkles appear under the lower eyelids, the eyebrows are lowered.

Sadness: the inner corners of the eyebrows are raised, the skin under the eyebrows is triangular in shape, the corners of the mouth are lowered, and the lips may tremble.

Contempt: the corner of the mouth is raised on one side, a slight squint of the eyes.

So, how to understand that a person is lying? Just watch his facial expressions. If the emotion is the opposite of what the interlocutor says, then this is a sign of deception.

Lack of facial expressions

If facial expressions are absent, then the person is either not in himself, or is trying to hide his emotions. After all, such self-control in the case of openness does not make sense, so people with a stone face should be treated as carefully as possible.

Now you know,how to understand that a person is lying. Don't forget that everyone is differentfacial expressions of deception, can manifest itself each time in its own way. Someone will brightly prevail alonesigns of lies, someone else. But the most important thing is to evaluate the information in a complex, otherwise you can notice an emotion in a person, but misinterpret it. And do not think that everything is very difficult, it is not. Moreover, it is very interesting and even funny. Therefore, practice more, observe, and many secrets of your interlocutors will be revealed to you.

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People think that when communicating remotely, lying, as well as telling the truth, is much easier. In correspondence, you do not need to look the interlocutor in the eye, he does not see your facial expression, your confusion or fear. You can not answer right away, think carefully about your words and decide what is better to write.

And although all this gives some odds, the liar often pierces.

website gives a list of tricks that can signal that you are being deceived. Study them all so no one can fool you.

1. Long sentences

The deceiver subconsciously tries to hide the lie in the mass of the text. A Cornell University study confirmed that a false sentence is usually longer than a true one. When subjects had to lie, all of their sentences became longer, on average, by one word.

2. Introductory words

In order not to speak directly and categorically, the deceiver will use words denoting uncertainty and probability. Most likely, he simply does not want you to be offended, but he also does not want to fulfill your request. Therefore Yulit. During the study, women who had to lie often used variations of the words “maybe”, “try”, “I”. Interestingly, scientists did not find any special differences in the vocabulary of the male subjects.

3. Repetition of information

The main task of a liar is to convince you. In war, all means are good, so he can repeat his lies over and over again until you believe. No wonder they say: "A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth." Be careful and don't let yourself be fooled so easily.

4. Reply delay

If the interlocutor does not answer your question for a long time, who knows, maybe he is busy or does not see the message. But sometimes it can signal that he needs time to come up with an answer. Or the deceiver may feel pangs of conscience and doubt, tell the truth or lie.

5. Long typing

If your interlocutor has never been distinguished by eloquence and love for editing, then this may alert. Most likely, he corrects his answer to make it sound convincing.

6. No response

Silence is also a kind of lie. In written communication, avoiding an answer is much easier than talking face to face. You can just log out of the social network. Or you can change the topic or return to the previous conversation, hoping that in the flow of information the lack of an answer to a direct question will go unnoticed at least for a while.

7. Pressure on the conscience

Man is a very vulnerable creature. Detractors can shamelessly play on our feelings. Some liars do this to make us feel guilty and stop asking uncomfortable questions. They often succeed, and you instantly become guilty from the right. Don't be fooled and track these moments.

8. Translation of arrows

This is also a kind of way to play on our emotions. In this case, the liar begins to control the situation. He asks us questions and makes us justify and explain our words. That's why all good journalists never answer the questions of the people they interview, because it's a way to divert their attention.

9. Casting rods

All people lie. This indisputable truth is known to everyone, but some still prefer to deny this fact. The reasons for lying can be completely different, as well as the scale. Some deceive in everyday trifles, and someone lies in a big way, weaving real nets. Although every person has deceived others at least once, it is very unpleasant for him to realize that he is also being lied to. To bring a liar to clean water, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic techniques that explain how to understand that a person is lying. There are a lot of such methods, and for greater reliability it is worth using them in combination. Only in this way the result of observations will be as reliable and accurate as possible.

The main signs of deception

It should be understood that telling a lie is always unpleasant, so the deceiver is often nervous and twitchy. He is afraid of being exposed, especially if the lie is quite serious and can backfire.

