Masha is a Russian name. Maria: everything about a beautiful name. Negative character traits

The name Maria: meaning, characteristics, totems, compatibility with male names, history and origin.

Merlin, a name known throughout the world thanks to a talented actress of the last century. But few people know that this is the American version of the Slavic name Maria. In this article, we will talk about all the secrets and mysteries that this popular name keeps, as well as about what Mary should surround herself with so that life brings success and happiness.

What does the name Mary mean according to the church calendar?

The roots of the name Maria are branchy and lead back into the depths of centuries. With the birth of Christianity, the name Mary was already quite common and had many synonyms and modifications. But girls in Christianity were baptized with the name Mary, and not analogues. In order to understand what the name Mary means according to the church calendar, you need to look at the first recorded Bibles that have survived to this day. They are written in Greek and the name Mary is written as Μαρια, which means "sad" in translation. Indeed, Christian Marys in life had many reasons to grieve and be sad. But even in such a life, they found faith in God and the righteous path, which led them to a holy appearance.

Saint patron named Mary

Saint patron named Mary

Mary of Egypt, who lived in the 4th century, is considered the patroness of all repentant women, as well as the patroness of girls and women bearing the name Mary and its analogues.

The secret of the name Maria

Given the ancient origin of the name, it is quite difficult to determine its origin. One way or another, it is displayed in almost every religion and major national branches. It is customary for us to consider the name Maria to be primordially Russian, Slavic as it is, since this name was worn by women at the beginning of the history of the Slavs, but do not forget about other directions and versions of the origin of the name.

For example, one version says that the name Mary is Hebrew. Since it is mentioned in the canonical text of the Bible and is also found in the book of Exodus. It is worth noting that at that time the life of men was described, and the woman was taken for granted with men and they were not even mentioned. Accordingly, the mention of a female name means that this person was very influential and carried great weight with that society.

The secret of the name Maria

Also, the name Mary is mentioned in the most ancient sources in Hebrew - מרים, which means "rejected". Again, I would like to draw attention to the fact that, on the one hand, the name is sad in the description of the ancient representatives of the name, and on the other hand, the very mention means a special significance in this society.

Another Hebrew reference is מר, which means "bitterness". In Islamic tradition, it is customary to call Mariam or Maryam.

Surprisingly, almost every nation in the oldest preserved records contains a mention of this name. This name has such a strong energy that its owner changes his life so much?

But in the Orthodox version, the name Mary means nothing more than mistress. Most likely, this name was often called girls of noble birth. Surprisingly, along with the position of the lady, this name is the mother of Jesus. Which causes heated debate regarding the origin of Jesus' parents. Perhaps they were of noble birth, but because of their beliefs, they had to give up power, flee and lead a modest lifestyle. This version has not been confirmed, but has a logical explanation of why the government and the people have always been biased towards their couple.

What nationality is the name Maria?

It is generally accepted that the name Maria is national, but the most zealous skeptics are still trying to prove that the name Maria is rooted precisely from their nationality. Main directions: Russian, Jewish, Jewish, Orthodox and Catholic.

The name Maria, Masha: origin and meaning, popularity

Despite the fact that the exact origin of the name is unknown, it has always been popular. In ancient records, various variations of this name have been preserved, for example, a Jewish prophetess, the sister of Moses and Aaron, bore the name Mariam, or as Miriam was mentioned in some sources. From the first royals to today, among kings and close nobility, the name Mary was honorary, and many princesses (later queens), duchesses, countesses, etc. were named after her.

For example, when the heiress to the throne, Mary Stuart, was born in Scotland, the close nobility named the daughters born with Mary also herself. Subsequently, when Mary was sent to France, she arrived with the ladies-in-waiting Mary.

In Catholicism, the name Mary and its analogues are quite common. Many miraculous icons and statues have survived to this day: Consuelo, Dolores, Montserrat, Regina, Carmela, Mercedes.

In England, when secession from Catholicism, the name Mary adopted the original English style - Mary (in English Mary). After that, the expanded version of the name Maria was practically not used. But the version of Mariah was very popular in Africa and Asia, but gained worldwide fame thanks to the singer of the same name, Mariah Keri, at the end of the last century. Also in England and America, Polly and Molly are quite common.

In Europe, in addition to the name Maria, diminutive names are used autonomously: Marie, Mary. In Germany: Marike, Mitzel, Marichen. In France: Marian, Manon, Mariette, Marion, Mariel. In Spain: Marilda, Marika. In Italy: Maryun, Mariolla, Mariella. Romania: Maritza and Marioara. The Greeks call Marius: Marietta and Marigula. Poles and Belarusians - Marusyami. Czechs: Marikami im Marzhenkami. In the Netherlands: Mathieu and Mike, and neighbors in Sweden - Mian and Maya. The Norwegians call Mia and Mariken. The Irish are Maura and Moira. Georgians - Lamirami.

Maria - deciphering the name from Greek

Translated from Greek, Mary means "sad", also meaning "sad".

Name Maria, Masha in English, Latin, different languages

Translation of the name Maria into different languages:

Language Name spelling
Belorussian Mary
Ukrainian Maria
Tatar Maryam
Azerbaijani Məryəm
Armenian Մարիամ (read as Mariam)
Hungarian Maria
Bulgarian Maria
Latvian Marija
Croatian Marija
Czech Marie, Marika
Greek Μαρια
Latin Maria
Spanish Maria
French and German Marie
Finnish Maria, Mari
Arab مريم‎‎
Hebrew מירים
Chinese traditional 馬利亞
Korean 마리아
Japanese マリア
English Mary

How is the name Maria spelled in the passport?

According to the latest international transliteration of names in passports, which is spelled out in the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (document No. 9303) dated 06/05/2017, the name Maria in the passport should be written as MARIIA.

Maria: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

In addition to the previously mentioned diminutive and affectionate forms of the name Maria, these are:

  • Mariel
  • Mariola
  • Marilyn
  • maraki
  • Marisha
  • Lamar
  • miken
  • Marilyn
  • mashunya
  • Marika
  • Marya
  • Marion
  • Marichka
  • Marusya
  • Mariyka
  • Mariam
  • Miriam
  • Moira
  • Miriam
  • Molly
  • Marigot
  • Manyasha
  • Minnie
  • Maryam
  • Mariami
  • Mariette
  • Maryam
  • Manon

Maria: the meaning of the name character and fate

Mary's energy allows her to grow up as a calm, balanced, smart girl. Marias are very emotional, but from an early age they are very closed even from relatives. What creates the appearance of calmness, a certain detachment. Parents should know that the more distant she looks, the greater the storm of feelings boils inside Mary. On the one hand, she is sensitive and emotional, on the other hand, she does not like to show emotions. This makes her resistant from an early age and teaches self-control. Girls grow up power-hungry, self-confident and knowing what they want to achieve in life.

Mary's education is approached thoroughly, they study well and strive to receive an excellent education. Maria are careerists, at home they wither and neuroses form in them.

Married Maria is a good housewife, devoted wife, kind and loving mother. But only if it is implemented in a career. Otherwise, everything will collapse. Also, the husband needs to constantly look after his wife, maintain a romantic relationship. Otherwise, Mary will get bored and her sexuality for her husband will fade away, but when an admirer appears, she will burn with all her passion for him. At the same time, she will not leave the family, and will hide the connection on the side for a long time.

Name Maria: sexuality, marriage

Maria perceives sex in the same way as good food or fitness. If he is not with a loved one, she will easily get a “temporary solution”.

Name Maria: health and psyche

Mary is distinguished by excellent health, but with the psyche everything is much more complicated. Because of the closeness, there can be nervous breakdowns, and in case of an unfortunate fate, even getting treated in psychiatric hospitals. The most important thing for Maria is to be able to do what she loves, without it problems with nerves cannot be avoided.

What patronymic is suitable for a girl with the name Maria: compatibility with male names

Maria is an easy to pronounce name with a vowel at the end. This name is suitable for 98% of male names, and, accordingly, patronymics. But before calling the girl by this name, be sure to “try on” the patronymic.

When is the name day, Mary's Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?


Maria Laktionova, venerable martyr

New Martyr, 2001?


Maria Danilova, martyr

New Martyr, 2000?

31 Maria of Radonezh, schema nun
8 Mary of Constantinople, Palestine, reverend
19 Mary of Asia, martyr, virgin
25 Maria Vifinskaya, reverend
2 Mariamne (Mary)

Maria Grosheva, nun, reverend martyr

New Martyr, 2000?

