Career guidance lesson in elementary school. Extra-curricular occupation on vocational guidance for younger students. Scenario. Sports and educational program: "Who to be?"

Choosing a profession is an important life decision. For success in modern society, a person needs to show his strengths, inclinations, abilities, education and competence. Only in the process of creative application of his knowledge a person receives satisfaction. And the wrong choice of profession can lead to health problems: stress, depression, nervous diseases. We consider this topic relevant, because already in elementary school, children face the question "Which profession to choose?"

Idea Problems- students know few professions belonging to the groups "man - man", "man - technology" and do not know the professions of the group "man - nature" at all.

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"Vocational guidance project in elementary school "The world of professions is diverse""

    Project passport

    Relevance (problem)

    Goals and objectives of the project

    Participants and their role in project implementation

    Project means

    Manufacturability of the project

    Project Implementation Plan

    Expected results. Criteria for evaluating effectiveness.



Project nomination

"Vocational guidance project in elementary school"

Project theme

"Diverse world of professions"

Leaders: primary school teachers Bolkhovskaya Evgenia Vladimirovna, Shvets Irina Nikolaevna;

Location of the project

MBOU "Basic comprehensive school No. 2"

The problem the project aims to solve

The low level of knowledge of children about a variety of professions belonging to the groups "man - nature", "man - technology", "man - man".

Objective of the project

Objective of the project

Project objectives

Project objectives:

Project implementation timeline

September - October 2016

Expected results

    active increase in the self-esteem of the child. By participating in the project, the child feels significant in a group of peers, sees his contribution to the common cause, rejoices in his success.

    acquisition of knowledge and ideas about professions;

    the desire to think about choosing a future profession, about the importance and necessity of each profession



    The professional and personal potential, the level of qualification and professionalism of the teacher will increase,

    Improving the image of MBOU

Relevance. Choosing a profession is an important life decision. For success in modern society, a person needs to show his strengths, inclinations, abilities, education and competence. Only in the process of creative application of his knowledge a person receives satisfaction. And the wrong choice of profession can lead to health problems: stress, depression, nervous diseases. We consider this topic relevant, because already in elementary school, children face the question "Which profession to choose?" It is very important that a person finds a job to his liking, makes the right choice. Since the right choice of profession determines life success. And the foundation of knowledge about the world of professions is laid, namely, at the initial stage of education.

Idea project arose upon the discovery Problems- students know few professions belonging to the groups "man - man", "man - technology" and do not know the professions of the group "man - nature" at all.

Objective of the project: the formation and development of broad cognitive motives, familiarization with the most accessible professions of the "man - nature" group: gardener, veterinarian, cynologist, florist; "man - technology": driver, electrician, builder, pilot, engineer; "man - man": hairdresser, pharmacist, doctor.


To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of getting acquainted with the world of professions;

Contribute to the emergence of professionally oriented interests and inclinations in children under the influence of role-playing games, educational activities and various subjects;

Create conditions for active, independent, creative, play activities of primary school students;

To contribute to the formation of readiness to independently and consciously make professional and moral choices.

Target group (project participants)

Project participants

The role of participants

Students of 1 "A" class

The need for familiarity with various professions.


Inclusion of parents in the process of obtaining information.

To diversify children's knowledge about the variety of professions


Improving the professional level of teachers through the introduction of the project method of teaching


The project method will identify a team of qualified teachers

Manufacturability of the project

Step by step (project description)

The first stage is preparatory.

Selection of a creative team for the implementation of the project, distribution of responsibilities between members of the creative team. Development of the project, namely the definition of goals, objectives of the project, the definition of a phased model and action plan for the project, analysis of the conditions, the level of knowledge, ideas, skills of children on the topic of the project.

Project managers create conditions for innovative processes during creative activity. Their responsibilities include: advising members of the creative team, reviewing information materials for the implementation of the project, monitoring the implementation of the project, providing material and technical conditions. In addition, contradictions and problems are identified, their subjective and objective causes are searched for and ways to solve them.

The second stage is the main.

At this stage, modeling, designing the project is carried out, a plan for the use of the material and technical base, the content of events, cooperation with parents (representatives of the professions "man - man", "man - nature", "man - technology") is developed. At this stage, the accumulated material is systematized and processed, the experience of compiling an entertaining explanatory dictionary of professions is understood and generalized, a common approach is developed, creative reports on the implementation of the project are prepared, final monitoring is carried out (questionnaires for students of grade 1 "A" on the problem of the project)

The third stage is the final one.

The result of the project activity is summed up (publication on the MBOU website). The result of the project activity is drawn up in the form of a presentation of an entertaining explanatory dictionary of professions.

Project Implementation Plan



September 05.09. – 09.09.2016.

Formulation of the problem,

Choosing a project name

Determination of the goals and objectives of the project

The study of methodological literature on this topic;

Selection of visual aids.

