Yuri Valentinovich Lonchakov: biography. Yuri Lonchakov was involved in a scandal at the cosmonaut training center Perhaps he was worried about the material issue

Yuri Valentinovich Lonchakov was born on March 4, 1965 in the city of Balkhash, Dzhezkazgan Region, Kazakh SSR. He graduated from school number 22 in Aktobe. The future cosmonaut received his first education at the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School for Pilots. I. S. Polbin in the direction of "Command tactical naval missile-carrying aviation." In 1998, Yuri Lonchakov received the specialty of a pilot engineer-researcher, having graduated from the Air Force Engineering Academy named after N.N. E. Zhukovsky. In the period from 1986-1995. served in the Baltic Fleet in naval aviation units, later - in air defense units. After graduating in 1998 from the Air Force Engineering Academy named after N. E. Zhukovsky, Yuri Lonchakov were enrolled in the cosmonaut corps.

Yuri Lonchakov made his first flight into space from April 19 to May 1, 2001 on the Endeavor STS-100 shuttle. The flight duration was 11 days 21 hours 31 minutes 14 seconds. As a flight engineer, Lonchakov left the Earth from October 30 to November 10, 2002. He was accompanied by astronauts Sergey Zalyotin and Frank De Winne. The cosmonauts started on the Soyuz TMA-1 spacecraft and landed on the Soyuz TM-34 spacecraft. In October 2008, he flew into space as Soyuz TMA-13 ​​spacecraft commander and ISS Expedition 18 flight engineer together with Michael Fink and Richard Garriott. During the flights, the Russian cosmonaut performed two spacewalks - in December 2008, astronauts installed scientific equipment for the European EXPOSE-R experiment, installed scientific equipment on the Zvezda module to conduct the Impulse experiment. The duration of the first open spacewalk was more than 5 hours. For the second time, Yuri Lonchakov, together with other astronauts, installed scientific equipment on Zvezda for the EXPOSE-R experiment.

On September 24, 2010, the Higher Attestation Commission awarded him the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. On the same day, Colonel Yuri Lonchakov was approved for the post of Detachment Commander of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

Yuri Valentinovich was going to go on another space expedition in 2015 as the commander of the Soyuz TMA-16M crew, but in September 2013 he decided to leave the cosmonaut corps. By order of the head of the research testing center. Yu. A. Gagarin, Pilot-Cosmonaut of the Russian Federation, Colonel Yuri Valentinovich Lonchakov was dismissed from the post of instructor-test cosmonaut of the 2nd class and dismissed from the CTC on September 13, 2013 at his own request in connection with the transfer to a new job. On October 25, 2013, Yuri Lonchakov was appointed advisor to the head of Roscosmos, Oleg Ostapenko.

Publications with a mention on the site fedpress.ru

MOSCOW, October 25, RIA FederalPress. Pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Lonchakov took the post of adviser to the head of Roscosmos. The decision on the appointment was made by the head of the agency Oleg ...

Birthday March 04, 1965

Russian cosmonaut


Born on March 4, 1965 in the city of Balkhash, Dzhezkazgan Region, Kazakh SSR. In Aktyubinsk, he graduated from school No. 22. He entered the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (VVAUL) named after I. S. Polbin with a degree in Command Tactical Naval Missile-Carrying Aviation. In 1998, he graduated from the Air Force Engineering Academy (VVIA) named after N. E. Zhukovsky with a degree in Testing Aircraft and Their Systems, and received the qualification of a pilot-engineer-researcher.

From 1986 to 1995 he served in the naval aviation units of the Baltic Fleet, and then in the air defense units. In 1998, Lonchakov graduated from the Higher Military Engineering Academy named after N. E. Zhukovsky and was enrolled in the cosmonaut corps.

By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission dated September 24, 2010, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. On the same day, Colonel Yuri Lonchakov was approved as the Detachment Commander of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

space flights

  • From April 19 to May 1, 2001 as a specialist on the Endeavor STS-100 shuttle under the ISS assembly program. The flight duration was 11 days 21 hours 31 minutes 14 seconds.
  • From October 30 to November 10, 2002 as a flight engineer, together with Sergei Zaletin and Frank De Winne. Start at Soyuz TMA-1, landing at Soyuz TM-34. The flight duration was 10 days 20 hours 53 minutes 09 seconds.

Launched on October 12, 2008 at 07:01:33.243 UTC (11:01:33.243 Moscow time) as Soyuz TMA-13 ​​spacecraft commander and ISS Expedition 18 flight engineer together with Michael Fink and Richard Garriott. On October 14, 2008 at 08:26:14 UTC (12:26:14 Moscow time) the spacecraft was docked with the ISS (to the docking port of FGB Zarya).

During the flight, he performed two spacewalks: 12/24/2008 - duration 5 hours 38 minutes. The astronauts assembled the scientific equipment for the European EXPOSE-R experiment, installed the scientific equipment for the Impulse experiment on the Zvezda module, and also removed the second of the three Biorisk-MSN containers from the Pirs SO. 03/10/2009 - duration 4 hours 49 minutes. The astronauts installed equipment for the European scientific experiment EXPOSE-R on the outer surface of the Zvezda service module.