2 Mary, martyr
14 Mary of Egypt, reverend
17 Maria Lelyanova, nun, reverend martyr
25 Mary of Bethany
10 Maria Nosova, novice, martyr
17 Mary Magdalene Equal-to-the-Apostles (Myrrhbearer)

Maria Kleopova (Uncovering the relics)

Maria Kleopova, Jacobleva, Josieva (myrrh-bearer)


Maria Ustyugskaya

Mary, virgin

15 Mary, martyr
17 Mary of Bethany
20 Mary of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr
22 Mary of Persia, martyr
24 Mary of Pergamon, martyr
2 Mary, mother of Josiev
17 Maria Romanova, Grand Duchess, Passion-Bearer
25 Golinduha (in baptism Maria) Persian, confessor
18 Mary, martyr
22 Mary of Constantinople, martyr, patrician
24 Maria Synclitikia
28 Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
8 Maria Diveevskaya (Fedina), fool for Christ's sake
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Maria Rykova, Martyr, nun

Mary of Yegis, reverend

2 Maria Mamontova-Shashina, Martyr
11 Maria of Radonezh, schema-nun
21 Maria Volnukhina, martyr
11 Mary of Khidan, reverend

Maria Zhuravleva, Martyr

New Martyr, 2005?

Maria Zeitlin, Martyr

New Martyr, 2004?

Congratulations on Angel Mary's Day short in verse and prose

Maria! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! On Angel Day, we wish you to always remain at a height invisible to us. May your every new day be better than the one before it! Never stop dreaming, creating and striving for something new! Your wishes will surely come true!

Video: Congratulations on Angel Mary's Day

Song named Maria, Masha

And of course, it is impossible to do without songs on Birthdays and Name Days!

Video: Song about Masha

Video: Masha, Maria

Video: Mikhail Shufutinsky - Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Pendant with the name Mary in gold: photo

Name Maria: intuition, intelligence, morality

Despite the fact that Mary has a very developed intuition, she rarely resorts to it, placing the main emphasis on intelligence and knowledge. Maria pays special attention to morality. Even if she wants it more than her life, even if she knows that her venture will be crowned with success, she still will not allow it if she considers the action immoral.

Name Maria: hobbies, activities, business

Maria will succeed both in creativity and in the humanities, both in science and in business. In fact, Maria is a very versatile person and whatever she takes on, everything will be crowned with success. But here it is worth focusing on what lies more to the soul of Mary. After all, if, under pressure from loved ones, she chooses a field of activity that is not the one she wanted, even dizzying success will not save the situation - she is guaranteed nervousness and breakdowns.

Characteristics of the name Maria

Maria gathered in herself strictness and tenderness, emotionality and outward alienation. She is a desperate careerist and a loving mother, an independent woman and a devoted wife.

  • Winter Mary. Those born in the cold season are also cold and reserved. Very silent and does not like to throw words into the wind. In marriage, she gives the leading role to her husband and will not try to win her over even if the husband has difficulties in being the head of the family;
  • Spring Mary. These girls are cheerful and optimistic, but their openness is their Achilles heel. They are more sociable than the rest of the Marys, and therefore they are most often criticized and condemned, and therefore it is much easier to hurt their feelings. In marriage, she is calm, compromises, but does not encroach on her space;
  • Summer Mary. Very nervous, vulnerable and overly sensitive. She does not like conflicts and carefully leaves them, but if she enters, she loses because she does not like debates. Restrained in marriage, agrees to obey her husband in order to avoid conflict;
  • Autumn Mary. Those born in autumn are suspicious, calm on the outside and nervous on the inside. He does not know how to survive breaks, failures and failures. Every problem is a tragedy to be overcome. The choice of a husband is taken very seriously and is usually happy in marriage.

The most complete and happy Mary was born in the zodiac sign Virgo. But the rest of the signs, in principle, fit this name, there is no incompatibility.

What zodiac sign does the name Maria fit?

The name Maria has several stones of talismans at once:

  • The pomegranate symbolizes passionate and eternal love, but in addition, it helps Mary save face in the face of difficulties, causes courage and courage. Helps to pass tests;
  • Carnelian will help you find happy love and take you away from deceivers. Also in difficult times will give mood and help to concentrate. During public speaking, he will bestow eloquence;

Stone talisman for the name Maria
  • To endow sapphire with modesty, fidelity, wisdom and at the same time power. In Europe, it was customary to give Mary an ornament with sapphires for the coronation;
  • Diamond will help to find the inner core, strength, hardness and at the same time look sophisticated and brilliant. Protects from diseases.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Maria

The tree named after Maria is a tender birch.

The flower named after Maria is cornflower. He gives Mary constancy, tenderness, femininity and simplicity. It will also help to preserve youth and remain beautiful in old age.

Mary is tied to doves, symbolizing peace and fertility. In difficult times, when Maria does not know where to go next, she even intuitively goes to the pigeons, whether it is her own bird or feeding pigeons in the parks. They help her find the right solution.

Totem animal named Maria

Numerology Of The Name Maria

Body number 5

Hidden Spirit Number 7

Mary's soul number 3

This set of numbers gives Mary a creative beginning, as well as the opportunity to independently choose a direction in life. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that Mary is very close to criticism and is not always able to endure it with dignity, without falling into depression.

Nickname for Mary

Bright sublime pseudonyms are suitable for the name Maria. These are Maria Regina coeli (the queen of heaven) and Maria Stella (the star of the seas) and many other truly royal pseudonyms.

Element named after Mary

The element of Mary is Air, thereby presenting all the possibilities of her signs.

Mary's patron planet

Proserpine is a delightful planet symbolizing self-improvement, transformation and self-education skills. Thanks to this, the Marys are constantly moving forward throughout their lives.

Planet patron Mary Marilyn Monroe

Video: Mary - the meaning of the name. Character, qualities, analysis of the name Maria

The name given to a person at birth constantly influences his life, actions, character. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses, you can choose the right profession, environment, and even your soulmate. What does the name Maria mean? This article will tell.


Many are interested in the question: “In translation, what does the name Mary mean from Greek?” It should be immediately noted that it is of Hebrew origin. There are several versions of his translation: "bitter", "beloved", "stubborn" and "serene". Among the Slavs, it means "lady".

The name is popular all over the world, possibly due to the fact that it was worn by the mother of Jesus. It is pronounced differently in many countries. In England, these are Mary, Marie, Mariah, in Germany - Marike, Mitsel, in Greece - Marietta, Marigula.

Some even put the stress on the first syllable, while others on the second.


What does the name Maria mean for a girl? She grows sociable and cheerful, easily makes contact with both children and adults. Little Masha is very kind, she will always help the younger ones, she will not pass by an abandoned kitten or puppy.

She is calm, but at the same time is an inexhaustible source of energy. Her parents constantly surround her with attention, Maria's childhood is bright and happy. She loves to help her mother and grandmother at home. But more drawn to his father.

In kindergarten, he rarely becomes the center of attention, but he loves outdoor games, dancing, reading and spends a lot of time with other children.

Answering the question: "What does the name Mary mean for a child?" - do not forget about such qualities as touchiness and capriciousness. Even a small remark addressed to her is perceived by the girl very sharply. Masha can also be restless and undisciplined. In reserve, she always has a lot of questions that parents, teachers, and even complete strangers have to answer.


What does the name Maria mean for a girl in her school years and how does it affect her life? She studies well, if desired, she can become an excellent student. Responsible, teachers can always rely on her. She usually has few friends in the class. Relations with other classmates are good, Masha is ready to share everything she has. Some things he does according to his mood.

She is hardworking, if something does not work out for her, she is very worried. But such characteristic traits of her character as firmness and self-esteem help to cope with any problems.

What does the name Masha (Maria) mean: character

Growing up, she retains many of the qualities she had as a child. Impressionability is added, sometimes she simply does not understand jokes.

With her inner warmth, sincerity, ability to empathize and desire to help, Maria warms everyone around. She is capable of self-sacrifice. If the result is beneficial, then she will be happy.

The meaning of the name Maria characterizes her as an unforgiving woman. Any, even minor quarrels give her inner discomfort, so she easily and quickly forgives her offender. In some situations, it can take the first step. She herself rarely becomes the initiator of the conflict, but this does not mean that she cannot stand up for herself.

Sometimes she feels envy, but throughout her life Maria tries to get rid of this feeling. She is also stubborn, defending her point of view actively and violently. Failure does not turn into a tragedy, but, given the mistakes, starts all over again. She has very good intuition.

Character features

"Winter" Mashas are reserved. Before they say something, they will think several times.

What does the name Maria mean for its "spring" owners? These women are emotional and capricious. They do what they do according to their mood. Sometimes very arrogant.

"Summer" Marias are cheerful, by this they attract people to themselves. Also, women born in the warm season are good-natured.

"Autumn" girls with this name are characterized by self-interest. They surround themselves with people with whom they can benefit. Most often used at work.

How does a name affect health?

Unfortunately, Maria is sick a lot. Since childhood, many owners of this name are prone to allergic diseases. Especially in spring, they should be attentive to their health.

Weak organs are lungs, kidneys, stomach, intestines. Often they are faced with female ailments.

Maria has a predisposition to be overweight, so she should carefully monitor her figure. To raise immunity, hardening is necessary, for which swimming is excellent.


