Higher educational institutions: types and features. "Vuzopark": what types of universities are there and what is their difference


    The system of higher professional education in Russia…….2

    1. Types of higher education institutions in Russia………………………..3

      The system of higher professional education in Russia….…5

    The scientific potential of higher educational institutions in Russia…………8

    1. The problem of the scientific potential of Russian universities……………………8

      The scientific potential of different types of universities in Russia……………….9




Education is one of the most important subsystems of the social sphere of the state, which ensures the process of obtaining by a person systematized knowledge, skills and abilities in order to use them effectively in professional activities. The education system is the most complex socio-economic and scientific-technical complex of the national economy.

Higher education provides fundamental, scientific, professional and practical training, obtaining by citizens of educational and qualification levels in accordance with their vocation, interests and abilities, improving scientific and professional training, retraining and advanced training.

In addition, in the information age, the social role of education as an integral value of spiritual culture is clearly manifested. At the same time, fundamentally new socio-economic, spiritual, moral, cultural requirements are related to education.

The purpose of this work is to consider the types of higher educational institutions operating on the territory of the Russian Federation and their scientific potential.

Objectives of the work: to give a definition of a higher educational institution in general and types of higher educational institutions in particular; identify the similarities and differences between the types of universities in Russia; compare two systems of higher professional education; to determine the scientific potential of higher education in Russia, the problems of realizing scientific potential, as well as the difference in the realization of scientific potential in different types of universities.

The object of the study is higher education in general as a necessary phenomenon of any society and some aspects of its reform in particular.

The subject of this work is the actual types of higher educational institutions in Russia and the regulations that regulate the position of higher education at the current stage.

    The system of higher professional education in Russia.

      Types of higher educational institutions in Russia.

First, let's define what a higher education institution is.

The Federal Law on Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ defines a higher educational institution as “an educational institution established and operating on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on education, having the status of a legal entity and implementing, in accordance with a license, educational programs of higher vocational education".

The main tasks of the university, according to Art. 8 FZ-125 are:

1) satisfaction of the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development through obtaining higher and (or) postgraduate professional education;

2) the development of sciences and arts through scientific research and creative activities of scientific and pedagogical workers and students, the use of the results obtained in the educational process;

3) training, retraining and advanced training of workers with higher education and scientific and pedagogical workers of higher qualification, etc.

4) the formation of a civic position among students, the ability to work and live in the conditions of modern civilization and democracy;

5) preservation and enhancement of the moral, cultural and scientific values ​​of society;

6) dissemination of knowledge among the population, raising its educational and cultural level.

The following types of higher education institutions have been established in the Russian Federation:

1). The Federal University is the leading educational institution in the Federal District, the center of science and education, fundamental and applied research in priority scientific areas. The Federal University solves the following tasks:

    implements innovative educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education, integrated into the global educational space;

    provides systemic modernization of higher and postgraduate professional education;

    carries out training, retraining and (or) advanced training of personnel based on the use of modern educational technologies for the integrated socio-economic development of the region;

    carries out fundamental and applied scientific research in a wide range of sciences, ensures the integration of science, education and production, including by bringing the results of intellectual activity to practical application.

To date, the number of federal universities is 8. These are: Far Eastern, Kazan, Northern, Northeastern, Siberian, Ural, Southern and Baltic Federal Universities.

2). The university is a multidisciplinary educational institution with a large selection of study programs in various fields of knowledge (at least 7 specialties). The University carries out the following tasks:

    implements educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education in a wide range of areas of training (specialties);

    carries out training, retraining and (or) advanced training of highly qualified employees, scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers;

    performs fundamental and applied scientific research in a wide range of sciences;

    is a leading scientific and methodological center in its fields of activity.

Traditionally, the university is divided into faculties, faculties - into departments. A university may also include an institute or even several institutes.

Separately, it is necessary to single out the National Research University - a higher educational institution that equally effectively carries out educational and scientific activities based on the principles of integration of science and education. The title of NRU is awarded for a ten-year term on a competitive basis. Today, this status has been awarded to 29 universities in our country.

3). The Academy is a higher educational institution, the purpose of which is to train specialists in any one area of ​​human activity (finance, art, agriculture, etc.). The goals and objectives of the academy include:

    implementation of educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education;

    training, retraining and (or) advanced training of highly qualified employees for a certain area of ​​scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity;

    performing fundamental and applied scientific research in the chosen field of science or culture;

    leading scientific and methodological center in the field of its activity.

An academy, like a university, can be subdivided into institutes, faculties and departments. The academy should include postgraduate and possibly doctoral studies. Like a university, the academy can open its branches and representative offices in other cities.

4). Institute - a higher educational institution that trains specialists for work in a certain area of ​​professional activity (one direction of professional activity). Its tasks include:

    implementation of educational programs of higher professional education, as well as, as a rule, educational programs of postgraduate professional education;

    training, retraining and (or) advanced training of employees for a specific area of ​​professional activity;

    conducting fundamental and (or) applied scientific research.

The institute is thus the basic unit in the higher education system. The institute may be an independent entity, or may be part of a university or academy as their structural subdivision. The requirements for study programs at the institute are the same as those at universities and academies. But in other respects they differ in the direction of simplification.