Experts distinguish two main ways, using which, you can recognize lies:

  • Verbal. These include words and phrases.
  • Non-verbal. This group includes gestures and facial expressions.

Non-verbal signs

To figure out how to understand that a person is lying, you should pay special attention to his gestures and facial expressions. The less experience a liar has, the faster he will betray himself with his facial movements. But people who lie often and regularly control facial expressions much more than it might seem at first glance.

Fraud detection methods

One of the most reliable ways to determine that a person is lying is direct exposure. It can be physical or psychological: hypnosis, suggestion, or drugs that suppress the will. With the help of this method, it is possible not only to detect deception, but also to find out the truth.

The principle of operation of the lie detector is based on the interpretation of non-verbal signals. But to know the whole truth in this way will not work.

To understand how to find out that a person is lying, it is worth analyzing verbal and non-verbal information. By reasoning logically, one can detect deceit and discover the truth. As a rule, inconsistencies are clearly visible.

Specialists widely use such a method as counter manipulation. The liar is put in such conditions when he has no other choice, and he has to tell the truth. In this case, his personal qualities can be used, vigilance is lulled and the effect of surprise is applied.

What are we time for?

Answers to the question "Why do people lie?" there may be a huge number. Often a person is convinced that the truth will not bring any benefit and sometimes it is useful to lie a little in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. At the same time, people argue that the bitter truth is better than the sweet deceit. Here is such a contradiction.

It is believed that women are easier to recognize lies, because when communicating, they use more areas in both hemispheres of the brain. These areas analyze words, tone of speech, and body signals. Although men lie more often, they have fewer such zones. This is due to the physiological differences between the female and male organisms.

It is impossible to say unequivocally. Most likely, they often do not say exactly what they think, or they simply do not say anything. The reason for this may be a sense of tact, shyness or unwillingness to offend the interlocutor. In addition, often the truth is different for everyone, and openly expressing your own opinion, you can be left without a job, family and friends.


The first thing you need to pay attention to is where a person looks when he is lying. If he looks away and is afraid to meet his eyes, most likely he has something to hide. You can control the eyeballs, since their movements depend on consciousness. But the optical system is beyond control. When thinking about how to understand that a person is lying, you need to pay attention to the pupils - during a lie they will expand. Any deception is stressful, so the narrator may blink frequently during the conversation. This indicates that he is currently uncomfortable.

When figuring out how to find out that a person is lying, it is important to carefully observe him. Even if he is a virtuoso in this matter, sooner or later the discrepancy between words and non-verbal gestures will make itself felt. Sometimes deception is felt even at an intuitive level, with no visible signs.


If a person has only one part of the body active during a conversation, this indicates that he is not saying what he thinks. Shoulder twitching indicates a lie.

When the narrator takes small steps back during the conversation, this may indicate his uncertainty about his own truth.

If the deceiver realizes that he has betrayed himself in some way, his movements become much slower, he begins to carefully consider every word. A casual smile can be confusing, but it really pays to focus on body position. A liar can cross his arms or legs, squeeze his fingers into a “lock” or forcefully crush some object.


When thinking about how to understand that a person is lying, you need to pay special attention to his manifestation of emotions. Psychologists believe that a certain asymmetry of features during a smile or grief speaks of insincerity. A raised chin is a sign of a hostile attitude, even if at this time the interlocutor is smiling.

It is worth knowing that sincere surprise cannot last more than five minutes. When this state is delayed, it means that the person is playing.


When the speaker's mind is in great tension, the speed of his gestures may slow down. Most likely, at this moment he convulsively comes up with a plausible answer.

If a person is nervous, they may make a series of uncontrollable movements, such as swinging their legs, flexing their fingers, or fiddling with the fabric on their clothes. Often, when lying, sweat comes out or the face turns red. But such actions cannot be called one hundred percent signs, they should be considered as a whole.

What gestures can be when a person is lying? Psychologists say that when lying, people involuntarily cover their mouths with their hands. But in the middle of the gesture, as a rule, they stop the hand and return it to its original position. It is also worth paying attention to whether the narrator touches the collar of his shirt and scratches his neck.

When the deceiver notices that they do not really believe him, he begins to stroke himself with his fingers. Such a gesture calms and encourages.


