Which is better than Cambridge or Oxford. How to apply to Oxford, Cambridge and other top UK universities

Although Oxford and Cambridge have been vying with each other for over 800 years, they have a lot in common. Both are split into colleges, both employ a mentoring system - and of course both are surrounded by centuries of tradition, stories and stereotypes.


In the 2012 QS ranking, Cambridge was ranked 2nd in the world. This university has a higher citation rate than Oxford in the citation of scientific papers by professors, reflecting a greater involvement in global research.


Universities can be proud of their excellent international reputation. Nevertheless,

Cambridge is slightly better known for its natural sciences, engineering, technology and medicine. And Oxford is renowned for its high quality social sciences, humanities and arts.

That being said, both universities rank among the best in all the subjects they offer.


Technically, Oxford is a big city and Cambridge is a small one. But in fact, both are quite compact, it is convenient to move around here on foot or by bike.

Both cities are very picturesque, there is something to see for history buffs, and students train on the rivers crossing the city centers, preparing for the annual rowing races.

Universities are located near London: Oxford is an hour's train ride from the capital, and Cambridge is a little closer.

It is believed that Cambridge is prettier and Oxford is livelier.

Students' opinion

Jinho Clement, chairman of iCUSU, the international student community in Cambridge, is studying for an undergraduate degree. He was attracted to the university by the "Tripos" system, when students are assessed throughout their studies, and not near the end, as is usually done.

“When it comes to choosing a school, it all comes down to where you think you’ll get the most valuable experience,” he explains. "It all depends on the candidate, but it is worth considering factors such as the structure and methodology of teaching the course, life in college, the presence of sports and social clubs, as well as the percentage of students from your country."

David J. Townsend, President of the Oxford Student Union, is pursuing a Master of Laws degree. “I was looking for a course that gave me the opportunity to choose between continuing my studies or entering the labor market,” says David. "And Oxford is giving me that choice at a suitable stage in the course."

Townsend also took into account the difference in location: "Oxford, as a university, is better integrated into city life, as opposed to the more isolated Cambridge."

“These are two great universities, and you have to choose where to go based on the quality of the course,” says David. - The rivalry is nothing more than a joke, it's like two brothers who compete to see who will send the ball next: this is healthy competition that spurs for improvement. But Oxford is the big brother, which means he is the boss! "

Choice from a distance

Jinho and David find it easy to make choices for international students who are unable to visit the campus.

“The university websites are full of information, and it’s worth finding a graduate in your home country and asking for advice. And student societies publish special guides for foreign candidates, they are available online, ”says David.

Jinho advises getting in touch with university student communities, especially those aimed at students from your country.

The decision of each student is individual, and if you choose a program that suits your interests and goals, you will hardly regret the choice. In other words, it won't take long before you can present a whole list of evidence as to why your chosen half of Oxbridge is better!

Elite education at universities such as Cambridge, Harvard or Oxford, according to most people on the planet, is available only to a select few. Many applicants today do not even consider admission to these universities when deciding which university to enter to study abroad. However, if you know the intricacies of admission to these universities and undergo some preparation for admission, everyone can become a student of these most prestigious and famous universities in the world.

Who Can Become a World-Class University Student

Of course, it cannot be said that if today you decide to enroll in one of the most prestigious universities in the world, your desire it will be fulfilled tomorrow ... The level of preparation of the student must be really high. For this reason, this decision must be made by the parents of the child and throughout his growing up prepare the baby for this step. Education in Cambridge, Harvard or Oxford begins at birth.

The child must have excellent knowledge of English, study in a specialized school and show high academic results. If you of these students who study perfectly well, you may well try your hand and apply for admission to one of the most prestigious universities in the world ... However, without prior preparation, your chances will still not be high enough.

Features of admission to Cambridge (UK)

Cambridge is one of the most desirable university in the world for students. It was founded over 800 years ago by a professor at the University of Oxford. Today, Cambridge has 31 colleges, 6 of which can only receive a bachelor's degree. The peculiarities of admission to this university for foreign students are high requirements for academic and linguistic knowledge. In addition, this university attaches particular importance to the motivation of the applicant and his ability to think outside the box.