The meaning of the name Maria characterizes its owner as a girl who is not afraid of difficulties. In her work, she is attracted to those professions in which you need to give all your best.

Among colleagues, she is respected for her diligence, the authorities appreciate her sense of responsibility.

She can be anyone she wants to be. But most often he finds himself in the humanitarian professions - in pedagogy, medicine or in the field of arts. She makes a good psychologist.

How will it affect the activity and what does the name Maria mean if its owner decides to go into business? In this case, the woman becomes as serious as possible, and she will expect the same from her partners. Does not like to take risks if she does something - this is a well-thought-out risk-free transaction with a guaranteed positive result.

She doesn’t throw money away, she becomes very reasonable in business. It is important for Maria to succeed, she will never work "for a penny".

Marriage and family

The meaning of the name Maria speaks of her as a wonderful mother, wife, mistress. Family comes first for her.

She chooses her life partner carefully and is not inclined to fleeting relationships. Thanks to her sociability, she can take the first step herself.

She loves her family dearly. She takes the appearance of a child very seriously, reads a lot of literature so that her baby is brought up correctly. For the sake of children, Maria is ready to step over the interests of other people.

She is faithful to her husband, if it seems to her that new real feelings have come, she will confess and leave the family. But the betrayal of the spouse will never forgive. He will be very worried, but still file for divorce.

Masha has a good relationship with her mother-in-law, but she will not live with her.

Question: “What does the name Maria (or Masha) mean and how does it affect the life of its owner?” - is of interest to many, especially men who want to connect their lives with her. In this, she is almost ideal - a wonderful hostess, whose house is always clean, and a delicious dinner is on the stove. He manages to finish things, even if he has small children in his arms. Maria has enough strength for everything, she will not demand the distribution of duties from her husband. He pays a lot of attention to household trifles, unfortunately, because of this, he communicates less with children.

She will be happily married to Anatoly, Alexander, Andrey, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Danila, Ivan, Zakhar, Makar, Roman, Fedor and Svyatoslav. It is best for her to avoid Valery, Yefim, Leo, Lavr, Rostislav. With them, most likely, she will be unhappy.

The meaning of the name Maria: horoscope

She is patronized by the planet Proserpine and the star Sun, the zodiac signs Virgo and Scorpio. It was they who endowed Masha with such a controversial character.

Her totem plants are lily and cornflower, as well as birch. Like them, Mary, with outward simplicity, has a rich inner world, which attracts people to herself. Perhaps such features also determine the colors of the name - steel and orange.

The totem animal is a dove, symbolizing holiness and reconciliation.

Particular attention should be paid to the stone of the name, insofar as it has a great influence on a person when worn constantly. It is very important to make the right choice. For Mary, it is jasper and diamond. If she wears them all the time, they will bring her good luck and success in all her affairs and undertakings.

Name in history

Many women are known to have worn it. What does the name Mary mean in history? The most famous owner of it can be considered the mother of Jesus. And the myrrh-bearing woman Mary Magdalene was next to him. This name was given to the mother of Sergei of Radonezh and the sister of Lazarus of the Four Days.

Mary Tudor was an English queen in the 16th century. She was considered one of the most beautiful women of that time.

Marie de Medici - French queen in the 17th century. She had an imperious character, tormented her husband with jealousy, but she was able to become a good ruler.

Eminent scientist Marie Curie. She discovered radioactivity and was awarded two Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry.

Nowadays, many women are also known who bear this name: actresses, athletes, scientists.

It has never lost its popularity, and now young parents often call their newborn daughters Masha.

The name Masha never goes out of fashion. It confidently occupies a leading position in the list of popular and most beautiful female names. Parents all over the world from year to year continue to give their daughters the name Maria.

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The choice of the name of the child largely determines his future fate. Therefore, parents should carefully familiarize themselves with the meaning, origin, main character traits and temperament of the bearer of the name.

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      Name origin

      The name Mary is inextricably linked with the history of Christianity. According to biblical legends, that was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ. The Holy Mother of God is the intercessor of people before God; believers turn their fervent prayers to her. In Catholic countries, where the cult of saints is widespread, Mary is revered as the patroness of many countries and cities. Her images - statues, icons - become objects of pilgrimage.

    1. 1. From the Hebrew word mrym - "beloved", "desired", "lady".
    2. 2. From the Hebrew word marar - "bitter", "sad".
    3. 3. From the Hebrew word mara - "rebuff, refuse, reject."

    How to determine if a guy suits a girl - name compatibility in love and marriage

    Translation into other languages

    Thanks to its wide distribution, the name Maria in different countries of the world has acquired a heterogeneous sound. Each ethnic group adapted it to its own dialect. Sometimes the changes went so far that they no longer resembled the original name.

    Maria in different languages ​​of the world:

    • In English - Mary (Mary), Maria (Mary), Mariah (Mariah).
    • It is not the name that is translated into Japanese literally, but its meaning - Nigai (bitter, stubborn).
    • "Malia" in Chinese. Hieroglyphs of the name: 玛丽娅, transcription -mǎlìyà.

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    affectionate names

    From the moment of birth, parents try to affectionately call the baby, come up with diminutive nicknames for him. Most often, these are abbreviated modified forms of the name. Children willingly respond to them and keep them as home nicknames in adulthood.

    Maria has many variants of different word forms: Masha, Mashunya, Munya, Mashura, Mura; Maryushka, Mariyka, Marisha, Mary, Marunya, Marulya; Marusya, Musya, Masya, Musha; Manya, Manyunya, Manyusya, Manyuta, Manyusha, Manyasha, Mulya.

    name day

    In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to celebrate the name day of Mary three times a year, on the days of memory of the saints of the same name:

    • 14th of April;
    • June 5;
    • September 21.

    The day of memory of the patron saint has a deep inner meaning. It has long been customary to visit the temple and offer a prayer to your heavenly intercessor.

    Character and fate

    Most often, Mary adopts the character traits of her father. Her relationship with her mother is not easy, often there is a misunderstanding.

    It is preferable to call the girl by her full name from an early age, since Masha and Maria have different energy meanings.

    Little Masha grows up as a calm, balanced child. Her favorite pastime is playing with dolls. Mashenka gets along well with other children and readily helps her parents around the house. He can be naughty with his grandmother, but quickly calms down. Trying not to upset the elders.

    Feels good in the school community. Tries to be the first in everything. Therefore, she jealously monitors the successes of other students, and is even capable of petty mischief to her rival. Then he repents and tries to make amends. Masha has many hidden abilities. To wake them up, the teacher needs to choose the right key, to be as tactful as possible. Masha has a very vulnerable nature. She is easily offended, painfully perceives criticism.

    Most of all, Masha loves to spend time with children, especially toddlers. She enjoys babysitting.

    Main character traits

    The best qualities of nature are diligence, justice, perseverance.

    If necessary, he knows how to resist, stand up for himself. Friends appreciate Masha for reliability and devotion. At any age, Maria is incredibly responsive to someone else's misfortune, strives to help in any way possible. At the same time, under no circumstances will he shift his own problems onto the shoulders of others. He experiences them deep in his soul, alone.

The meaning of the name Maria: this name for a girl means "beloved", "desired".

Origin of the name Maria: from the Hebrew word Mariam.

Diminutive form of the name: Mariyka, Marisha, Mary, Mulya, Musya, Marusya, Maryuta, Masya, Musha, Manya, Manyunya, Manyasha, Masha, Mashunya, Maryasha.

What does the name Maria mean? Masha has a malleable and gentle character, as long as it does not concern her priorities, she knows how to defend her interests. She often chooses to work with children or professions related to sports. It is difficult for her to do housework all day, so the family leads an active lifestyle and often travels.

Angel Day and patron saints named after Mary: the name celebrates name days three times:

  • April 14 (1) - The Monk Mary of Egypt left her parental home for twelve years and led a sinful life for seven years, then she turned in Jerusalem to the path of the righteous and for forty-eight years she lived in solitude in great deeds of fasting and prayer in the desert of Jordan (VI century).
  • June 5 (May 23) - St. M. Kleopova (that is, Cleopa's wife) - daughter of Joseph the Betrothed; she lived in her father's house with the Blessed Virgin Mary; they loved each other like close relatives, which is why the Gospel calls her "the sister of the Mother of Jesus."
  • September 21 (8) - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

Signs: April 14 Marya - light the snow, play the ravines. If the spill is on Mary of Egypt, then there will be a lot of grass. September 21, on the Nativity of the Virgin, - osporzhinki, harvest festival. On this day, the fire in the huts was renewed: the old one was extinguished, and the new one was kindled.


  • Zodiac - Virgo
  • Planet - Proserpina
  • Color - gray
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Cherished plant - cornflower
  • Patron - dove
  • Talisman stone - diamond

Characteristics of the name Maria

Positive features: The meaning of the name Maria from the point of view of psychology. The name Maria gives decency, kindness, reliability, activity, humanity. A girl with this name has a huge supply of love and tenderness. Since childhood, she has shown gentleness, obedience, sympathy for people and a willingness to help a person in trouble. At the same time, there is firmness and dignity in her character. If necessary, the girl is able to stand up for herself and for her ideals.