As we can see, research work is carried out in all types of higher education institutions, but in universities, as a rule, they are of a more fundamental nature.

The status of a higher educational institution is determined depending on its type, organizational and legal form, the presence or absence of state accreditation. The status of a higher education institution is included in its name.

      The system of higher professional education in Russia.

In September 2003 in Berlin, Russia joined the members of the Bologna Club. Thus, Russia, like other member states, has pledged until 2010 to complete the following 6 tasks:

1) to coordinate the structural construction of higher education systems with the transition to two-cycle education: bachelor's degrees (4 years) and master's degrees (2 more years);

2) to measure the volume of a student's academic work in credits (in the European system of their transfer - ECT), to ensure the accumulation of credits and their applicability for lifelong learning;

3) ensure quality control of all types of higher education based on measurements of graduates' achievements;

4) eliminate all barriers to expanding the mobility of students and teachers, change the legislation in the field of employment of foreigners;

5) apply the European Diploma Supplement and ensure the employment of graduates;

6) increase the competitiveness of European education and its attractiveness for young people from other countries and continents.

At the moment, there are 2 systems of higher professional education in the Russian Federation:

1). Higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment to a person who has successfully passed the final certification, qualifications (degrees) "specialist" - specialist. The term of study is 5 years.

2). Higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment to a person who has successfully passed the final certification, qualifications (degrees) "bachelor" or qualifications (degrees) "master" - bachelor's or master's degree. The terms of study are 4 or 2 years, respectively.

At this stage in the development of the education system in Russia, the second system has almost completely replaced the first.

The Soviet one-line structure of education in universities provided for training for 5 years (6 for medical specialties) without intermediate stages, state examinations, writing and defending a thesis with a document called “specialist diploma”, which gave the right to enter the doctoral stages and the right to perform certain skilled work. Five-year training programs for specialists at this stage remain a transitional form of organization of education at the university, but admission to these departments is no longer carried out.

At present, it can be said that Russia has completely switched to the new Western education system, in which such a form of education as a specialist is no longer practiced.

The new structure assumes a two-stage basic higher education (30% of the time for natural disciplines and mathematics, 25% for the humanities) with an intermediate certificate of incomplete higher education and the possibility of a partial change in the direction of study in the second cycle of 2 years and obtaining the qualification "bachelor", whose programs contain an average number of disciplines of specialization.

The best students can continue their studies and become masters, while the duration of higher education is at least 6 years, which will open the way for them to doctoral degrees, or get the qualification of “specialist with extended education” (duration of study is 5 years or more).

The final stage of Russian education (postgraduate studies) lasts 2-3 years under the supervision of a supervisor and includes independent research, writing and defending a dissertation of a certain level and volume.

There is an ongoing discussion about the advisability of retaining the old title "PhD" or switching to the international one - "Doctor of Philosophy" (PhD). Long-term scientific work and generalization of its consequences in a large dissertation with a complex defense procedure leads to obtaining the highest scientific title "Doctor of Science" with broad rights to personal autonomy in research and obtaining the highest positions in the scientific hierarchy.

Thus, today in the Russian Federation there are several educational and qualification levels:

1). Bachelor - the educational and qualification level of higher education of a person who, on the basis of complete general secondary education, has received basic higher education, fundamental and special skills and knowledge on a generalized object of labor (activity), sufficient to perform the tasks and duties of a certain level of professional activity, which are provided for primary positions in a certain type of economic activity.

2). Specialist - the educational and qualification level of higher education of a person who, on the basis of the educational qualification level of a bachelor, has received a complete higher education, special skills and knowledge sufficient to perform the tasks and duties (works) of a certain level of professional activity, provided for primary positions in a certain type of economic activity. activities.

3). Master - the educational qualification level of higher education of a person who, on the basis of the educational qualification level of a bachelor, has received a complete higher education, special skills and knowledge sufficient to perform professional tasks and duties (works) of an innovative nature of a certain level of professional activity, which are provided for primary positions in a certain type of economic activity.

In addition to participating in the Bologna process, Russia has also signed the main conventions of the Council of Europe and UNESCO on the mutual acceptance of diplomas. The attitude towards foreign certificates of higher education is quite tolerant, moreover, in most other countries they are valid for a longer time than in Russia.

    Scientific potential of higher educational institutions of Russia.

2.1 The problem of the scientific potential of Russian universities.

University science, which is a key element of the country's scientific potential, largely determines the quality of training highly qualified specialists in the higher education system. Therefore, it is not surprising that in recent years more and more attention has been paid to the problem of developing the scientific potential of the university, which implies the potential of scientific and pedagogical personnel, scientific and technical resources of universities, established scientific schools in carrying out scientific research along with the training of highly qualified specialists and scientific personnel; as well as the availability and balance of resources for scientific activities and the sufficiency of the level of their development for the implementation of effective scientific activities.

