Blog "home treatment". Resonance is a physical phenomenon. Theory and real examples What is the essence of resonance

Resonance is the phenomenon of a sharp increase in the amplitude of forced oscillations, which occurs when the frequency of the external influence approaches certain values ​​(resonance frequencies) determined by the properties of the system. An increase in amplitude is only a consequence of resonance, and the reason is the coincidence of the external (exciting) frequency with the internal (natural) frequency of the oscillatory system. Using the phenomenon of resonance, even very weak periodic oscillations can be isolated and/or amplified. Resonance is a phenomenon that at a certain frequency of the driving force the oscillatory system is especially responsive to the action of this force.

Every mechanical elastic system has its own vibration frequency. If any force throws this system out of equilibrium and then ceases to act, the system will oscillate around its equilibrium position for some time. The frequency of these oscillations is called the natural frequency of oscillations of the system. The rate of its attenuation depends on elastic properties and mass, on friction forces and does not depend on the force that caused the vibrations.

If the force that brings the mechanical system out of balance changes with a frequency equal to the frequency of the natural frequency of oscillations, then the deformation of one period will be superimposed by the deformation of the next period and the system will sway with an ever-increasing amplitude, theoretically ad infinitum. Naturally, the structure will not be able to withstand such an ever-increasing deformation and will collapse.

The coincidence of the frequency of natural oscillations with the frequency of change of the electrodynamic force is called mechanical resonance.

Full resonance is observed when the frequency of force oscillations exactly coincides with the frequency of natural vibrations of the structure and equal positive and negative amplitudes, partial resonance - when the frequencies do not completely coincide and unequal amplitudes.

To avoid fur resonance it is necessary that the frequency of natural vibrations of the structure differs from the frequency of change of the electrodynamic force. It is better when the frequency of natural vibrations lies below the frequency of change in force. The selection of the required frequency of natural oscillations can be done in various ways. For tires, for example, by changing the free span length

When, when the frequency of the variable component of the electric force is close to the natural frequency of mechanical vibrations, even with relatively small forces, destruction of the apparatus due to resonance phenomena is possible.

Tires under the influence of EDF perform forced vibrations in the form of standing waves. If the frequency of free vibrations is above 200 Hz, then the forces are calculated for the static mode without taking into account resonance.

If the frequency of free vibrations of the tire during design, they strive to exclude the possibility of resonance by choosing the length of the free span of the tire.

With flexible tire mounting, the natural frequency of mechanical vibrations is reduced. The EDF energy is partially spent on deformation of current-carrying parts, and partially on moving them and the associated flexible fasteners. At the same time fur. The stresses in the tire material are reduced

March 02 2016

Resonance is a sharp increase in the amplitude of forced oscillations, which occurs when the frequency of the external influence approaches certain values ​​(resonance frequencies) determined by the properties of the oscillatory system. An increase in amplitude occurs when the external (exciting) frequency coincides with the internal (natural) frequency of the oscillatory system. With the help of resonant phenomena, even very weak harmonic vibrations can be isolated and/or amplified. Resonance is a phenomenon in which the oscillatory system is particularly responsive to the influence of a certain frequency of the driving force.

There are quite a few situations in our lives in which resonance manifests itself. For example, if you bring a ringing tuning fork to a stringed musical instrument, the acoustic wave emanating from the tuning fork will cause vibration of the string tuned to the frequency of the tuning fork, and it will sound itself.

Another example, the well-known experiment with a thin-walled glass. If you measure the frequency of sound at which a glass rings, and apply sound with the same frequency from a frequency generator, but with a larger amplitude, through an amplifier and speaker back to the glass, its walls resonate with the frequency of the sound coming from the speaker and begin to vibrate. Increasing the amplitude of this sound to a certain level leads to the destruction of the glass.

Bioresonance: from Ancient Rus' to the present day

Our Orthodox ancestors, tens of thousands of years before the arrival of Christianity in Rus', knew well about the power of bell ringing and tried to install a bell tower in every village! Due to this, in the Middle Ages, Rus', rich in church bells, avoided the devastating plague epidemics, unlike Europe (Gaul), in which holy inquisitors burned at the stake not only all scientists and knowledgeable people, but also all the ancient “heretical” books written in the Glagolitic alphabet that kept unique knowledge of our ancestors, including the power of resonance!

