Psychological tests for high school students and students. Career Tests. Test "My creativity"

Here are selected tests for non-professional use. Anyone can independently test themselves using these tests. The results obtained from these tests should not be taken too seriously. However, they are good for expanding "inner horizons", developing self-criticism, a source of ideas for self-improvement. Polish doctors from the Institute of National Health, together with graphologists and psychologists, developed a test to determine a person's propensity for certain diseases by handwriting. Do you tend to plan your time and not be at the mercy of external circumstances. The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify the level of honesty, openness of the subject. Designed for professional psychological diagnostics. The "Honesty" questionnaire goes well with those questionnaires that do not include a scale of lies: with low scores, Square, triangle, rectangle, circle, zigzag - diligence, leadership, transition, harmony, creativity. Equal or unequal union. Many of us, well-versed in ourselves people, are able to assess the degree of our activity and show it in accordance with our own potential. At the same time, many people who are endowed by nature with great vital activity, but do not realize it and do not even know about its existence. Anancast has a powerful force of unjustified resistance to circumstances. Instead of adapting to them, he tries at all costs to keep them unchanged. But in life everything changes, much in it is relative or does not matter at all for the existence of a person. Diagnosis of propensity to artistic professions. Diagnostics of the general psychological climate in the family. Prudent people love comfort, before they do something, they "measure seven times." Others rush through life at breakneck speed: they don't care! They are able to risk everything, even if the success of the enterprise is not guaranteed. If you are a girl or a young woman who sometimes finds it very difficult to sort out her feelings for another person (young man), then let's hope that this test, developed by Professor Kovalev, will help you sort out your feelings to some extent. This test will help for introspection in determining the nature of the relationship with your spouse. Irritability. How important is sex and related things to you and your life? Evaluate each five years of your life according to the degree of saturation with important events for you. Aggressive or peaceful. If the number of points matches your age, then everything is in order. For those who prefer creative activity, it is desirable that the psychological age is not ahead of the passport one. Do you have significant creative potential that presents you with a wide range of possibilities. If you can actually apply your abilities, then a wide variety of forms of creativity are available to you. Choleric. Sanguine. Phlegmatic person. Melancholic. The level of general communicative tolerance is evidenced by the fact that you do not know how, or do not want to understand or accept the individuality of other people. The individuality of another is, first of all, what is special in him: given by nature, brought up, learned in the environment. Veiled cruelty in relation to people, in judgments about them. Open cruelty in relation to people. Justified negativism in judgments about people. Grumbling, that is, the tendency to make unreasonable generalizations of negative facts in the field of relationships with partners and in observing social reality. ... Exhibitionism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism, polygamy, perversion, animalism, narcissism, voyeurism. Test for women. Bodily health. Well-being. Relationships with friends are very important. And what are yours? Some experts say that you can learn a lot about each of us from the initials. Unbalance. Excitability. Some people find it very difficult to look at themselves from the outside. It seems to many that they are "darlings", they are pleasant in communication, it is pleasant for interlocutors to talk. In fact, it often happens that we underestimate the feelings of our neighbor, are rude and insult, without noticing it ourselves. This test (the so-called Leary Questionnaire) is very popular among professional psychologists because of its convenience and information content. Try it out for yourself as well. There are people who are always on the alert - nothing can surprise them, stun them, confuse them. Their opposite is scattered and inattentive people, lost in the simplest situations. The purpose of this test is to help deal with inner feelings. The main idea of ​​the test is to find the key word that will help unravel the tangle of a person's pressing problems. The key word is just the end of the thread that you need to grab onto in order to unravel the tangle of problems. This test was developed by English psychologists. It will help you figure out how stingy you are with gifts. Are you kind and considerate to others? Are you able to give the last shirt to someone who needs it more? What is the dominance of the organization in which you work, male or female? To find out, just answer a few questions. Your dominant psychological defense strategy in dealing with partners. level of neuroticism. Are you the kind of woman from whom men can lose their heads? Shyness. Introspection of the manner of laughing. What is your management style: directive, collegial or conniving. If you are a pedestrian, then this test is not for you. Otherwise, it will not hurt you to find out for yourself whether you are a good driver or not. The proposed test, compiled by a French psychologist, is at the same time an exercise that will allow parents to better understand the issues of raising boys and girls. Captain or passenger, leader or follower, leader or subordinate? Test for women. Contact people feel free in any company. They easily get acquainted with unfamiliar men. The level of conflict. Sixteen types of functional brain asymmetry. Amusement lover or not, hedonist or ascetic? There are eight types of love for a partner: affection, passionate love, formal, romantic, friendly, fatal, perfect love, no love (or very weak). With the help of this short test, you can determine what type of love you have with you. This test is widely used in America to diagnose the entrepreneurial streak. You can judge the personality of a person by wrinkles: joy, shyness, attention to detail, honesty, intelligence, good nature, disappointment, anxiety, aggressiveness, nervousness, surprise, indifference. Introspection of character. This table for evaluating husbands, candidates for husbands was proposed by American and Canadian sexologists. A worthy man must score at least 100 positive and no more than 45 negative points. Questionnaire aimed at self-assessment of observation. Are you a reliable person? Or is it not always possible to rely on you, are you somewhat, as they say, selfish? The methodology is for personal use only. It will help to identify people prone to fraud in your environment. What is independence? This is the ability to take responsibility at the right time, this is decisiveness combined with a sober approach. Can you attribute yourself to people who are ready to boast of their independence, self-sufficiency? "Who is looking for a treasure - rarely finds it. And who is not looking - never finds." It is persistent people who clearly see goals and stubbornly strive for them to achieve some kind of success in life. Is this perseverance enough for you? Unprofessional test to study the level of motivation for personal wealth. This test is designed to help you understand the subtle question of whether you are too self-confident person. With the help of this test, you can test your ideas about the character and behavior inherent in people of different sexes, knowledge of social stereotypes. Analysis of drawings that are made during boring meetings or just having nothing to do: different patterns in a notebook, on a piece of paper. This test will help you find out if you are really touchy, as you sometimes hear. Or you yourself are tolerance. The level of anxiety. Are you just a pessimist or a morbid pessimist? Are you a healthy optimist or unbridled frivolous? What is he, the father of the family? .. To know this better, the wife must answer 24 questions. A rational hypocrite or a violent libertine. Most people spend about 8 hours a day at work and communicate with their colleagues as much as with their families. Therefore, relationships with colleagues are an important element of human life. Bad relationships with colleagues can not only damage a career, business, but also unbalance any person for a very long time. This stress tolerance test was developed by a psychologist at the University of Boston Medical Center. attitude towards current work. The likelihood of masturbation. The possibility of exhibitionism. Predisposition to deformed relationships with peers. A fighter for truth or an opportunist? Designed for self-testing. Assessment of own entrepreneurial abilities. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to look at himself from the outside. This test is designed to find out how pleasant you are in communication. In countries that pay close attention to the study of workaholism, such as Japan, the United States and Canada, semi-structured interviews are used to identify workaholism. One of these interviews is a questionnaire proposed by B. Killinger. It has long been noted that men and women are often very different in their behavior. The experiments of psychologists have shown that in the presence of other people these differences manifest themselves doubly. This is explained by the fact that we are used to playing roles, the roles of men and the roles of women. As Shakespeare used to say, "The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors." Do you know your role? Alert and meticulous, or dreamy and distracted? Self-analysis of the degree of jealousy. Are you decisive? Answer the test, and, probably, after that you can answer this question more boldly. The level of ambition and readiness for a career. Is there some manipulative tendency or have engrams become familiar to you on the emotional spectrum. Impulsiveness. Emotional excitability. Efficiency. Reproducibility of unreacted experiences. Increased hyperthymia usually leads to a non-critical manifestation of activity. A person claims more than knows, knows how and does, she strives to take on everything, criticize and teach everyone, tries to attract attention to herself at any cost. Excessive energy interferes with clear and logical thinking, so hyperthymia often "carries". The level of unmotivated anxiety. The test is intended for self-testing. Diagnoses the presence or absence of a syndrome of self-destruction, that is, a tendency to self-destruction, self-aggression, self-injury. Tendency to be depressed. Frustration tendency. Tendency to cyclothymia. Tendency to euphoria. Tendency to exaltation. This test was compiled by American doctors. I advise you to answer most sincerely, without prevarication. It should be especially noted that the results of this test are not a definitive "diagnosis". Maybe you need to change your lifestyle in some way. Sometimes it's good to be a tough leader. Here, however, a sober assessment of the peculiarities of the style of one's leadership and one's character is necessary. To help you with this self-assessment, American management experts have developed a simple but useful test. It is based on the thesis that every leader has two types of mental resources: D-resources and B-resources. ... The degree of tension in the relationship. The level of respect for the feelings of a partner. Ability to yield. The test is intended for self-testing. Do you have a true passion for travel or are you a homebody? The questionnaire is designed to identify the level of anxiety of a person in relation to their own mistakes. Indirectly, it also helps to judge the attitude towards the opinions of others, the desire for objectivity, a tendency to self-deception and the use of psychological ones. Are you adamant and, excuse me, stubborn? Does the firmness of your convictions go well with the great subtlety and flexibility of your mind? According to Carl Gustav Jung, there are two ways to adapt to the world around you. One of them is expansion: constantly communicate, expand contacts, business ties, take everything that life gives. Such is the extrovert. Introverts, on the contrary, limit their contacts, withdraw into themselves, as if hiding in a shell. Very insecure, self-confident or overconfident? Questions for my husband. Questions for my wife. Are you a good diplomat? Do you lead the discussion in an authoritarian, overbearing and unceremonious way? Your behavior does not receive an unambiguous assessment in the team?