Quiz "World of Professions" 12.09.2016.




Class hour "Professions of my family" 19.09.2016.

Exhibition of drawings "I am in the future" 22.09.2016.

Interviews with representatives of professions ("man - man" - pharmacist; "man - nature" - forest ranger; "man - technology" - truck driver) 26.09.2016, 28.09.2016, 30.09.2016.


Game - Journey "My Choice" 05.10.2016.

Exhibition of creative works from plasticine "ABC of professions" 10.10.2016.

Exhibition of drawings "Headdress of my profession" - 14.10.2016.

During the implementation of the project, an entertaining explanatory dictionary “The world of professions is diverse” is drawn up, material is accumulated for the interactive presentation “Playing in the profession”.

Questioning students 1 "A" class 28.10.2016.


Presentation of an entertaining explanatory dictionary "The world of professions is diverse", an interactive presentation "Playing in the profession" 31.10.2016.

Project Methods

Method in stage

Forms of work

Preparatory stage

Active verbal method



Questioning students 1 "A" class

main stage


Active verbal method

A game



Exhibitions of drawings

exhibition of creative works from plasticine.

Interviews with representatives of professions

The game is a journey

Work with information (search, study, selection, research)

Questioning students 1 "A" class.

The final stage

verbal method

Presentation of an entertaining explanatory dictionary, interactive presentation "Playing in the profession"

Effect of project implementation

Students in class 1 "A"

    Active increase in self-esteem. Participating in the project, the children felt significant in the group of peers, saw their contribution to the common cause, rejoiced at their successes.

    Gained knowledge and understanding of many professions.

    We thought about the importance and necessity of each profession.

    There was a desire to think about choosing a future profession.


    Parents become active participants in educational activities.

    The positions of the MBOU and the family are converging towards joint creative activity.


    Realization of individual hidden opportunities, creative potential of all participants in project activities.

    Improving the image of MBOU

The monitoring study involved 25 students of 1 "A" class. In the preparatory stage, 28% of the students in the class could name 1-2 professions of the “man-nature” group, after the implementation of the project at the end of the main stage, 68% of the students in the class can name 7-8 professions of the “man-nature” group. At the beginning of the project, 36% of the students in the class could name 3-4 professions of the “human-technique” group, at the end of the main stage, 72% of the students in the class could name 8-9 professions of the “human-equipment” group. At the end of the project, 100% of students of class 1 "A" can name 10 professions of the "person - person" group. 76% of the students in the class were able to make and justify their choice of profession.

The game in elementary school "All work is good!"

Goals: expand, systematize students' knowledge about professions; generalize knowledge on technology (device of tools, manufacturing technology of products); develop an understanding that the knowledge gained in technology lessons contributes to the acquisition of important life skills; instill interest in working professions, work.

Equipment: cards with a picture of a house; paints; brushes; student work.

Game progress

I. Topic message.

Teacher. Today we have an unusual lesson, a lesson-game "All work is good!".

A profession is an occupation, a favorite thing, a pile of life. Therefore, a favorite thing is chosen once and for life. But how hard it is to choose! After all, I want to become a doctor, and a driver, an astronaut and a diver, a teacher and an artist. That's why now you need to prepare for a serious choice. What do you know about professions, we will find out today.

There are many professions in the world,

But you must choose the one

What is dearest to you in the world,

To dedicate yourself to work.

II. Game part.

1. Getting started.

Reader 1.

Warmed by gentle light

We are on sunny Earth.

The day comes with dawn

In every city, village.

Reader 2.

The clear morning is calling

In the field, mine, to the factory:

Work begins!

And we have our own concerns.

Reader 3.

Time is not wasted:

So that everything is always clear -

We know mathematics on "five",

We love to build and draw.

Reader 4.

We learned to be friends

Appreciate a good deed

Grow up - we will all be ourselves

Do with these hands.

I want to know a lot -

Choose a case on the shoulder.

2. The game "Mysterious word".


Yes, there are countless professions,

There is time to look

What do you want to become?

Everyone is curious to know.

The teacher demonstrates cards, each of which has a word written on it, but the letters in it are presented in the most unthinkable way. Students have to guess which word is encrypted:

barks yavsh pravov schaknemki

zhirnene jevitol rtomas

(Fisherman, seamstress, cook, bricklayer, engineer, driver, sailor.)

3. Competition "builders".

Teacher. We are the first to invite masons to compete.


I want to become a builder as soon as possible.

I will learn how to build houses and palaces

And the schools where the children will go.

Exercise. Compose a drawing of a house from a picture cut into pieces

Rice. 1. A sample cut into pieces of the picture

Teacher. Now painters enter the competition.


Time to paint the room

The painter was invited.

But not with a brush and a bucket

Our painter comes to the house.

Instead of a brush, he brought

metal pump.

Paint splatters on the wall

The sun shines in the window.