For admission, you must pass personal interview with a selection committee. This is the most important step in applying for study abroad at Cambridge. The selection committee must see a worthy candidate in you. You must show your originality and freedom of thought. You will also need to convince university representatives that Cambridge is your only path to achieving your ultimate career goal and your contribution to human development .

One of the stages of the interview is the completion of the examination task. For those who enter the Faculty of Exact Sciences, you need to take the test, for those who enroll in the Faculty of Linguistics, to write an essay, for the Faculty of Architecture or Design, it is necessary to have a portfolio with you. However, these are not all the exams that you will have to take when applying to Cambridge. Each specialty has its own examination program in specialized subjects.

Preparatory program for admission to Cambridge includes academic and linguistic training, as well as preparation for an interview with an admissions committee. On average, the duration of the preparatory course is 1 academic year. After the end of the program, the applicant completely ready to submitting documents to Cambridge.

Features of enrollment at Harvard (USA)

Harvard- the dream of thousands of school graduates. Having received this coveted diploma, you can be sure of a successful and secure future in any country in the world. This document gives you complete freedom. You will be able to practice favorite thing and not think about arranging your life at the same time. You will have everything!

Procedure admission to Harvard is also multistep and complex. More than 40,000 applicants apply here every year. More than half do not pass the competition and only the strongest, gifted and purposeful ones remain. Special attention at the university is paid not only to the knowledge of the student, but also to his active life position ... Winners of various Olympiads, participants in international programs and competitions have chances of success.

To become Harvard student you must have a certificate with excellent grades, pass the entrance exams with excellent marks and provide a certificate of high knowledge of the English language. Immediately after school, a foreign student will not be able to apply for study abroad at this legendary university. Must go preparatory program .

In addition, upon admission, you need to go through an interview with the selection committee. This is where you can prove that you are the one who deserves to study at this great university. Here, candidates are assessed for their leadership qualities, open-mindedness and individuality of thinking. For many, this stage becomes decisive. For this reason, preparation for the interview should be given special attention.

  • If you do not know how to enter Harvard, and what skills and knowledge you need to have for this.
  • If this university is your most cherished dream.
  • If you want to study abroad at a university whose diplomas D. Bush, D. Rockefeller, M. Zuckerberg, etc.
  • If for you other universities simply do not exist, and for less you will not agree.

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Our company works closely with the world's leading preparatory colleges. We know exactly where and how applicants are prepared for admission to Harvard. By leaving an application for training, you can also become a student of this prestigious university.

Features of enrolling in Oxford (UK)

Oxford is in fifth place the best universities in the world ... Requirements for applicants here are not much different from Harvard and Cambridge. They also want to see only successful, motivated and non-standard students here. The educational system of our country lags far behind world standards, therefore, even after graduating from school with only five marks, it is impossible to enter this university right away.

Towards the academic preparedness of students special requirements are put forward here ... You will have to prove your knowledge in practice. You will need to pass exams and interviews. In order to be guaranteed to become a student of this university, you need to take a special training course, which is developed by specifically for applicants dreaming of going to Oxford. An interview can be conducted remotely, but this does not mean that you do not need to prepare for it. This is a very important stage in the competition. You have to show your best side, but you shouldn't step over that fine line between an adequate assessment of their capabilities and ordinary bragging.

Academic and linguistic preparation of students should also be at the highest level. By contacting our company, you can go through the preparatory program specifically for admission to Oxford. This is where your knowledge will be maximally adapted to the educational system of Great Britain, and you will also receive a lot of new modern knowledge, which in our country is simply not taught to schoolchildren. Only with this baggage of new knowledge can one try to enter this university .

In fact, going to Oxford turns out to be not so hard as it seems at first glance. Yes, of course, before passing the exams, you will need to do a good job on yourself, but it's worth it. By contacting our company, you can get comprehensive assistance in applying to the best universities in the world. Our education abroad specialists will give you full consultation , will assess your chances of admission and will select the best pre-university training program for you.

Today in the modern world borders and conventions are erased, each of us can easily become a man of the world and receive education abroad. It is noteworthy that in the best universities in the world students from the countries of the former USSR are highly valued, because these students have outstanding thinking, excellent academic preparation and unsurpassed self-discipline. Today you can prove to the whole world what you are capable of, leave a request for training and we will go along this difficult path to Harvard, Cambridge or Oxford!