On April 8, 2009 at 02:55:30 UTC (06:55 Moscow time) the spacecraft undocked from the ISS, the braking pulse was issued at 06:24 UTC (10:24 Moscow time). At 07:16 UTC (11:16 Moscow time), the Soyuz TMA-13 ​​descent vehicle made a soft landing northeast of the city of Dzhezkazgan in Kazakhstan.

The flight duration was 178 days 0 hours 14 minutes 27 seconds.


  • Hero of the Russian Federation (2003)
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (April 2, 2010) - for courage and high professionalism shown during a space flight on the International Space Station
  • Medal "For Merit in Space Exploration" (April 12, 2011) - for great merits in the field of exploration, exploration and use of outer space, many years of conscientious work, active social activity
  • Pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation (2003)
  • Medal "For space flight" (2001)
  • Honored Worker of Aktobe region (2006)

Yuri Lonchakov / Photo from izvestia.ru

A real scandal at the Cosmonaut Training Center (TsPK) them. Gagarin flared up after the departure of Gennady Padalka from there, Kazinform reports.

On April 25, the head of the CTC, pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation Yuri Lonchakov posted an appeal "From the first person" on the center's website.

"On April 28, Gennady Padalka, a high professional, cosmonaut with tremendous experience, is expected to leave the detachment. G. Padalka's voluntary resignation was signed last week. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the age of the cosmonaut, who turns 59 this summer. We should not forget that work on the International Space Station, work in open space is not only a high risk, but also stress for the human body, as well as a blow to health," Yuri Lonchakov wrote.

The head of the CPC denied the information in the media that the CPC was firing cosmonauts indiscriminately. Yuri Lonchakov expressed the opinion that the CTC has come to the point where many cosmonauts are leaving flight positions, mainly for health reasons.

"Nevertheless, the CTC today successfully continues to train a new generation of cosmonauts, who will soon be assigned to the crews. The time has come when it is necessary to give way to the young generation of cosmonauts," Yuri Lonchakov believes.

In response to an appeal from the head of the CPC, space flight record holder, Hero of the Russian Federation Gennady Padalka published an open letter on April 27, in which he accused the CPC of lying, nepotism and desertion and proposed to dismiss Yuri Lonchakov from the post of head.

"The man who abandoned the crew, abandoned the Center and after a while returned with a" triumph "as the head of the Cosmonaut Training Center - the question is: how is this possible? - Gennady Padalka is indignant. - He, as a leader, should be removed as soon as possible, and not one, but with a part a team that is recruited not on the basis of professionalism and authority, but on the principle of loyalty, personal devotion and nepotism. Otherwise, the center will be completely ruined."

It is reported that three more cosmonauts also left the Roscosmos detachment: Sergei Volkov, Alexander Samokutyaev and Sergei Revin. According to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who explained the situation, the reason for the reduction is the planned rejuvenation of the personnel of the Russian cosmonaut corps.

According to Wikipedia, Yuri Lonchakov was born on March 4, 1965 in the city of Balkhash, Dzhezkazgan region. In Aktobe he graduated from secondary school No. 22, as well as the School of Young Pilots named after V.I. Patsaev. Graduate of the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School named after I.S. Polbin and the Air Force Engineering Academy named after N. E. Zhukovsky.

Made three flights into space. From April 19 to May 1, 2001 - as a specialist on the Endeavor STS-100 shuttle under the ISS assembly program. From October 30 to November 10, 2002 - as a flight engineer, together with Sergei Zalyotin and Frank De Winne. From October 12, 2008 to April 8, 2009 - as Soyuz TMA-13 ​​spacecraft commander and ISS Expedition 18 flight engineer together with Michael Fink and Richard Garriott. Twice went into open space.

On September 24, 2010, Yuri Lonchakov was approved as the commander of the detachment of the Yu. A. Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. In 2013, he resigned from the CPC, but a month later he returned again. On April 7, 2013, he was appointed head of the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

In it, the Hero of Russia outlined his view on the personnel disaster in the industry

The story associated with the scandalous departure from the TsPK them. Gagarin of a whole group of cosmonauts, was continued. The head of the Cosmonaut Training Center, Yuri Lonchakov, posted on the organization's website on April 25 an appeal "From the First Person", outlining his vision of the situation. In response to this appeal, Gennady Padalka, who was among those who left the detachment, gave us an emotional open letter. We publish both documents.

Message from the Head of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, Pilot-Cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation Yuri Lonchakov

“The cosmonaut corps is a living organism. We value the experience and knowledge of each cosmonaut, we recognize his uniqueness, potential and important role in the development of manned cosmonautics. It is quite obvious that the resources of the human body are limited, and life does not stand still. Therefore, sooner or later the cosmonauts have to leave the detachment. For some - because of a change in life priorities, for others - for health reasons. And this, no matter how sad, is a completely natural process.