In particular, the problems affecting all components of the scientific potential of Russian universities:

1) "aging" of personnel; the workload of teachers with work on teaching students; low demand for the scientific potential of teachers, according to their own assessments; the decline in the prestige of scientific work, especially for young and energetic people;

2) low material and technical level of support, insufficient funding of scientific work;

3) weak information interaction of the university sector with enterprises;

4) shortcomings and omissions in the regulatory framework, lack of a control system;

5) insufficient conditions for the effective use of the results of scientific research, their involvement in economic circulation, etc.

The world practice of the last decade demonstrates the strengthening of the contribution of universities to the development of innovation and economic growth. State funding of research by universities in industrially-technologically developed countries is increasingly focused on specific socio-economic goals, projects and programs and is made dependent on the final results; the role of contract financing is growing.

In recent years, some growth in patent activity has been noted in Russian universities (for the period 2002 - 2007 - 1.4 times); they account for almost 5th of patent applications filed in Russia. Universities create 35% of fundamentally new production technologies.

Almost 3rd part of advanced industrial technologies is created in the university sector. But at the same time, the university sector is poorly oriented towards the commercialization of its products, in addition, the industry itself is not always ready to accept new technologies.

The innovative orientation of the activities of universities is also ensured through the training of qualified scientists and engineers, the growing participation of teachers and graduate students in the implementation of research and development, and the transfer of their results to industry.

2.2 Scientific potential of different types of universities in Russia.

The scientific potential of any higher educational institution is realized in a variety of ways:

a) creation of various implementation structures in the field of transfer of scientific research results;

b) the output of scientific products of the university;

c) release of scientific and pedagogical personnel and forms of recognition of the university in the professional community;

d) accumulation of the results of intellectual activity drawn up in accordance with the established procedure;

e) accumulation of cost results of research activities.

All types of universities also form the so-called personnel potential, and this applies primarily to specialists working in the university itself, and not only to graduates of the institution.

As we noted in the first chapter, research work is carried out in all types of higher education institutions, but in universities, as a rule, they are of a more fundamental nature.

Federal universities conduct fundamental and applied research in priority scientific areas. In addition, it is they who are entrusted with the task of integrating science, education and production. And first of all, it is solved by bringing the results of intellectual activity to practical application.

Thus, it is federal universities that create an advanced educational, research and innovation infrastructure, which, in turn, should contribute to the introduction of new knowledge to solve the socio-economic problems of the region.

Universities also conduct basic and applied scientific research in a wide range of sciences represented in this institution. Scientific research at the university must be carried out in at least 5 branches of science. The amount of funding for these studies should be at least 10,000,000 rubles for the last 5 years.

Separately, it should be noted the possibility of opening at the University of small innovative enterprises, scientific and educational centers and other structures focused on the implementation of the results of scientific research, their transfer to the educational process.

The Academy is the leading scientific and methodological center in its field of activity. Thus, it is entrusted with the task of conducting fundamental and applied scientific research in the chosen field of science or culture.

Research work at the academy in terms of funding should be from 5 to 10 million rubles over a period of 5 years. According to this parameter, the academy occupies an intermediate position between a university and an institute.

Since the institute trains specialists for work in only one area of ​​professional activity, scientific research in this type of university should be carried out according to the declared profile. The amount of funding for these studies should be from 1.5 to 5 million rubles over the past 5 years.


In conclusion, it must be said that the tasks of modernizing the system of higher education, increasing the efficiency of integration processes in it in the scientific and educational complex of Russia, involve solving the problems of university science, which is the main part of the national scientific potential. The science of higher education in Russia, as in other leading countries, should become a powerful innovative resource for the development of the country. It is designed to provide:

    the relationship between the values ​​of fundamental education and the possibilities of flexible response to the needs for personnel in the most important scientific areas, science-intensive technologies and industries;

    reproduction of scientific schools;

    leading competitive level of production;

    innovative ideas and projects.

And an important role in solving these problems is played by absolutely all types of higher educational institutions in Russia, each at its own level: federal universities - at the level of federal districts, institutes - at the level of specific areas of professional activity.

In this paper, we have considered the types of higher educational institutions in Russia, the higher education systems implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the scientific potential of various universities and the problems of realizing this potential. Thus, we can say that the goal and objectives set at the beginning of the work were fully achieved by us.


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    Egorova Yu.A. The problem of developing the scientific potential of higher education // Successes of modern natural sciences, 2008, No. 3.

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    Kaplyuk M. A. Problems of defining the concept and types of higher educational institutions // Legal Education and Science, 2006, No. 3.

    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation On the development of a new generation of state educational standards and a phased transition to tiered higher professional education, taking into account the requirements of the labor market and international trends in the development of higher education, dated February 1, 2007. No. PC-1.

    Poberezskaya G.G. Russia: Participation in the Bologna Process and Improving the Quality of Higher Education // Problems of Education: Scientific Method. Sat. / NMCVO MES of Ukraine. - Kyiv, 2005.