It's no secret that Oxford and Cambridge are the ultimate dreams and the pinnacle of achievements of many modern applicants seeking to receive a prestigious education recognized throughout the world. We talked about this with Tim Morrison, the career counselor at Oxbridge. This is what these oldest universities in England are called when they talk about them together.

So Tim graduated from St John's School in Essex and also received a classical education in Cambridge between 1999 and 2002. We asked him about how he connected his life with these prestigious educational institutions and how he was able to overcome obstacles on the way to his goal.

We began our dialogue with Morrison quite provocatively: “We, like many other ordinary people, think that if a person enters Oxford, he gets a completely different experience than those applicants who want to get into any other university. According to prejudices, during the interview here the unfortunate applicant will meet one-on-one with specialists who study their subject extremely deeply and have written more than one book about it. There is an opinion that few of them are patient with applicants, whom they may underestimate or even make fools of. Hence, we have a whole lot of myths about how these same specialists allegedly humiliate applicants for interviews.

Then, having gone through all this, when you finally get into the university with incredible efforts, you have no time for anything but hard work. The deadlines for the delivery of the material are significantly shorter here, and the workload is much greater than at any other university. If you are learning English, you should certainly read a great variety of books in this language, write a 3,000 word essay every week, and then your work will be evaluated by one of the best experts in the UK. The question is, for whom is all this being done? The answer is, all of this is for people who can think academically.

Well, we are also interested in the moment of employment. We will agree not to take into account the connections and patronage of the university. Oxbridge alumni are virtuosos in their field. But wherever they work - from publishing to politics, from civil service to industry, Oxbridge does not have the best employment rate for its graduates. The modern picture of the world is such that graduates of Oxford and Cambridge are less prepared for the practical use of their knowledge than many students of other universities. "

After listening to our long statement, Tim mentally returned to the bosom of his alma mater, after which he calmly and carefully stated his answer:

“Exford and Cambridge - these two prestigious universities - provide the strongest fundamental education in the UK. But, it is worth admitting that their graduate, who is accustomed to strolling down the river imposingly, slowly sipping expensive champagne and conducting dialogues about Wittgenstein, is not always easy to break into an employer and instantly become a top manager or get a leading position in a company. Oxford looks exactly like this in our imaginations, and in reality, of course, you need to think carefully before applying to us.

There is no doubt about the benefits that both our universities offer. People cross the entire planet just to visit the place that our students used to call their home. The diplomas of these universities are respected by employers around the world, they open doors for graduates that are inaccessible to other people. Perhaps the most important thing in this aspect is that both universities are a kind of home for academic knowledge. Here the best minds of the country help young people to get a huge amount of information on all issues of interest to them. However, there is competition and academic pressures that few graduates cope with. ”

Common problems, misconceptions and myths

Oxford and Cambridge - boring small towns .

There is a deal of truth in it. Due to the specific lifestyle, the center of which is the university, students from time to time may suffer from a kind of claustrophobia. However, campuses have many sports teams of their own, societies of interest of all kinds, and many other interesting advantages. Thus, each student always has the opportunity to entertain himself in some way.

Only extremely wealthy youth study at Oxford and Cambridge .

This statement is fundamentally wrong. Admissions committees strive to ensure that the best intellectually people study in universities, and they choose them from the general mass, without being guided by any prejudices. Here you will meet guys of various social strata.

I'm not smart enough for Oxford and Cambridge.

It is only true that the academic standards at Oxbridge are very high and you will be asked to work hard on yourself. Problems can only arise when you realize that you are not the smartest person in your environment. Not everyone is brilliant, whatever one may say. You will be surrounded by erudite and enthusiastic people who are eager to learn.

The workload at Oxford and Cambridge is enormous.

This is undoubtedly true. In particular, when it comes to art objects, the differences between what is taught in our universities and what is in many other universities can be very significant. Every week, you’ll read a lot, as expected, and then write an essay of two to three thousand words. This means that learning will take up most of your time. In addition, you will not be allowed to work while you study.

After graduation, it will be difficult for me to find a job.

