Reform elected happy financial reform. The goals of the reforms of the elected Rada

The reforms of the Chosen Rada became an overdue, necessary measure in the socio-political and economic life of the Russian state in the middle of the 17th century.

Formation of the Chosen One

In 1547, there was a popular uprising in Moscow, during which commoners killed a member of the royal family. The uprising was the result of the arbitrariness of the boyar rule, which was carried out in previous years, and revealed

the frank need to transform the state apparatus and develop political and legal rules of government in the state. To achieve this goal, an actual unofficial government was created, which operated under Ivan the Terrible from 1547 to 1560 - the Chosen Rada. The reforms of this government were aimed at creating a high-quality bureaucratic system in the young Moscow kingdom, centralizing power, taking control of the situation throughout the country, and overcoming the remnants of feudal fragmentation. This government included some boyars, a number of nobles (who at that time were the court environment of the tsar and the boyars), clergymen and some state officials. Among them were confessor Sylvester, Prince Andrey Kurbsky, clerk Viskovaty, Metropolitan Macarius, nobleman Aldashev and other prominent figures of his time. However, the full composition of this body is unknown to us. Apparently, it did not have an exact number and was a situational gathering of persons close to the tsar who performed the role of an anti-crisis government.

Reforms of the Chosen One Rada under Ivan the Terrible

The main activities of this government were the following:

Oprichnina and the fall of the Chosen One

Over time, disagreements between the king and the aristocracy are growing. The reason for this was both personal hostility (which contributed to the first wife of Ivan IV), and disagreement about the pace of centralization of power. If the tsar sought to achieve the establishment of an absolute monarchy as soon as possible (the absolutization of royal power was characteristic not only for Russia, but for the whole of Europe), then the reforms of the Chosen Rada were aimed at evolutionary changes. All this led to the fall of the unofficial government and the emergence of the infamous guardsmen, who acted by simpler and more radical methods to strengthen the royal power and actually staged terror against the boyars.

The main reforms of the elected council

The turbulent events that took place in 1547 necessitated cardinal state reforms. The young tsar, as well as his entourage, created, as one of its participants (Prince Kurbsky) called it, the Chosen Rada

Archpriest Sylvester (Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin), as well as a rather wealthy nobleman from an ignoble family, Adashev A.F., stood at the head of this political circle of serving courtiers and nobility. They were joined by such noble princes as Vorotynsky, Odoevsky, Kurbsky and others. In addition, the first head of the Polish order Viskovaty, as well as an active figure in this circle, Metropolitan Macarius, was part of the Chosen Rada.

Formally not a state institution, the Rada remained, in fact, the Russian government for thirteen years, ruling the state on behalf of the tsar himself and implementing a series of significant major reforms.

In the middle of the sixteenth century, the Chosen Rada established for the entire state a single measure of tax collection called "plough".

Military reform

In order to strengthen the country's weapons in 1550, Ivan the Terrible began to implement military reforms. It was then that localism was abolished - the procedure for filling positions in the army according to the degree of nobility (for the duration of campaigns).

Also in the Moscow district, on the orders of the tsar on October 1, 1550, the “chosen thousand” was introduced (more than a thousand provincial nobles, constituting the core of the noble militia, as well as the support of autocratic power). But this project was not completed.

One order of service was determined: according to the device (by recruitment) and by fatherland (by origin). Boyar children and nobles served in the fatherland. Military service was regulated by the Code of Service, passing by inheritance and starting at the age of fifteen (a nobleman who did not reach this age was considered undersized). Nobles and boyars had to put up a warrior, and if this was not done, then it was punishable by a large fine.

Creation of the archery army

Also in 1550, a streltsy army (from among the servicemen) was formed, armed with both cold (sabers and reeds) and firearms (squeaked) weapons. At the very beginning, three thousand people were recruited into this army, disbanded into six separate "orders" (regiments). It was they who made up the personal royal guard.

In addition, the government of the Chosen Rada strengthened the tsarist state apparatus, improving the order system and thus building up the bureaucracy.