Thus, all Orthodox knowledge accumulated over centuries was prohibited, destroyed and replaced by the new Christian faith. However, to this day, data on bioresonance are prohibited. Even after centuries, any information about treatment methods that do not bring profit to the pharmaceutical industry is kept silent. While the annual multi-billion dollar turnover of pharmaceuticals is growing every year.

A striking example of the use of resonant frequencies in Rus', and this is a fact that cannot be avoided. When a plague epidemic broke out in Moscow in 1771 (1771), Catherine II sent Count Orlov from St. Petersburg with four Life Guards and a huge staff of doctors. All life in Moscow was paralyzed. In order to ward off the “pestilence”, the laity fumigated their homes, lit huge fires in the streets, and all of Moscow was shrouded in black smoke, since it was then believed that the plague spread through the air, but this did not help much. They also rang the alarm (the largest bell) and all the smaller bells with all their might for 3 days in a row, as they firmly believed that the ringing of the bells would ward off terrible misfortune from the city. A few days later the epidemic began to recede. "What's the secret?" - you ask. In fact, the answer lies on the surface.

Now let’s look at a well-known example of the use of bioresonance in our time. In order to maintain the purity of the experiment, doctors placed metal plates in the ward with cancer patients, similar to those used in ancient monasteries, so that the patients could not associate the bells with the church, and self-hypnosis, born involuntarily, could not significantly affect the results of the research. When selecting individual frequencies for each patient, many titanium plates of various sizes were used. The result exceeded all expectations!

After exposure to acoustic waves of a certain frequency on the biologically active points of the patients, 30% of the patients stopped having pain and were able to fall asleep, and another 30% of the patients stopped having pain that was not relieved by the strongest narcotic anesthetics!

Currently, to achieve the resonance effect, there is no need to use huge bells, but there is a unique opportunity to use the achievements of science and technology, created electronic devices based on frequency resonance, in other words, Smart Life bioresonance therapy devices.

The resonance effect in biological structures can be caused by:

Acoustic waves

Mechanical impact

Electromagnetic waves in the visible and radio frequency ranges

Magnetic field pulses

Pulses of weak electric current

Pulsed thermal effects

That is, the resonance effect in biological structures can be caused by external influences and any physical phenomena that arise during biochemical reactions inside a living cell. Moreover, each biological structure has its own unique frequency spectrum that accompanies biochemical processes and responds to external influences, both the main resonant frequency and higher or lower harmonics from the main frequency, with an amplitude as many times greater as these harmonics are distant from the frequency of the main resonance .

How can you use the power of resonance in everyday life, and what method of influence should you choose?

Acoustic waves

Guess what happens to tartar when it is removed, using ultrasound in the dentist's office or when breaking up kidney stones? The answer is obvious. And without a doubt, acoustic exposure is an excellent opportunity for healing the body, if not for one “but”. Bells weigh a lot, are expensive, create a lot of noise, and can only be used permanently.

A magnetic field

To cause at least any noticeable effect from the influence of a pulsating magnetic field on the entire body, it is necessary to make an electromagnet of enormous size and weighing a couple of tons; it will occupy half the room and consume a lot of electricity. The inertia of the system will not allow its use at high frequencies. Small electromagnets can only be used locally due to their short range. You also need to know exactly the areas on the body and the frequency of exposure. The conclusion is disappointing: using a magnetic field to treat diseases is not economically feasible at home.

Electricity Electromagnetic waves
For the frequency resonance method, you can use radio waves with a carrier frequency from 10 kHz to 300 MHz, since this range has the lowest absorption coefficient of electromagnetic waves by our body and it is transparent to them, as well as electromagnetic waves in the visible and infrared spectrum. Visible red light with a wavelength from 630 nm to 700 nm penetrates tissue to a depth of 10 mm, and infrared light from 800 nm to 1000 nm penetrates to a depth of 40 mm and deeper, also causing some thermal effects when braking in tissue. To influence biologically active zones on the surface of the skin, you can use radio waves with a carrier frequency of up to ~ 50 GHz

Have you heard that a squad of soldiers must stop marching when crossing a bridge? The soldiers, who were previously walking in step, stop doing so and begin to walk at a free pace.

Such an order is not given by commanders with the goal of giving soldiers the opportunity to admire the local beauty. This is done to prevent the soldiers from destroying the bridge. What's the connection here? Very simple. To understand this, you need to become familiar with the phenomenon of resonance.