The incredibly academic-focused lifestyle at these two universities suggests that you really won't have the time you wish you had to successfully plan your career. A degree from Oxford and Cambridge is the best you can put on your resume. But this does not mean that you will have the best training in the world to work in this or that particular organization.

I will not be able to enter your universities.

The attitude of universities towards all applicants is extremely positive. But do not forget that those who compete with you are very strong. There are no specific rules and standards for how your application for admission to a university will be assessed, but there are a number of valuable guidelines:

1. You need good academic preparation. The selection committee, of course, will take into account all your circumstances and previous education, but, nevertheless, will expect excellent results from you. Especially in those subjects that you want to study with us.

2. It takes genuine enthusiasm. These are more than just promises to learn. You must prove your true interest in studies - study the thematic literature, navigate the area of ​​interest you are interested in, have relevant work experience and much more. You can talk about this both in your application for admission and in the subsequent interview.

3. We need potential for development. This is difficult to gauge, but the admissions committee wants to know if you will be successful when you get promoted academically. This is the main reason for interviewing.

How to choose a college?

This is an extremely difficult decision. There are several factors that are really important.

1. Big or small college? Do you want to be trained in an educational institution where you know everyone, or are you looking for diversity? You decide.

2. Which location do you like best? Some colleges are located outside the city in peace and quiet, others are central, in cities where the issue of attending lectures and shopping trips is easier.

3. New college or college with history? While some old colleges are more prestigious, atmospheric and beautiful in terms of exterior and interior design, new ones offer you more comfortable living and pastime.

4. What subjects do you want to study? There are many teachers and all of them are top-level specialists. Define your vocation correctly and you will make a significant contribution to your future. You can determine the subject of study and the current competition with the help of comparison tables.

Speaking of these tables. The number of applicants for a particular subject at each college is published in prospectuses. Some applicants turn to the subject for which the fewest applicants apply, in the hope that this will increase their opportunities. This is not the smartest approach as:

1. The number of applicants and their distribution in subjects change every year.

2. Colleges communicate with each other, redistributing the workload.

How is the interview going?

Your personal application, recommendations from the school or college you attended, and exam results will be reviewed by the admissions committee. If they meet the conditions of the recruiting campaign, you will be invited for an interview. It should be borne in mind that universities over time reduce the number of candidates who are invited to the meeting.

Applicants for admission to Oxford are often asked to take a preliminary test. This usually happens at your school or college in October or November. Before the test, you can familiarize yourself with how it goes by receiving information from the official website of Oxford. This will help you understand how long it takes you for each question.

If you overcome all these difficulties, then in early December you will be able to get an interview. Today there are many myths and even anecdotes about the interview process in Oxford. In these stories, interviewers walk on their heads, throw rugby balls at you, and do other fun things. However, it is worth remembering that any examiner is very predictable. They will ask you about your current work, ask you to prove all your theses and statements, try to touch on your favorite topic in which you are most knowledgeable. The admissions staff will not expect you to be able to learn everything in the world, but they will want to see that you quickly absorb the material and can immediately apply the knowledge gained in practice. The criteria for the ability to use your intellectual baggage change depending on the subject (a new poem in English, a new topic in mathematics, an unknown skull in biology), but the principles remain the same: you are interested and able to grasp on the fly information about the subject that interests you. You may be asked to take a written test in addition to the dialogue, and you will be warned about it in advance.

All of this may sound daunting to you. But the time Oxford and Cambridge spend choosing the right people is paying dividends. There are many good reasons to enroll in these universities. It's an amazing experience. But you must receive it with open eyes. You should not go to Oxbridge just for the reason that you were the most successful student at school, and teachers and parents edifyingly recommend that you go to the most prestigious university in the UK. However, if you are truly confident that the pace of life on our campuses is right for you and that you want to take advantage of the unique opportunity to work in partnership with the UK's greatest minds, then our doors are open. Oxford and Cambridge, like no other university, are able to push you to the most outstanding academic heights. Anyone who really loves his job, his science, will never miss this chance.

