What do you remember about cosmonaut Viktor Gorbatko? Died pilot-cosmonaut Viktor Gorbatko Gorbatko Viktor Vasilyevich biography

Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko was born on December 3, 1934 in the village of the state farm "Ventsy-Zarya" in the Gulkevichsky district of the Krasnodar Territory.

He graduated from the 8th military aviation school for pilot training in Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk region (Ukraine) in 1953, Bataysk Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots. A.K. Serov (Rostov region) in 1956, the Air Force Engineering Academy. NOT. Zhukovsky in 1968 with the qualification "pilot-engineer-cosmonaut".

From August 1956 he served as a pilot, from June 1957 to March 1960 - senior pilot of the 86th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 119th Fighter Aviation Division of the 48th Air Army of the Odessa Military District in Moldova.

Was married twice. The first marriage produced two daughters.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Viktor Gorbatko died on Wednesday in Moscow at the age of 83. This was reported in Roskosmos.

"Gorbatko died today at 4 am. Recently, he felt unwell and spent the last two weeks in the Mandryk hospital, where he died today in intensive care," a source in the rocket and space industry told TASS in turn.

Astronauts from . How did Viktor Gorbatko get into it? He himself said: in 1956 he graduated from the Bataysk military aviation school of pilots, and a year later, right at the field airfield, he was unexpectedly offered to undergo ... a medical commission. For what? The answer was the question: would he like to fly a hundred kilometers and higher? "Is this on satellites, or what?" Gorbatko laughed. And when he found out what was what, he agreed without hesitation.

Cosmonaut Boris Volynov, in an interview with an RG correspondent, recalled: “We came to the detachment on the same day as March 7, 1960. At first there were 12 listeners, by June there were 20 ... Chronologically: the first cosmonaut died, the second and third cosmonauts - German Titov and Andriyan Nikolaev have been gone for a long time. The fourth one, Pavel Popovich, left. The fifth one was Valery Bykovsky, the eleventh one, the fourteenth one, Volynov, and the twenty-first one, Viktor Gorbatko..."

To say that it was very difficult for the first cosmonauts is to say nothing. During preparation on a centrifuge, they underwent overloads of 10 g and more. What does it mean? The weight increases tenfold. You can't lift your hand from the chair. At 12 g, the eyelids no longer cope, the eyes close on their own ... However, despite these moments, there was never any regret or desire to give up everything.

The first flight of Viktor Gorbatko was also very difficult. On October 12, 1969, he, together with on-board engineer Vladislav Volkov and the commander of the Soyuz-7 spacecraft Anatoly Filipchenko, went into space to dock as part of the first group flight - three ships at once: a day earlier and a day later, another Soyuz- 6" and "Soyuz-8". In the language of specialists, the task of the mission was to exchange cosmonauts between the Soyuz-7 and Soyuz-8 spacecraft by passing through the docking port. At that moment, the Soyuz-6 crew was supposed to be filming what was happening. Alas: the system for automatic docking of ships failed, and for manual docking, if it was quite simple, there were not enough necessary elements. The mission ended ahead of schedule.

The second flight of Viktor Gorbatko, together with on-board engineer Yuri Glazkov, took place on February 7, 1977: it was the second expedition to the Salyut-5 station. And the third and last flight of the outstanding cosmonaut began on July 23, 1980 as the Soyuz-37 crew commander. Together with the Vietnamese cosmonaut Pham Tuan, he went to the Salyut-6 station. The crew spent a week at the station, completing all the assigned tasks.

But few people know that Viktor Gorbatko, along with other cosmonauts, was also trained for a flight to the moon. They underwent full training, and, as Viktor Vasilievich said, he personally flew 500 hours under this program.

Viktor Vasilyevich was an avid philatelist and chess player. So, on June 9, 1970, he participated in a unique chess game "Space - Earth" - the first chess game in history, played between astronauts in flight and "representatives of the Earth." On Earth, the head of the training of Soviet cosmonauts, Colonel-General of Aviation Nikolai Kamanin and Viktor Gorbatko played in pairs, and in space - the crew of the Soyuz-9 spacecraft - Andriyan Nikolaev and Vitaly Sevastyanov. All participants were accepted as honorary members of the Central Chess Club of the USSR.

As reported in Roskosmos, the ceremony of farewell to the cosmonaut and burial are planned on May 19 at the Memorial Cemetery in Mytishchi. The start time of the farewell ceremony is being specified and will be announced later.