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    Federal Law on Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education of August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 1996, February 14.

an educational institution established and operating on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation on education, having the status of a legal entity and implementing educational programs of higher professional education in accordance with a license. The main tasks of a higher educational institution are: meeting the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development through higher and (or) postgraduate professional education; development of sciences and arts through scientific research and creative activity of scientific and pedagogical workers and students, the use of the results obtained in the educational process; training, retraining and advanced training of workers with higher education and scientific and pedagogical workers of higher qualification; formation of a civic position among students, the ability to work and live in the conditions of modern civilization and democracy; preservation and enhancement of the moral, cultural and scientific values ​​of society; dissemination of knowledge among the population, raising its educational and cultural level. Higher educational institutions may have their own structural subdivisions and branches. Structural subdivisions of a higher educational institution may implement educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational and secondary vocational education, as well as educational programs of additional education if the higher educational institution has the appropriate license. Branches of higher educational institutions are separate structural subdivisions located outside its location. Branches of higher educational institutions undergo licensing and certification independently, and state accreditation - as part of a higher educational institution. Admission to higher educational institutions is carried out on the basis of applications from persons with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education, on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations or in another manner determined by the founder (founders) of the higher educational institution. Citizens of the Russian Federation with a higher professional education are admitted to postgraduate studies at higher educational institutions (scientific institutions or organizations), as a rule, on a competitive basis. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have a Ph.D. The following types of higher educational institutions are established in the Russian Federation: university, academy, institute. The status of a higher educational institution is determined depending on its type, organizational and legal form, the presence or absence of state accreditation. The status of a higher education institution is included in its name. The name of a higher educational institution is established at the time of its creation and is changed without fail when its status changes. If a special name (conservatory, higher school and other names) is used in the name of a higher education institution, the type of higher education institution is indicated along with it.

here: three types of higher educational institutions that train students in psychological and pedagogical specialties: 1. Pedagogical higher educational institutions; 2. Universities and institutes that provide (including) training of students in psychological and pedagogical specialties; 3. Non-state universities with a license and accreditation. See also Non-State Universities, Pedagogical Higher Education Institutions, Universities

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓


Universities provide higher education and provide students with programs of various levels to meet the educational needs. needs of the individual and prof. training in different branches of culture, economics, healthcare, science; conduct research. work, retraining and advanced training of specialists.

To V. at. h. include high fur boots (including tech., medical, agricultural, ped.), in-you decomp. profile (engineering, agricultural, artistic, etc.), academies, conservatories. In some countries, universities include colleges. In many In addition to secular countries, there are spiritual V. at. h.

V.'s concepts at. h. were not equivalent in decomp. era and in different countries. Means. difference in higher levels education, in the methods and terms of training of specialists exists in modern. V. at. h.

The prototype of V. at. h. were the highest for their time philosophies. schools of the period of antiquity, in which teaching was guided by the comprehension of all known totality of theoretical. knowledge, and the forms of classes were lectures, conversations, disputes. Such an organization of education was inherited by medieval universities, which spread in Western-Heb. cities arr. from the 13th century In some of the high fur boots was known and uch. practice of higher Muslim uch. institutions (see article Muslim culture). With the development of cities, prof. schools, some of which accumulated means. method. teaching experience and became widely known: legal in Beirut (8th century), Constantinople (8th century) and Bologna (10th century), medical in Salerno (10th century), Montpellier (10th century). The social significance of higher education determined the attention to it from the church. and secular authorities, endowing high fur boots and some prof. schools with special privileges.

Un-you imposed Means. an imprint on the design of higher education and the appearance of V. at. h. the approval of the principles of the so-called. academic freedoms - the freedom of the student to independently build a program for studying the subject, the freedom of the teacher to independently conduct research and present their results to students, the election of governing bodies, the participation of students in self-government, etc. The formation of secular science (16-17 centuries) and associated with the demands of societies. production, the strengthening of the "real" direction in teaching led to the expansion of specialization in higher education. In high fur boots (even within the framework of traditional medical and legal f-t) and in addition to them, relatively independent ones began to appear. scientific and practical schools.

In the 18th century branch V. at. h. in many European countries have become an organic part of the state. education systems. Means. influence on the content of teaching in V. at. h. and his methods provided the ideas of W. Humboldt, implemented in the practice of the University of Berlin. Faculty organization V. at. h., connection with science and practice determined the activity and many others. tech. establishments, both public and private. For European countries of the 19th century development of hl is characteristic. arr. state medical, page - x. and tech. universities. This trend was reflected in the creation of higher education in Russia and the United States.

In con. 19th century N. began to arise - and. divisions not only in high fur boots, but also in medical, tech., page - x. etc. in-tah, etc. N.-i. V.'s activity at. h. often came into conflict with the pragmatic. production requirements. and other companies to specialists. In un-takh scientific. work often concentrated in spec. laboratories, departments, research institutes, moving away from the account. tasks. One of the important problems of V. at. h. was the preservation of the unity of scientific. work and teaching. Through the efforts of many scientists and teachers took shape specific. scientific sector of higher education, links to-rogo became the main. N.-i. centers in many countries.