(c) The article was written specifically for the KZnaniyam.ru project

Oxford and Cambridge Eternal Rivals (December 2006)

British Style Magazine, December 2006

Text: Polina Khimshiashvili

On April 7, 2007, when Christendom celebrates the Annunciation, residents of two small English towns will be waiting for their good news. On this day, for the next, already 153rd time, one of the two largest universities in Great Britain and the whole world will have the opportunity to say, “I am better Cambridge ”, or“ I am better than Oxford ”.

On this day, the next regatta between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge will take place. In the London suburb of Putney, teams of 8 will compete for the honor of their university. The telecast of the race is one of the five most popular events in the sports life of the British Isles, all in all, about 400 million people follow the regatta, each of whom wants to find out for themselves "who is better" in order to put an end to the 800-year history of rivalry at least for a short moment.

In 2009, the University of Cambridge will celebrate 800 years since its founding. Throughout these eight centuries, there has been a constant, everyday comparison of two abodes of knowledge, two citadels of science. Everyone tries to compare, in every historical fact they try to find some sign or at least a hint of possible superiority, and sometimes they find amazing historical parallels.

Thus, the history of Cambridge began with the flight of Oxford students from their native walls. The reasons and details of the incident are unknown, but in 1209, two Oxford students were hanged for murder or violence against a woman. The verdict was approved by the king himself, but university students and teachers found it unacceptable and suspended classes. Many decided to leave the city and the college walls. The fugitives found shelter on the banks of the Cam River, the bridge over which, which had existed since 875, gave the city its name. In 1223, a decree of Pope Gregory IX established Cambridge's status as a university.

The history of Oxford University, surprisingly, also began with flight. After all foreigners were expelled from the University of Paris (Sorbonne) at the end of the 12th century, English students returned to their homeland. In fairness, we add that according to another version, the students returned to their homeland by order of Henry II. Having settled in Oxford, they were geographically divided into natives from the north and from the south, which marked the beginning of a separate study and residence, which subsequently found reflection in the college system (today Oxford University consists of 39 colleges, and Cambridge - of 31). The exact date of the founding of Oxford is unknown, one thing is known - it is the oldest university in the English-speaking world.

For five consecutive years, the influential Times' university guide has ranked Oxford at the top of its university rankings. While in the Sunday Times from 1997 to 2005, Cambridge ranked first.

In the discipline comparison table, Oxford leads in anatomy and physiology, art and design, economics, technology, oriental and African studies, music, philosophy, political science, and also shares first place with Cambridge in pedagogical and linguistic subjects. Who is in the lead in the remaining seventeen areas? - Cambridge!

Stubborn numbers say Cambridge has given the world 81 Nobel laureates and eight winners

the Fields Medal for Excellence in Mathematics. But could it be otherwise if Isaac Newton studied at Cambridge, and until the middle of the 19th century, every university student was obliged to attend classes in mathematics, and without an exam in this subject it was impossible to get a bachelor's degree.

Oxford has 47 Nobel Prizes and only three Fields Medals. But what do these numbers mean to the British if seven of England's last eleven prime ministers are Oxford alumni? And what do these numbers mean for Christendom if Oxford issued diplomas to three saints and one Pope? In addition, eight foreign kings and twenty-eight presidents studied at Oxford, including Bill Clinton. The stars Hugh Grant and Kate Beckinsale are also Oxford alumni.

In a word, it is not the numbers that are important, but the people. If with the help of a time machine it was possible to collect the best graduates in the history of universities, then Roger Bacon, Thomas Hobbes, Isaiah Berlin, Jonathan Swift,

Robert Southey, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lewis Carroll, Oscar Wilde, John R.R. Tolkien, Thomas Stearns Eliot, Evelyn Waugh, Wystan Auden, Indira Gandhi and Bill Clinton. The Cambridge team would include the philosopher Francis Bacon, Lord Byron, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Charles Darwin, John Maynard Keynes, A.A. Milne, Jawaharlal Nehru, Isaac Newton, Ernst Rutherford.