Gorbatko Viktor Vasilievich Dedicated to the Year of Russian Cosmonautics

Childhood of Viktor Vasilyevich Born on December 3, 1934 in the village of Venets-Zarya, Kavkazsky District, Krasnodar Territory. Childhood, school years, youth were spent in the village of the Voskhod stud farm in the Novokubansky district of the Krasnodar Territory. At first he studied at school No. 16 p. Voskhod, and graduated from school No. 6 p. As a child, Viktor Gorbatko had two passions: the sky and horses. The desire to fly also arose under the neighing and clatter of hooves. It was born when, during an air raid, the Nazis shot a herd of horses on the "Messer". And yet, when our plane crashed over the state farm, drawing the sky with a smoky tail. "Your brother was killed! "- flashed through the boy's head. At the same time, a desire was born to rise into the air. To take revenge. .

Years of service After graduating from high school in 1952, he was drafted into the Soviet Army and sent to aviation. He graduated from the school of initial training of pilots, and then in 1956 the Bataysk military aviation school for pilots named after A.K. Serov. He served in the aviation units of the USSR Air Force. In 1960, he was enlisted in the corps of Soviet cosmonauts. He underwent training for flights on ships of the Vostok and Voskhod types. He trained as an understudy for A.A. Leonov under the EVA program, but was removed from training due to medical reasons. After he again started training, he prepared according to the Soviet lunar program. In 1968 he graduated from the N.E. Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy. He was a member of the backup crew during the flight of the Soyuz-5 spacecraft in January 1969. From October 12 to October 17, 1969 he made the first space flight, which lasted 4 days 22 hours 40 minutes 23 seconds

At the same desk with Gagarin, Viktor Gorbatko was lucky enough to get into the first, "Gagarin" set. It so happened that he was the first to come to the hospital, where the contenders for the title of "Cosmonaut No. 1" went for examination. - As I remember now: I spent the whole day in the hospital and was completely alone in the ward. I'm lying on the bed, and then the door opens and a young man comes in. "Senior Lieutenant Gagarin," he simply introduced himself. Then other guys came. There were 6 people of the same age in our group. The pilots spent 45 days together, then joint training began. After undergoing special training, all the cosmonauts entered one course at the Zhukovsky Academy. They all studied in the same group and wrote their theses on different aspects of the same topic. Gagarin and Gorbatko explored the possibility of building reusable spacecraft.

3 space flights On October 12-17, 1969, he made a space flight as a research engineer of the Soyuz-7 spacecraft, lasting 4 days 23 hours. The crew of the ship took part in the first group flight of three spacecraft (together with Soyuz-6 and Soyuz-8), during which they were approached and maneuvered. On February 7-25, 1977, he made the second space flight as commander of the Soyuz-24 spacecraft and the Salyut-5 orbital station, lasting 17 days and 17 hours. On July 23-31, 1980, he made the third space flight as the commander of the international crew together with the cosmonaut-researcher, a citizen of the Socialist Republics of Vietnam Pham Tuan, on the Soyuz-37 spacecraft

Awards State awards Two Gold Star medals of the Hero of the Soviet Union (October 22, 1969, March 5, 1977). Three Orders of Lenin (October 22, 1969, March 5, 1977, 1980). Order of the Red Star (1961). Medal "For distinction in the protection of the state border" (1977) Two medals "For the development of virgin lands" (1969, 1977). Medal "50 Years of the Soviet Police" (1969) Awards of other states Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of the MPR and the Order of Sukhe-Bator (MPR, 1971). Medal "Gold Star" of the Hero of Labor of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Order of Ho Chi Minh I degree (SRV, 1980). Order of the Red Banner of War (MPR, 1974). Medal "Brotherhood in Arms" Medal "25th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the NRB". Medal "For Strengthening the Brotherhood in Arms" (NRB) Medal "Brotherhood in Arms" (NDP). Medal "40 Years of Liberation" (DPRK) Medal "Friendship" (MPR). Medal "50 Years of the Mongolian People's Revolution" (1971) Medal "60 Years of the Mongolian People's Revolution" (1981) Medal "50 Years of the Mongolian People's Army" (1971) Medal "60 Years of the Mongolian People's Army" (1981) Medal "40 Years of Victory at Khalkhin Gol" (MPR, 1979) Medal "50 Years of Victory at Khalkhin Gol" (MPR, 1989) Medal "30 years of victory over the Japanese militarists" (MPR, 1975)

Honorary citizen of the cities: Apsheronsk, Armavir, Bataysk, Vladikavkaz, Gagarin, Goryachiy Klyuch, Kaluga, Krasnodar, Novokubansk, Tikhoretsk; Aktyubinsk, Arkalyk, Baikonur, Dzhezkazgan, Karaganda, Kustanai (Kazakhstan), Tiraspol (Moldova), Smolyan, Sliven (Bulgaria), Choibalsan (Mongolia).