What is the phenomenon of resonance: vibration frequency

To better understand what resonance is, remember such a simple and pleasant pastime as riding a hanging swing. One person sits on them, and the second swings them.

And by applying very little force, even a child can rock an adult very strongly. How does he achieve this? The frequency of its swinging coincides with the frequency of the swinging one, resonance occurs, and the amplitude of the swinging increases greatly. Something like this. But first things first.

Oscillation frequency This is the number of vibrations in one second. It is measured not in times, but in hertz (1 Hz). That is, an oscillation frequency of 50 hertz means that the body makes 50 oscillations per second.

In the case of forced oscillations, there is always a self-oscillating (or in our case swinging) body and a driving force. So this external force acts with a certain frequency on the body.

And if its frequency is very different from the oscillation frequency of the body itself, then the external force will weakly help the body oscillate or, scientifically speaking, weakly enhance its oscillations.

For example, if you try to swing a person on a swing by pushing him while he is flying towards you, you can break your hands and throw the person off, but you are unlikely to swing him much.

But if you swing it, pushing it in the direction of movement, then you need very little effort to achieve the result. This is it frequency coincidence or vibration resonance. At the same time, their amplitude increases greatly.

Examples of resonant oscillations: benefits and harms

Likewise, when riding another version of the swing in the form of a board on a stand, it is easier and more effective to push off the ground with your feet when your side of the swing is already rising, and not when it is falling.

For the same reason, a car stuck in a hole is gradually rocked and pushed forward at the moments when it itself moves forward. This significantly increases its inertia, increasing the amplitude of vibrations.

We can give many similar examples that show that in practice we very often use the phenomenon of resonance, but we do it intuitively, without realizing that we are applying the rules of physics.

The usefulness of the resonance phenomenon was discussed above. However, resonance can also be harmful. Sometimes the resulting increase in vibration amplitude can be very harmful. In particular, we talked about the company of soldiers on the bridge.

So there were several cases in history when bridges actually collapsed and fell into the water under the steps of soldiers. The last of them occurred about a hundred years ago in St. Petersburg. In such cases, the frequency of the blows of the soldiers' boots coincided with the vibration frequency of the bridge, and the bridge collapsed.

Before you begin to get acquainted with the phenomena of resonance, you should study the physical terms associated with it. There are not many of them, so it will not be difficult to remember and understand their meaning. So, first things first.

What is the amplitude and frequency of movement?

Imagine an ordinary yard where a child sits on a swing and waves his legs to swing. At the moment when he manages to swing the swing and it reaches from one side to the other, the amplitude and frequency of the movement can be calculated.

Amplitude is the greatest length of deviation from the point where the body was in the equilibrium position. If we take our example of a swing, then the amplitude can be considered the highest point to which the child swings.

And frequency is the number of oscillations or oscillatory movements per unit time. Frequency is measured in Hertz (1 Hz = 1 cycle per second). Let's return to our swing: if a child passes only half the entire length of the swing in 1 second, then its frequency will be equal to 0.5 Hz.

How is frequency related to the phenomenon of resonance?

We have already found out that frequency characterizes the number of vibrations of an object in one second. Imagine now that an adult helps a weakly swinging child to swing, pushing the swing over and over again. Moreover, these shocks also have their own frequency, which will increase or decrease the swing amplitude of the “swing-child” system.

Let's say an adult pushes a swing while it is moving towards him, in this case the frequency will not increase the amplitude of the movement. That is, an external force (in this case, pushes) will not increase the oscillation of the system.

If the frequency with which an adult swings a child is numerically equal to the swing frequency itself, resonance may occur. In other words, an example of resonance is the coincidence of the frequency of the system itself with the frequency of forced oscillations. It is logical to imagine that frequency and resonance are interrelated.

Where can you see an example of resonance?

It is important to understand that examples of resonance are found in almost all areas of physics, from sound waves to electricity. The meaning of resonance is that when the frequency of the driving force is equal to the natural frequency of the system, then at that moment it reaches its highest value.

The following example of resonance will give insight. Let's say you are walking on a thin board thrown across a river. When the frequency of your steps coincides with the frequency or period of the entire system (board-person), the board begins to oscillate strongly (bend up and down). If you continue to move in the same steps, the resonance will cause a strong vibration amplitude of the board, which goes beyond the permissible value of the system and this will ultimately lead to inevitable failure of the bridge.