In the conditions of scientific and technical. revolution from the 2nd half. 20th century the types of high fur boots and universities of university status have diversified, a tendency has emerged to increase the number of multidisciplinary universities that combine into a single organization. and adm. whole several relatively independent areas of training, which made it possible to rationally distribute the study of decomp. disciplines by students of similar specializations, to avoid duplication of account. courses. They are close to multidisciplinary in terms of the principles of work and the nature of teaching dec. creative V. at. h., only on the subject of training allocated to a special group. The majority of branch V. at. h. focuses on the transfer of sound knowledge and skills of prof. activities and does not put special. the task of conducting scientific research by students, although the programs themselves and uch. courses of these V. at. h. regularly updated with the latest scientific knowledge. data and practice requests.

V. at. h. pl. countries are usually divided into categories of state, municipal, and private (spiritual higher education institutions also belong to this group). Both paid and free education is practiced. In the 60-70s. 20th century there was a tendency to strengthen the role of the state in determining the content of education, its profiling. For this purpose, developed decomp. state systems. accreditation V. at. h. and management of the system of universities in the interests of a unified scientific and technical. and educate. politicians. Specials are being created. state bodies for the coordination of science and higher education.

Uch. plans and organization process in higher education in each country have their own characteristics. The general trend was the strengthening of general cultural and general scientific. preparation and increase in specific gravity are independent. student work. Much attention is paid to the organization of practice. learning. Developed evening and distance learning. Great importance is attached to the so-called. postgraduate education, advanced training of specialists, there is a constant search for ways to improve the account., Scientific. and prof.-practical activity of V. at. h. and ensuring the continuity of education. process.

In conditions of continuous education, the work of V. at. h., the possibility of their influence on science, production, cultural life depends on the content and level of general secondary education. In many the countries the possibility of receipt in V. at is legislatively fixed. h. after the completion of the full cf. education with a total duration of school. education 12-13 years. The concept has spread, according to which all training received after the end of the full cf. schools (in the USA, for example, the corresponding educational institutions are classified as post-secondary). In these conditions the majority of V. at. h. conducts active work on recruiting contingents of its students, including making high demands on the knowledge of applicants. Some researches. Universities provide for high selectivity in relation to applicants, screening out during the preliminary. tests, interviews and exams from 20 to 70% of those who expressed a desire to receive higher education. education at this university. At the same time, there are high fur boots and in-you, to-rye accept everyone. However, the diplomas of such V. at. z., as a rule, do not enjoy a high reputation. Promising is the increase in V.'s efficiency at. h. with the deepening of general education. and general scientific preparation of applicants for conclusions. stage of general secondary education. In a number of countries, some

V. at z. also moved to diff. options for the gradual acquisition of higher education by students on the basis of secondary vocational or secondary special education (eg, starting with a junior college with a two-year term of study).

Established in the 18-19 centuries. faculty system of building V. at. h. acquired in the 20th century. more free character. In connection with the expansion of the profile of specialist training, high fur boots and other universities have moved to the organization of multidisciplinary departments and departments, including intersectoral ones. Most of the leading modern V. at. h. - These are large educational and scientific productions. complexes that provide not only education. the interests of the student, but also the wide possibilities of the individual, and the collective scientific. work, rational use of account. time not only for theoretical, but also for practical. occupations in the chosen specialty. In many high school countries and some others. V. u. h. - main research. community centers values. The core of such centers can be a department, a problematic department or a department of specialists. a council that unites scientists, business leaders, etc. In most countries of the world, high fur boots and V. at. h. university status. This applies to both the number and quality of training of specialists.

Means. influence on the structure and direction of activity of modern. V. at. h. rendered the American model of university, which has developed in con. 19-1st floor. 20th century and using many V.'s achievements at. h. dec. countries, including Russia. This model was adopted by high fur boots of Japan and many others. other countries Main part of general education. and general scientific students receive training in academic. university colleges (with predominantly theoretical education for 3-5 years). After the first stage, they continue their education in prof. or explore. (post-graduate) schools of the same university or others. Upon completion of the academic college students receive the first academic degree - a bachelor's degree, which gives the right to study prof. activities and further education in higher education. school (in high fur boots - until obtaining a master's and doctoral degree). If the profile of education at the university is not actually scientific, but practical. character, then at the end of the second stage the graduate is issued a diploma of specialization. In the UK, on ​​their own. branch colleges the term of study is 3-4 years. Upon graduation, their graduates must work for a certain period (up to 2 years) in their chosen specialty and pass certification in prof. society or association. Preparation for the competition of scientific degrees is carried out in the system of the so-called. further education (Master - 2 years). The alternation of periods (from 3 to 6 months) of classes and practical training is widely used. work. Graduates of universities are issued state. diploma of completion of a two-year full-time course and the highest state. a diploma on the completion of a three-year course, and correspondence students - the corresponding state. certificates. Graduates of industry colleges receive the highest state. certificate.

French is also widespread. system of higher education, combining high fur boots and specialists. universities, among which a group of so-called. large schools (see Art. France). Graduates of general education are admitted to universities. cf. schools with a bachelor's degree. The course of study in universities is 4-6 years, divided into 3 cycles: prepare, (up to 2 years), general (with enrollment by competition; training lasts 3-4 years and ends with the award of a licentiate degree with obtaining an appropriate certificate and state diploma "general scientific knowledge") and special (lasts 1-2 years and ends with a final exam and a diploma of "higher scientific education", which gives the right to continue education until a further diploma of "in-depth knowledge" in a particular specialty is received, as well as degree of doctor in the specialty and doctor of the "third cycle"). In the specialized in-max full course of training 5-7 years (the diploma is equivalent to the university, i.e. at the level of the first stage of the third cycle; doctors are issued a doctoral diploma of the third cycle).