One of the secrets of Ivan the Terrible

The Elected Rada is a concept that refers to an unofficial body of 1547-1560 under Ivan IV, which was the actual state government. The reason for the emergence of this system was the realization by the king and aristocrats of the urgent need for reforms in the state. This understanding was prompted by popular riots in Moscow in 1547, as a result of which the townspeople did not hesitate to kill

royal relatives. In the same year, a circle of people formed around the monarch - the Elected Rada, the purpose of which was to prepare and carry out reforms to restore order in the state, as well as to develop the state apparatus, centralize power and take control of the situation in the country. The structure of this body included noble boyars, noblemen, who then represented themselves as court tsar and boyar servants, clergymen, and also, obviously, some government officials: Prince Kurbsky, confessor Sylvester, nobleman Adashev, Metropolitan Macarius, clerk Viskovaty and others. The full composition of this unofficial government is unknown to us. Yes, and the name comes from the later writings of Andrei Kurbsky in Polish during the flight.

Elected Rada and its reforms

Her main activities were as follows:

Creation of a legal code that went down in history under the name "Sudebnik of 1550".

The power of the tsarist administration was strengthened, court fees were regulated. The same judicial code establishes new types of orders: petition, local, robbery, printed and others.

Religious reform: unification of church canons in all Russian lands. Usury is forbidden among priests.

The military reform of 1556, in connection with which new regular troops were created - archers and gunners. A uniform order of service was established.

Reform of local government in 1556.

Chosen Rada and oprichnina

The reason for this unofficial fall was the disagreement with the king on the centralization of power. If Ivan the Terrible intended to achieve this goal as soon as possible, to accelerate the process of absolutization of the monarchy, then the Elected Rada mainly advocated evolutionary changes regulated by reforms. This issue has become the most global controversy. The growing personal dislike of the government and the tsar also played a role here. So, the Chosen Rada had disagreements with his first wife Anastasia Yurieva, after whose imminent death the tsar accused the members of the government of bringing her out of the world. All this prompted the fall of the Rada, the last reforms of which took place in 1560. Five years after the elimination of this body, during the Livonian War, one of the prominent members of the former Chosen Rada - Andrei Kurbsky - goes over to the side of the Poles. The reason that prompted the defector was the growing centralization of power in the country and the opinion that the tsar was trampling on the ancient liberties of the boyars. In response, the tsar creates another, more obedient, in contrast to the Chosen Rada, and a corps of guardsmen that meets his aspirations. Over the next few years, an unprecedented struggle began in the Moscow state to eliminate the boyar stratum. Such actions had both a moral foundation and methods of physical violence.

The activities of Tsar Ivan the Terrible are still considered controversial by historians. But there is no doubt that at the beginning of his reign, the then young tsar was thinking about progressive transformations in the country. And she helped him Elected Rada. What is the Chosen Council? Who was part of it? What transformations did Ivan the Terrible carry out together with its members?

Elected Rada

The Elected Rada is an informal council under Ivan the Terrible, which included his friends and like-minded people. Despite the fact that the Rada was not an official body of power, it was its activities that primarily determined politics in Russia. The term was proposed by the closest associate of the king - Prince A.M. Kurbsky. The word "rad" among the Western Slavs meant "council".

Years of activity of the Chosen Rada

The elected Rada lasted 11 years: from 1549 to 1560 years. It was during this period that Grozny carried out large-scale reforms in literally all spheres of life.

Composition of the Elected Rada

    Confessor of the king Sylvester


    Metropolitan Macarius

    Head of the Ambassadorial Order I.M. Viskovaty

    Princes Kurbsky A.M. , Vorotynsky, Serebryany, Sheremetyevs and others.

Reforms of the Elected Rada

    Reform of local self-government.

In 1549 was first convened Zemsky Sobor, which marked the beginning of class representation in Russia. The cathedral provided communication between the central government and local authorities, discussed important issues.

AT 1556 the system was abolished feeding, in their place were taken by representatives of the zemstvo (local) self-government - heads and kissers. The local nobility also had the opportunity to elect their own zemstvo authorities and resolve local issues.

    Judicial reform.

In 1550, the Sudebnik was adopted, which significantly added the provisions of the Sudebnik of Ivan III: the central authority was strengthened, the powers of governors and volostels were reduced, the right of the peasants to leave on St. George's Day was confirmed, but the elderly , that is, payment for the use of the landowner's land, which became the next stage in the enslavement of the peasants.

    Reform of the Central Government

It was the beginning of the formation command system of power. Orders - central government bodies, were in charge of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity. At the head are clerks and clerks. A similar system existed until the end of the 17th century and was then replaced by Peter I with colleges. Orders: Petition, Local, Ambassadorial, Streltsy, Rogue and others .

    Church reform.