Tests are widely used in the world, the main task of which is to determine the abilities and inclinations of adolescents and adults, to help them decide on the true choice of their profession. Such career guidance tests can be used both during the learning process in educational institutions, and independently by adults who decide to change their place of work, their profession. It is worth noting that many reputable companies use various types of career guidance tests during the selection of candidates for certain positions. It also happens that candidates do not even mean that they have been tested.

Let us consider in more detail what career guidance tests exist for adolescents, schoolchildren and adults.

Career guidance tests for high school students

  1. "Profmaster". The test is designed for passing both high school students and applicants. It was created by Russian specialists. The test consists of two parts. There are 110 questions in total. The respondent is given 30 minutes to complete.
  2. "Emotions - intelligence." The test reveals detailed information about emotional and intellectual professions. It helps to determine what kind of person the interviewed person is, and what professions she needs to incline to.
  3. "Professor". This testing helps answer the question of in which profession the personal values ​​of the respondent will be most valuable.
  4. "Humanitarian - techie." Allows you to determine the dominant orientation (technical or humanitarian) in the person of the interviewed individual.
  5. "Psychological readiness for the exam." Testing assesses the degree of readiness for passing exams in a test form. The student identifies his strengths and weaknesses. The test takes 50 minutes.
  6. Rivers are metaphors. The main purpose of this test is to determine the type of character of the respondent, the sources of stress that affect the personality, professions that are suitable and not suitable for a high school student.
  7. "Psychogeometry - the choice of profession." You are given a number of figures. Your task is to put them in a certain order. The order of the figures helps to determine the main and secondary character traits, the peculiarity of the behavior of a high school student.

Career guidance tests for teenagers

  1. « ». The structure of the tests determines the level of interest in a particular type of professional activity.
  2. "Professional Choice Matrix". Developed by Moscow specialists. It consists of 2 questions and a table that allows you to identify the profession closest to the interests of a teenager.
  3. "(OPG)". This test is aimed at assessing the self-esteem and abilities of the respondent. His inclination to one of the five types of professions is determined (man-technology, man-man, man-sign system, man-nature, man-art). Both a teenager and an applicant can pass this career guidance test.
  4. "Vocational Associations". Testing is based on an associative technique. The respondent must be given certain associations to the profession. Thus, the test helps to assess the professional orientation of a person.
  5. "Goal - means - result." The test examines the peculiarity of the structure of adolescent activity.

Career guidance tests for adults

So, passing career guidance tests is an important step towards choosing a profession in which you want to invest your whole soul and heart.

    You found out that your friend is talking bad about you. You:
    BUT) You will look for a convenient opportunity to sort things out with him;
    B) You will stop communicating with him, and you will avoid meetings.

    When you get on the bus, you are roughly pushed. You:
    BUT) You protest loudly
    B) Silently you try to get forward;
    E) You wait for everyone to enter, and then, if possible, you enter yourself.

    Your classmate defends the opposite of your point of view. You:
    B) You do not express your point of view, because you still cannot convince him;
    D) You defend your point of view, trying to prove your case.

    You were late for the school evening. All seats are already taken, except for one in the front row. You:
    B) You stand at the door and scold yourself for being late;
    D) Without hesitation you head to the front row;
    E) You decide for a long time whether or not to go to the front row, but then you still go to an empty seat.

    Do you agree that your classmates often take advantage of you?
    D) Yes;
    E) No.

    Do you find it difficult to start a conversation with strangers?
    D) Yes;
    E) Not .

    You bought a thing, a defective thing. Is it easy for you to return a purchase?
    B) Not;
    IN) Yes.

    8. Can you say that your classmates are more confident than you?
    D) Not;
    E) Yes.

    Your friends demand a service from you that is fraught with trouble. Is it easy for you to refuse to fulfill it?
    B) Not;
    IN) Yes.

    You have the opportunity to talk to a famous person. You:
    D) Use this opportunity;
    E) You don't use.

    11. The teacher instructs you to call the institution and arrange a meeting for the class. You:
    B) Under any pretext you refuse;
    IN) You call without hesitation;
    Gather your courage and call.

    You got an unfairly low rating. You:
    B) Silently you experience;
    G) Arguing with the teacher about this grade.

    You don't understand the teacher's explanations. You:
    B) You will not ask questions to the teacher;
    IN) Calmly ask to explain again;
    G) Seize the opportunity and ask a question after class.

    You have come to the cinema. The people sitting next to you are talking loudly. You:
    B) You endure the noise, and then you swear at them;
    IN) You ask them to stop talking;
    E) Silently endure.

    You are standing in line. Someone is trying to get in front of you. You:
    B) You swallow resentment and are silent;
    D) You fight back.

    Do you find it easy to strike up a conversation with someone of the opposite sex you like a lot?
    B) Very hard;
    IN) Easily;
    G) It is very difficult to start, then it gets easier.

    You are going to the market. Is it easy for you to bargain?
    BUT) Yes;
    B) No.

    Do you get nervous when you have to speak in front of the class?
    B) Yes;
    D) No.

    You are praised in front of the class. You:
    B) Don't know what to say in response;
    D) Thanks for the praise;
    E) Feel free to accept gratitude.

    With good knowledge of the subject, would you like to take a written or oral exam?
    BUT) Oral;
    B) Writing;
    IN) I don't care what exam I take.

Test results.

BUT - 3 points , B– 0 points, IN- 5 points , G- 2 points, D- 4 points, E- 1 point.

Calculate the total.

  • 12 points - strong self-doubt.
  • 12-32 points - low self-confidence.
  • 33-60 points - the average level of self-confidence.
  • 61-72 points - high self-confidence.

Over 72 points- a very high level of self-confidence.