If the narrator deliberately reduces or exaggerates certain events, this may be a sign of deception. When there is doubt about the veracity of the information, you can ask the interlocutor to retell the events in reverse order. As a rule, for a liar, this turns out to be a very difficult task, and sometimes impossible.

A large number of little things can be invented in order to make the story look as true as possible. But in fact, experienced liars thus divert the conversation in a completely different direction. Slurring of speech and slips of the tongue can also be signs of deception.

Half-truth - true or false?

This technique is especially well known to women. They are masters at lying, disguising lies as truth. This manifests itself in different ways: details are hidden or, conversely, new ones are added, and the truth is overgrown with fables. Using this method, you can present any information in a light that is beneficial to the narrator.

What does incredulity indicate?

As practice shows, if a person constantly lies, he himself is characterized by increased anxiety and distrust. After all, people judge others by themselves. A person projects his own actions onto others, forgetting that all people are different.

The word "just", often used in conversation, may indicate that the narrator feels guilty and is trying to find an excuse for his actions.

Experienced experts advise using the following methods:

  • Catch a person off guard. You need to ask him something very unexpected, and see how long it takes him to come up with an answer. The longer the interlocutor thinks, the higher the likelihood of deception.
  • Ask a question, the answer to which should sound only like “yes” or “no”. As a rule, liars rarely answer unambiguously, preferring to play it safe and not give any specifics.
  • Listen carefully to the story. If the speech contains such uncertainties as “oh, I forgot”, “ah, I remembered” and others, this may indicate that the person wants to mislead the interlocutor.

Lies - a disease or stupidity?

Psychologists call a person who constantly lies a pathological liar. He differs from the usual in that he sincerely believes in the veracity of his words. Such people cheat just like that, for no apparent reason. Experts call the disease, when a person lies, "Munchausen's syndrome." Such a deviation should be considered as a personality disorder. Often the reason is low self-esteem, and with the help of deceit, a person rises in his eyes. Over time, he gets used to the role so much that he begins to believe in his own stories.

American scientists have put forward such a version that pathological liars are born. Their brain is different from the brain of an ordinary person: in the cortex, the volume of gray matter is reduced and the volume of white matter is increased. Such patients have a heightened thirst for recognition, and they need increased attention from others. All their actions are aimed at evoking a reaction from people, while the deceiver does not think about how he looks at this moment. Often such individuals are prone to hysteria and violent manifestations of emotions. Their feelings are changeable and fickle. Sometimes patients are even ready to attribute crimes and atrocities to themselves, only to find out about them. Determining whether a person is a pathological liar is very difficult. To do this, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

How often in a conversation with someone it is difficult for us to understand whether the interlocutor is truthful. No one is happy with the prospect of being deceived. How to detect a liar, practical psychology gives advice. You just need to carefully monitor the behavior and speech of the speaker.

  • Excessive emphasis on one's honesty, when the interlocutor's speech is full of all kinds of oaths, gives reason to doubt his veracity.
  • A defiant and dismissive tone, deliberate rudeness can also expose a liar.
  • A lying person can give out eyes, gestures, facial expressions. A person who wants to hide something usually tries to be closed during the conversation. This is evidenced by crossed arms, a glance going to the side and shifting eyes.
  • Emotions can also be indicative of untruth. This may be confusion from an unexpected question, an attempt to avoid the gaze of the interlocutor, excessive activity or, conversely, inaction.

How do the eyes react to lies?

In a conversation with a person, you should follow the direction of his gaze. A look that goes to the left, then descends to the bottom, speaks of a painful search for the right words. And the words that he says at the moment are devoid of sincerity.

Looking up to the right indicates that the person is working on creating false information.

Therefore, if the response to a direct question was to look up to the right and then down to the left, there is no doubt that a false statement will follow. In this case, the person first worked on creating an image that he had never seen in reality, and then proceeded to verbalize it.

There are professional liars who, in the habit of making "preparations" of lies in advance, they keep the required picture ready in their imagination. In this case, the eyes of the liar will be directed upwards to the left.

If the interlocutor has already been noticed in a lie, then you just need to remember his tricks, features of his gaze, behavior in order to protect himself from lies.