The walls turned blue

Like the sky above.

The new house is almost ready

Will accept tenants for the holiday.

On the board are attached drawings of the house, made on a sheet of paper. 2-3 students should color the houses to their liking so that it is beautiful and fast.

Rice. 2. House for coloring

4. The game "Guess the proverbs."

Teacher. While our "painters" are working, I suggest you guess the proverbs. I will start the proverb, and you will continue it. Without labor - ... (you can’t take the fish out of the pond).

Without hunting - ... (no work).

Without craft - ... (as without hands).

To live idle - ... (only smoke the sky).

If there was a hunt - ... (any work will work out).

Without an ax, not a carpenter, ... (without a needle, not a tailor).

Love business, ... (you will be a master).

5. The game "Who lost his instrument?".

Lost and found received a lot of things. Who do you think lost them? Name the profession of the owner of these items:

scissors spatula bulb

saucepan thermometer sieve

brush measuring tape wrench

calculator weight pointer

6. Quiz "Guess the profession."

1) Who plows, sows, harvests bread? (Grain grower.)

2) Who bakes bread for us? (Baker.)

3) Who dispenses the medicines? (Pharmacist.)

4) Who dresses us fashionably?

Who sews a suit for the day off?

Everyone knows - he ... (tailor).

5) He comes to us with a letter straight to the house - who is he? (Postman.)

6) Here on the edge with caution, he paints iron with paint;

He has a bucket in his hands, he himself is painted colorfully. (Painter.)

7) At night, at noon, at dawn, he carries out the service in secret,

On the path, on the shore, blocking the path of the enemy. (Border guard.)

8) He is not a pilot, not a pilot, he is not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket. Children, who, tell me, is it? (Astronaut.)

9) Who is the most useful in the days of illness

And cures us of all diseases? (Doctor.)

10) The elder brother serves the dear Fatherland.

Protects our lives, he is ... (soldier).

11) The cat's ear got sick, the house was in turmoil.

Grandfather grumbles, sister whimpers,

The soup in the cat bowl is getting cold.

What should I do? What do i do?

Where to treat a kitten? (At the vet.)

12) The frog burst into tears: a speck on the abdomen,

Spot on the leg - be careful!

Who will treat this disease? (At the dermatologist.)

13) A mote fell into the eye of a handsome crane on the fly.

Guys, which doctor should a crane go to? (To the optometrist.)

14) Sister Dasha was born - our joy, our grief.

Bread does not eat, spits porridge,

To whom to go with sister Dasha? (To the pediatrician.)

15) A girl sits on an iron bird,

Lowers arrows, raises loads. (Crane operator.)

7. Contest "Technologist".

On the table under certain numbers there are products obtained by bending, cutting, gluing, sawing, sewing, knitting, etc. The teacher calls the technological process, and students must choose the product that matches it.

8. Competition "Find the extra".

Words are written in large letters on the board or on the card. It is necessary to cross out the “extra” word that is not related to this technological process. For example: needle, thread, nail, measuring tape, thimble. (The word "nail" is superfluous, since it is not used when working with fabric.)

1) Brush - glue - ruler - knitting needle - scissors.

2) Yarn - knife - knitting needles - scissors.

3) Saucepan - spoon - grater - hook.

Musical pause.


We love to work very much

We like to work.

Everyone copes with a difficult task,

Will cope with any job.

They say I'm fighting

Combat, so what.

My mom is fighting

Well, then who am I?

Clean it up once a year

I decided on a frying pan.

But then four days

They couldn't wash me.

Ira, Olya, Katerina

lit up to embroider,

They tried their best

Accept more orders.

They say skillful

The girl is reckless.

But any job I

I'll finish it to the end.

We all sang ditties -

Is it good, is it bad.

And now we ask you

For you to clap!

III. Summary of the game.

Final word of the teacher. Well done boys! Today you have shown your skills and knowledge in technology, you have told a lot about different professions.

As you can see, children, there are many professions - choose one for yourself,

So that she becomes the work of your whole life,

So that you glorify your land with honest work.

In the modern world, the requirements for psychophysiological individual characteristics of a person are steadily growing, and the goals and nature of work, thanks to market relations, present people with the need for ever higher professionalism in their chosen profession, readiness for continuous professional development and personal development. In such a situation, school vocational guidance becomes more relevant than ever and should provide quality training for schoolchildren of all ages.

- this is a set of actions to identify schoolchildren's inclinations and talents for certain types of professional activities, as well as a system of actions aimed at developing readiness for work and helping in choosing a career path. It is implemented directly during the educational process, as well as in extracurricular and extracurricular work with students and their parents.

Preparing students for an independent, conscious choice of a profession should be an obligatory part of the harmonious development of each individual and be inseparably considered in conjunction with the physical, emotional, intellectual, labor, aesthetic education of the student, i.e. be integrated into the entire educational process, and therefore career guidance in schools is one of the most important components in the development of both an individual person and society as a whole.