II. Test "Character"

Answer questions "Yes" or "No"

  1. Do you think that many of your acquaintances have a bad temper?
  2. Do everyday small responsibilities annoy you?
  3. Do you believe that your friends are devoted to you?
  4. Do you feel uncomfortable when a stranger on the street says "you" to you?
  5. Are you capable of hitting a dog or a cat?
  6. How often do you take medicine?
  7. Are you tired of going to the same grocery store?
  8. Are you burdened by social obligations?
  9. Are you able to wait for a late person for more than five minutes?
  10. Are you able to wait for a phone call without being anxious?
  11. Do you often think about your bad luck?
  12. How often does your figure change?
  13. Can you take the jokes of your friends with a smile?
  14. Do you like the life of your family?
  15. Are you vindictive?
  16. Do changes in nature annoy you or “nature doesn’t have bad weather”?
  17. Do you happen to be in a bad mood in the morning?
  18. Do modern paintings, music and songs annoy you?
  19. Do you get tired of the presence of strangers in the house?

Processing of results.

Give yourself one point for each negative answer to questions: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18.

Give yourself one point for each positive answer to questions: 3, 9, 10, 13, 14, 19.

Calculate points.

  • If you scored more than 15 points, then you can live well with your character. You are flexible, people who are close to you can rejoice. You are friendly and tactful, there is no awkwardness around you.
  • If you scored from 8 to 15 points, then you have not lost everything. There are flaws in your character, but there are many virtues as well. You just need not be stingy to reveal your merits. Although it is quite difficult for you. You are afraid of losing your authority in the eyes of others.
  • If you scored less than 8 points, you will not envy your family and friends. Next to you in life there are quarrels and conflicts that you cannot resist because of your character. Character character, but after all, you can stay with nothing.

III. Test "Do you know how to care for the sick?"

    Normal human body temperature is...
    A) 36.4°C;
    B) 36.9°C;
    C) 36.6°C.

    At an elevated temperature, a person should be given ...
    A) drink more
    B) more food
    C) more drugs.

    If there is no medicine in the house, then the temperature can be lowered ...
    A) putting a cold compress on the forehead of the patient;
    B) releasing the patient into fresh air;
    C) moving the patient closer to the refrigerator.

    If the medicine should be taken half an hour before meals, and breakfast will be at 9:15, then what time should the patient be given the medicine?
    a) at 8:50 a.m.
    B) at 8 hours 55 minutes;
    C) at 8:45 a.m.

    Signs of food poisoning are...
    A) elevated temperature;
    B) headache;
    C) nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

    If the thermometer for measuring temperature is accidentally broken, then you should ...
    A) throw away glass fragments;
    B) quickly and carefully collect the balls of mercury in a closed container and discard them;
    B) pay no attention.

1 2 3 4 5 6
but 1 3 3 1 2 2
b 2 1 2 2 1 3
in 3 2 1 3 3 1
  • If you scored 6-9 points, then self-care of the sick will seem difficult and troublesome to you. You have to constantly seek outside help.
  • If the sum of your points is from 10 to 14, then if you wish, you can become a good nurse for a loved one. One has only to be a little more attentive to the advice of adults.
  • If you scored 15-18 points, you can say that you are a reliable, almost professional carer. Your ward will be comfortable, warm and pleasant to be sick next to you. Maybe in the future you should consider a career as a healthcare worker or even a doctor?

IV. Crown-Marlow technique "Social Desirability Scale"

Instruction for high school students:“Read each of the following statements carefully. If you think that it is true and corresponds to the peculiarities of your behavior, then write "yes", if it is incorrect, then - "no"

  1. I carefully read each book before returning it to the library.
  2. I don't hesitate when someone needs help in need.
  3. I always pay close attention to how I dress.
  4. At home, I behave at the table in the same way as in the dining room.
  5. I never dislike anyone.
  6. There was a case when I stopped doing something because I was not confident in my abilities.
  7. Sometimes I like to gossip about those who are absent.
  8. I always listen carefully to the interlocutor, whoever he is.
  9. There was a time when I came up with a good reason to justify myself.
  10. It happened that I took advantage of a human oversight.
  11. I am always willing to admit my mistakes.
  12. Sometimes, instead of forgiving a person, I try to repay him in the same way.
  13. There were times when I insisted on doing it my way.
  14. I do not have an internal protest when I am asked to provide a service.
  15. I never get annoyed when people express an opinion that is the opposite of mine.
  16. Before a long trip, I always think carefully about what to take with me.
  17. There were times when I envied the good fortune of others.
  18. Sometimes I get annoyed by people who come to me with questions.
  19. When people are in trouble, I sometimes think they got what they deserved.
  20. I never said unpleasant things with a smile.

Key for processing results:

For each answer that matches the key, 1 point is awarded.

Answers "Yes" - to questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20.

Answers "No" - to questions 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19.

The overall final indicator of "approval motivation" on the scale is obtained by summing up all the "working" questions.

Interpretation: The higher the final indicator, the higher the motivation for approval and, consequently, the higher the willingness of a person to present himself to others as fully conforming to social norms. Low rates may indicate both a rejection of traditional norms and excessive demands on oneself.

The questions given below are asked by recruitment agencies to their candidates to determine their intelligence. Try to do it too. Thus, you will not only appreciate the mental potential of your colleagues, but also cheer up everyone present.

These questions ask whether test-takers have a good memory, whether they have a tendency to find overly complex solutions to simple problems, and whether they have the ability to consider the consequences of previous actions when making important decisions and learn from their own mistakes.

Question 1

How to put a rhino in the refrigerator?

Question 2

How to put a mammoth in the refrigerator?

Question 3

The king of animals called all the animals to a meeting, to which all but one came. Who didn't show up for the meeting?

Question 4

You need to swim across the river, which is home to a myriad of crocodiles. How will you cross the river?


You can voice the correct version immediately after receiving the answer, or read them after the participants put forward their versions for all questions.

Answer to the 1st question

Open the refrigerator, put the rhino in it, close the refrigerator.

Answer to the 2nd question

Wrong answer: open the refrigerator, put the mammoth in it, close the refrigerator.

The correct answer is: open the refrigerator, get the rhinoceros out of it, put the mammoth in it, close the refrigerator.

Answer to the 3rd question

This is a mammoth, as it was in the refrigerator at that time.

Answer to the 4th question

Of course, swim, because all the crocodiles are at the meeting with the king of beasts.

Test "Where to identify an employee?"

This test is often used when applying for a job. For this, a potential employee is brought into a room in which, apart from a table and a couple of chairs, there is nothing, they ask him to wait for a while, then they leave and appear only after a couple of hours. If a person really needs this job, he will not go anywhere. The question is what he will do while waiting for the interlocutor. And depending on this, he is assigned to one or another division of the company.

Of course, you don’t need to lock an employee in an empty room to find out if he was sent to work in that particular department correctly. It is enough to select a few volunteers, give them pencils and pastime options printed on separate sheets, and describe the situation to them with something like this: “Imagine that you came to get a job in our company. The secretary met you, took you to a room with white walls, in which there are only 2 chairs and a table of furniture, and asked you to wait a few minutes, while he himself disappeared for almost 2 hours. You really want to work in our firm, so you will be patient and will wait. To brighten up the expectation, you will choose for yourself one of the 11 options described on the sheets and circle it with a pencil. Also ask all test-takers to sign the papers, then collect them and announce the results.

Pastime options

1. I will disassemble the table for details.

3. I will start to hum something and at the same time gesticulate strongly.

4. I will talk to the furniture.

5. I will not waste time and take a little nap.

6. I will write a letter in which I will express everything that I think about the current situation.

7. I will remain completely calm and will not even turn around to look at the one who enters the room.

8. I will be nervous, but I will try to convince myself that everything is not so bad.

9. I will try to play with my glasses.

10. I will study the defects of the furniture.

11. Trying to fix a broken chair.


If the test-taker chose the first option, he is the right place in the research and information department.

If the test-taker chose the second option, he will perform best in the finance department.

If the test taker chose the third option, send them to the Help Desk.

If the test-taker chose the fourth option, the most suitable place for him is the personnel department.

If the test-taker chose the fifth option, he is a born manager.

If the test-taker chose the sixth option, arrange for him to work in the technical documentation department.

If the test subject chose the seventh option, the company will only benefit if he works in the security service.