The Russians would also have someone to bet on in this race. In the boat of Oxford sits the heir to an untold fortune, a representative of the most ancient family - Prince Felix Yusupov, who spent two years in Oxford, fully experienced the "hateful cold shower" and "suffered terribly from the cold." Like all freshmen, he was forced to huddle in a hostel, but, having passed to the second year and received the right to move to a private apartment, he amazed everyone with the luxury of his home. In the Oxford team, you can easily recognize a woman in her years who has turned gray from her experiences at home and has finally received belated recognition in England. This is Anna Akhmatova, awarded an honorary doctorate from Oxford. In the opposing team, the Cambridge student Vladimir Nabokov stands out. To pay for his education, strings of mother's pearls were used. This is how the old Petersburg dream of the young man came true - to put on "a thin-woven bluish-black cloak of medieval cut and a black square headdress with a tassel." By the way, it was Nabokov who once noticed that in terms of the cold, both universities were worth each other: "from all the cracks there was a barrel ... ice was collected in the jug during the night," he wrote in The True Life of Sebastian Knight. In addition, among the Russian graduates of Cambridge is Pyotr Kapitsa, who, like Nabokov, at Trinity College. An outstanding physicist, Nobel Prize laureate, founder of the Cambridge Physics Seminar, which is now called the "Kapitsa Club", he received the title of Doctor of Science at this university.

But they are not the only Russians in Oxbridge boats. An honorable place next to them rightfully belongs to today's Russian students who have managed to achieve a well-deserved reward for their many years of work and enter one of the renowned universities.

This year, another Russian woman, nineteen-year-old Katya Pogudina, became a student at Oxford. She graduated from British private school Repton and became an economics student at St. Peter "s University of Oxford. We decided to ask her some questions ...

British Style: You yourself decided to go to study in the UK? or did this idea come from the parents?

Katya Pogudina: At first, my parents just wanted me to know the language, and from the age of 10 every summer I went to British private schools for English courses for a month, and I really liked it. And at the end of the 8th grade - I was then 15 years old - my father suggested that I study in England in a private school from next year - they say, in Russia I am clearly underutilized. I immediately agreed, but at first my mother objected - how would a child be for almost six months without a family, without parents? But I convinced her that she was no longer a child, and we went to the Albion agency to choose a school

"BS": And by what principle?

K.P .: It was in May. In the top schools, those that occupy the first hundred lines of ratings, there were no more vacancies. I was offered to take tests (in mathematics and English) in three schools - from the second and third hundred of the rating. Considering that there are more than two thousand private schools in the country (and this is only 7% of the total number of British schools), it is easy to understand that schools from the third hundred in the rating are by no means outsiders. Based on the test results, two out of three schools agreed to accept me, and my mother and I went to watch them. In Repton, I somehow immediately felt at home, and the hostess of the school boarding house where I was to live was very pretty, so the problem of choice was solved simply.

"BS": How many years did you study there? And why?

K.P .: Four years. The first two years I had a lot of subjects, although less than in Russia. And then

I chose four: mathematics, economics, business,

German. I studied these subjects in the last two, graduating classes, for them I passed the A-level exams. And just in case, I passed the exam in Russian - an extra high score on admission

to the university won't hurt.

"BS": What determined the choice of subjects? Personal sympathy?

K.P .: First of all, my future specialty - I was going to enter the Faculty of Economics.

Secondly, it was necessary to choose such subjects for which there was a real chance of getting a high score. To enroll in Oxford or Cambridge, you must have at least an A in three subjects. I was lucky that everything coincided: mathematics, economics, business are my favorite subjects.

"BS": How do Oxford and Cambridge act? Are there any differences with other UK universities?

K.P .: Formally, there are almost no differences, but in reality there are many. At the beginning of the academic year, pupils of the graduating classes of the school apply to a single national center - UCAS. It includes a list of universities in which the applicant would like to study, essays, recommendations from teachers and, most importantly, the marks that are planned to be obtained in the final exams. Further, most students have a relatively calm life: study, preparation for exams. The three highest "A" marks in the final exams give an almost 100% chance of admission to any university except Oxford and Cambridge. Another thing is the applicants of these two universities. Cambridge and Oxford receive hundreds of times more applications than they are willing to accept, and all have top marks. To select the best, additional state exams, entrance exams are held

to the university, interviews - everything specifically depends on the university and the specialty. For example, I was offered to write two essays - on economics and on business, to take tests and pass several interviews.