How to detect lies in a conversation

How do you know if a person is telling the truth or lying? There are three types of deceivers.

  1. People who strive to look smarter than everyone else in different situations. They intervene in all conversations, portray awareness in all topics. But if you ask such a know-it-all a leading, concretizing question, he will get off with general phrases.
  2. Benefit seekers. These deceivers are generous with compliments. So they try to win over, lull suspicion and get their own. These people are quite dangerous. It is important here to be observant and not to be a simpleton.
  3. Born deceivers. They are so fond of deception that they themselves believe in it, so they speak sincerely. Such high skill may well be misleading. Only later, by analyzing the conversation, can the deception be established.

Lie detection methods

  1. Ask a question to the interlocutor and pay attention to his answer. If he repeats the question before answering, or hesitates to answer, then he is feverishly coming up with a plausible answer, so he is dragging it out. The answer in the form of an anecdote or a joke is also indicative. The joking opponent also reveals himself to be a deceiver.
  2. Pay attention to the behavior of the interlocutor. If the answer is a cough that clears your throat, if the pace of speech accelerates sharply, then there is a nervousness of a person who is about to lie. A truthful narrator may return to the middle of the story, remembering something and adding some details. If the story is invented, it is not kept in memory, and in this case the narrator will not dare to take a step back and think of something, since one can easily go astray.
  3. Pay attention to your opponent's gestures. Gestures to a person are usually dictated by his subconscious. When a person wants to isolate himself from you, he scratches his head during a conversation, touches his face. If he takes a small step back during communication, this shows that he is eager to leave, as he is driven by the desire to hide something. A head down is also a sign of closeness.

What does a person who tells a lie feel? He experiences a state of stress without realizing it. And this stress is followed physiological reactions.

One of them is frequent blinking. However, a person often blinks even in the case of a simply unpleasant conversation for him.

The movement of the shoulder, arm or leg on one side of the body is a sure sign that a person thinks not at all what he says. Also, taking a step back during a conversation is a signal that a person does not believe in what he is saying at all.

In the event that a liar suddenly realizes that he has betrayed himself in some way, he begins to diligently monitor himself. His speech becomes slow, measured. He can joke, but the tension of the body, a somewhat uncomfortable posture (crossed arms, legs) can give him away.

If a person shows sympathy, but gloats in his soul, then the trembling corners of his lips will betray him. And having noticed the interlocutor's pursed lower lip, you should not trust his promise.

Do not trust a smile if it is asymmetrical. According to some psychologists, asymmetry in the face during a conversation is a sure sign of a person’s lies.

The lifted chin of a person with an outward smile speaks of his irritation and annoyance towards you.

Excitement or compulsion to tell a lie causes a person to touch his neck with his hands. The fear of speaking out is especially visible if he holds his hand to his throat, as if holding back the words rushing from his throat.

Folded hands in a lock - a sign of hiding something or the desire to keep yourself from saying something superfluous. Hands hidden in a pocket or folded on the chest can also speak of a lie.

When the deceiver wants to cheer himself up, he resorts to stroking himself with his fingers.

If the opponent's hand is cold when shaking hands, you should be wary of whether he is afraid of being exposed. However, it can also be a lack of circulation.

The stress of telling lies causes men to scratch their noses because the nose contains an excitable area.

In order not to become a victim of a deceiver, you can use several tricks.

Try to rise above the interlocutor (higher chair), which will subconsciously suppress him.

If possible, reduce the distance between him and yourself, thus encroaching on his personal space.

To make it harder for the liar to deceive, try to establish trust by imitating him in gestures and posture.

Do not take the position of the accuser. It would be smarter to pretend that you did not understand something and ask to repeat it. Thus, the deceiver will have the opportunity to change his mind and give a truthful answer.

All people lie without exception, only the regularity and scale of lies differ. One person will tell Mom that he was late at the store, casually silent about a minor accident on the way home, and the other will tell a long and fascinating story, made up from beginning to end. And yet in some situations it is almost vital to know the truth. How to understand that people are lying, and bring them to clean water?