If the test taker chose the eighth option, send it to the marketing department.

If the test taker chose the ninth option, trust him with the software.

If the test-taker chose the tenth option, the supply department is his native element.

If the test-taker chose the eleventh option, no one is better than him to cope with sales issues.

Test "Inclinations to professions"

This comic test can be offered to those who doubt the correct choice of their profession. Before asking a single question, hand out pencils and answer sheets to the participants and ask them to sign them and tick off the answer they think is correct. Then collect the papers and announce the results.

How much is 2 x 2?

Answer options

2. The answer depends on the units of measure.

3. 99 (70 - to us; 25 - to you; 4 - to the cashier).

4. How much do you need?

5. Do not offer group sex.

6. Usually 4.

7. From 5 to 7.

8. I do not consider it necessary to answer stupid questions.

Transcription of answers

1. Teacher

2. Programmer

3. Financial Director

4. Accountant

5. Assistant Secretary

6. Economist

8. Manager

Test "Boss or subordinate?"

Invite your colleagues to take a test and find out who is more in your team - bosses or subordinates.

To do this, you will need pencils and sheets of paper with statements printed on them. Participants of the test must choose answer options and calculate the number of points they have scored. Then announce the results. Perhaps they will force the authorities to reconsider the personnel policy of their firm.

1. For everything that happens in my life, I am responsible.

B. I don't know.

2. Problems in my life would be much less if the people around me would change their attitude towards me.

B. I don't know.

3. By my nature, I am not a person of action, I prefer to reflect on the reasons for my mistakes, rather than take concrete steps to correct them.

B. I don't know.

4. Often the thought occurs to me that my life is passing under an "unlucky star."

B. I don't know.

5. Drug addicts and alcoholics are to blame for the fact that they have sunk to the very bottom of life.

B. I don't know.

6. Reflecting on my life, I came to the conclusion that those who influenced my character were responsible for what happens to me.

B. I don't know.

7. I prefer to treat my sores on my own using proven methods.

8. I don't know.

8. The fact that women become bitches and worthless creatures, as a rule, is not to blame for themselves, but for those who surround them.

B. I don't know.

9. You can always find a way out of any situation.

B. I don't know.

10. I am grateful to those who never refuse to help me, and I always try to do something nice for them.

B. I don't know.

11. When thinking about who initiated the conflict, I always start with myself.

B. I don't know.

12. I believe in a sign: if a black cat crosses the road - do not expect anything good.

B. I don't know.

13. Every adult in any life situation should be strong and be able to take responsibility for their own actions.

B. I don't know.

14. I have a lot of shortcomings, but this is not a reason to be prejudiced against me.

B. I don't know.

15. If it is not in my power to influence the outcome of the case, I usually put up with it, believing that next time I will be much more lucky.

B. I don't know.


What to calculate the number of points, offer test participants for each “Yes” answer to questions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and for each “No” answer to questions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 , 14, 15 give 10 points each, and for the answers “I don’t know” - 5 points each.

Over 116 points.

Of course, you are the boss. If you are still not in a responsible position, this is a big mistake on the part of your boss. You possess such qualities as honesty, independence, adherence to principles, diligence and determination. You are characterized by professionalism, the ability to find an approach to people and organizational skills.

From 96 to 115 points.

Are you a boss or a subordinate? Everything depends on the situation. You can both lead if you see any benefit in this, and obey if you think it will be better for you to hide in the shadows for a while.

Less than 95 points.

You are used to going with the flow. Being a leader is not your path. It is much easier to follow someone's orders than to take the initiative in your own hands and bear responsibility for it. However, everyone chooses his own path, because if there are bosses, there must be subordinates.

Quiz: How many years does it take you to become a millionaire?

Offer this comic test to one of your colleagues. Attach a piece of paper with the following text to the wall:

Your salary: ____________________ rubles.

Estimated salary growth per year: ____________________ % each year.

How many rubles you can save annually: ____________________ rubles.

The person being tested must write in the numbers with a marker. As soon as he does this, announce the result.


According to your annual income, you have a chance to earn:

1 million in 83 years.

10 million in 138 years.

100 million in 169 years.

1 billion in 215 years.

10 billion in 271 years.

And you will be able to compete with Bill Gates not earlier than in ... 307 years. We wish you Siberian health and longevity to live to see this momentous event.

Test "Do you have a chance to become a space tourist?"

This test does not require many participants. Ask your colleagues who dreams of seeing the Earth from space. For those wishing to make a long journey, ask only 2 questions, calculate the amount of points they have scored and announce the results.

1. Do you complain about your health?

A. Thank God, no (1 point).

B. Sometimes it happens (0 points).

2. Do you have $30 million in your bank account?

A. Of course (1 point).

B. Alas and ah (0 points).


2 points.

We sincerely congratulate you! You can become one of the first applicants for the place of a space tourist in a rocket!

Less than 2 points.

Do not despair! You have no reason to be upset, because even on our planet you can have a blast!

Test "Your attitude to the world of art"

Some people listen to music all day long, others prefer to sing themselves, others can see beauty in everyday life, others create it themselves, others don’t care about some kind of art. Which category your colleagues belong to will help to solve this test. Distribute pencils and questionnaires with questions to test participants and ask them to answer them honestly.

1. Do you think that such words, “nuance” and “tone” differ in their meaning?

2. Your apartment needs cosmetic repairs for a long time. Can you ignore it and live like you're all right?

3. Do you like to draw?

4. Do you choose clothes based on the latest fashion trends?

5. Can you say with complete certainty who Velazquez, Nureyev and Gaudi were?

6. Do you find it difficult to read your own handwriting?

7. Do you choose things of the same color scheme?

8. Do you often visit museums?

9. When driving a car, do you stop to admire the94 walking sun?

10. Have you noticed the habit of drawing geometric figures in moments of reflection?

11. Can you be called a frequenter of exhibitions and art salons?

12. Do you like to walk around your hometown?

13. Do you like being alone?

14. Do people who like to recite poems by heart surprise you?

15. Do you listen to music just for fun?

16. Are you able to remember any landscape in detail?

17. Do you think that sea stones are very beautiful?

18. Do you enjoy meeting and communicating with new people?

19. Do you like poetry?

20. Have you ever wanted to decorate the walls of your own apartment?

21. How often do you change your image?

22. Do you like rearranging furniture?

23. Have you ever tried to compose a song?


To find out the total score, ask test takers for each “Yes” response to questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 give yourself 1 point, and for the answer "No" - to questions 2, 6, 10, 14, 15, 18.

Over 16 points.

It can be said about you that you are an artistic nature, you have a sense of beauty. Your life is surrounded by art objects that you are well versed in.

From 8 to 16 points.

Of course, you know how to appreciate the beautiful, but you can live without it. If you are prompted to choose between a painting and a new computer model, you will choose the second option.

Less than 8 points.

If you chose a creative profession, you made a big mistake. You can't understand a person who stops to admire a beautiful sunset or stands idle for hours in front of a masterpiece of a great master. In life, you value only things that can bring real benefits, and not all sorts of trinkets, even if they are very beautiful.

Test "Do you have a chance to become a talk show host?"

Many of us dream of becoming famous in childhood, working on television, hosting some popular TV show. But, as a rule, dreams remain dreams, and we choose a completely different profession. However, it is always interesting to know if we are capable of being a TV star. The answer to this question can be obtained by passing this test. But you need to treat it with a sense of humor. It is desirable that the facilitator read the questions and answer options aloud, and the test-takers mark the appropriate option on a piece of paper, and then calculate the amount of points scored.

1. You can’t get anywhere, but the appearance for a TV star is her calling card, so each applicant must go through the so-called face control. Carefully remember yourself, use a mirror if possible, and make sure that you have a pair of upper and lower limbs, eyes and ears, one mouth and it is full of teeth, and a nose is also in a single copy. So, do you have all of the above?