The difficulty is that you have to prepare for all these events without starting school - after all, regardless of the results of additional tests and interviews, the main condition - the highest score in the final exams - must be fulfilled.

"BS": Did you immediately decide that you would go to Oxford?

K.P .: No, not right away. When I went to England, of course, I dreamed of a top British university, but I was not at all sure that I would succeed. After two years of study, I passed the GCSE exams very well, and my self-confidence immediately increased. The results of examinations for the first year of study at the A-level were even better: in mathematics, economics, business and the Russian language - "A", and only in German "B".

I could well apply for admission to one of the best universities. And my school tutor - the teacher who patronized me, helped me with the paperwork for admission to the university - advised me to include Oxford in the application.

"BS": What was the most difficult thing?

K.P .: Probably an interview. The questions were the most unexpected, not always within the school curriculum. I think that there it was necessary to demonstrate not so much brilliant academic training, but the ability and desire to think, discuss the topic from different points of view.

"BS": You were admitted to Oxford, so you did it brilliantly. What helped you?

K.P .: I think it's communicative and active.

I love to communicate with people and love to learn, and not for the sake of grades, I love the learning process. In the summer, on vacation, I read books on economics, on the history of economic doctrines. But just studying is not enough for me, and when the Times and the Bank of England in Nottingham announced a competition for schoolchildren, I immediately applied for participation. It was necessary to propose a project for changing the banking system, which would lead to economic growth in the country. The fact that I was among the winners of the competition helped me a lot in the interview.

"BS": In 3 years you will become a bachelor. What do you think to do next?

K.P .: First, work in the City of London.

And then, perhaps, I will try to enter a business school - for an MBA program.

Well, history continues, and our compatriots (and compatriots), we hope, will add many more bright pages to the annals of two outstanding universities. Let's wish them good luck and victory in the regatta!

Oxford and Cambridge are world famous universities that everyone, young and old, knows about. For many applicants, admission to the most prestigious universities is considered the real ultimate dream and the real pinnacle of achievement. These two oldest universities even have a joint name - Oxbridge. Where are Oxford and Cambridge located? In the vastness of old Britain in the town of Oxford and the county of Cambridge, respectively.

Admission to the oldest universities in the world

From time immemorial, it is believed that during the interview before admission, the future student is literally one on one with a person who is guided in his subject better than anyone else, with someone who has released more than one work and, with a strong desire, can simply grind the applicant into powder ... Based on this stereotype, many myths and legends have developed that only true geniuses enter Oxford or Cambridge, and that others are simply humiliated at these interviews. And if you suddenly did, which is considered incredible luck, then all the free and not free time of the student is swallowed up by tedious and painstaking study. The workload here is greater than in any other university in the world, and the deadlines cannot be tighter. In addition, the works are evaluated by the best minds in Britain, where Oxford and Cambridge are in the first positions.

What is it really?

However, in practice, you can see such a picture, undoubtedly Oxbridge graduates are experts in their field, who know their profession "from" to "to", but it so happened that Oxford and Cambridge have not the best employment rates for their wards. It turns out that graduates have more than enough theoretical knowledge, but graduates are simply not ready for practical use. But the fact remains: Oxford and Cambridge are some of the most prestigious universities that provide a powerful base. But the employers' image of their graduates is as follows: they leisurely stroll down the river, drinking not the cheapest champagne and conducting philosophical conversations. After such a measured life, it is not at all easy to break into a prestigious company, show the best results, immediately become the best in your field and get a leading position. Of course, there is no doubt about the privileges that the oldest universities offer to their students. For the sake of these advantages, people are ready to cross the entire globe in order to simply touch history, to visit the place that Oxbridge students call home. Be that as it may, the fact that a person graduated from one of the oldest universities in Britain is respected by many employers, and by people in general. This diploma is considered elite and inaccessible to "mere mortals"

The most common stereotypes about Oxford and Cambridge

Since these two universities are considered one of the most prestigious in the world, there are a lot of rumors and legends around them. You can pay attention to the following problems:

  • Many people think that Oxford and Cambridge are small, boring cities. And here you can even agree with something. Still, people come here to study and lead a rather specific way of life. But, despite this, campuses are not limited only to halls for lectures and seminars, here you can find sports grounds where the best teams train, many hobby clubs where everyone can find entertainment to their liking, you can even hold parties here! The traditions of Oxford and Cambridge are hundreds of years old and there are many of them. It is worth doing to get to know them.