Important Features

If you really want to get to the bottom of the truth, get ready to watch and listen carefully. It is important to evaluate what and how your interlocutor says. But not only words matter, pay attention to gestures, facial expressions and postures. Only the presence of several signs of a lie will help to avoid mistakes. How to understand if a person is lying? This is not always easy, if you have a real lie specialist in front of you, he can hide all the signs with sufficient quality and behave quite naturally, telling a lie. And yet, some little thing will definitely give it away. But inexperienced liars are quite easy to recognize.

What will the face say?

Even if a person holds himself confidently, with a false story, he will still be excited. Note that liars rarely make eye contact. However, the movements of the eyeballs can be controlled. How to understand whether a person is lying or not, if he looks into his eyes? Due to the release of adrenaline into the blood, the pupils will be dilated. However, this sign is rather indirect, since it can be observed with pleasant emotions or due to the peculiarities of the lighting in the room. Another evidence of lies - often blinking, even deliberate deception - this is a serious stress to which the body will definitely respond. Some liars are automatic but, of course, this action cannot be considered as a 100% symptom of untruth either.

Sign language

A person who tells the truth should be calm and relaxed, if there is an unreasonable increase in sweating, redness or pallor of the skin - there is reason to doubt the honesty of the interlocutor. When excited, many automatically fiddle with an object in their hands or straighten their clothes too often. How to understand that people are lying? There is nothing easier - see if the person's leg is twitching, or maybe he is beating some kind of rhythm with his fingers? Some experts claim that lying provokes a completely physical itch in the neck and lower face. And this means that a liar during his story will scratch this area, pull his chin or straighten his shirt collar. Another typical sign of untruth is the desire to cover your mouth with your hand, as if the speaker is ashamed of his words.

Methods for determining falsehood

We have all seen spy movies in which they love to demonstrate a lie detector. Such devices exist in reality. During their work, they evaluate the body's non-verbal responses during responses or narration. And yet their results cannot be considered one hundred percent. To the question: “How to understand that people are lying?” Experts answer that it makes sense to try specialized pharmacological preparations or hypnosis. In practice, experienced psychologists with the help of these tools can not only reveal the untruth, but also get to the bottom of the truth. A similar method can be tried in everyday life. Create the most comfortable conditions for the interlocutor - offer him delicious food, relaxing tea or alcohol. Try to win sympathy in the same way, and your chances of finding out the truth will increase significantly. But hypnosis and “pills of truth” are not recommended for non-professionals. However, drugs that suppress the will, you are unlikely to find in a regular pharmacy.

The abundance of minor trifles and details in the story may indicate the speaker's desire to distract from the main problem. Liars love to completely translate the topic. This technique can be used against them. Offer to talk about something else on your own. The interlocutor should not have obvious relief and joy at such a turn in the conversation. a person telling a lie, you can, specifying the details. It is advisable to do this after a while. Go back a few sentences and casually ask, “So how do you say you got there?” or "And why things went that way - I did not understand." The answer will most likely be received, but it will also take some time to think it over, and it will not be possible to hide such confusion. You already know how to understand if a person is lying on him, but you can additionally use a simple exercise. Memorize the whole story in detail or even record it on a voice recorder. Later return to this conversation and ask to tell again. Obvious differences in the reproduction of the same story is a clear sign of untruth. You can go the other way, after completing the story, ask to retell everything again, but backwards - from the result and end of the story, to its very beginning. But keep in mind, this will only work with your absolute memory. In addition, even when identifying differences in the story, the liar will try to convince you that the first time you listened to him inattentively or misunderstood. If you suspect a lie, try also asking definitive questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. Liars are usually bad at specifics, the answers will be slow, labored, and the excitement will increase.

How to understand if a person is lying by correspondence?

All the above signs and tips are most suitable for personal communication. And how to calculate a liar during correspondence? You can try some of the tips from the previous paragraph, but keep in mind that even instant real-time chat gives you a few seconds to think. In virtual communication, we will only have to evaluate words and phrases. Firstly, extra assurances of the veracity of what was said should alert. If your interlocutor used “I’m telling the truth” several times, “Have I ever lied?” or “if you don’t want it, don’t believe it!” before you reproached him for lying, then there is reason to doubt. Beware if the letter is too emotional - with an abundance of exclamation points and text highlights.