A. If I have not made a mistake in the calculations, everything is in place (2 points).

B. Some teeth are missing (1 point).

B. I also have a belly button piercing (0 points).

2. Do you have a habit of interrupting your interlocutor?

A. Yes, why listen to some nonsense, it is better to listen to an intelligent person, that is, me (2 points).

B. No, a sense of decency does not allow (1 point).

B. If I had my way, I would have killed everyone, but there is no machine gun (do not be afraid, I have such jokes) (0 points).

3. Are you able to shout “Applause, please!” every 2 minutes?

A. If it is required during the course of the program, I will try (2 points).

B. The audience themselves know when to applaud, so the ability to shout “Applause!” not useful (1 point).

B. Yes, but only if it is really necessary (0 points).

4. Imagine that your program is on the air, all the microphones suddenly turned off. Can you cope without acoustic equipment, shout over the guests sitting in the studio, the audience and the musical accompaniment?

B. I can't scream at all and I'm not able to speak in raised tones, so without a microphone I'll be completely lost (1 point).

Q. The most I can do is whisper loudly (0 points).

5. Do you like to find out the details of the personal life of a person whom you met recently?

A. Of course, it's very interesting (2 points)!

B. I would love to, but somehow uncomfortable (1 point).

B. Who might be interested (0 points)?


More than 8 points. You clearly have talent. You should try to become a local TV star.

Less than 7 points. Why would you want to host some talk show? You and us are fine!

Test "Can you be trusted to host an important meeting?"

This is a joke test, so test takers must have a sense of humor. Distribute blank sheets of paper and pencils to the participants so that they can write down their answers and record the amount of points.

1. Do you suffer from spontaneous twitching of your eyes, ears, mouth, arms or legs?

A. I did not notice this for myself (2 points).

B. I twitch my ears and wink all the time, but only to amuse others (1 point).

B. Well, occasionally with hands and feet... Left hook, right hook. I was engaged in boxing in my youth (0 points).

2. Are you a stutterer?

A. God bless (2 points).

B. Yes, but only half (1 point).

Q. I don’t, but those who hear me don’t know (0 points).

3. Do you pronounce all the letters of the alphabet?

A. Yes, and not only letters, but also numbers (2 points).

B. I pronounce the hard and soft signs perfectly, there are some problems with the rest (1 point).

B. I'd rather record the soundtrack of my performance (0 points).

4. Imagine that you need to read a text full of complex terms and phrases. As a practice, try to pronounce without hesitation: “The weather got wet!”. How many times did you go astray before pronouncing this phrase correctly?

A. Not once (2 points).

5. Do you suffer from flatulence?

A. Didn't notice anything like that (2 points).

B. Sometimes I suffer, like everyone else, but I control myself (1 point).

B. I won’t admit it, but so that nothing terrible happens, I’ll put on a sound-absorbing diaper (0 points)

6. Imagine that during a meeting, out of the corner of your eye, you saw a mouse running towards you under the table. How will you react?

A. Yes, even a hippopotamus! I will pretend that nothing is happening (2 points).

B. Raise my legs higher (1 point).

B. I will try to catch her unnoticed (0 points).


More than 10 points.

You will certainly cope with such a difficult task as negotiating. The authorities present here will take this into account.

6 to 9 points.

You can be trusted to lead the meeting, but only for a short time /

Less than 5 points.

Of course, you can arrange and hold a meeting, but only for one person - yourself!

Test "Is your boss a monster?"

If your boss has a sense of humor and understands any jokes, you can take the following test.

Give participants blank sheets of paper and pens so they can mark their answers.

Your task is to read the questions and their answers.


1. My boss...

A. Man.

B. Woman.

B. Difficult question.

D. Something in between.

2. My boss prefers clothes...

A. Fashionable.

B. Classical.

B. Out of fashion.

G. Outrageous.

3. My boss smells...

A. Nice.

G. It's hard to say what.

4. My boss...

A. Soft.

B. Nothing like that.

B. Strict, but very honest and fair.

G. In a word, a beast!

5. My boss speaks...

A. Clear and concise.

B. Illegible.

B. Like a mad scientist.

G. And who listens to him?!

6. When the boss gets angry...

A. Quickly recovers and cools down.

B. It's a long time.

B. Spitting and spraying foam.

D. Makes you go to work on weekends.

7. My boss eats...

A. As a well-mannered person.

B. Chavkaya, not shy.

8. As if he had been starving the week before.

G ... and at the same time yells at everyone who comes under the arm.

8. You hinted to the boss that it would be nice to increase the salary, he ...

A. Agrees with you.

B. Becomes sad and pretends to be very busy.

B. Moves the conversation to another topic.

G. Gets very angry.

9. During the lunch break, the chef...

A. Goes out to eat.

B. Plays computer games.

B. Makes a thorough inspection of his office.

10. When I accidentally meet my boss outside of work, he...

A. Shopping

B. Walks with his family.

B. Wanders in search of something in the nooks and yards.

G. Carefully watches the girls passing by.

11. Of all the drinks my boss prefers...

A. Green or black tea.

B. Liquid of indeterminate color, smell and taste.

B. The blood of his subordinates.

12. At the boss...

A. Thick hair.

B. Liquid hairs.

B. Arms covered with thick hair.

D. Hairy legs that are visible when he sits down.

13. When the boss talks to me...

A. Speaks politely and reservedly.

B. Gets angry and snorts.

B. Heavy snoring.

G. Shouts at the top of his lungs.

14. The eyes of the boss ...

A. Kind and affectionate.

B. Prickly and cold.

B. Rollout.

G. Like a beast.


Most answers A.

You are definitely lucky. Such bosses cannot be found during the day with fire. You need to love and cherish this.

Most answers b.

This is not to say that your boss is the ultimate dream. But it also happens worse. Remember the saying: "It's good where we are not!".

Most of the answers are C and D.

According to your answers to questions, your boss is nothing but a real monster! He is so terrible and vicious as the world has never seen before. If he eats a piece of raw meat in front of your eyes, know that it's time for you to think about finding a new job. But in general, remember that this test is a joke!

Test "Is everything all right with the head?"

For this test, distribute blank sheets of paper and pens to all participants. You will need to read the questions, and the rest - to write down the answers. Their correctness can be checked according to the table. The more matches, the better for smart testers.

1. How many birthdays do you think a woman has?

2. What do you think, what does not move from its place, but always rises, then falls?

3. What color is the bear if he walks under the window of the house, which has 4 walls facing south.

4. A window is open in the room, under it there are fragments on the floor and water is spilled. The dead Johana completes the picture. Who is Johana and why did she die?

5. There is a word in Russian that is always read incorrectly. Write this word.

6. Why can't a woman living in Krasnodar be buried east of the Kama River?

7. Two people were playing checkers. Each played 7 games and each won the same number of times. How could such a thing happen?

8. Divide 20 by 1/z, add 10 and write down the result.

9. If you are given 5 paintings out of 7, how many paintings will you have left?

10. How many animals did Moses take on his ark?

11. Under Russian law, can a man legally marry his widow's sister?

12. You ended up in a dark room in which you hardly found a candle, a kerosene lamp and a wood-burning stove. You only have one match in your pocket. What will you light first?

13. Your doctor has prescribed 3 pills for you to take every 30 minutes. How long will it take to take the drug?

14. The collective farmer had 17 sheep. All but 9 were stolen. How many rams does the collective farmer have left?

15. Count how many races the number 8 occurs in the range from 1 to 100?

16. 10 candles burning, 3 of them went out. How many candles are left?

17. A brick has a weight of 1 kg and another half a brick. How much does 1 brick weigh?

18. One archaeologist found a coin dated 40 BC. e. Could this really be?

19. The stick must be divided into 12 parts. How many times do you need to cut it off?

20. The man went to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening, and he started his mechanical alarm clock at 10 o'clock in the morning. How many hours will he get to sleep?