There are also areas of physics where it is possible to use such a phenomenon as useful resonance. The examples may surprise you, because we usually use it intuitively, without even realizing the scientific side of the issue. So, for example, we use resonance when we try to pull a car out of a hole. Remember, it is easiest to achieve results only when you push the car as it moves forward. This example of resonance increases the range of motion, thereby helping to pull the car.

Examples of harmful resonance

It is difficult to say which resonance is more common in our lives: good or harmful to us. History knows a considerable number of terrifying consequences of the resonance phenomenon. Here are the most famous events where an example of resonance can be observed.

  1. In France, in the city of Angers, in 1750, a detachment of soldiers walked in step across a chain bridge. When the frequency of their steps coincided with the frequency of the bridge, the range of vibrations (amplitude) increased sharply. There was a resonance, and the chains broke, and the bridge collapsed into the river.
  2. There have been cases when in villages a house was destroyed due to a truck driving along the main road.

As you can see, resonance can have very dangerous consequences, which is why engineers should carefully study the properties of construction objects and correctly calculate their vibration frequencies.

Beneficial Resonance

The resonance is not limited to dire consequences. By carefully studying the world around us, one can observe many good and beneficial results of resonance for humans. Here is one striking example of resonance that allows people to receive aesthetic pleasure.

The design of many musical instruments operates on the principle of resonance. Let's take a violin: the body and the string form a single oscillatory system, inside of which there is a pin. It is through it that vibration frequencies are transmitted from the upper deck to the lower one. When the luthier moves the bow along the string, the latter, like an arrow, overcomes the friction of the rosin surface and flies in the opposite direction (begins to move in the opposite area). A resonance occurs, which is transmitted to the housing. And inside it there are special holes - f-holes, through which the resonance is brought out. This is how it is controlled in many stringed instruments (guitar, harp, cello, etc.).

With every little effort you make on the path to get closer to the Divine, the Deity makes a much greater effort to get closer to you.
HA. Livraga

Resonance is like an iceberg. In general, it represents a universal law (for example, Tesla considered the law of resonance to be the most general natural law). But only a small part of it is open to our eyes. This includes almost the entire range of associations associated with the word “resonance”. These are pendulums on a common thread, and dishes rattling in the closet in response to a tram passing along the street, and swinging swings, and the St. Petersburg bridge, which collapsed from the march of a company of soldiers passing across it, and laser generation, etc.

What does the depths conceal and how can we find out about it? Firstly, you can wait until, through the efforts of science, a piece of the underwater part appears above the surface. This method works because, despite the efforts of tireless researchers, the iceberg resonance actually floats to the surface. And every day it opens up more and more new facets for us. This includes magnetic resonance imaging - “Nobel laureate” in 2003, and bioresonance with numerous areas of its practical application (homeopathy, acupuncture, Voll and Kirlian diagnostics, etc.), and much more. Secondly, you can catch a glimpse of the underwater part of the iceberg yourself by diving into the depths of some phenomenon outside or inside yourself. But when we surface, we are faced with the inevitable difficulty of describing what we have experienced adequately and understandably to others. And then we either keep our experience to ourselves, or try to translate it into a universal language - a figurative, symbolic language of legends, myths and parables, or the language of science. In both cases, we draw a parallel with what is already known, accepted and understood, calling for help an effective tool of thought - the principle of analogies. For example, in a situation when we understand each other without words, when we feel the thoughts and feelings of a friend, regardless of the distance and time separating us, we can say: we are on the same wavelength, we are in resonance. And the principle of analogies is also resonance - agreement, consonance, correspondence of principles and laws applicable to many planes of manifestation of life: “As above, so below, as below, so above.”

Richard Gerber calls resonance “the key to understanding and controlling any system, which will open the door to the invisible world of life processes.” What is a key? This is what reveals the meaning of what is happening outside and inside us. This is what helps to approach the study of the unknown not only with questions of what and how is happening, but also why and why. Perhaps there is a reason to look at the physics of resonance in the hope of finding such a key in it (is it by chance that the word “reason” means “reasonable argument”, “meaning”)? The key to understanding and managing not just any system. The key to understanding and managing yourself. So, on a good journey to explore the underwater part of the iceberg-resonance, and at the same time ourselves. After all, a person is like an iceberg. And everything we know about ourselves is only a tiny part of our true nature (scientists, for example, believe that in our daily life we ​​use only 4% of our brain's capabilities).