In the universities of most Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries, the step structure of education is less pronounced (except for Brazil). Main the training cycle is associated with the award of a licentiate degree (4-6 years, depending on the specialty). In a number of specialties, instead of awarding a degree, prof. diplomas with the assignment of the corresponding prof. ranks. Persons with a degree or a university degree can continue their education up to a doctorate degree (with an additional study period of 2-3 years). In Argentina and Colombia, the second degree is the master. In Brazil, bachelor's, licentiate (depending on the specialty - master's) and doctoral degrees can be obtained by students after completing the corresponding cycle of study

In Germany, in the system of higher education, a significant proportion of high fur boots and V. at. h. with university status (mining and medical academies, higher technical schools). Unlike other countries, there are no confessional high fur boots. Competitive enrollment is practiced only for medical, vet. and some other specialties, for which restrictions on admission are introduced. The education system is two-tier. The training lasts 4-6 years and ends with the defense of the thesis and the final exam. The acquisition of scientific degrees is attributed to Ch. arr. to postgraduate education.

The system that developed in the USSR was genetically linked to the priority development in Russia (since the 18th century) prof. schools - unlike European, predominantly university, nat. systems of higher education - and retained these features. In the USSR, high fur boots made up approx. 10% of the total number of universities. Owl system. V. at. h. formed Ch. sbr. in con. 20s and 30s. 20 century, during the period of industrialization, which played a role in providing industry and transport, and other industries. x-va qualified specialists. Under the conditions of the adm.-command system, higher education faced many problems. difficulties; V.'s development at. h. followed an extensive path, the growth in the output of specialists was not accompanied by a proper improvement in the quality of their training. The material base of V. at. systematically lagged behind the requirements of science and practice. h. Deep reform of the system of higher schools-ly, which began in late. 80s, continues from the beginning. 90s in sovereign states that were previously part of the USSR (see also articles about these states). In many of them V.'s structural reorganization at has begun to be carried out. h., to-paradise superior provides for a multi-level education system: the first level of higher education (4 years of study) provides basic higher education and ends with the award of a bachelor's degree in one of the areas of training; The 2nd level (1.5-2 years of study depending on the specialty) is provided by prof. training in this specialty and ends with the award of a master's degree; 3rd and 4th levels (duration 3 and 2 years respectively) provide scientific and ped. preparation and culminate in the completion and defense of a dissertation work with the award of the degree of candidate or doctor of science. In V. at. h. the principles of autonomy are being restored (including in the choice of a methodological system, the order of passing academic courses, etc., the rules for recruiting student contingents, etc.) and internal. self-government. State is envisaged. accreditation V. at. h. See also Art. Russia.

Lit. see at Art. Higher education. A. Ya. Saveliev.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Higher education is education obtained in the process of studying in higher educational institutions, as well as in special courses. Institute, university, academy - higher educational institutions that implement educational programs of higher professional education, as well as educational programs of postgraduate professional education. External studies - independent study by students of disciplines in accordance with the main educational program of higher professional education in the chosen area of ​​training (specialty) with subsequent current and final certification in a higher educational institution.

The levels of higher professional education are bachelor, graduate and master. Those who pass the final certification are assigned the appropriate qualification.

The structure of the system of higher professional education is a set of state educational standards and educational programs for higher and postgraduate education; having licenses of higher educational institutions and educational institutions of the corresponding additional higher professional education; scientific, design, industrial, clinical, preventive medical, pharmaceutical, cultural and educational enterprises, institutions and organizations that conduct scientific research and ensure the functioning and development of higher professional education; management bodies of higher professional education, as well as enterprises, institutions and organizations subordinate to them; public and state-public associations: creative unions, professional associations, scientific and methodological councils and other associations.

Correspondence form of higher education

This form of education, or a form of self-education, is regulated and implemented by the state on the basis of a single national educational standard. At the same time, students study twice during the academic year in the classrooms of the university at the installation sessions. They give lectures to students, give consultations, test results.

For part-time students, special teaching aids, teaching and control materials have been developed. There are very original methods for managing the process of self-study - part-time students spend 70% of their study time away from the teacher.

The development of correspondence education is regarded as a peaceful revolution that can radically change the entire process of education and training, because it is it that is distinguished by the individualization of education, accessibility for various segments of the population, economic profitability, speed of mastering knowledge, and practical activities. Correspondence education was originally introduced only for those who could not regularly attend regular educational institutions. Correspondence students, like diaries, have a common curriculum for all, common deadlines for passing control tests Computerization brings distance education closer to distance education.

The structure of higher education in the Russian Federation

At present, in the structure of higher technical, for example, education in Russia, there are three stages, as shown in the figure.

higher professional education

The first stage is an incomplete higher education, the receipt of which allows you to continue education at the next levels.