21. There are 10 fingers on the feet. How many are there in 10 legs?

23. Some months end on the 30th, and some on the 31st. What month has the 29th?

24. Father and son had an accident. The father died, and the son ended up in the hospital. An anesthesiologist entered his room and said: “This is my son!”. Could this really be?


Participants who scored more than 12 correct answers can proudly say that they are all right in the head!

Test "Are you a chimpanzee or an orangutan?"

This little test will amuse any company. If you follow the logic of Charles Darwin, we all once descended from monkeys. But from which ones? This test will help you find the answer to this question.

1. Your height...

A. Like Uncle Styopa.

B. Average.

B. I did not come out as a sprout.

2. Your skin...

B. Swarthy.

B. Not visible under a layer of dirt.

3. Are your ears big?

A. Rather yes than no.

B. Ears like ears.

B. Petite!

4. Do you usually prefer to be...

A. Among people.

B. In splendid isolation.

B. In the company of only a select few.

5. Your favorite foods...

A. From meat.

B. From vegetables and fruits.

B. Miscellaneous.


Most answers A.

You are none other than a chimpanzee, a very cute and sweet monkey!

Most of the answers are B and C.

You are a real orangutan, but already quite civilized.

Test "Who were you in a past life?"

To conduct this short quiz, give the participants sheets of paper on which they will mark their answers. At the end of testing, calculate the results.

1. Are you blonde?

A. Absolutely!

B. No, not blonde.

B. It all depends on the mood.

2. Do you like to wear jewelry?

B. I don't need it at all.

B. When how.

3. Do you love it when...

B. Lots of chocolate.

4. Do you like being the center of attention?

A. And who doesn't like it?!

B. Modesty adorns a person, so I prefer not to stand out.

B. According to the circumstances

5. Do you like being looked after?

A. Definitely love it!

B. No, I prefer to do everything myself.

B. Depending on who cares.

6. Do you like to lead others?

A. Yes, it's so nice!

B. No, it's not in my nature.

B. I dream about it

7. Will you reciprocate a marriage proposal to a black person?

A. Yes, it's worth a try.

B. Hardly.

Q. It is difficult to answer such a complex question, you need to carefully weigh everything.

8. Do you like doing housework?

A. This is not a royal affair.

B. Yes, of course.

B. I don't have such a household.


Most answers A.

Whether you were lucky or not, in a past life you were the leader of a large African tribe. A little, a lot you had 13 wives (husbands), a dozen wild boars and a treasure chest. You have lived 90 years.

The cause of your death was a meteorite that fell from the sky.

Most options B and C.

You can be envied. In a past life, you were a beautiful king penguin living in Antarctica. During your long life, you have acquired numerous offspring (79 children), who are breeding and multiplying to this day.

In order for everyone to learn a lot of interesting things about themselves, it is enough to give answers to just 3 questions. Write on the posters the names of the animals and flowers that are discussed in the test, and voice the questions. Participants must record their answers on paper. After completing the tasks, announce the results.

1. Put the following animals in order according to your liking for them.

A. Cow.

B. Horse.

B. Monkey.

2. Choose a short definition for the following words.

D. Dog.

3. What kind of person do you associate with the colors listed below?

B. Yellow.

B. Green.

G. Red.

D. Orange.


The first question is responsible for setting priorities in a person's life.

The cow is a career.

The horse is family.

Monkey is money.

Sheep is love.

The tiger is pride.

The definitions of the named words describe and express the relationship:

Coffee is for love.

Cat - to a friend or partner.

Rat - to the enemy.

The ocean - to your own life.

The dog is to himself.

As for the colors, they mean the following.

White - this person is your true friend.

Yellow is a person who will always remember you.

Green is a person you will never forget.

Red is the person you truly love.

Test "Circles"

For this test, you will need whatman paper, felt-tip pens and an unlimited number of participants. At your command, they must begin to complete the task each on their own sheet of paper.

1. Draw a small circle in the center of the sheet.

2. Through the center of the circle, draw lines that go beyond its limits and divide the sheet into 4 sectors.

3. In each of the resulting sectors, write one of the letters: L, P, R, S.

4. Outside the 1st circle, draw the 2nd.

5. In each of the 4 sectors of the new circle, write one of the numbers: 1, 2, 3 and 4.

6. Outside the 2nd circle, draw the 3rd one and write 1 animal each in its sectors (you can also enter insects, fish or birds).

7. Outside the 3rd circle, draw the 4th and in the new sectors write 1 character trait each (for example, honesty, capriciousness, etc.).

8. Draw the last circle in the same way as the previous ones and enter in the resulting sectors according to the proverb, catchphrase, etc.


1st round

L means "love".

P means "bed".

R means "work".

FROM means "family".

2nd round

According to this circle and the numbers in it, one can judge a person's priorities in relation to love, bed, family and work.

3rd and 4th circles

They need to be analyzed at the same time. They give a detailed description of the personality of the person who wrote and painted. First read the character trait, then the animal, and then look to which sector the resulting phrase belongs. The result is very funny. For example, a miserly elk in bed, a boring hedgehog in love, an honest mare at work, etc.

5th round

The phrases of this circle characterize a person in love, bed, family and at work. For example, a bed - “Seven do not wait for one”, love - “Without labor, you cannot pull a pond out of a pond”, etc.

Magic Math Test

This is a very short, but no less interesting and funny test joke. To carry it out, it is enough to give everyone present a few tasks.

1. Think of any number from 2 to 9.

2. Multiply it by 9.

3. Add the numbers of the resulting two-digit number together.

4. Guess a European country for the first letter of the resulting number.

5. Think of an animal for the third letter of the name of this country.


Now ask the question: “All guessed? And what makes you think that rhinos live in Denmark?

Bath test

Based on which part of the body a person begins to wash in the first place, one can judge some of his character traits. Ask the participants of the test just one question: “While in the bath, shower or bath, where do you start to wash?”.

Answer options


This is not to say that you combine many talents. Their absence compensates for your diligence, the desire to selflessly help others, reliability and decency. For this, you are greatly appreciated and loved, but, however, not with the love that you would like.


You are, as they say, a man of action. Purposefulness, straightforwardness, honesty and adherence to principles - these are the qualities that characterize you to the fullest. Your motto is to always move forward. However, along the way, you often meet misunderstandings, and this annoys you greatly. You use signs of attention from members of the opposite sex.


The most important thing in life for you is material well-being, the rest, in your opinion, is nonsense. There is only one person you truly love, and that is yourself.

You are absolutely not interested in what others think of you. But you have a lot of virtues, thanks to which you do not sit alone.

Intimate parts of the body

Shyness is what sets you apart from the rest. In dealing with others, you lack confidence and courage. Because of this, you have practically no friends and problems in your personal life. However, everything is in your hands. If you want to change something in your life, you will. How? Only you can answer this question.


Bad luck follows you around. Whatever you undertake, everything ends either badly or nothing. This leads to problems with the opposite sex. However, you are not at all hopeless. Declare to yourself that you are the coolest and luckiest person in the world, stop believing in bad omens and listen to the advice of others, and then the black streak in your life will end.

Other body part

In every person there is a zest, but in you it is so deep that it is not visible. To get noticed, you need to do something extraordinary, perhaps take part in the filming of a popular talk show.

Test "Guess the riddle"

In childhood, we are happy to guess riddles, but with age, interest in this genre disappears, which is a pity. After all, a riddle is a great way to have fun and develop imaginative thinking. And in the form of a test, they can become an entertaining game. Read the questions and answers in front of the audience. The test-takers must say the correct answer in unison.

1. The body is wooden, the clothes are torn, he does not eat, does not drink, he guards the garden.

A. Pinocchio.

B. Gardener.

B. Scarecrow.

2. It lives in the seas and rivers, but often flies across the sky, and when it gets bored with flying, it falls to the ground again.

A. Pelican.

B. Amphibious aircraft.

3. Came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves.

A. Graffiti girl.

4. He puffs like a steam locomotive, importantly keeps his nose up, makes some noise, settles down, invites a seagull to get drunk.

