Why don't dreams come true? Why Dreams Don't Come True Why Dreams Don't Come True

Making wishes, we hope that in the near future they will come true. To make your dreams come true, you need to follow a few simple rules that will help you immediately get everything you want.

Probably, every person at least once made a wish and looked forward to its fulfillment. When this wait becomes too long, we lose hope that the dream will ever come true. In order for fate to give you a gift and make your cherished dream come true, you need to make efforts on your part. Many people believe that you can get what you want by simply wanting it badly, but often this is not enough. The website team brings to your attention several main reasons that prevent the fulfillment of your dreams.

How to make a wish

Sometimes we make a mistake, even when we formulate our desire. In order for your dreams to come true, it is necessary for the Universe to understand what exactly you want to receive - only in this case it will respond to your requests. To make your plans real, you need to write a letter in which you will tell about everything that you dream of receiving, but it is advisable to do this in accordance with a few simple rules.

Describe the details of your desire in more detail. Of course, you do not need to describe the exact day and time when you want to get it, but you should write the details. For example, if you want to go on a trip, you can specify the place where you want to get there, what time of the year, and so on. It will take you a little time, but the result will not keep you waiting.

Avoid the "not" particle. When talking about your dream, avoid denials. If you want to get rich, just write about it or specify how much you dream of. You do not need to write that you "do not want to live in poverty."

Voice your dream out loud a few times. After you have told everything that you want to get in your letter, you need to say it out loud again. Thus, you send your desire to the Universe, where it will be decided whether it will be fulfilled.

You must believe in the fulfillment of dreams. If we dream about something, then we must certainly believe in it, otherwise there will be no positive result. Imagine every day that tomorrow you will get what you want, and be sure: one day it will definitely happen.

Purchasesymbol of your desire. Get a thing, looking at which you will think of your dream. It can be a coin, a photograph of a place or person, and even your drawing, where you depict what you want. Thus, your dream will always be with you.

Thanks to these simple rules, you will soon get everything you dream of without much effort. Most importantly, approach this matter responsibly and do not miss a single action.

Why wishes don't come true

If the above method did not bring a positive result, then there is a reason that does not allow your cherished dream to come true. Once you get rid of it, you will soon be able to get what you want.

Your dream is capable of harming another person. Every person has enemies and even enemies. However, for some, the feeling of hatred can take over the mind, and then the person begins to wish the other all the worst. Do not denigrate your dream with negativity, get rid of negative thoughts and emotions. Your desire will be fulfilled much faster if you want a truce with your enemy.

Your dream must be real. Do not forget that the Universe cannot work miracles, so the desire to resurrect the deceased or go to the future cannot be fulfilled. For your dreams to come true, they must be real and accessible.

Think about whether you really want the fulfillment of desire. If your dream has not come true for a long time, perhaps you don’t really want to fulfill it. Before you make a wish, think carefully about whether you will be happy if it comes true.

Do not make too many wishes. Many of us want to get everything at once, but this is not always possible. If you want your dreams to come true as quickly as possible, then you don't have to make a whole wish list. Concentrate your attention on one thing, and after the desired appears in your life, you can direct all your energy towards achieving new goals.

Make an effort on your part. Many people believe that no action is required to make a wish come true. This is the main mistake. If your dream is to make a lot of money, you will not make it while being unemployed, and if you dream of meeting your soul mate, you will have to at least occasionally communicate with members of the opposite sex. Even small actions on your part will help you get results faster.

Lack of faith in the fulfillment of dreams. This is probably one of the most important reasons. People describe their desire, even model it in their minds, but at the same time they often admit the idea that this is just a dream and it cannot be fulfilled. However, the strength of our thoughts and faith play an important role in getting what we want.

Desire should be aimed only at your life. Of course, each of us dreams that our loved ones are happy, and sometimes this is our main desire. Of course, love for relatives can sometimes work wonders, but your dream should primarily concern you. If you want to ask for the health of your parents or for a happy future for your children, then you should not focus on one family member: ask all your loved ones to always be happy and healthy, and then the wish will be granted.

Dreams are an integral part of our life. Since childhood, we dream that all our desires come true, but, unfortunately, it does not always happen the way we want. Sometimes the biggest barrier to achieving what we want is failure in our lives. By getting rid of them, you can change your life for the better. We wish you happiness and love, and don't forget to press the buttons and

But for some reason they are not executed? You watched the movie "The Secret" and after watching everything seemed to be clear and simple, but when it came down to it, nothing happened?