AT 1551 was convened Stoglavy Cathedral the name was given by the number of chapters of decisions made). Purpose: unification of church rites, recognition of local saints as all-Russian. Church canons (that is, requirements, laws) were clearly defined, for example, how to be baptized, how to go in procession, etc.

Much was devoted to improving the morality of the priests themselves.

    Military reform

Much attention was paid to strengthening the military power of the country. For this purpose, it was created standing army- archers, gunners, 1556 adopted Service regulations, in which a single order of service was determined. Interestingly, the Code noted that localism was limited during wars.

Thus, the Elected Rada played a huge role in reforming the country, its progressive development, and strengthening the state. For the first time Russia became class - representative monarchy. This is a great merit.

Reasons for the fall of the Chosen Rada

    The desire of Ivan the Terrible for autocracy, he no longer needed friends and advisers.

    The difficult relationship of some members of the Rada (Sylvester and Adashev) with the relatives of the first wife of Ivan the Terrible, Anastasia Zakharyeva-Yuryeva, especially after her death.

    There were foreign policy differences related to the Livonian War.

    Differences over reforms. The king was waiting for quick results, and the reforms were designed for a long period, it was difficult to immediately transform so many aspects of life, and the state apparatus itself was not yet ready for this, it worked inefficiently.

The fate of the members of the Elected Rada

The fate of Grozny's closest supporters was tragic.

    Sylvester was exiled in 1560 to the Solovetsky Monastery

    Adashev was sent to the war with Livonia, was soon arrested, and he died in prison.

    Prince Kurbsky, seeing the massacre of members of the Rada, fled to Livonia in 1564 and even fought Grozny on the side of the Lithuanians.

The fate of the other members of the Chosen Rada is also tragic. The defeat of the Rada was the beginning oprichnina- one of the most terrible periods in the history of Russia.

You can read about the life and work of Tsar Ivan the Terrible on my website

"Historical portraits"

Material prepared: Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna

The beginning of the reforms is associated with the creation in 1549 of the Chosen Rada - a circle of close associates of the tsar, who began to play the role of government under the young sovereign. Among the most important events of this government is the convening of the first in the history of Russia Zemsky Sobor in Moscow in February 1549. Throughout the 16th century. Zemstvo sobors met quite regularly and were meetings under the tsar, who were assigned an advisory role.

Sudebnik of Ivan IV was promulgated in June 1550. It determined the procedure for passing administrative, judicial and property cases in the structures of state power. The central state power was strengthened, the rights of governors were limited. Elected from the people (headmen, sots) were given the right to participate in the court. Sudebnik confirmed the right of St. George's Day, but increased the amount of money that the peasant tenant paid to the owner of the land.

Order reform(2nd half of the 50s of the 16th century). A system of executive power and state administration has been created, consisting of 22 orders. The reform resulted in an increase in the number of bureaucracy, covering with its influence all spheres of society.

Religious reform was held at the so-called "Stoglav Cathedral" (a meeting of the highest hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church) in 1551. The decisions of the council, summarized in 100 chapters, included: the transfer to the tsar of the lands seized by the church from nobles and peasants in his early childhood, as well as given by the boyars to the monasteries for the remembrance of the soul;

the prohibition of the church to increase its land holdings without the permission of the king; the establishment of uniformity in religious rites, responsibility for their violation, the election of archimandrites and abbots.

tax reform consisted in the introduction in 1551 of a new unit of taxation - a large plow. Its size varied depending on the estate of the owner of the land. For service people, one unit of tax was taken on average from 800 quarters of the land, for the church - 600 quarters, from black-shed peasants - 500 quarters.

military reform. In the beginning. In 1550, a streltsy army was created, initially numbering 3 thousand people. Artillery was singled out as a separate branch of the armed forces and quickly began to grow in numbers, having 3 thousand guns in service by the end of the reign of Ivan the Terrible. In July 1550 localism was abolished (occupation of military positions depending on the nobility of the family). Up to 600 quarters of land, the estate salaries for service to the nobles were increased. In 1556, the feeding system was liquidated, the boyars began to receive monetary salaries from the state for their service, which became the main source of livelihood. In the same year, the Code of Service was announced, equalizing the duties of military service between boyars and nobles.

Carrying out reforms, the government of the Chosen Rada tried to satisfy the interests of the service nobility at the expense of the aristocracy and the peasantry. As a result of the reforms carried out, there was a tendency to limit the autocracy by the new service noble aristocracy.