Gorbatko Viktor Vasilyevich - Twice Hero of the Soviet Union 1978-1982 - Deputy Head of the Department of the Cosmonaut Training Center. 1982-1987 - 1st Deputy Chairman of the Sports Committee of the USSR Ministry of Defense for International Sports Relations. 1987-1992 - Head of the Faculty of Correspondence Education of the Air Force Engineering Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky. 1992 Major General of Aviation V.V. Gorbatko - in reserve.

Viktor Vasilyevich - hero, cosmonaut, major general of aviation, honorary citizen

Gorbatko Viktor Vasilyevich Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR No. 21. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union. Air Major General. He was awarded three orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Star, two medals "For the development of virgin lands", etc.
Awards of foreign states. Hero of the Mongolian People's Republic. Hero of Labor of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko - a legendary man, an astronaut from the first "Gagarin set", made three space flights.
... He was born on December 3, 1934 in the village of Venets-Zarya, Gulkevichsky District, Krasnodar Territory, graduated from the Bataysk Military Aviation Pilot School, the Air Force Engineering Academy. N. E. Zhukovsky
Its first flight took place in October 1969 and lasted 4 days 23 hours. Viktor Vasilievich, as a research engineer of the Soyuz-7 spacecraft, together with the crew took part in the first group flight of three Soyuz-6-7-8 spacecraft, during which they were rendezvous and maneuvered. For the successful implementation of the flight and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, Colonel V.V. Gorbatko was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.
The second space flight on the Soyuz-24 spacecraft to the Salyut-5 orbital station in February 1977, lasting 17 days 17 hours, was made by V.V. This flight became one of the most important in the national cosmonautics. The meager numbers and words of the report cannot convey how difficult that famous flight was. How much strength and skill the commander needed to honorably perform the docking of the ship with the station, complicated by technical circumstances! The return to Earth was “soft”, but the cosmonauts were let down by technology: they had to wait a very long time for a search helicopter in the Arkalyk steppe, in a twenty-degree frost. Fortunately, everything worked out. Viktor Vasilievich often remembers this landing in a narrow circle of friends and believes in fate: if he had not fallen into the snow at that moment near the descent vehicle, everything could have ended sadly. Apparently, at that moment, the Almighty considered that he had not yet done everything on Earth.
The subsequent careful analysis of the actions of the crew in flight and after landing showed that the astronauts acted professionally and courageously. For this flight, V.V. Gorbatko was awarded the Order of Lenin and the second Gold Star medal.
After the second flight, Viktor Gorbatko had thoughts about completing his space activities, but life decided in its own way. The third launch took place in July 1980. Viktor Vasilievich, being the commander of the international crew, together with the cosmonaut-researcher, a citizen of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Pham Tuan, delivered the Soyuz-37 spacecraft to the Salyut-6 orbital station.
In 1978–1982 the legendary cosmonaut was the deputy head of the Department of the Cosmonaut Training Center, the commander of the cosmonaut detachment. Then, for several years - First Deputy Chairman of the Sports Committee of the USSR Ministry of Defense, head of the Sports Committee of friendly armies. In 1987–1992 Viktor Vasilyevich was the head of the distance learning department of the N. E. Zhukovsky Air Force Engineering Academy. In 1989–1992 Major General of Aviation V.V. Gorbatko - People's Deputy, member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
Viktor Vasilyevich is an amazingly cheerful and sociable person. Since 1973, he has been the head of the Society of Soviet-Mongolian Friendship (which was succeeded in 1992 by the Society of Friends of Mongolia), for many years he has been deputy chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans of War and Military Service, chairman of the Interstate Union of Hero Cities and Cities of Military Glory, chairman of the Council for public awards of the Russian Federation, President of the International Foundation for the Protection of Human Dignity and Security.
Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko is an honorary citizen of many cities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Iran and Germany.

A brief biography of cosmonaut Gorbatko Viktor Vasilyevich is presented in our article. The life of this man was full of various events. On the one hand, it may seem that there is nothing special here, but if you think about it, the fact of repeated flights to the orbit of our planet is an incredible adventure in itself. Gorbatko Viktor Vasilyevich is rightfully considered one of the cosmonauts who influenced the future of all mankind outside their native Earth.

Training and conscription in the army

Our hero was born far from the most “profile” family for space. The state farm "Ventsy-Zarya" - the place of its birth, is clearly not the place where it is possible to break into orbit. And although many boys of that period dreamed about it, only a few were able to realize themselves.