Goals of school career guidance

Tasks of school vocational guidance work

  • Conducting information work with students: acquaintance with professiograms, information about current and future needs in the labor market, working conditions and possible wages, further development within the chosen profession
  • Obtaining, studying and using information about the possibilities, inclinations, interests of schoolchildren in order to help them in their independent choice of profession.
  • Development and implementation of a large number of different options for profile education: programs, lessons, forms, methods, excursions, etc.
  • Support for schoolchildren at risk who may have problems with employment: lagging behind in learning, from correctional classes.
  • Together with institutions of higher or secondary vocational education, ensure the preparation and smooth transition of students to the next level of education.

The main components of vocational guidance for schoolchildren

Since professional orientation as a whole is a large, complex system that includes many aspects and directions, five main components can be distinguished: economic, medical and physiological, pedagogical, psychological and social.

Economic component- consists in studying the structure of labor resources of the labor market from a demographic point of view, working conditions, the unsuitability of the resulting workers, ways to increase motivation to work. It is also a process of assistance and gentle guidance towards the choice of a particular specialty, taking into account both the interests of the child and the planned needs of the market.

Medico-physiological component- assistance in choosing a profession, taking into account the individual physical capabilities or medical contraindications of the student. Acquaintance of students with the requirements of various professions.

Pedagogical component- consists in educating schoolchildren of socially significant reasons and motives for choosing a profession.

Psychological component- reliable study, identification of the psychological aspects of professional suitability, personality structure and the formation of a certain professional orientation.

Social component- consists in the study of various information related to professions or the labor market as a whole: popularity, prestige, profitability, public opinion, the degree of satisfaction with the chosen profession. Also, in the social component of career guidance, work is underway to form value orientations among schoolchildren for a conscious choice of a future profession.

Career guidance at school is undoubtedly a necessary component along with basic education, and thanks to the constant work on building an integral system, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of students, children get the opportunity to independently decide on a profession, engage in research projects for development and a deeper acquaintance with professions with the help of teachers and parents.

For maximum effectiveness, vocational guidance should be a continuous process that begins in kindergarten, smoothly transitions to school and continuously accompanies the student throughout the entire path of education to the graduation class, gently helping and guiding him. Thus, the starting point of the difficult path to choosing a profession is the older groups of the kindergarten, where in a playful way the child gets an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwork, the diversity of the world of professions, instills respect for other people's work and a desire to choose the best and most interesting profession for themselves. Role-playing games help both parents and the educator, and the child himself. The former get an idea about the desires, inclinations and abilities of children, while the latter, in addition to just having an interesting time, begin to acquire skills and abilities that will be useful in later life, trying on one or another profession. Career guidance in kindergarten is described in more detail in our material Career Guidance for Preschoolers.

In school vocational guidance, it is advisable to single out 4 large stages that differ in goals, objectives and methods used depending on the age of students:

Primary school, grades 1-4

At this stage, the acquaintance with professions, begun in kindergarten, continues through career guidance lessons with invited specialists, excursions, thematic extracurricular activities, matinees, etc. Primary schoolchildren are developing a value attitude to work, by direct inclusion in various types of educational and cognitive activities (game, labor, social, research), interests and the need to learn develop.

Already in elementary school, it is important not to miss the moment and in time to interest the children in the upcoming choice of profession. A large number of circles, additional classes on interests will be of great help. For students from grade 3, psychological games and activities can be gradually introduced.

To obtain detailed material on the possibilities and structure of career guidance in elementary school, you can refer to the article "Vocational guidance in elementary school, grades 1-4".

Secondary school, grades 5-7

With the transition of children to secondary school, career guidance continues with a variety of games: business, career guidance, psychological. This achieves an expansion of knowledge about the world of professions and provides an opportunity to take the first steps towards choosing an interesting profession for oneself. Schoolchildren begin to realize their interests and opportunities, acquire basic ideas about the directions of possible specialties, get acquainted with the requirements that various professions impose.

A detailed description of career guidance at this stage can be found in the material Career Guidance in Secondary School, Grades 5-7.

Secondary school, grades 8-9

With the approach of the first graduating class and the first serious state exams, career guidance is moving from games and excursions to purposeful assistance by students of a further profile of education, which will narrow the range of possible choice of professions and facilitate further educational and labor paths.

In grades 8-9, the active diagnostic work of the school psychologist begins, lessons are given for a conscious choice of profession. Schoolchildren study more serious specialties that place high demands on employees (Ministry of Emergency Situations, education, medicine, etc.). Extracurricular activities and in-depth hobby groups begin to play an even greater role in understanding one's own values ​​and interests and making a conscious choice of profession.

The school psychologist, together with teachers, conducts individual and group consultations on the choice of a particular profession, an adequate balance of interests, abilities, health of the child and the requirements of the profession.