Negative Traits: The name Maria brings gloom, vulnerability, touchiness. She is very worried about the comments addressed to her. If you do not agree with something, then your disagreement expresses quite violently.

The nature of the name Maria: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Maria? Masha is a person of extraordinary spiritual warmth. This is the best friend you could wish for. She has a rare capacity for self-sacrifice; She is more than anyone capable of living life in her husband, children, friends, favorite books. Her credo: "I'm sorry for everyone. I have to help everyone!" the one with the name is extremely intelligent and philosophically inclined; she is a psychic, a psychoanalyst, a fortune-teller, a healer, a kind sorceress - she always has sublime, almost superhuman abilities, which she rarely develops in herself: there is no time, you have to arrange the affairs of others! A girl named Masha is elegant, beautiful, a wonderful hostess.

Adult Masha is also a reasonable hardworking woman with a huge supply of love and tenderness. She is a little envious, but someone else's misfortune makes her instinctively want to help. If something happened to her, Masha withdraws into herself, rarely shares her feelings.

She is Mary stubborn. He expresses his disagreement with something actively and violently. Failure matters to her. They, of course, upset her, but she does not make a tragedy out of this, she quickly gathers herself and starts over.

Maria and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The meaning of the name Maria is favorable in alliance with Alexander, Anatoly, Andrey, Boyan, Bryachislav, Vasily, Vlas, Vyacheslav, Gavrila, Danila, Zakhar, Ivan, Makar, Mstislav, Roman. The name is also combined with Svyatoslav, Fedor. Difficult relationships are likely with Anisim, Bronislav, Valery, Vsevolod, Efim, Zinovy, Lavr, Leo, Rostislav.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Mary promise happiness in love? Faithful in marriage, ready to follow her husband. She is a very devoted mother, gives herself to her children, takes care even of grown-ups. Those reciprocate the girl with the name, always on her side.

Mashenka's husband should remember that she is not only painfully experiencing internal and family discord, but can get sick on this basis or even commit suicide.

Her main concern is her own family. The meaning of the name Maria is a wonderful hostess, she devotes herself to children, relegating even her husband to the background. But she is faithful to him, sensual, will never give her husband a reason to reproach her for something. Rather, she may have a reason to be disappointed in him, but Masha knows how to endure. Husband and children more often respond to her with devotion and obedience.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A woman bearing the name Mary refers to the type of personalities "reigning in heaven and on earth." Her work is marked by high spiritual, intellectual and creative aspirations. She is responsible and hardworking, she most fully manifests herself in medicine, pedagogy, and the field of art. A girl named Masha from childhood got used to solving her problems on her own, without putting them on the shoulders of others. If she fails to get a brilliant education, then she can earn fame and honor in a modest labor field.

She is not afraid of professions where you need to give all your best, the range of her activities is extremely wide, everywhere she is in her place - cheerful, good-natured, hardworking. Over the years, she becomes quite strict and outwardly serious, but her sincerity and sociability remain. Therefore, the best professions for Masha are pedagogy and medicine, the most humane, requiring warmth and rigor.

Business and career: This girl stands firmly on the ground, does not seek to shine. She lives within her means, knows how to save money, but does not depend on them. Defeats and failures upset her, but she does not attach great importance to them.

Health and Energy

Health and talents named after Mary: Mashenka is calm in infancy. Parents do not experience any special difficulties with her. But when she turns one and a half years old, she often begins to get sick with the flu and other diseases. But mentally and physically, the meaning of the name Mary promises normal development.

"Winter" Masha has a congenital heart defect. As a child, Masha is worried about her throat, her nervous system is weakened. She is very irritable, so you should consult a neurologist. As a child, he suffers from chickenpox. Angina can give complications to the eyes, to the bronchi, which are already weak.

A girl with this name is a very lively, emotional girl. Responds to everything that happens. But it depends on her patronymic. For example, the name Maria with a patronymic Alexandrovna is very emotional, she will fall into the hands of only those she knows. At school, she suffers from sinusitis.

In "March" frequent colds give complications to the ears, sinusitis can form. This girl is capricious, wayward. With it, you should walk for a long time in the fresh air, it calms the nervous system. Raising your voice at her is useless; she reacts inadequately to punishments. Masha must be treated as equals, otherwise she will get angry, withdraw and turn away from her parents.

"May" Masha does not do well at school, inattentive, lazy. Much depends on the patronymic that she wears. This applies to reports Alexandrovna, Igorevna. But Vladimirovna is very emotional, she takes everything to heart, she is prone to stress. At sixteen, she has a very difficult relationship with her parents.

The name Masha needs to pay attention to gynecology. Her main ailment is a weak nervous system. With age, "July" Masha suffers from salt deposits, kidney stones, gynecological diseases, and eye diseases. Vegetative-vascular dystonia develops. A woman named Maria often suffers from high blood pressure, and there are also strokes.

The fate of Mary in history

What does the name Mary mean for women's fate?

  1. Maria is one of the most popular names in Russia and all over the world, in fairy tales, in literature, in history.
  2. Holy Virgin of Nazareth, mother of Jesus Christ. Mother of God, Mother of God, Madonna - the earthly mother of Jesus Christ. The mention of it in the four gospels is very brief, numerous additions have appeared in the apocrypha - new gospel legends that are not officially recognized by the church. The tragic story of a woman who raised her son, knowing in advance that he would be taken away from her and tortured, could not but disturb the imagination of people.
  3. Princess Maria N. Volkonskaya (1806-1863) - the wife of the Decembrist Prince Sergei Grigoryevich Volkonsky, who voluntarily shared exile with him. The daughter of the famous hero of the 12th year, N.N. Raevsky, at the age of 18, by the will of her father, she married General Volkonsky, who was much older than her. Like the wives of other Decembrists, she learned about the existence of a secret society only when most of the conspirators were already in the fortress. In 1863, Volkonskaya died of a heart disease acquired in Siberia. After her, there were notes, a human document remarkable for its modesty, sincerity and simplicity. Her father, N.N. Raevsky, with all the severity of a man of military discipline, trying to keep his daughter from going to Siberia, said before his death, pointing to her portrait: "This is the most amazing woman I knew."
  4. Maria Romanova (1907 - 1951) - from birth she bore the title of Her Serene Highness Princess Kirillovskaya; the title of Princess of the Imperial Blood was recognized for her on July 28, 1907, since 1925. - Crown Princess of Leiningen, since 1939 - Princess of Leiningen. The eldest daughter of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich and Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna (nee Princess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Great Britain). She was born in January 1907 and, in accordance with the decree of Nicholas II, was assigned to the Russian Imperial House. In 1924, the princess of imperial blood, Maria Kirillovna, received the title of Grand Duchess from her father, who took the title of Emperor of All Russia Kirill I. In the 1930s, the Russian-Serbian charitable society of the Grand Duchess operated in Novi Sad under the auspices of the Queen, providing assistance to needy Russian refugees Maria
  5. Maria Medici (1575 - 1642) - Queen of France, daughter of Grand Duke Francesco I of Tuscany and Joanna of Austria. Queen consort of France, wife of Henry IV, mother of Louis XIII.
  6. Marlene Dietrich (1901 - 1992) - nee - Maria Magdalena Dietrich; German and American actress and singer who created one of the most perfect cinematic female images. Her "sultry woman with a steel spine" differed both from the "mysterious woman" of Greta Garbo, and from the naturalness embodied in the female images of Ingrid Bergman, did not resemble the intellectual sophistication that Claudette Colbert shone. The cinematic fate of Dietrich is largely determined by Joseph von Sternberg Maria
  7. Maria Ermolova (1853 - 1928) - one of the most talented actresses in the history of the Maly Theater, according to Stanislavsky - the greatest actor he has ever seen. She became famous for the roles of freedom-loving individuals, devoted to their ideals and opposing the surrounding vulgarity. Honored Artist of the Imperial Theaters (1902). First People's Artist of the Republic (1920). Hero of Labor (1924). Since 1935, the Moscow Drama Theater named after Maria N. Yermolova has been named after her.
  8. Maria Krivopolenova (1843 - 1924) - storyteller, performer of epics, folk songs.
  9. Maria Sklodowska-Curie (1867 - 1934) - nee - Maria Salomea Sklodowska; Polish-French experimental scientist (physicist, chemist), teacher, public figure. Twice Nobel laureate: in physics (1903) and in chemistry (1911), the first double Nobel laureate in history. She founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw. The wife of Pierre Curie, together with him was engaged in the study of radioactivity. Together with her husband, she discovered the elements radium (from the Latin radi?re "radiate") and polonium (from the Latin name of Poland, Pol?nia - a tribute to the homeland of Maria Sklodowska).
  10. Mary Stuart, Mary I (1542 - 1587) - Queen of Scots from infancy, actually ruled from 1561 until deposed in 1567, as well as Queen of France in 1559-1560 (as the wife of King Francis II) and pretender to the English throne. Her tragic fate, full of quite "literary" dramatic turns and events, attracted writers of the romantic and subsequent eras.
  11. Maria Bochkareva - (1889 - 1920) nee - Frolkova; one of the first Russian female officers (produced during the revolution of 1917), lieutenant. The first is the "cavalry girl" Nadezhda Durova, who participated in the wars with Napoleon in 1806-1814. Bochkareva created the first female battalion in the history of the Russian army. Cavalier of the George Cross.
  12. Maria Mironova (1911 - 1997) - Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1991))
  13. Maria Biesu ((1935 - 2012) an outstanding Moldovan Soviet opera singer, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1970). Hero of Socialist Labor (1990). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1982) and the State Prize of the USSR (1974).
  14. Maria Skobtsova, Nun, known as Mother Mary (1891 - 1945) - in the world - Elizaveta Skobtsova, nee - Pilenko, after her first husband - Kuzmina-Karavaeva; nun of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (Western European Exarchate of the Russian tradition) of Russian origin. Poet, memoirist, member of the French Resistance. She was canonized by the Patriarchate of Constantinople as a venerable martyr in 2004.