Gorbatko Viktor Vasilyevich studied first at the school at the stud farm, and from the 7th to the 10th grade at the secondary school No. 4 of the Krasnodar Territory. Immediately after that, he enters the army. It was she who became the impetus that helped the future astronaut in his subsequent career. So, Viktor Vasilyevich was recognized as fit for service in aviation and in 1953 he graduated from a pilot school in Pavlograd. After that, there was a military aviation school and an engineering academy in the same profile. He successfully graduated in 1968. Since 1956, the future cosmonaut has been serving in Moldova, first as a simple pilot, and then as a senior pilot. He made most of the flights on the MiG-17. By the way, with him was another future conqueror of the orbit - Evgeny Khrunov. Since 1960, he became a parachute training instructor and made more than 120 jumps in total.

Flight preparation

In the same year, Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko became a student-cosmonaut. This happened thanks to the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force. History even kept his number - 267. By 1961, he was training as an astronaut and successfully passed all the tests. Until 1964, Viktor Vasilyevich, in the company of the already mentioned Evgeny Khrunov, was preparing for the role of the second crew on Voskhod-2. In 1969, he trained for the role of an engineer-researcher in the main part of the expedition. By that time, it had already become clear that he would most likely fly into space. Of course, for the hero himself, this was a significant event.

In space

For the first time Gorbatko Viktor Vasilievich flew into orbit in 1969 on Soyuz-7. There he served as a research engineer, which he studied earlier. The program included docking with another Soyuz-8 spacecraft, but due to equipment failure, this part of the flight failed. In total, he spent almost 5 days in space by the time he returned to Earth and responded to the call sign "Buran-3". In 1970, he gained fame for the first ever chess game that took place between people in orbit and on the planet. By the way, immediately after that he became an honorary member of the chess club of the Soviet Union, although the result was a draw. Such an event seriously raises the spirit of the astronauts. They begin to feel that they are remembered and appreciated. Although this is true in any case, such psychological relief has an extremely positive effect on any crew.

The next time the opportunity to get into orbit was for cosmonaut Viktor Vasilievich Gorbatko only 8 years later, in 1977. By that time, he had already become the commander of the spacecraft. This journey lasted almost 8 days and then he had the call sign "Terek-1". He responded to the same name in his last, third expedition, which took place in 1980. Then he led a group on the Soyuz-37 spacecraft. Interesting was the fact that the crew included a Vietnamese citizen, Pham Tuan. The flight lasted almost the same as the previous one - 8 days. The joint program of the two countries was fully implemented. Moreover, in the entire history, there were only two citizens of this country who went into orbit, which automatically makes one of these flights extremely significant for relations between states.

Activities after flights

In space, the biography of Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko does not end. When in 1982 he was expelled from the ranks of the astronauts, he continued to work for the benefit of the fatherland and became deputy chairman of the Sports Committee. Until 1992, he taught at the correspondence department at VVIA. Then he was dismissed from military service. He was engaged in philatelic, becoming the chairman of this society in the USSR.

Viktor Vasilyevich managed to work in non-state structures. So, since 1993, he served as vice president of the Al and Al trading company. Since 1995 he has entered politics. He ran for the State Duma, but received only 3%. Until 1999, he was an adviser to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Baburin and once again tried to get into the government, but also unsuccessfully. Among other things, he was also on the board of the Association of Cavaliers of Glory, Heroes of the Russian Federation and the USSR. He was even president of the friendship societies of Abkhazia and Russia, as well as friends of Mongolia.

Family and hobbies

In the biography of cosmonaut Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko, his parents played an important role. Father, Vasily Pavlovich, worked almost all his life at the Voskhod stud farm as a veterinary paramedic. Mom, Matrena Aleksandrovna, worked on a collective farm. The hero was married twice. the first wife's name was Valentina Pavlovna, the second - Alla Viktorovna. From the second marriage he had no children, but from the first he has two daughters:

  • Irina, born in 1957. She studied economics, but now works at the Museum of Cosmonautics as a researcher.
  • Marina, born in 1960. She received the same education as her sister.

He was featured on three commemorative stamps. In 2017 (at the age of 83) Viktor Vasilyevich died. He was very fond of collecting stamps, playing chess and tennis, and was also fond of fishing and hunting. According to some reports, 2 weeks before his death, the hero felt unwell and went to the hospital in Mandryka. It was there, in intensive care, that he died. Most likely, the reason was the huge loads experienced when he was an astronaut, and banal old age.


This remarkable man received many awards, both from his own government and from other countries. Particularly Mongolia and Vietnam. During his career, he did a lot of good both for the space program and for his family, the fate of other people. And like most real heroes, he is little known to many representatives of modern society.