“Know yourself, and you will know the Universe and the Gods.”

Resonance: what, how and why

All connections between phenomena are established exclusively through various types of simple and complex resonances - coordinated vibrations of physical systems.
N. Tesla
Resonance (from the Latin resono - “I sound in response, I respond”) is:
1) sharp increase:
amplitudes of mechanical (sound) vibrations under the influence of external influences, when the frequency of natural vibrations of the system coincides with the frequency of vibrations of the external influence - mechanical (acoustic) resonance;
current strength in the circuit when the frequency of the external influence approaches the natural frequency of the circuit’s oscillations - electrical resonance;
the number of photons absorbed by the system, causing quantum transitions to a higher energy level, when the photon energy coincides with the difference in the energies of two energy levels - quantum resonance;

Resonance conditions

Condition one: “we are not alone.” A person, whether he wants it or not, never exists on his own, never lives in isolation. A person continuously interacts with a wide range of all kinds of creatures and phenomena that affect him. When does such interaction become resonance?

Condition two: the meaning of the word “resonance” tells us this. Resonance is observed only when something in us corresponds, harmonizes, agrees with the influence from the outside and responds to it, when this influence has something to cling to. This means that our inner nature is similar to the nature that surrounds us - “man is a microcosm of the Macrocosm.” What is this similarity based on, what interacts within us and outside of us?

Condition three: “there is no rest, everything moves, rotating.” Everything inside and outside of us is permeated with various vibrations - mechanical, acoustic, electromagnetic, etc. Even in the simplest single-celled organism, vibrations occur at the subatomic, atomic, molecular, subcellular and cellular levels. And our bodies are truly multi-level ensembles of vibrating particles, from atoms to organs and tissues. For example, DNA molecules and cell membranes can vibrate in the radio wave frequency range. Organs also vibrate at a frequency characteristic of most people (heart and muscles of internal organs - 7 Hz; alpha mode of brain function - 4-6 Hz, beta mode - 20-30 Hz). And what we perceive from the outside with the help of our senses (hearing - air vibrations, vision - electromagnetic vibrations in the visible range, touch - mechanical and thermal vibrations, etc.), and what we emit outside (thoughts, emotions, words , actions) - all are vibrations, varying in character and intensity. We perceive the vibrational nature of a swinging swing or a sounding string directly; light and heat - using special devices; and we do not perceive thoughts and emotions at all, since the speed of their vibrations goes beyond the perceptual ability of our senses.

From the third condition it is easy to approach the meaning of resonance as the law of harmonious unification, the birth of the Whole. A person is a complex system, consisting of an astronomical number of parts, large and small, vibrating with a period from fractions of a second (molecular oscillations, ion flows, etc.) to several years (hormonal). But despite such an abundance of component parts, thanks to their resonant synchronization, our body is a single whole. Man as a whole is part of a more global Whole - nature, society, humanity. And it interacts both with the Whole itself and with its other full parts. This interaction is the more successful, the more human activity is in harmony, in accordance with the laws of existence of the whole. We cannot help but be part of the whole. We can become an inharmonious part of it, opposing ourselves to the rest, like a cancer cell, but this opposition will ultimately affect us, our health on all planes (even a cancer cell, by killing the body, deprives itself of the future). After all, health is harmony, agreement, correspondence between the external and the internal, the whole and its part. In modern Russian, the word “whole” means “one from which nothing is subtracted or separated,” but originally this word meant “healthy.”

E/m wave frequencies:
102-108 Hz - radio waves (20-2x104 Hz - audible sound)
109-1011 Hz - microwave radio waves
1013-1014 Hz - infrared light (heat)
1015 Hz - visible light
1015-1016 Hz - ultraviolet light
1017-1020 Hz - X-ray radiation
1020-1022 Hz - gamma radiation

The resonant unification of parts into a single whole occurs according to the principle of “minimum energy”: each of the participants in a common cause who are in resonance (be it pendulums on a common thread, organs in the body or people united by good will and a noble goal) requires less energy than if operated separately. This does not mean that every part is working at half capacity. This means that a group of people, working with full dedication, is able to do something that each individual would never dare to do. This means that the properties of the whole are qualitatively superior to the simple sum of the properties of its constituent parts.