Maria in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Mary, (Mary), in German - the name Marie, in French - Marie, in Italian - Maria.

    Not true. Maria is the most beautiful name in the world! The most beautiful names: MARIA, ANASTASIA, NATALIA, ANNA AND ALYONA! .. For me, the worst name is Sofia. Maria has no association with a girl who sleeps all the time Sonya ... or Sofa - a sofa. AND MARIA - MASHA IS THE BEST NAME ON THE PLANET EARTH!!! THE BEAUTY OF HER ELEMENT - AND HER NAME IS - MARIA! I am Mary, and I walk with my head held high. And I am glad that they didn’t call me any fury Sophia (Sonya, Sofa), namely, MARIA! Personally, I am NOT envious, but successful, stubborn when I defend myself, I do not forgive lies and betrayal. In my heart I FORGIVE, but to be friends or to love, I’m no longer friends or I don’t love, ALTHOUGH SOMETIMES I LOVE TO LOVE (if it’s a boy) or be friends (if it’s a girl), but I hold back and forget ... but soon the soul remembers ... and everything again! For several years I have been going and I dream about one thing - to find love. But such a bad city we have, I haven’t seen a single normal kid. All some bad, not with my development. I hate sports and exercise. I love reading and learning new things. I am modest and shy but in certain situations. Change or betray - never in my life! My relationship with my mother is normal. I am a careerist. Kind, yes. But for the time being. If a person starts to piss me off, I no longer become a “Mother Teresa” girl, but a “panther”. I was named after such meanings: MAD, SUPERIORITY, HOLY, HIGH, HAPPINESS, HEALTH, LOVE. Marika also comes from Mary. Meaning of Marika: WISDOM. (Like Sofia). My horoscope is Libra. But I should hesitate, but I am marvelous Maria. I have everything exactly, and exactly, without hesitation. I know a lot of Maries - beautiful and wonderful! I have a great friendship with my namesakes. Not with Sony! We're chasing them, go to sleep! or Sofa - a sofa. MARIA IS THE BEST NAME! And then there is Bella ... HORROR TO CALL THE GIRL! BELLA'S MEANING - BEAUTIFUL! God! And I read in other sources - an insidious girl. YOU WILL WRITE ANYTHING ON THE INTERNET! AND THE TRUTH IS WRITTEN ABOUT MARIA! AND INHERITED THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MARY AND ANASTASIA TO ALL NAMES! THE 5 LEADERS IN LUCKY NAMES HAVE MARIA AND ANASTASIA! AND NO SOPHIA ANYWHERE! AND THESE MARIA AND ANASTASIA WILL NEVER GO FROM POPULARITY! AND SOPHIA WAS NOT THERE ALSO! SOFIA AS RISE AND DOWN. SONIA HAS NEVER LEADED... THIS IS BOSS... A LIGHT SHOULD BEEN SHOWN. MARIA - THE BEST!!!

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    Hello everyone:) You have the GOODEST name!

    The name Mary has a divine meaning! These people change destinies (sometimes in strange ways)))) and you should listen to them!!! .. Although Maria herself Always has an UNUSUAL AND DIFFICULT LIFE! Each of them is Individual and is revealed over time. Most Mashas do not need applause and crowds of fans. They do their good and useful deeds not for the sake of glory, but for pleasure. And no matter what the ENVYING people say, I have never met more good-natured and more sympathetic people !!!

    Maria and the good boy and Fury. WHEN YOU SEE MASHA IN A FURY KNOW: SHE SUFFERED YOU FOR A LONG TIME AND YOU DEFINITELY 500% DESERVED HER PUNISHMENT!!! CONSIDER YOUR BEHAVIOR!!! MARIA - very FAIR! But she will never do anything specifically out of revenge or for evil or to make fun of. THESE ARE NOBLE PEOPLE!

    Mary from afar see DEFECTIVE PEOPLE and will not harm the disadvantaged (stupid, freaks, psychos, and other inadequate people). Show maximum sympathy and delicacy.

    These are the best friends you could wish for and most of them are CREATIVE and diversified personalities. (They do everything with a creative approach - well done!)

    RESPONSIBLE! For the fact that they are passionately loved (It can be a husband and children and a favorite thing), Mary is ready to strangle anyone. They devote maximum time to their favorite pastime or people! and because of this, they may not notice anything around.) because of this they are often called Egoists. But this is only a SURFACE ESTIMATE!

    INTELLECTUALS. By the way, you yourself admit that you like to be smart and brag ... though you still do it nicely without offending anyone :)

    The most important thing in you is a HUGE BRIGHT SOUL! and frankly, I don’t care if you are fat or dystrophic, whores or nuns, young or old. The universe has filled your existence with SPECIAL MEANING!


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    interesting interpretations, interesting comments...

    Luckily, I wasn't named after anyone. Mom just liked that name

    As a child, I loved being called Maria. Then I didn't like the name at all. I'm fine with it now)

    Complete nonsense about the relationship with the mother. it doesn't depend on the name at all. I have an excellent relationship with my mother and her character.

    Also did not coincide about hard work. the laziest of all friends and acquaintances))

    I will never be a doctor! not mine.

    I treat children according to my mood. but overall positive.

    Analyst, inclined towards philosophy. from part.

    But the most important coincidence, which is written in almost every variant of interpretation, is a tendency to empathize, to help loved ones. I have always been a personal psychologist for friends. =)

    Of course, many characteristics also depend on the sign of the zodiac. I'm a scorpio) harmful, boorish. =)))

    Well, a lot depends on upbringing!

    I love when they call Mashulya, Mashunya, Manyunya, Manya. Marusya is also nothing so) funny-cute)))) I don’t like it when they call Maria. a little too majestic. perhaps in the future it will sound normal, but for now in adolescence it's too much))

    Masha, we are the best!!! and who does not want to call their children that, I'm only for it !!! I want shtob it became a rare name. and the best!!! =)

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    I personally don't like this name...

    How many Mashas I remember from childhood (and there were quite a few of them)

    Everything looks like a quiet-goody ... but a little touch and the truth of the furies! and now I ran into one Marusya ... who very coldly and prudently gave birth to a daughter not for love, but to chop off her husband’s apartment ... but it didn’t work out for her ... she just shook out the money and threw him away ... and where is philanthropy ?! simple cold calculation ... her relationship with her mother is strained ... but you have to communicate ... because. she doesn’t have a father ... she’s very closed in herself ... more precisely, in her little world ... where only those people who praise her and do not have souls in her really got ... -quite hypocritically, isn’t it ... and it is in this circle that she weaves gossip and even insidiously quarrels with her ex-husband with her family ... forbidding him to communicate with his parents ... you want to be with me ... close yourself in my world ... very stubborn ... often acts on a whim of her own ... and then she realizes that she was mistaken ... - this Masha-aquarius (31.01.88)

    I can't say anything bad about others...

    I have a lot of acquaintances Masha… but rulf you know them from a distance they are all nice and kind girls… the main thing is not to touch them… but close up… they are not always as friendly as they write about themselves… and you won’t think that it could be a CUTE AND KIND MASHENKA ... (I think that I have the right to a personal opinion!)