The end of secondary school is devoted to a separate material "Vocational guidance in secondary school, grades 8-9".

High school students, grades 10-11

This is the most important stage of school vocational guidance, the success of which largely depends on the quality of work in primary and secondary schools. The school psychologist is further expanding consulting activities for students and their parents. Presentations of the leading universities of the city are held at the school, excursions to open days are organized.

Much attention is paid to self-development and self-training of high school students, discussion and possible adjustments of further professional plans, preferences for the chosen professions are finally formed, readiness for them is assessed.

The article "Vocational guidance for high school students, grades 10-11" offers a detailed description of the process of career guidance in high school, choosing the required exams and the necessary steps for entering a higher educational institution.

Working with students

  • Meetings with interesting people, representatives of professions, representatives of higher educational institutions and employers.
  • Excursions to enterprises, universities.
  • Extracurricular activities, hobby groups, in-depth study of subjects.
  • Assistance in determining the need for additional education and choosing courses at school or outside of it.
  • Student survey.
  • Comprehensive career guidance support throughout the entire time of schooling (consultations, testing, classes, trainings, etc.).

Working with parents

  • Individual conversations and consultations for parents of students.
  • Lectures for interested parents about their contribution to the child's choice of a profession and obtaining an appropriate education.
  • Conducting classroom and school-wide parent-teacher meetings.
  • Parent survey.
  • Creation of an initiative group of parents who are ready to help organize and accompany excursions, attract interesting people to speak in front of the class or talk about their profession on their own.
  • Involving parents to help with temporary employment of high school students during the holidays.
  • Together with parents, create and lead circles of various directions (artistic, sports, theatrical, intellectual).

Organizational and methodological activities

  • Carrying out vocational guidance work at school, creating our own and adapting existing programs for the vocational guidance of schoolchildren.
  • Assistance to teachers and school staff with the selection of material, in conducting classes, diagnostics and consultations.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of career guidance work at school

To conduct a qualitative assessment of career guidance work at school, 5 effective criteria and 2 procedural ones can be distinguished. Successful criteria include:

Sufficiency of information about the chosen profession and methods of obtaining it.

A student can make a conscious choice of a profession, only knowing about its place in the market, working conditions, requirements for knowledge and physical characteristics. If there is enough information received, the student clearly understands himself in the chosen profession and the necessary steps to obtain it.

The need for a conscious choice of future profession

If a student is active in searching for information about certain specialties without outside pressure, independently tries himself in areas of interest for possible activities or has drawn up a plan for further actions, then the criterion for the need for a reasonable choice of profession can be considered completely satisfied, and the task facing schools is completed.

Schoolchildren's awareness of the social significance of labor

In the process of school vocational guidance work, schoolchildren should be instilled with an attitude towards work as a vital value. For schoolchildren in grades 8-9, this attitude is directly related to the need for a conscious choice of profession, which directly affects the quality of their future life.

Awareness of schoolchildren of their capabilities and interests

Under the guidance of school, experienced specialists, the student eventually becomes aware of his desires, values, physical and moral capabilities and, based on them, makes a choice of a further career path. A large role here is given to school psychologists and teachers for the most correct determination of the characteristics of the child.

The presence of a plan for further steps towards obtaining a profession

The student must make an informed choice of profession, based on the variety of information received about the labor market, taking into account their own opinions and opportunities. After the perfect choice, the high school student should also have a good idea of ​​all the further steps, which, as a result, will lead him to the desired profession. The presence of such a plan indicates the success of the school vocational guidance work.

Two procedural criteria for the effectiveness of school career guidance activities can be called:

The individual nature of career guidance

Any action taken must take into account the individual interests, abilities and capabilities of each student.

The orientation of vocational guidance on the comprehensive development of the individual

Schoolchildren should be given the opportunity to independently choose a profession, try their hand at various areas and specialties, plan future steps to obtain the desired specialty, and teachers and parents can only actively contribute and help without making a choice for the child.

Expected results of school career guidance

If there is an existing system of school career guidance that accompanies the student throughout the entire period of study, students will successfully form a conscious attitude to work and logically complete the process of choosing a profession, taking into account their interests, opportunities and requirements imposed by the labor market. The result will be further successful socialization of graduates and their easy entry into the professional world.

"The most unfortunate of people is the one

for whom there was no work in the world"

Thomas Carlyle
English writer, historian, philosopher

In modern conditions, professional self-determination, a conscious choice of profession is the basis of a future career.

The purpose of this article is to show how primary school teachers solve the problem of career guidance and self-determination of children in their future life path from early childhood.

Professional self-determination is a person's view of the world of professions, of a particular profession, of its possibilities for self-realization of the individual in the world around him.

The modernization of Russian education, the introduction of specialized education allows differentially, taking into account the interests, inclinations, abilities of students, to build a trajectory for the formation of the ability to professional self-determination.