B. Neighbor retired.

B. Kettle.

5. People live under water, walk backwards.

A. Divers.

B. Vodyanoy and his servants.

6. A new vessel, but all in holes.

A. Shelled ship.

B. Empty head.

7. I'm lying in a school bag, I'll tell you how you study.

A. Mobile.

B. Petition to parents.

8. Diary.


All answers are correct.

This suggests that the team is distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity.

Half correct answers.

This result is also good. Not all is lost and much can be made up with hard work.

Less than half correct answers.

Here is a riddle, so a riddle. What is with the heads of those present?

Test "Guess the riddle-2"

This test, like the previous one, offers to guess Russian folk riddles. Participants must choose one of the two response options.

The table with the correct answers is below. Based on the results of the test, you can judge the intelligence of your colleagues and their ability to think abstractly.

1. It will ring loudly,

The duck quacks

Get it together kids

For one mother.

A. Bell ringing.

B. The cook calls for dinner.

2. Two sisters suffer

They stare into the closet,

They dare not come up.

A. Window sashes.

B. Ceilings.

3. Mother is fat,

Daughter is red

Son of a brave

Gone to heaven.

A. Furnace, fire, smoke.

B. Cook, her daughter and son-pilot.

4. Under the city near Bryansk,

Under the royal oak

Two eagles are eagle

One testicle is pampered.

A. Wedding.

B. Christening.

5. Near the hole

There are white doves.

B. Two sisters.

6. Stands strong

hanging weakly,

Around them smoothly

Everyone has gear

They also have sweetness.

A. Nuts, shells, teeth.

B. Pig and acorns.

7. Knocks, rattles, spins,

Nobody is afraid

Counts his age

Himself not a man.

A. Cuckoo.

8. There is a bridge

For seven miles

Pillar on the bridge

Color on the pole

To the whole world.

A. Lent.

B. Bridge with traffic lights.

9. Two are standing,

Two are lying

The fifth walks

The sixth one leads.

A. Hide and seek.

B. Door with lintels.

10. I will go out to the vine,

I'll hit billiards

I will console the tsar in Moscow,

I'll wake up the king in Lithuania

Dead man in the ground

abbess in a cell,

Little child in the cradle.

A. Church bells.

B. Nightingale the Robber

11. Two ends,

Two rings

Nail in the middle.

A. Scissors.

B. Crossed swords hang on the wall.

12. A pig is running,

golden back,

Linen tail.

A. Needle and thread.

B. Awl and thread.

13. I will guess a riddle

I'll throw it in the garden

In the year I will let

Yearling grove.

14. There was a pig from a barn,

Opening the hay along the snout.

B. Drunk man.

15. Sweep, Sweep

Little mahnushka,

I'll put a white nub.

A. Vargi.

B. The husband kicked his wife out of the house.

16. Worth ass,

I'm low

One hundred rizoks on it.

17. In a wide yard,

On a flat field

There are four priests

under one hat.

A. Bench.

18. Four fours,

two spreaders,

seventh spinner,

There are two glasses in it.

A. Cow.

19. Himself naked,

Waist shirt;

I'm white

The kids are red.

B. Match.

20. No arms, no legs

Not a small piece creeps up.

A. Water vapor.

21. Erofeika stands,

Belted short.

22. Three crows flew to the mansion;

One says:

I'm good in winter

The other is good for me in summer,

And the third - I'm always good.

A. Horse, cow, boat.

B. Snow Maiden, Thumbelina, Baba Yaga

23. Under the cage, under the bait,

There is a barrel of crow's fat.

A. Boiler with water.

B. Trash can.

24. One to twelve gave birth,

And twelve seven gave birth,

Of the seven, four have grown.

B. Father of many children.

25. Worth a win

All in knots.

A. Mutovina.

B. Knotty log.

26. Neither a man nor a woman walks, Carries neither a fold, nor a pie.

B. Hermaphrodite.

27. Small and bent

The whole house is guarded.

B. An old man with a stick.

28. A woman sits on the ridges,

All clothes in patches.

Whoever looks,

He will cry.

A. Green onions.

29. Small and bent

Walked the whole meadow.

A. Hunchback.

30. I'll tear off the shaggy head,

I'll take out my heart

Let me drink

Will start talking.

B. Writing pen.

31. An old man stands over the river,

He does not drink himself, he gives water to others;

Water pours by mouth,

Not with a bucket, but with a chisel.

A. A barrel with a tap.

B. Well.

32. Miron stands,

Full head of crows.

B. Scarecrow.

33. Black split,

Takes a bite.

A. Buckwheat.

B. Seeds.

34. Mila, peremila,

She planted her eyes,

Though a sin, at least two,

And I want death.

B. The old woman was watching a porn movie.

35. Little black, little,

The whole world is cute.

A. Zest.

B. Bird cherry.

36. Will be born on the water,

Will grow on fire

See your mother

Will die again.

A. Sol. B. Sugar.

37. Five lambs eat up a stack,

Five sheep run away.

A. Linen is spun.

B. Sheep and wolf.

38. Do not bake, do not chew,

They do not swallow, but they all eat deliciously.

B. Bay leaf.

39. Screams without a tongue,

Sings without a throat

Happy and sad

But the heart does not hear.

A. Bell.

B. Tape recorder.

40. Goes to the black bath,

It comes out red.

B. Miner.

41. Walks without legs,

Sleeves without hands

Mouth without speech.

A. Gossip.

42. Round, small,

Everyone is nice.

A. Happiness.

B. Money.

43. Sharp, unforged,

I touch - it's pierced.

44. I'm sitting on the tower,

Small as a mouse

Red as blood

Tasty like honey.

A. Cherry. B. Rowan.

45. Lives without a body,

Speaks without language

Nobody sees him

And everyone hears.

46. ​​A thorn sits on a pitchfork,

Dressed in purple

Who will go,

Togo pricks.

A. Rosehip.

47. Neither body nor spirit,

And with wings around

Who will I fly to?

I'll just teach.

48. Flutters easily

She doesn't know;

Who will look

Everyone guesses.

B. Butterfly.

49. Grew up, grew up,

Came out of the bush

It rolled down my arms,

It felt on the teeth.

50. Meta, meta,

I won't sweep

I carry, I carry

I won't take it.

A. Water from a well.

B. Sunlight from the window.

51. A horde rides,

Shaft alone,

And not a single arc.

A. Rydvan with drawbar.

52. The pike will move,

The forest withers

The city will be in that place.

A. Peter I and St. Petersburg.

B. Spit, grass, haystack.

53. Four walkers,

two bodos,

Seventh baker.

B. Cow, legs, horns, tail.

54. Sam is thin,

And a head with pounds.

A. Tadpole.

B. Bezmen.

55. Expensive capital

He nourished all souls.

56. Round, but not a girl,

With a tail, but not a mouse.


Test "What is your IQ?"

Now it is very fashionable to be tested to determine the level of intelligence.

Invite your colleagues to evaluate their mental abilities with this test. To do this, give them blank sheets of paper and pencils so that they can record their answers to the questions asked.

Your task is to read the questions clearly and clearly and give them some time to think about them. At the end of the test, announce the results.

1. In a Race Walking event, you overtake an opponent in second place. What position did you take?

A. First.

B. Second.

B. Third.

G. The last one.

D. This is impossible.

B. Orthodox only.

D. Only among Christians.

D. Only among Russian Argentines.

3. You are in a Race Walk again and you overtake a last-runner. What position are you in now?

A. On the first.

B. On the second.

B. On the penultimate.

G. On the last one.

D. This is impossible.

4. Piglet is ...

A. Piglet.

B. Pig.

D. Coin.

5. How many kids did the wolf eat?

A. None.

B. One.

G. Six.

D. There was no such thing at all.

6. Of the 5 glasses of tea standing on the table, Olya took one, drank the tea and put the glass back. How many glasses are left on the table?