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    I don’t really like my name, sometimes the thought arises to change it, my mother is shocked, offended by me. She says, how is it possible, she lived half her life with this name, and now you want to change it ??? Everything that is written is true! Although I never quarreled with my girlfriends, and even more so I didn’t weave intrigues behind their backs, on the contrary, I am very straightforward, well, it happens, I say nasty things, but in person !!! Indeed, Mary is amorous, honest, benevolent, able to empathize, many love children, are economic, stubborn, emotional and in a fit of these emotions offend people dear to them, making it worse not only for themselves (for example, sometimes guys call me a psychopath and a patient, you can to say that I really am that FURY), proud, wayward, sometimes selfish and rude, domineering, even despite the fact that many consider them “God’s dandelions”, I don’t know about your circle of friends, but I have few real friends, more acquaintances ... Many consider Masha to be calm and diligent students, yes, I study well, but I can’t say that I am calm ... If you talk with Marias closer, you will understand that they are not as simple as they seem. For people dear to them, they are very accessible, but for acquaintances they are simply not achievable!!! If you ask friends and acquaintances about Maria, then for sure they will tell completely contradictory things ...

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    a lot of things coincided, but about intrigue and envy, there is an absolute mismatch, and not because I am also Masha)) Maybe I grew up in a family. where in a relationship everything is simple and transparent, and such friends came across, but I never went in schemers, moreover, many times they were woven against me and like a fool I didn’t even know how to behave correctly, and even more so for me it has always been it’s mysterious, but how is it, to push someone’s foreheads together, etc., and I still can’t lie, I blush terribly, and everyone immediately bites me))) I didn’t understand about envy either, to do dirty tricks because of getting started and at the same time, it is impossible to be of high moral principles, you see. There was envy, but it’s not black, but we simply didn’t have the opportunity to buy me a skirt and a sweater right away, but my friend had it, and not one and not in the market, but in the shopping center, of course I wanted to dress beautifully, but this did not stop us to be friends, and somehow there were no strong feelings about this. I'm wintery and really very secretive, it's not always good. As for studying, it is precisely written, the desire to study well was due to my own ambitions, and not because of the desire to know more. It was like a sport for me, it’s the same at work now. I choose the goal of achievement and strive to achieve it, but not by all means ....)))

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    Well, I don't know girls. That's about the Fury. It's really too much!!! At first, I didn’t really like my name either, but I don’t complain about anything ..:) This dissatisfaction passed with time. I don’t agree about ENVY, this is nonsense, I personally don’t get to envy others, I even sometimes asked myself the question: “why, when I look at what I would like to receive ... others don’t squeeze anything in my insides?”. Only there is a feeling of joy for this person and inside there is a desire to achieve the same, maybe even better, but with their own work and efforts! And about justice, children, Amorousness, fidelity, and empathy for others, even little-known people - This is the pure truth! And I think it’s sometimes difficult in life (and it happens to everyone) you shouldn’t give everything away in the name ... You need to be proud of the name that your parents gave you and no matter how it sounds, but be proud of it and take only pluses from it !! ! In general, Mary in the soul of "God's dandelions" in everyday life makes us feel worse even if we don't want it, but what can we do? (Self-defense)

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    Some options are really true, and some are very far from the MARIA estate !!! My beloved and dear Granny was called Maria, according to the stories of mom and dad, dad really wanted to call me Maria, but my Granny died when I was only a month old, she told dad to call me Marissa. She did not want me to be called that because of her family life. She had two husbands and everyone was not faithful to her, although they did everything for her !!! Mom thought that she would still call me Maria with dad, but when I was born, Granny asked that they call me Marissa, although the name is not Russian. Mom called dad, and he gave her that name :) mom was shocked, but she liked it :) and I really like my name. thanks to my grandmother. let him sleep in peace, up there ... =**

    She was such an educated, wonderful person, fair, gentle, kind:) She was Maria Savelyevna, and I am Marissa Markovna. =)))

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    Varya Likes, respect! I can't stand the name M-A-SHA, it's one of the most stupid country names, and I'll dash it there too. Previously, only in the collective farms this was the name of the women: Mankami !!! And there is also a goat with such a nickname. Here is the name Julia - this is both pride, and strength, and beauty, for example, I study at the institute, a top model, beautiful: long dark hair and brown eyes, looks like a doll, I drive the same cool car as me herself! I was just lucky, but Mankam, unfortunately, no ... Oh, what a pity. In our group, Masha is, well, a slut, a slut, she walks in tattered tights and smiles at everyone. Foolish, in a word. And she doesn’t study very well, she gets to her for a long time, she’s stupid. And what can you do - the parents called Manka, not Yulia (wavy, fluffy), but some kind of bitterness, valerian. Well, don't be upset, as soon as I have my own company, I'll take Masha the cleaner! In the end, someone has to clean up the dirt ...

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    A big hello to all Mashas!)))

    The description is in many ways similar to my character)) about benevolence and willingness to help ... and the fact that sincerity and warmth is hidden behind external seriousness, it only reveals itself in the circle of people close and dear to me, with them I am a very cheerful and sweet person, I like to give joy, love and warmth)) but I am quick-tempered and touchy, especially to lies, I am an open and sincere person and I demand the same attitude towards myself, including this is also similar, there is self-esteem, I can stand up for myself and put a person in place. stubborn, but this is probably still the influence of the horoscope, I'm a taurus ... patient, analytical thinking without a doubt, an introvert, I really chose a profession with dedication to people, I'm a future psychologist)

    I wish all the Marias great happiness!!! love and be the most loved!))

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    hi Mashunka, Mashuli, Masha!!:*:*:*Well, what kind of nonsense??? I love kids!!! I want three boys! I used to hate my name, but now I love it! Great name. has become rare lately. People!!! Name your daughters Masha! Great name. In general, I love everyone!: * Sometimes it’s sooo angry ... But I cool down quickly and again I love everyone!!! Stubborn, purposeful. how to!!! And I don't care that some people dislike me among my peers because of my character, but among teachers and adults I am everyone's favorite! Dad's character is true. And dad's appearance. A copy of the father!

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    hello to all Marys! I love my name, any derivatives except Masha, I am very grateful to my parents for giving it to me. I am a fish, and very much of the description is true. I studied perfectly everywhere, but not a nerd, but somewhere even a truant)) I am very straightforward, my husband even sometimes swears that no one needs my truth., I am learning to restrain myself and keep my mouth shut. but, of course, it’s far from the fury)) I’m very sociable and easily get along with people, but I don’t like to attract attention. By the way, I’m a doctor, although I didn’t go at will, but then I really liked it)) I really empathize with everyone and love to help people. very responsible and for justice, since childhood. Family comes first. I love my son very much, but I wouldn’t go to kindergarten))) The name is cool, I recommend it to everyone

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    I am Mary! I didn't like my name before, why I don't know. Now I like it and even very much. I read all the options and you know many of them suit me. For example, I love children very much, I have 8 nephews and excuse the expression "for each I'm ready to wipe the priests." I have a son myself, I love him to the point of madness !!! I love and adore my husband!!! And with my mother-in-law, everything is fine with me too, I can tell her a lot of things that I could not tell my friend. And in general, Mary is a holy name, so calling children by that name you give the child happiness! And interestingly, my family is all with holy names, husband Dmitry, I am Maria, son Nikolai. What I don't agree with is that the Marys are unhappy in marriage, nothing of the sort. And I'm not a hypocrite, I agree with Our Masha from the previous comment.

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    I really love my name! A lot of things converge, and the fact that I love children, and the fact that the situations of everyone passing through myself, sometimes it’s very hard on my soul because of this! I don’t agree with option 4 at all, it was written by someone who doesn’t know girls with the name Maria at all! It's a shame when they write about something that is not there! I have always had a great relationship with my mom! And when, not a single meanness did not do! On the contrary, she only reconciled everyone, girlfriends of friends, relatives. Stubbornness is present! But in a good way, if we want to achieve something in work, etc. So if someone chooses a name for their daughter, then I highly recommend it! And they write correctly here that the character still largely depends on the family in which the child grows up. And not only as they called it, it will be such a character right away. Good luck everyone.

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    My name is Masha, and this name causes me crazy love for him! I love my name, and I am grateful to my parents for giving me that name. There may be a lot of shortcomings in this name, but people, you need to be an optimist and speak only about the good in this beautiful name, and in every one that our beloved mom and dad gave! When I read the information about Masha, I didn’t regret a bit that I was her. Let me be a little capricious, a little boorish, but you must admit that in everyone these character traits are manifested, and they do not depend on how we are called, but on how people treat us! Bad and we are also good - and we do not mind giving affection, it depends on all of us with you. We can't be "angels" because no one is an "angel"!

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    Hello. My name suits me, but I don’t understand the character, I was named after my grandmother Maria Ivanovna, I haven’t seen her, but I love her very much, I haven’t seen my grandmother Nina, I love her, even though she’s not with us, but she helps! There is not much written there, but I can add and tell about myself I love nature and I am not indifferent to it, I also love animals. I don't like being in noisy and dirty cities. But already in my native village of Shiroky Karamysh, even where there is pure nature and the Karamysh River flows. Fought with idiots polluting nature. Yes, I agree that my character is a little bit nasty, vulnerable, etc. But very kind and I love children who MALAKHOVA ANSWER))) Okay?!