I would like to note that many cosmonauts who leave the detachment and leave their flight positions pass on their experience to the younger generation of cosmonauts, remaining at the Center and training them. And we really appreciate this trend and try to support it in every possible way. There are vivid examples of this - pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation Yuri Onufrienko, pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation Valery Korzun, head of the cosmonaut training department of the CTC, pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation Salizhan Sharipov, who today manages the youth educational Cosmocenter.

Pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation Yuri Malenchenko continues to work at the Center, behind whom 6 space flights with a total duration of 827 days, holding the position of the first deputy head of the Center, pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation Mikhail Tyurin - deputy commander of the cosmonaut squad for training. There are cosmonauts who, despite the fact that they left the CTC, remain in the space industry. One such example is pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation Oleg Kotov (Head of the Center for Manned Programs at TsNIIMash). Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Each person has the right to determine his own life path and further direction of activity.

On the 28th, as expected, Gennady Padalka, a highly professional cosmonaut with vast experience, will leave the detachment. G. Padalka's voluntary resignation letter was signed last week. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the age of the cosmonaut, who turns 59 this summer. It should not be forgotten that work on the International Space Station, work in outer space is not only a high risk, but also stress for the human body, as well as a blow to health.

Information appeared in the media that the CPC was firing cosmonauts indiscriminately. This is wrong. Such cosmonauts as, for example, Oleg Kotov or Roman Romanenko, left the detachment after the decision of the Chief Medical Commission. The departure of each cosmonaut from the detachment is a difficult decision not only for the cosmonaut, but also for the CTC, for manned cosmonautics. There was a time when the detachment was fully staffed, there was a period when it was "not updated" for a long time. Now the CTC has come to the point where many cosmonauts are leaving their flight posts, while the main part is forced to do this for health reasons. Nevertheless, the CPC today successfully continues to train a new generation of cosmonauts, who, we hope, will be assigned to crews in the near future. We are preparing to accept new candidates and we are confident that they will be able to learn from the experience of those cosmonauts who have completed space flights, those who continue to work at the Center and remain in the space industry. The time has come when it is necessary to give way to the younger generation of cosmonauts, and the leadership of the state corporation Roscosmos fully supports us in this.”

Open letter from pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Russian Federation Gennady Padalka

“What can be said? I tried to avoid any comments, at least until I left the Center, and despite the fact that dozens of journalists from various publications asked me about it. But I can’t help but react to the publication of the head of the Center “From the First Person” dated April 25, 2017 on the CPC website.

All this is called: "comrade is nervous." The level of cynicism and the absence of any conscience are striking.

Most of all, I was shocked by the words about Oleg Kotov, the man whom he survived and squeezed out of the Center, forgetting about it. Oleg in 2015-2016 was appointed to the position of director of the department for manned programs of Roscosmos. Lonchakov did everything to prevent this from happening, realizing that in this position Oleg would oppose some of his adventurous projects in the Center.

At first, a stuffing was made to Roskosmos that the entire cosmonaut corps was allegedly against such an appointment. It is a favorite practice to hide behind the authority of the Squad. A meeting was held in the Detachment, at which he was caught lying in certain moments, and everything turned out to be just the opposite. A letter was sent to the head of Roscosmos in support of Oleg Kotov.

Some time later, another story was organized (it is not difficult to guess by whom) that allegedly Kotov had once submitted a false document on flight education to the Center. At the initiative of Lonchakov, the competent authorities were engaged in this, having found out that the diploma of flight education was obtained legally. The trial took more than six months, and the head of Roscosmos appointed another person.

In general, "comrade is nervous" and says the wrong thing. He would do better to tell about the crew, which he abandoned (more correctly, deserted) after his appointment for the flight. The head of Roskosmos Popovkin V.A. was forced to look for an urgent replacement. The choice fell on me. I then left the management, which I led, and left for the fifth flight.

It is also necessary to tell about how Lonchakov left the Center and unexpectedly “surfaced” as an adviser (or assistant) to the then head of Roskosmos Ostapenko O.N. and worked in this position to his advantage.

Not without the help of certain "personalities", a campaign was launched in the Center to discredit Sergei Krikalev. By the way, I assure you that under all the letters against Krikalev to all authorities, the overwhelming majority of the cosmonauts from the Detachment put their signatures by force. Someone was persuaded, someone was persuaded, someone did it because of a misunderstanding of the situation.

I will not talk about other "exploits", in particular, I will not go into details of the qualification he received as a "cosmonaut of the first class". This is a complete discredit of the level of professionalism in our profession.

The man who abandoned the crew, abandoned the Center and after some time returned with a "triumph" as the head of the Cosmonaut Training Center - the question is: how is this possible?

He, as a leader, should be removed as soon as possible, and not just one, but with a part of the team, which was recruited not on the basis of professionalism and authority, but on the basis of loyalty, personal devotion and nepotism. Otherwise, the Center will be completely ruined.”