And the sooner professional self-determination begins, the more it is possible to predict the personal growth of an individual.

Even from kindergarten, the child receives knowledge about professions, about their diversity, they develop a certain attitude towards them. Therefore, already from early childhood, adults need to cultivate a respectful, kind attitude towards people of different professions, to form in the child value ideas and qualities that will allow them to socialize in society.

Primary school students do not yet face the problem of choosing a profession. But this age is a preparatory stage, the basis for the formation of interest and education of a culture of professional self-determination. Career guidance is a system of pedagogical and methodological measures aimed at helping students identify their interests, inclinations and abilities.

Primary school students receive primary acquaintance with the world of professions through the content of the subjects of the curriculum.

The lesson is the main organizational form of the educational process, and professional orientation is an integral part of this process.

One of the most important aspects of career guidance is vocational education.

Vocational education in the classroom is carried out through conversation, storytelling, situational production tasks, and the use of literary sources. For example, in the lessons of literary reading, starting from the first grade, elementary school teachers introduce students to such professions as a teacher, librarian, printer, typist, through the works of authors they learn about the profession of a fisherman (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”), get acquainted in the work "Squeaky Proverbs" with a creative profession - composer, musician. At the lessons of the surrounding world, children get acquainted with the professions of postal workers (postal operator, sorter, postman), agriculture, industry, transport, and trade. In the technology lessons and in the interest classes in the extended day group, the teacher brings up diligence, accuracy and the need for a value-based attitude to work, an understanding of its role in human life and in society.

In order to determine their attitude to the world of professions, a younger student needs to have an idea about a particular professional activity, the requirements of these professions for a person.

The expansion of the socio-cultural space of the child should occur in various activities. One of the directions for the formation of professional literacy, a value attitude to work, an understanding of its role in human life and in society is extracurricular work. Obtaining information about available professions occurs through class hours. Class hours in elementary school can be held on the following topics:

    "All works are good - choose to taste"

    "Professions of my parents"

    "Wonderful children of wonderful parents"

    “I take an example from my parents”

    How are professions and hobbies related?

    "Profession and my health"

    "How character and profession are connected"

    "ABC of professions"

    "Professions of our city"

    "Every blacksmith of his own happiness"

Career guidance work can be deepened only together with parents. At the classroom hours of “Professions of my parents”, a pediatric surgeon of the District Hospital of Nizhnevartovsk, held a practical lesson on injuries, spoke about cases of injuries in the city, taught children to provide first aid; an oil production specialist spoke about the difficult work of an oilman; the traffic police inspector introduced him to his work activity.

Professional holidays can also serve as means of extracurricular work. In the life of a junior schoolchild, the holiday occupies a special place. Children of this age are emotional, impressionable. A distinctive feature of their psyche is the sharpness of perception, the desire for self-expression. These events help to solve the problems of professional education:

    To form interest in the professions of their parents, working people and their professions.

    To give an idea that any profession is important and necessary.

    Cultivate a respectful, kind attitude towards people of different professions.

    Disclosure of creative abilities (talents) of students.

It also develops an interest in educational and cognitive activities based on feasible practical involvement in its various types, including social, labor, gaming, research.

Preparing for a specific holiday, using the calendar of professional holidays, we prepare and organize photo exhibitions, exhibitions of drawings and crafts with students, collect information about people in this profession, and hold meetings with interesting people.

Professional holidays include:

    “There are no number of wonderful professions, and glory and honor to each profession!”

    “All professions are needed, all professions are important!”

    "In the world of professions"

    "Every blacksmith of his own happiness"

    "Man and Profession"

    "Great kids - great parents"

    "Your business. Why are there different kinds of work, and why is there something for everyone on earth that they like?”

    "I take an example from my parents ...".

The work on the preparation and holding of the holiday is divided into several stages:

1. All firms of the organization of school self-government "School Corporation -" Five "are accepted in the choice of the topic, participate.

Drawing up a plan - UGR

Registration - healthy lifestyle

Invitations - RR

Production of costumes, details for them - ESTET

Fulfillment of individual tasks - ERUDIT, PROFI

3. Holding a holiday.

4. Summary and discussion

5. Reflection.

For example, March 27 is International Theater Day. We have been preparing for this holiday. We found out why people do not want to go to the theater, what reasons they have for this, collected information about the history of the theater using various sources, got acquainted with the professions of the theater, learned how to stage a play, made an exhibition of applications based on Andersen's fairy tales, the guys were correspondents, met with interesting people - theater actors, together with their parents they sewed theatrical glove puppets, invented their own costume for the hero. An article was published about our work in the parliamentary newspaper "Tyumenskiye Izvestia": "Andersen's heroes met on stage." The site "News of Ugra" article "Andersen returned."