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    The name is the name, but we should not forget that it is possible to fully judge a person if only we combine the meaning of the name, the sign of the zadiak and the year in which we were born. This is where a clearer picture emerges. And the name is great! =) In fact, there are so many affectionate derivatives ... and sometimes they distort the name in such a way that it’s funny, but cute ... I’m not limited to just Maria, and I never stipulate if a person calls him as he likes more ... And the fact that we have something supernatural that's for sure =) At least I notice myself, it even scares me =) And the fact that we are born psychologists is also a fact! … but quickly outgoing =)

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    My grandmother was Masha and great-grandmother)) But they didn’t call me after them. But I was just their first granddaughter and great-granddaughter.

    In general, almost everything is true. Only about envy, well, finally !!! Direct MISSING!) It's the other way around.

    I treat my name with humor. After talking with me, some believe that "Masha" is an explanation for all my "strange" actions))) Well, it's like a joke already: well, you're Maaaasha)))

    I don’t really like it when they call me Maria. Somehow it’s too majestic. Not for me, in general) To each his own.

    It's better just Masha)))

    I still don’t like it when they call Marusya%)

    I met very few Masha in my life. There are few of us somehow ...

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    • There are many of us, everywhere at school, at the academy, at work. Racial name like Natalya. My name is very, very wonderful. I also like the name Victoria, but my son was born.

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      hi everyone!!! They named me -Maria in honor of two grandmothers, and from an early age I nursed children, they left my nephews for me and I took care of them like a mother :) I am 26 years old, two girls, I am so big, but if someone I don’t run well to help and forget about everything, I’m vulnerable, quick-tempered, fair. to appear, so immediately love manifests itself, I work as an educator, I study in absentia at the university as a methodologist, by the way, I also have superpowers, I just brush it off, there is no time, GIRLS WISH ALL SUCCESS, HEALTH, LOVE, UNDERSTANDING and MOST IMPORTANTLY LIVE LIFE NOT in vain :)

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      I read about your name and everything about me, I completely agree with everything! Yes, she hated children until the moment she herself did not radiate. And even now that I have my own child, I can't stand other children. Although I love mine more than life! Yes, I am very dirty, in the family I like it to be only in my opinion, if not, then hold on. It’s not easy for guys with me, I’m terribly capricious and nasty. I'm a very terrible person, that's a fact! Whoever crossed my path at least once or offended me towards these people is not supportive, ready to trample and destroy. That's how amazing I am!!! Ina is still deeply FSUs ... and those who said something bad about my name “You look at yourself scum” Maria are the most clear and cool little men. Isn't it right???


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      My dad named me in honor of his mom and I never regretted that my name is Masha)) I was born on January 29))))))) I love my name My NAME IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD)) IT'S NOT IN vain THE MOTHER OF CHRIST WAS OUR NAMESAKE)) It infuriates the current when they call Marina Everything that is written here is true except for envy Yes, I am harmful, but you need to find an approach to me and then you will find the best friend))))) I like that Maria has many derivative names There are many different people and each of me - calls her own)) and Manya and Marya and Marusya and even Marfa Vasilievna))) I adore children, I can’t live without them True, I don’t have my own yet, but my nephew calls me mom and I like it))) by education - a teacher)) ) and I'm monogamous, but this is not good ((

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      My name is Maria, I read the meanings of my name here and found a lot of character traits that I myself notice in myself, both positive and negative, especially what kind of family I am) I have a child and I'm crazy about my daughter, pamper her until it’s terrible, although I understand that this is bad, but I can’t do it any other way, I also have a husband, and I love him too, but the truth is that I’m more strict with him, although everything is wonderful in both domestic and intimate relationships, we have it built on discussions, that is, if something is wrong, then we sit down and discuss everything in detail and fix everything, although I have a rather complicated character and my husband is far from sugar, but we are happy with those opinions and raise a happy daughter in our happiness !!!

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      Yes, and still enrage, girls who are trying to crap Masha. Masha is the most kind, gentle and sensitive girls. and you are just jealous of us. If this name infuriates you so much, why are you coming here? Don't you think this is funny) And you didn't just try to make friends with us, because it is clearly stated that Masha communicate only with those who respect them. try it, and Masha will become your best friends, and if you are their enemy, they will be worse than a dog and our anger is worse than that of dogs. Envy silently. If you didn’t get this name, then just be silent and envy. Masha is the coolest girls. And I don’t know more than one Masha who would be fat. And most importantly - Mashulki, you are the BEST proud of yourself.

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      Since childhood, I have been asking my parents to call me Maria, I don’t like “Masha”, everything is about me here, but the mistakes are that I am an athlete, I do figure skating, and with great success and in general I love sports very much!

      Mary is not envious, there is no need to write nonsense here, I can stand up for myself so that later the people who offended me will regret it very much, and they will become quiet goodies, I can be very cruel, I also agree about sadness, and children, I am indifferent to them , and I don’t want my own child at all, I want a baby from the Orphanage, I can’t say that I love children very much, everything else is pure truth, thanks for the information you provided;)

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      To be honest, as a child I didn’t like my name (like other Marys, judging by the comments), of course, they called me names in childhood. Now no one is at risk)) I can quite stand up for myself and for others). Much has been written about me, but I am not distinguished by lies and envy. And I don’t twist intrigues among my friends!

      I love justice and therefore I completely disagree with the "fury" - as Natalya writes.

      I believe that the character of any person depends primarily on education, and not on the name.

      Of the listed pronunciation options, I liked it: Maria (of course), Masha, Manya and Marusya, that's what my friends call me))

      MARIKI - WE RULIM!)))))


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      Recognized myself. That's absolutely true about closure. There are a lot of different thoughts in the head, and only a few get on the tongue. I really like to reason, analyze, only in complete solitude, well, or with the closest person, I’m probably embarrassed by others, it seems that they won’t understand. And as for high spirituality, it’s said to the very point! Sometimes I feel like I'm some kind of conservative!

      It’s a paradox, it also seemed to me before, it seemed that I didn’t like children, but as soon as I saw my nephew (recently born), it was as if everything in me turned upside down, just something! I don’t know anything more beautiful in the world than children! Hope everyone understands this :)

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      I think that much of what was written above is true. Only about envy, I don’t quite agree! Yes, I love children! isolation, kindness and a desire to help, that’s for sure, I try to help all my friends, then I remain ungrateful, from which I suffer a lot, hence the isolation ... and I still don’t like the translation from Hebrew “sad” ... this, of course, is true, but I don’t want to be sad ... by the way, I would like a father's character: D ...

      In general, all dear Masha! All this is just a small fraction of the truth, I think there is no need to get hung up on this, call your daughters Masha, let everything be wonderful for them, because this is a wonderful name, isn't it? :)

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      This is a cool name, Masha * and all the Masha girls who were for the name Masha, and those people who were FOR the name Masha, I agree with you. I'm not envious. I'm not offended. Yes, I put at least the girls, at least the offenders in their places. I don't like to deal with kids. I am very proud, arrogant, but I get along well with my loved ones (but I had a lover, but a liar, a traitor, I left him like that, and I don’t have a loved one yet), but I have friends, girls! I get along great with them. And in general, I read that Masha is bitter, stubborn, beloved, MISS. Therefore, I am proud of this name. I don't like Sofia. I like: MASHA, Nastya, NATASHA, ANIA, KARINA, JULIA.

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      • Thank you, Masha Proud! That you appreciated my name. What do you like about it. I love him too. Julia. I myself am Julia. And your name, madam, is very beautiful! Sorry, I didn't know that Maria was Mrs. Well, very nice. And I understand that it is better than Sofia.

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        • Yulechka, Yulia, Yulia,)) yes, thank you too.))

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          I read all the options, and there are great similarities everywhere. The character is super, but it often changes, that some people get bored with these changes. But a lot depends on what I managed to experience. assertion, but about extrasensory abilities, healing and foresight, this is pure water, the truth is sometimes scary at times. Mary, the name cannot mean “fury”, do not forget that Mary was the mother of Christ the Savior, this is even a holy name in some way. someone calls their child Mary, but brings up Furies, and so on. This is your offense. I am Maria Cancer very proud of my name.

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          Ems… Where to start… Lots of coincidences. I actually have a better relationship with my dad. I love sports. I would never cheat on my husband! I don't study very well. I love children, very much. It's really easy to offend me. But as I grow up, I'm already moving away from the ego. Yes, and it's stupid to describe all women with the name Maria in the same way. All people are different, there is a certain similarity, nothing more. Yes, and I love it when they call me just Masha or Maria, nothing else. Helping those in need is a very big desire. And at the expense of spreading gossip, etc.-nonsense! I hate gossips. There are real problems with the skin and lungs, but not big ones, at the level of adolescence

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          EVERYTHING matches! Only the color Green I am summer and dad Alexei I don’t quite get along with my children with my grandmother difficult character I accept a small remark in my address physically bad! Only about sports is not true! But still some say that this is a bad name NOT THAT LIKE! this name is very good! I was named after my great-grandmother Maria Ivanovna and I am heavy in character! I have a friend Dasha, we quarrel with her all the time!!! But she always says, for example, I'm not friends with you Or go away, etc. Although I didn’t do anything to her! Now I'll go and look at her name! Even if we quarrel, I will tell her everything about her name!!!