D. Four.

7. One corner of a rectangular stool was sawn off. How many corners did the stool have after that?

8. There were five cucumbers and eight apples in the basket. The girl took one cucumber. How many fruits are left in the basket?

A. Eight.

B. Thirteen.

D. Twelve.

9. The distance between cities A and B is 120 km. A car left town A for town B at a speed of 90 km/h. At the same time, another car drove from city B to city A towards it at a speed of 70 km/h. Which car will be closer to city A when they meet?

A. First.

B. Second.

B. At the same distance.

D. Cars will not meet.

D. This is impossible.

10. The price of a product first soared by 13%, and then fell by the same percentage. What is the price of the item now?

11. How many times does the number 4 occur in numbers from 39 to 50?

A. Ten.

B. Eleven.

D. Nine.


The more correct answers to the questions of this test, the higher the level of intelligence.

Test "Fruit-berries"

American psychologists have revealed the dependence of a person's character on the berries and fruits that he prefers to eat. They carried out a thorough analysis, which made it possible to single out people by types - such as Oranges, Pears, Apples, Strawberries and Cherries - and give them a fairly detailed description.

To conduct this test, write the listed fruits and berries on a poster and hang it in such a way that it can be seen by everyone present. Ask the audience which of these fruits they prefer, and then read the description below.

Characteristics of fruits and berries


As a rule, Oranges are loving natures. They cannot live without constant attention from others, against the background of which they are used to stand out with their originality.

Oranges are literally charged with energy, they do something all day long, not sitting in one place for a second.

As for relationships with the opposite sex, they are able to fall in love with themselves in one minute, have a good time with the object of their adoration and just as quickly part with it.


Pears are great optimists by nature. They quickly and easily converge with people who like the vitality and inextinguishable sense of humor of these fruits. With Pears it is always fun and comfortable. Around them, life is in full swing. Pears are wonderful friends who will always come to the rescue in difficult times.


Apples are big conservatives. Novelties of technological progress are not for them. They prefer to surround their lives with antiques or just old things, in which, in their opinion, the soul is enclosed. And in relations with people, they are of the opinion that an old friend is better than two new ones.


Jealousy is the feeling that characterizes Strawberry. They like big and noisy companies, fun parties and holidays. They are often the ringleaders in any company. But if it suddenly occurs to their second half to flirt with someone, a scandal cannot be avoided.


Mental softness and kindness distinguish the Cherry man. This is a real philanthropist, able to sincerely and disinterestedly help others, give them his love and affection. Such people are childishly naive and sweet, and also love pranks and surprises.


career guidance test Smirnov-Polivaeva-Fire
to determine the propensity for the type of profession

for middle and high school students


  • Reveal the priority type of the test subject's profession;
  • To identify other significant professional inclinations and preferences of the person being tested.


  • Offer situations and solutions to them in such a way that they are unambiguously interpreted in favor of one of the 5 types of professions;
  • Offer situations and solutions to them in such a way that they are understandable and generally typical for the average test taker;
  • Offer answers to the situations in such a way that they exclude the ambiguity of the testee's choice;
  • Provide answers to questions in such a way as to avoid superficial professional preferences of the test-taker and reveal obvious results;

Key characteristics of the Profitip test

  • Valid. The test contains 50 questions (cases) that make it possible to reliably determine the pronounced propensity for types of professions.
  • Case. The test questions are cases - a description of a typical situation with a set of ready-made solutions, each of which is “correct” in itself and you need to choose the most familiar one. The case approach is optimal due to the absence of socially oriented answers.
  • Designed for schoolchildren. “Profitip” is not an adaptation or alteration of an adult test, but is specially created for schoolchildren - with situations that are most typical for an average urban teenager.
  • Gender. Some questions are different for girls and boys. The test takes into account gender differences.
  • Rendered. In order for the student to have the patience to honestly answer the 50 questions of the test, we made an illustration for each. The illustration complements the case, makes it clear and understandable, and simplifies perception. The test becomes interesting to pass.

Click on the image to view the test interface

General characteristics of the test:

The career guidance test consists of 50 questions ("cases") - 10 questions for each of 5 types of professions: Man-Man, Man-Artistic Image, Man-Technique, Man-Signs and Man-Nature. Each question has 3 possible answers. In terms of content, the answers represent the most frequent behavior patterns inherent in adolescents. The answer options are formulated in such a way that socially oriented answers are excluded, and there is no evaluation component in the answers.

In the proposed test, all questions are more focused on the urban type of the tested person. For rural residents there will be an additional application to the test.

The time for passing the test is 20-25 minutes.

Scope of application:

The career guidance test is mainly aimed at application in the age category from 12 to 16 years. This is due to the fact that it is during this period that the student's orientation towards a specific professional field is formed. Therefore, it is so important to compare the teenage “I WANT” and “I CAN” at this stage in order to prevent possible difficulties in the future profession in a methodically competent way.
Of course, in addition to the above, the test can be used with equal success in other age categories.

The structure of the methodology:

The test is designed in such a way as to not only reveal the depth of interest of the test person in relation to a certain type of profession, but also - most importantly - to reveal the mental and emotional processes that the situation of the question causes. Because it is the details of the internal attitude to the problem that can characterize the unconscious, and therefore the true predisposition to a particular type of profession, which will allow you to get more accurate and reliable results.

Since the situations provided in the test are generally typical and cover the most common areas of the testee's life, when answering them, he does not need to fantasize, that is, create a certain image of the behavior of his fictional “I” - he answers as he has done more than once. This approach additionally determines the reliability of the internal career guidance motives of the test person.

The answers to the questions were intentionally modeled in such a way as to avoid extraneous factors that could influence the choice of the tested person. That is, the choice of answer is made on the basis of a direct relationship to the situation, without taking into account the mood, personality of the protagonist of the question, without the alternative of additional motives and incentives, etc. This avoids the ambiguity of interpretation of the choice of the test subject, which at times increases the compliance of the test results with the set goals.

In addition, an illustration of the situation is attached to each question in order to make it easier for the test-taker to understand the content of the question, and also, it will undoubtedly be more interesting to participate in testing.

Providing results:

The results are calculated according to a specially developed formula, which takes into account the usual answers and answers to key questions, that is, those questions that directly and categorically determine the tested person to a particular type of profession. The response rate to such questions is increasing.

At the end of the test, its result is immediately provided to the person being tested in the form of a visual image and a percentage. The “Profitip” test with a high degree of reliability determines the propensity for the type of profession.

An addition to the test is the game "Profi Plus", which forms the skill of typing professions and the animated series "Kaleidoscope of Professions", Introducing schoolchildren to professions of all types.


to identify and compare personal qualities with those in demand

for high school students, applicants, students, applicants and employees

The Profitip Plus test is a customizable module for testing applicants, students, applicants or employees for compliance with professionally important qualities and requirements. The test is based on a large "engine" of ready-made cases for determining personal qualities and their correlation with professionally important qualities. As plug-ins - comparison of psychological features; motivation cards and others.

The Profitip Plus test is adapted to the tasks of a particular educational institution (college or university) or employer. With the help of the test, the personal qualities of the test person are compared with the professionally important qualities of the proposed specialties or vacancies that are in demand.

According to the results of the test, the most suitable specialties (for educational institutions) or the degree of compliance with the requirements of the vacancy are determined.

The "Profitip Plus" test can be used in the "managed career guidance" system to search for potential employees among schoolchildren and students who are optimal for a particular type of activity.

The test is customized to the order of a particular institution. You can leave a request.


(module for pre-pensioners)

There are many activities that people aged 50+ can take up. Some types of work suit them more, others less. We explored all the options and prepared an electronic questionnaire-navigator. It takes into account biographical data (education, experience, mindset - humanitarian / technical), as well as goals (full-time, part-time, etc.) helps to quickly navigate the possibilities of the labor market.