The second stage with a term of study of at least 4 years provides for obtaining an academic degree of a bachelor of science in the chosen direction. All graduates of the bachelor of science degree can continue their education to obtain a qualification or degree corresponding to the third stage.

The third stage of higher education allows you to acquire the qualification of an engineer in a chosen specialty or a master's degree in science in a field.

Receiving education in accordance with the master's program, each student has the right to simultaneously, having completed the required tasks and the graduation project, receive an engineering diploma.

In other cases, studying for the purpose of obtaining a diploma in the presence of a diploma of third-level education is considered as obtaining a second higher education and can be carried out on a paid basis.

The versatility of ways to obtain higher technical education requires the development of clear norms and requirements for graduates and educational programs.

Higher educational institution - (abbreviated university) is an educational institution that provides higher professional education.

There are public and private universities. The university may have branches and representative offices in other localities.

classic status

Today in Russia there are three types of higher educational institutions that correspond to a certain accreditation status, where you can get higher professional education: institute, academy and university.

For the status of “institute”, it is enough for an educational institution to train students in at least one specialty and conduct scientific work.

The university covers a wide range of specialties from different fields. For example, a technical university or a classical university. Research activities are carried out, as a rule, in several areas and constitute a significant part of the activities of the university. It is the universities in Russia that are the main centers for the development of scientific schools and directions.

The Academy differs from the university in a narrower range of specialties, as a rule, for one branch of the economy. For example, Samara State Agricultural Academy, Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts. The academy pays considerable attention to research activities in the profile direction.

Different university statuses imply completely different educational paths and opportunities. One and the same university, especially if it is very strong, can have several diverse statuses. And it depends on the students how reasonable they will be able to use the resources of the university when they receive an education. The current situation in the market of educational services is such that there are a lot of universities operating on it. Many of them are considered weak, they are waiting for a scheduled inspection and are afraid of closing. Also, the demographic situation is not the best: if the university does not recruit freshmen, it may cease to exist. Therefore, in order to survive, universities want to unite into something university-like. That is, simultaneously with such a spontaneous process, new statuses of universities arise.

Autonomous university

This status will be given to a significant part of Russian universities; it implies freedom and the right to dispose of extrabudgetary funds. Such universities will be managed by a supervisory board, one third consisting of representatives of the university itself, and the remaining two thirds - of employers, officials and the public. The rector will be equated with a hired manager. The idea is that at the output the employer should get a specialist who exactly meets the requirements of a modern enterprise.


Stay tuned for updates from the Ministry of Education and Science: academies are about to be redefined.


So only 150 universities of regional importance will be called. Since, according to officials' forecasts, only the best universities will receive state funding in the future, the possibility of getting state-funded education at institutes remains in question. Although they say that the number of state-funded places in universities throughout the country as a whole will not decrease.

Master's University

This is a university specializing in the preparation of masters. The State University - Higher School of Economics is planning to become the first master's university in Russia.

Scientific and educational center

These are only two universities - Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. They have recently gained the right to develop their own curricula.

National Research University

This status was invented by the founder of Stanford University (USA), but in Russia they started talking about national research universities only in 2008. These are Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Federal Technological University on the basis of MISiS, Federal Nuclear University on the basis of MEPhI. The entire list has not yet been formed. Rector of Moscow State University V. Sadovnichiy suggests that MSTU im. N. E. Bauman, and also the Polytechnic and Mining Universities of St. Petersburg. These universities are recommended for those who plan to get involved in serious scientific work from the first year of study, by the end of their studies at the university they want to become the author of several dozen scientific articles, and throughout their career they will conduct research that is important for Russia. This will make it possible to create a strong scientific school (or a number of schools) of the university and its programs formed on a scientific basis.

Olympic University

The Russian International Olympic University (RIOU) will open in 2012 in Sochi. This information may be useful to current applicants already for the second higher education, if there are plans to become professionals in the field of international sports management.

A particularly valuable object of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation

This status was originally invented not for universities, but nevertheless 10 of them have it. Three of them are in Moscow (Moscow State University, Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, Russian State Agrarian University (MSHA named after K. A. Timiryazev), four are in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg State University, Military Medical Academy named after Kirov, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen , St. Petersburg State Mining Institute named after

G. V. Plekhanov), one - in Kazan (university) and two - in Tomsk (university and polytechnic university). The territory of such universities is under state protection. Here the walls help to learn.

Applied Bachelor

Introduced from the upcoming academic year on the basis of secondary educational institutions (see the heading "Desk of the journal" BULLETIN APPLICANT "). This is an option for those who, perhaps, do not have enough stars from the sky, but want to have a higher education, a serious profession and a high salary. Already in the very idea of ​​​​such a status of educational institutions lies the desire to offer a worthy answer to the request of industrial enterprises that need highly qualified employees. Which? Today, let's say, welders with knowledge of modern work technologies are in short supply.


Soon there will be about 450 less. And to the question of what a university is, there will be a new answer - a new one, since new rules are being developed that will distinguish between universities, academies and institutes. Those who are going to any university, the name of which is not given on these pages, should consider the option that you will enter, maybe at the university, but graduate - perhaps already from the institute.