Preparing for the holiday, children spend a lot of time together, which means they learn to understand and accept their comrades as they are. Realizing that the success of the holiday depends on each of them, they feel responsible for their actions.

When students play a role, they try, like actors, to reincarnate, and not just expressively read the learned words. Holidays help every child to reveal their abilities, gain self-confidence. And this is necessary, because life is a theater, and in the future children will have to play many more roles.

One of the important areas of career guidance work is project activity.

Short-term creative mini-projects “Building a house” for fairy-tale characters, “On a flower meadow”, exhibitions “Crazy hands”, “I can do everything myself”, “Following the pages of my favorite books” at the lessons of technology and fine arts serve as decoration for the festive hall and increase students' interest in work activities.

In order to familiarize themselves with the world of professions, our students visit enterprises where their parents work. The study of the history of the city and the region, acquaintance with famous people and their professions takes place in the form of excursions. On excursions, children directly get acquainted with modern production, technology, mechanisms, instruments, and the work of people of different professions. Our students visited the customs control sector and got acquainted with the profession of a customs control inspector. We visited the fire station No. 42 and 17, where we learned a lot of interesting things about the profession of a fireman, fire dispatcher. The guys got acquainted with the profession of a cynologist in the kennel of service dogs at the Internal Affairs Directorate of Nizhnevartovsk, at the post office - the profession of a sorter, letters, postman, in the printing house "Priobye", learned how to type and print newspapers and magazines. Our students got acquainted with the profession of a florist in the Oasis of Flowers store, visited the hydrometeorological center and got acquainted with the profession of a weather forecaster. First-graders visited the children's city library, where they learned about the profession of a librarian.

During 4 years, primary school teachers have the opportunity to get acquainted with the professions of the parents of their class through various forms of work. And by doing this, not only achieve the goals of career guidance, but also bring children closer to their parents and teach them to be more sensitive to them, and be sure to make a gift with your own hands on their professional holiday, tell a poem, invite them to a festive event in the classroom, at school .

Expanding knowledge about professions, students express their inner world in theatrical and concert performances, projects, realize their potential in exhibitions and learn about the world of professions on excursions.

Thus, the most important ways of career guidance and the development of creative abilities in all children is the creation of conditions, the use of all types of educational and extracurricular activities to develop the need and interests in creativity, taking into account a deep knowledge of the individuality of each student, encouraging creative behavior.


    Isaev I.F. Life self-determination of schoolchildren: work, motivation, readiness: Textbook / I.F. Isaev, V.N. Kormanov. Belgorod, 2006.

    Klimov E. A. "How to choose a profession" M: Enlightenment 2004.

    Features of the formation of a culture of professional self-determination among younger students. V.N. Kormakova. "Primary School" No. 7, 2009.

    Proshitskaya E. N. "Choose a profession" (Text) E. N. Proshitskaya-Moscow: "Enlightenment" 1991.

    Rezapkin G.V. "Me and my profession" professional self-determination program for teenagers - Moscow, 2000

    Simonenko V.D. "Professional orientation of students in the process of labor training" M: Education 1996.

One of the priority tasks of modern education is to prepare a student for a conscious professional choice. In reality, a schoolchild, especially in adolescence, cannot independently make a professional choice, since he is not yet ready to fully realize all aspects of his future life. He needs support from adults, psychological and pedagogical support, joint activities of the school, family, society. Insufficient formation of motives for self-development of the student's personality and her readiness to choose a future profession is an important problem that needs to be addressed without delay.

In order to answer the question about the relevance of career guidance classes in primary school, it is necessary to briefly describe the stage of formation of professional self-awareness at this age. The stage of concrete visual representations of the world of professions covers the period from 2.5-3 years and continues until the beginning of pre-adolescence (10-12 years).

In the process of development, the child saturates his consciousness with various ideas about the world of professions. He symbolically tries to play the actions of the driver, nurse, teacher, etc., based on observations of adults. In elementary school, when cognitive activity becomes the leading one that determines the development of a student, it is important to expand his ideas about various professions. It is still difficult for him to understand some elements of professional activity, but in each profession there is an area that can be represented on the basis of visual images, specific situations from life, stories, interesting cases and impressions of an adult (employee).

At this stage, a certain visual basis is created, on which the further development of professional self-awareness is based. That is why it is very important to create the most diverse palette of impressions about the world of professions, so that later, on the basis of this material, the student can analyze the professional sphere more meaningfully.

The more professions the child is familiar with and the wider his understanding of the world of professions, the fewer mistakes he will make in the future in the process of forming a professional plan.

Thus, the main task of career guidance work in the primary grades is to expand the child's horizons and awareness of professions in the process of communicating with adults and organizing work on professional self-determination.

Students in grades 1-4 are still far from choosing a profession, but career guidance work correctly placed among them should become the basis on which the professional interests and intentions of students in the upper grades will develop in the future.