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          Greetings to all the happy owners of the name MARIA. I read all the options and do not agree with the fact that they are slandering us. I am Masha and, moreover, a scorpion according to the horoscope. And I am not a fury! I am quick-tempered, amorous, I like to do everything in my own way, stubborn. But I don’t weave intrigues! All Mashenkas are very nice and good girls! Yes, we have flaws! But there are still more advantages. And about the fact that you should not expect fidelity from Mary - complete nonsense! I love very much and am faithful to my boyfriend. Although we are separated by distances and we see each other once a month! So do not think so about Mary! And call your daughters Masha! wonderful name

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          And I have an older daughter, Maria, but it’s true that my relationship with her is strained, she’s only 8 years old, and she’s already trying to build me and her father to the fullest, it’s true that she loves children madly, her younger sister is 2.8 years old, she completely takes over responsibility when dad and I need to go away, in the yard she shish it with foam at the mouth. Furia, and it’s true, restless in the house, only her is heard, but very vulnerable, kind, affectionate if she determines a favorite for herself in the house, she will give him all her soul without a trace ... I love her very much !!! May God protect all MARIA and protect them from all evil!!!


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          Maria, a very strong name, I’ll say for myself that she has been wise since childhood, strong, stubborn, everything I want is mine, Career, men and more. And all with your own strength and hard work. The main thing in this life is kindness, justice and honesty, then everything is at your feet. I know many who named their daughters after me) so think about why) well, certainly not because I am a vixen with explosive characters) we always know where you can explode and where not) and relations with mom depend very much on mom) well, of course I criticize I take it painfully and don’t accept it) it’s about me) but the name is good and carries only positive for any girl)

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          • In general, the name Masha is cool!

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            I don’t agree unambiguously with the fact that they are weaving intrigues, they are envious, pugnacious (this is generally nonsense) and in one of the meanings they are frivolous. I love children, I love loneliness-in itself)), terribly stubborn

            As a child, like many, I didn’t like my name, now it’s normal, I also didn’t like it when they called Marusya, I was directly covered with a wave of anger))), now I’m calm and I have 2 grannies and one great-grandmother named Maria, although, as far as I know , they didn't name me after them

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            But you, no one thought that the beautiful name Maria can carry different character traits. Maria can be different depending on the genes of the parents, zodiac sign, eastern sign, date of birth, patronymic converging with this name, etc! Many indirect factors affect the meaning of the name Masha (by the way, a lot of things depend on the sound: Masha, Maria, Mashenka, Mashulya, etc.) If you still want to know the meaning of this beautiful name, you need to look at the whole "picture", and not separately!) All Masha rejoice, no matter what, you have a wonderful name!!!

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            Masha is a good name!

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            • I fully support, they described me directly) Well, if, of course, I look like this from the outside (

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              I didn’t like that under this name it says “envious” it’s not. It depends on upbringing. But in general, the whole truth about the name Maria is written there, but I don’t like it when they call me “Mashenka”, it infuriates me. And completely satisfied. Yes, I really love medicine, I am easy to communicate, very humorous, and if you start me up, you will suffer with your stomachs, I love very interesting people, I really give warmth, I give affection, if someone is not ready to help even if everything is bad with me. Good luck everyone!!! Love Mashenek!!! And be as honest with them as they are with you.

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              Everything that is written here absolutely contradicts me and my nature, so if you want to name your daughter Maria, be sure to name it, the name Maria is something so holy, noble, beautiful, this name contains particles of the best qualities of a person, at the same time it is the most beautiful Russian name in I have always been called and will be called Masha, Maria, Mashenka, Masha, Mashulya, Manya, Marusya And this is not a bit offensive, but it’s just nice to feel and understand that you are loved for what you are) Thanks to my parents for giving me such a wonderful name!

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              What are you, do not pay attention to the deprived girl, she seems to be so unlucky in life, well, well, it's unfortunate, but there is no reason to express her opinion. no one is interested. and if you want attention, go outside and yell loudly so that everyone can hear. For here you will not be respected, because you, Anastasia, filed something disgusting about yourself, like an initial opinion, so in your case it is better to remain silent and retreat. since users with the beautiful name Maria, with all their desire, can wildly and cruelly “crap” you on this blog.

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              Listen girls, not Masha! I don’t understand one thing, if you don’t like our name, what the hell are you even doing here? Written in plain language, the meaning of the name is Maria, so go to hell if something is wrong! And the Mashuskas were right in saying that almost all Nastya are idiots! Or stupid nerds, or girls of easy virtue! In general, respect to all Mashkas, girls, WE DRIVE! And one piece of advice, knowing our character (well, at least mine) if you really don’t like someone, beat them in the face, both effectively and effectively))) it helps a lot)))))))

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              Girls, stop swearing, it's all useless! And you don’t need to say to all girls with the name Masha that they are bad and furies, in every name there is such a person with such qualities. I am sure that you are just judging everyone by one person, but this is not correct. After all, there are so many Mashas and they are all different, but at the same time they are somewhat similar. So let's put up))) my personal opinion is this: well, you don't like this name, don't insult others, not all the same size. In general, I will say that in every name there are disadvantages, there is no ideal one.

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              Masha was in my life ... What is written exactly like that ... especially At the same time, Masha is touchy and capricious. Capable of doing absurd things. Completely impractical. Guided by emotions, he makes many mistakes, takes rash steps.

              Maria is too amorous, one should not expect fidelity and constancy from her. One fine day, it may seem to her that Maria loves another more and the real feeling came to her right now ... No trust ... Zhao ... sao is a beautiful name, but different personalities live under it. Good luck!!!

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              Most of the name is not true, I myself am Masha and my grandmother is called that, everyone respects and loves her, for 7 years living under the same roof, she and my mother did not even quarrel, although 2 housewives in the kitchen, grandmother was always on her side during quarrels with her son and after his death we lived with her for a long time, when my mother had a man, my grandmother, on the contrary, was happy for her and now it has been 7 years since dad is gone, but we all communicate very well, so decide does the characterization given here fit this name...

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              Masha is attacking!)) I love my name and I'm proud of it. Maria) this is great for me) I am grateful to my parents for giving me this name) and I really love children very much) I will always be given to them) and my husband) and family) I protect mine. I myself am fair-haired, Eyes are a chameleon. Almost everything is true here. I even agree with envy. And what person doesn't? I try to fight my shortcomings. Because I respect myself. And I will not allow myself to be disfigured by these minuses. And a lot depends on the family. As he educates, so it will be.

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              according to the sign of the zodiac, I am a fish))) I am both calm and very impulsive, depending on the situation ... very vulnerable, especially if someone dear to me and close to me offends me, it is very easy to piss me off, I worry about any nonsense, very gentle ... I love when they call me Mashenka, but in general a certain person goes to call me in a certain way, for example, my best friend calls me Musya, but I won’t allow someone else to call me that, and it’s just not right for him))))

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              Everything coincides exactly, except that we are envious - a complete lie, and apart from love for children, as such, I did not observe. By the sign of the zodiac, I am a scorpio, and not at all a fury, but on the contrary, I have a very good angelic character (as they say), despite the fact that it is explosive ...

              They named me after my great-grandmother, and I can’t stand it when they call me Manechka, Manyunya, Marusya, but I love it when Masha, Makha, Mashula, Mashuya, Mashutka)))) I really like the name, MASHI, we are the best !!))))) )))))))))

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              Yes, there are so many different Mash of us! And really different: here we are sitting in the office: I am Masha and two more Mashas. I have never met so many Mashas in any team, at first I was even upset. But we are so different in communication, work ... I thought it was attributed to the sign of the zodiac. Believe it or not, all three are Leos. Like this. And you can't put one on top of the other. Regarding the “meaning of the name” - a lot is similar, but I especially liked the proverb: “not everyone has a wife Maria - to whom God gave” - cool, I need to tell my husband! :))

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              I read a comment about us fat ... firstly ... a good person ... there must be a lot ... Who told you that all Dasha are super-models, secondly, everything has its time ... fate gives everyone its own rank. I have walked a thorny road for many years ... really ... in some As far as our name brings a lot of suffering… But we are strong natures… and we are able to overcome everything. What is written in the meaning of the name Maria is 95% TRUE !!!

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              I bear the name Maria, and the statements that we Masha are not faithful to those we love are nonsense. I, if I like I remain faithful to him no matter what happens.

              And by the way, I'm not a fury! Of course, there are emotions, not without it, but the word "fury" does not fit us in any way. I have a girlfriend, too, Masha, real gold. Wonderful, kind, smart, humble.

              We are not all scorpions. I'm a shooter, for example. My friend is a lion.

              And I like it ... when my name is Mashunya)))))

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