  • Oxford and Cambridge is only accessible to the very wealthy. And every second inhabitant of the planet is sure of this, but this statement is not entirely true. The admissions committee always first of all pays attention to the intellectual component of the applicant, they choose future students from the general mass. Therefore, if a person has a lot of money, but there is emptiness in his head, the road to Oxbridge is closed. Although studying at universities is not cheap.
  • Many of the smartest applicants do not even consider the option of entering one of the oldest universities in the world, guided only by the fact that they are not smart enough for them. Both Oxford and Cambridge have high standards and will have to work several times harder. You don't have to be the most brilliant person to enter one of the universities. The only problem is that you won't be the smartest student on the course as you used to be. The main thing is the desire to learn.
  • Many are convinced that the workload in Oxbridge is so high that there is only time for sleep, and that is not always the case. On the one hand, you can't argue here, the workload in these universities is higher than in many others. During their studies, students are prohibited from working, but nothing supernatural happens. Students have time for sports and entertainment. The main thing is to learn how to distribute it correctly.

For some reason, many people are firmly convinced that inflated old people sit on admissions offices who will do everything to prevent you from entering the holy of holies, but this is fundamentally wrong. Cambridge and Oxford are in stunning scenic spots and even host tourists.

How to prepare for admission?

Many applicants around the world do not even consider such an option as Oxford or Cambridge, believing that this is not their level. But if you decide to try your hand, then go for it. They say that the attitude of both universities towards applicants is only positive. One thing to worry about is the competition, as Oxford, Harvard and Cambridge are the most popular universities on the world stage.

Important rules

To enter one of the oldest universities, you need to follow some guidelines:

  • First and foremost is a decent academic background. The selection committee, of course, will appreciate the past results, but they will have to be confirmed.
  • The second is sincere enthusiasm. A banal desire to learn will not pass. You need to try and prove to the commission your true interest in the learning process. It will not be superfluous to study thematic literature, and even better to have work experience. You need to tell about this first in the application, and then the selection committee at the interview.
  • And the most important reason for interviewing is to find out if you have the same potential, whether you will be successful, and whether you will do everything that depends on you.

If the desire to be in one of the oldest universities in the world is high, then it will not be difficult for anyone.

Faculties of Oxford and Cambridge

The oldest universities have a wide range of educational programs. It is believed that the easiest way in Oxford to enter the Faculty of Chemistry, Classics, Humanities, Linguistics, Ancient Languages, Theology and Oriental Studies. But those who wish to study fine arts, economics, medicine, law, engineering and management, art history will have to seriously try. A similar situation is in Cambridge, it will be easier for those who intend to study ancient languages, music, archeology, theology. But the least chances are to enter the course of higher medical education, at the Faculty of Economics, Politics, Psychology, Sociology and Veterinary Medicine.

How do I get to an interview?

Before getting to the interview, you must provide the university with a personal statement, letters of recommendation from previous places of study, work and, of course, the results of exams. If all these points meet the conditions of the university, the applicant will be interviewed.

Since the flow of those wishing to study at Oxbridge is quite large, applicants are often offered to take an additional test. The best of the best will get to the interview, and it usually takes place in December.

What are interviewers saying?

These interviews are legendary. You will hear a lot: they say that the selection committee walks on their heads, throwing soccer balls and assessing the applicant's reaction to everything that happens. But this is certainly not the case. Interviewers, like most universities, are very predictable. Here you need to prepare for questions about work, they will try to discuss with the applicant his favorite topic, they are asked to speculate and prove their life principles.

Nobody expects phenomenal abilities from future students, it is important for the commission to see the desire to learn, the ability to assimilate and apply the knowledge gained in practice. But this may not be the end, if the selection committee has any questions, they may ask to take a written test. Usually the prospective student is warned about this in advance. In fact, Oxford and Cambridge Universities are the best way to start your journey to outstanding academic heights. And if a student really loves science and his work to the depths of his soul, then such a chance cannot be missed.