Resonance serves as an indicator of the properties inherent in the object, and allows you to identify even very weak vibrations. For example, if two musical instruments are tuned in the same way and you start playing one of them, the other will also sound. Resonance methods for studying substances and processes occurring in a living organism are based on this property. An important conclusion follows from this: using resonance, it is possible to identify and enhance only those properties of an object that already exist in it. At the same time, the effects should not be intense or energetically powerful. Especially at the stage when the object is especially susceptible to them. Thus, the right word spoken at the right time can create a miracle. And many fateful, turning points in our lives are consequences of this kind of resonance.

Resonance is the key to understanding and managing yourself

Like attracts like.Or: whoever you get along with, that’s what you want.

A person is simultaneously influenced by the “external environment” and influences it himself. A person, on the one hand, is a system in which resonance can be excited; on the other hand, he is capable of acting as an external force that causes resonance in others. Does all this happen by itself, without conscious control on the part of the person? Partly yes. This is especially true for a wide range of electromagnetic interactions between humans and the environment. But with thoughts, emotions and their verbal expression, the situation is different. It is not difficult to admit that a person is responsible for his actions. But, according to karma, which does not sleep, “actions” should include not only physical actions, but also words, emotions and thoughts. Of course, we cannot be responsible for the actions of all those who influence us! But these influences give rise to a response in us (the literal translation of the word “resonance”), our own reaction, which, manifesting itself outside, becomes an “action” for the consequences of which we are already responsible. It turns out to be a “chain reaction”: impact - response = impact - response = impact... Otherwise, this can be called a chain of actions and reactions, causes and consequences. Sometimes such a chain becomes a vivid illustration of the principle “what goes around comes around.” For example: the boss neighbor scolded dad; dad “shared” his irritation with mom; Mom rashly spanked her son; the son kicked the dog. And the dog, going out for a walk, bit... a neighbor! Fortunately, “relay races” of joy, kindness, and gratitude also exist... Which response we will give the green light, and which we will keep to ourselves (or not generate at all), depends only on us. And ideally, “hatred is not conquered by hatred, but by love” (Buddha).

Responsibility is not an easy thing. It is much more pleasant to look for the cause of your troubles outside and consider yourself an innocent victim of someone’s bad influence. But the law of resonance is inexorable: any impact only reveals what is hidden in us. “Problems” are not external, they are within ourselves. For example, a person gets sick. Why? Because he was attacked by “enemies” - viruses, microbes, allergens, carcinogens, etc.? The tactics for preventing and treating the disease with this approach are obvious: one must defend against the enemy with all one’s might, and if he has penetrated, then destroy it immediately. But is this approach always justified? Is there an alternative? There is, and it goes back to ancient times. Its essence is that all external “enemies” are capable of hitting only those who are already ready to get sick. This means that the main cause of the disease is in the person himself. “If the vibrations of an evil spirit, the causative agent of a disease, and a person coincide, the person gets sick” (Ayurveda). And in order to recover, a person’s efforts in understanding this cause and in changing himself and medical help from the outside must meet each other halfway.

The resonance of internal and external underlies the perception of information, exploration of the unknown, discoveries and insights. The mystery of knowledge does not happen in a vacuum. Ideas are in the air, but only those who are tuned in to perceive them can catch them. The discovery of a secret is the Response of knowledge to the Call of the efforts of the researcher. Great discoveries are made by a few, small discoveries accompany each of us. And they are always preceded by a search, new knowledge always comes to fertile soil, fertilized with knowledge already accepted and applied by us. It is not without reason that they say that any new information should contain a share (30-50%) of what is known. Only then will she be understood. After all, resonance with the known enhances the ability to perceive the new.

The law of “like attracts like” is also true in the sphere of relationships. For example, if something irritates us in someone, this is a sure sign that we carry this quality within ourselves. And we can direct all that energy of indignation that we are used to pouring out on the offender to searching for the appropriate quality and overcoming it. Therefore, one of the criteria for a person’s moral purity is his kindness and tolerance towards others.

There are periods in life when a person does not find a common language with anyone and cannot fit into any group. At the same time, he either passively waits for others to take steps towards him, or aggressively invades someone else's territory. Let's imagine an established orchestra and a musician whose instrument is out of tune. And the musician either waits for the instrument to tune itself, or does not want to change anything at all, believing that his instrument is the only one that is tuned correctly. It is clear that this musician’s part will be in clear dissonance with the overall sound of the orchestra and the conductor will be forced to take action. What will the musician do? Will he confirm his opposition to the hostile world or... will he tune his instrument in unison with the orchestra?