Federal university

There are only two of them - Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. They may not be subject to state standards for education. They will be able to create enterprises, launch innovative projects - and these, if you think about the future, are unique jobs. Over time, about 55 universities will become federal, which will receive maximum state financial support.

Federal University

They were invented by President Medvedev - and news agencies have already called them new types of educational institutions. The idea is as follows: one federal university per federal district.

And each university "sticks together" from a classical university and, say, a technical one. The Siberian Federal University in Krasnoyarsk was created by combining four universities, Yuzhny in Rostov combined two. These are real universities, they already exist, you can go there. Next in line is the creation of the Far Eastern State University in Vladivostok. Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Kazan and Kaliningrad would also like to create such universities. It is expected that in 2015 training programs will receive international accreditation, and diplomas of graduates - international recognition.

In the Russian Federation, there are the following main types of higher educational institutions: institutes, academies, universities. The differences between these types of universities are specified in Article 9 of the Federal Law on Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education.

Clarifying comments on this article are tabulated:




Provide training in a wide range of specialties

Implement training of specialists in certain areas, primarily scientific and scientific-pedagogical

Provide training for practitioners in specific areas

Conduct fundamental and applied scientific research in a wide range of sciences

Perform basic and applied research, however, in a specific area of ​​science or culture

Conduct fundamental and (OR) applied scientific research

They are leading scientific and methodological centers in their fields of activity

In the field of its activity, the academy should be the leading scientific and methodological center

They are not leading scientific and methodological centers

Consider some educational institutions where you can get secondary specialized and higher education.

Features of secondary educational institutions

In colleges, pedagogical and medical schools, legal and veterinary technical schools, graduates of the basic school can study. They appeared in our country thanks to the revolutionary reform of Lunacharsky. In the thirties, technical schools were created in the Soviet republic, which became the middle link between higher institutions and schools.

At that time, secondary specialized educational institutions became a tool for the mass training of workers in factories and agriculture. In parallel, the development of factory schools, which were called vocational technical schools, took place.

Terms of study in colleges

Middle-level educational institutions are designed for two or three years of study. The duration of study depends on the direction, the initial level of the applicant. After the reform of Russian education, admission rules have changed in many secondary educational institutions, only graduates of secondary schools are taught.

Composition of the secondary education system

Educational institutions of a similar direction operate in St. Petersburg, Moscow.

Colleges of Education

Despite the fact that recently the interest in pedagogical specialties has significantly decreased, in every Russian region there are educational institutions of a similar orientation. In addition to the traditional specialties associated with the training of primary school teachers, such special educational institutions are engaged in the training of future foreign language teachers, educators. For example, the Arkhangelsk Pedagogical College offers applicants additional English language courses and computer literacy training.

Enrollment in college is carried out on the basis of secondary education. The results of the exam are not taken into account, but an additional competition of certificates is necessarily held. Additional points can be earned for providing a portfolio of personal achievements.

Almost all educational institutions after graduation help graduates in employment.

Documents for admission to colleges and technical schools

Regardless of the direction of activity, there are general requirements for the documents provided by the applicant to the selection committee. In addition to the original of the certificate, the first page of the civil passport (copy), four photographs measuring 30 by 40 mm, a medical certificate is provided confirming the absence of contraindications to study.

Top level establishments

Let's find out which educational institutions are considered in demand among modern graduates. In recent years, the number of schoolchildren who choose medical universities and academies for education has increased significantly. What is the reason for the demand for such universities? What specializations can be obtained in them? Medicine has become an attractive direction after the transformations that have been carried out in our country in this industry.

The increase in wages, the possibility of employment, made medical education in demand and prestigious. Regardless of the geographical location of the medical university (institute), training is carried out in the following areas:

  • dentistry;
  • general practice (therapy);
  • pediatrics;
  • pharmaceuticals.

When submitting documents to the selection committee, the applicant provides the results of passing the unified state exam in chemistry, biology, and the Russian language. The average score depends on the faculty, region, number of enrollment.

For several years, there has been a competition for higher institutions of a legal and economic profile. Despite the fact that not all graduates are then employed, it is quite difficult to enter such universities on a budgetary basis.


After our country signed the Bologna Declaration in 2003, the system of higher education underwent significant changes. Among the positive innovations, one can note the possibility of unhindered movement of students between countries - parties to the Bologna Treaty.

Numerous international projects, internships, a chance for employment in any country have appeared. In addition to the specialty, Russian higher education now has a master's and a bachelor's degree, which is the norm for the European system. Graduates of major domestic universities are now holders of two diplomas: domestic and European.

In 1992, educational standards were introduced into the system of higher education by the legislation of the Russian Federation. This had a positive impact on the quality of training of qualified personnel. Currently, postgraduate studies are singled out as a separate level of higher education.

Some domestic educational institutions, for example, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, received the right to independently develop educational standards, as well as to introduce additional entrance tests for applicants. Which educational institution to choose for vocational education should be chosen by the graduate of Russian schools. Currently, special courses are being organized for students in the ninth and eleventh grades to help them choose a profession.