In the course of education in primary schoolall academic subjectscan be used as an opportunity to form an interest in the work of adults in younger students.

career guidancein math classcan be carried out by holding short conversations about the profession mentioned in the condition of the problem or in solving problems, as well as showing the role and significance of this subject in the life and work of people.

Lessons from the environmentalso make a certain contribution to solving the problems of labor education and career guidance. For example, in the study of the topic"A tree in a person's life", you can talk about the professions of the forest industry (forester, forester, machine operator in woodworking, etc.).When studying the topic "Nature of our region"Students get to know the characteristics of the work of people in their area. For example, children are invited to solve a crossword puzzle in which the word denoting the profession is encrypted vertically, and the objects of work of this professional are written horizontally.

At the lessons of the Russian language younger students also perform a large number of tasks related to a particular profession: the teacher gives the children cards with various names of professions, and students must write in their notebooks 5-7 items of labor of this professional (for example, a doctor: bandage, pills, cotton wool, iodine , heating pad, brilliant green, etc.).

It is desirable to include vocational guidance game procedures in the structure of elementary school lessons, which will diversify the lessons and make them more emotionally rich.

Role-playing games, such as "Shop" (at a mathematics lesson), "Library" (reading lesson), "Guide" (a lesson in natural history (local history)), have a significant career guidance potential. In such games, as a rule, the didactic task of the lesson is integrated with the career guidance one. For example, in the game "Shop" students are invited to play the roles of a cashier, sellers of various departments, an administrator, but at the same time, during the game, a didactic task (strengthening oral counting skills) and educational (communication culture) are solved.

Thus, for more effective education in children of interest in the work of adults, it is necessary to include information about professions in the learning process. Conversations, excursions, work with illustrations and language material can be successfully carried out in the lessons of reading, the Russian language, mathematics, as well as in extracurricular career guidance classes.

Forms of extracurricular activities:

  • Class hour "Professions of our parents."
  • Oral magazine "In the world of professions".
  • Hour of communication "My favorite hobbies".
  • Journey into the world of professions.
  • Meetings with representatives of different professions.
  • Festival of professions.
  • The game "All professions are needed, all professions are important!"
  • Excursions to enterprises and institutions.
  • Operation My Parents' Professions.
  • Competition of drawings (essays) "Golden hands of grandmother (grandfather)".
  • Competition for young craftsmen.
  • Competition for the best craft.
  • Competition for young announcers.
  • Hour of communication "What I want to become."
  • Competitive program dedicated to proverbs about work.
  • Holiday "Praise the hands of the mother."

Currently, there are many different technologies and methods of conducting classes with younger students. For vocational guidance classes, the main motivation is game motivation, which develops into educational motivation. The child becomes an interested party in the development of his abilities, as he can try himself in various areas of adult life. Each lesson deals with a particular profession, students have the opportunity to expand their understanding of the world of professions, as well as explore their abilities in relation to the profession in question.

For several years, our school has been implementing the regional educational module "Start in the Profession", developed by the State Committee of the Republic of Mordovia for Labor and Employment.

The following topics are expected to be covered in elementary school:

Journey into the world of professions

Man and work

Professions around us

All professions are needed, all professions are important

How to get a profession

All works are good, choose to taste

The choice of the profession of the future

City of masters

The career guidance educational module is aimed at strengthening the individual resources and capabilities of the individual, its activation and development, and the formation of social competence. The module provides for the gradual formation of the skills and abilities necessary for making an informed decision on the choice of a profession in students at the final stage of the course. Classes are organized in accordance with the leading areas of age-related activities.

An important link in the system of career guidance work with students is the relationship between the school and parents. Practice shows that parents usually take an active part in determining the life and professional plans of their children.

In the first grade, we had a pedagogical project "Children are our future"

Under the guidance of the teacher, groups of students and parents were formed in the following areas:

Health, citizen, intelligence, communication, family

Parents together with their children presented the material according to the following scheme:

  1. Profession name
  2. The history of its formation, prospects
  3. What is the need for a profession, what benefits does it bring
  4. What are the advantages of the profession can be determined
  5. What personality traits need to be developed in order to succeed in this business? What qualities do you already possess?
  6. Knowledge of what subjects of the school curriculum is necessary to become a professional in this field?
  7. Why do you love your profession?

Then there was a collective defense of the project - a joint presentation by parents and children of the results of their work (later we sent this work to the competition of methodological developments "Constellation of Ideas" as part of the republican action and became winners)

Vocational guidance at school is carried out with the aim of preparing students for a conscious choice of a profession while coordinating their personal interests and needs with changes taking place in the labor market. This goal is realized both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

A well-constructed system of career guidance at the primary level contributes to the formation in the minds of schoolchildren of various ideas about the world of work and professions, instills in them a careful attitude to the results of work, as well as an understanding of the significance of the work of specialists for the life and development of society.