A person's thoughts and feelings are like an instrument. How to set it up? To find such an “instrument”, the harmony of whose sound we have no doubt, whose music of life awakens in us the desire to follow it. This could be a real person or a hero from movies, novels, legends and myths. And if his example resonates in us, it means that in our soul there is at least one string tuned in unison with the soul of the hero. “The ability to admire means the ability to achieve, and love and respect for the great means that a person is able to grow up to them” (A. Besant). And it doesn’t matter if this inspiring quality has not yet fully manifested itself in us, if the sound of our instrument is still far from ideal. The main thing is that we want to achieve it, that we have found and heard in ourselves the string along which gradually, effort by effort, we will tune our instrument. And its more and more harmonious sound will touch the corresponding strings in the souls of other people.

A person, step by step, step by step cognizing himself, goes towards his own destiny, learns to respond to its Call and becomes a Call for others. Every effort, every victory over oneself, every right step on this path brings the Meeting-Resonance of a person and his Destination closer. Resonance, which provides a chance to see the next step, as well as joy and strength to achieve it. “Every step you take along the way makes the horizon you are going to move one step further. When one sacrament opens before you, it can be compared to the power of a springboard, throwing you up to another sacrament, even higher and more hidden... and so on constantly” (H.A. Livraga).

The nature of the standard tuning fork
(according to B.V. Gladkov)
The amazing commitment of musicians to a sound signal whose frequency of vibration of the fundamental tone is equal to 440 Hz (or close to it) has long been traced. This signal has been elevated to the rank of a standard international tuning fork, intended for tuning all musical instruments. The standard tuning fork is assigned the value of the note “A” in the first octave of the musical scale. So why this sound and not any other?
“There is a legend that in ancient times, near the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes, every morning at dawn this sound was made by a huge statue, known as the colossus of Memnon, and Theban musicians came to it to tune their instruments. The Colossus of Memnon stopped sounding at the beginning of our era, and it is now impossible to verify the truth of the legend” (G.E. Shilov).
On the other hand, relatively recently it was found that the first cry of a newborn, announcing a change in “place of residence,” turned out to be almost the same in pitch (or frequency of the sound signal) in all individuals, regardless of gender and race. With a spread of about -3%, the signal value on the frequency scale corresponds to 440 Hz (note A). In particular, Bulgarian phoniatrist Ivan Maksimov writes about this. Probably, this sound began to play the role of a reference sound, since it corresponds to the first cry of a newborn. But then the question remains: why does a newborn make this particular sound? And does the legend of the Colossus of Memnon have any basis?

There is a well-known fact in Indian classical music: if you place a sitar in an empty room in the corner, and a skilled sitar player plays opposite, the other sitar will begin to vibrate at the same frequency as the first, repeating the melody. But this only happens if the musician is a high-class one. A singer with the power of his voice can smash a glass into pieces, provided that the note taken exactly matches the frequency characteristics of this glass.

IN AND. Cherepanov. Resonance methods for studying matter

A person is in resonance with the Earth: the heart rate averages 70 beats per minute - 7 Hz (1 Hz - 1 vibration per second). The frequency of the Earth's "pulse" is about 7.5 Hz (according to N. Tesla).

Resonance methods for studying substances are the most sensitive and accurate. They have found wide application in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. Each substance has its own frequency or energy spectrum characteristic only of it. This set of frequencies serves as a business card of a substance, by studying which one can recognize the chemical composition, structure, symmetry, the nature of internal interactions (electrical, magnetic, etc.) between the structural units of the substance and its other characteristics.

The theory of resonance in chemistry, proposed in the 30s. XX century L. Pauling, allows us to judge the equivalence of certain bonds and structural elements in molecules, their symmetry, stability and reactivity. Within the framework of the resonance theory, such widely used concepts as one- and three-electron bonds, hybridization of bond orbitals, superconjugation, as well as the concept of the partially ionic nature of covalent bonds between different atoms were introduced.

Everything that happens on the plane of matter is only a reflection in dense matter of what is happening on the higher planes, and we can always find support for our limping imagination by studying development on the physical plane.
A. Besant