In general, I heard such a version that this film was deliberately “abandoned” to us, because our people were afraid to take loans. And so that people would become more willing to take them, a film appeared that one must live here and now and that all dreams come true, that there is no need to be afraid of anything and live to the fullest, without denying yourself anything.

Whether this is true or not, I do not know, but I think the film is really educational and mind-expanding. It's just that each person understands the essence of the film in his own way, and most, unfortunately, do not understand it quite correctly.

Yes, the essence is simple - realize the desire, feel, visualize and let go. Easy to say, hard to do. Letting go especially… Yes, and realizing your desire can be difficult, because if you dig deeper, it turns out that this is not your desire at all, but moms, dads, girlfriends, husbands, and so on. Or imposed from the TV screen.

Why do dreams and desires not come true. Reason #3

And now it's time to remember the law of attraction, which says that like attracts like. It is important to understand that such an attraction is first formed inside you, and then it begins to influence your life.

But often women have a completely different basis. They are tired of the loneliness that oppresses and eats them, they simply cannot be alone, because they are empty inside and they want someone to come and fill this void. Or they simply do not want to work, and they want to throw the responsibility for their lives onto another person. And children are born either because it is necessary or it is time already, or so that there is someone to serve the notorious glass of water in old age, which may not be needed. This is a negative basis and it is unlikely that such a desire will be fulfilled, since a positive desire is fulfilled only on a positive basis.

Or you want to lead a healthy lifestyle. The goal is just wonderful, you see. Every woman wants to be healthy and beautiful. But some people get it, and some don't. Simply because someone wants to lead a healthy lifestyle in order to rejuvenate and heal in order to live on earth as much as possible, and live brightly and richly. Receive and give love, travel and see the world, develop and move forward. This striving forward is a positive basis.

And when a person tries to lead a healthy lifestyle, because he is afraid of looking bad, getting sick or dying, then this is a negative basis.

That is, some are driven by love and joy, while others are driven by fear. And then, following the law of attraction, what you vibrate with - love or fear will be attracted. And events in life will occur appropriate. Therefore, it is necessary to bring your positive desire and its basis into conformity.

Why do dreams and desires not come true. Reason #4

Your lifestyle should match your dreams and goals.

What do you think is the difference between the lifestyle of a slender and fit person and the lifestyle of a blurry person? And he radically differs in the way of nutrition, daily routine, sports training. Often overweight people cannot lose weight not because they are sick and their metabolism has been disturbed, but because they simply do not like the new lifestyle. At the same time, they want to eat chips with beer, lying on the couch and be thin and slender. But this is impossible. Therefore, if you want to be slim and fit, then you can make wishes and visualize as much as you like, but you will not get any result without changing your lifestyle.

Your dreams and desires are the inner component, and your lifestyle is the outer component. And they must be equal. In a word, in order to have a complete correspondence, it is necessary to equalize the external and internal, and then your desires will begin to be fulfilled faster. And so you can even meditate and visualize until you are blue and exhausted, but if you do not change anything in the physical world, do not change your actions and lifestyle, then your visualization is unlikely to work.

You must not sit still, but run if you want to be slim. It is necessary not to watch TV, but to learn information on the implementation of your ideas in life, that is, to learn and develop. It is necessary not to take loans for purchases, but to sell something in order to earn money and buy everything without sliding into a debt hole (read). Is it possible, doing the same thing, performing the same actions or actions, to expect some other result?

Your lifestyle should fully correspond to your dreams and desires.

Why do dreams and desires not come true. Reason #5

Misunderstanding that you are the cause, not the effect. You are the reason for everything that happens in your life. And your desires are a consequence. And the investigation cannot create anything, so there is no point in chasing after it.

It's like if your pipe burst, and instead of repairing this pipe, you wipe the water with a rag, that is, you work on the effect, and not on the cause. And you are also upset because the water keeps coming and coming, and you are already exhausted, wiping it all with a rag. And it can become an endless process leading to no result.

Everything is a consequence of you, your inner self, your thinking, your vibrations. And you need to recognize yourself as a human cause. And for this you need to start consciously choosing your reactions, because you are a person, and not a ciliate shoe. Here someone said something funny, everyone laughed and you automatically start laughing too. And you ask yourself the question, do you want to laugh? Or if something bad happens, you immediately get upset, but you can choose not to be upset and treat this event neutrally. There is only your choice, your will.

You must learn to choose a reaction, because your whole subsequent life depends on it. When you realize yourself as one hundred percent cause, you will no longer have any questions. Because the question is doubt, emptiness, uncertainty. And when you understand that neither God, nor the higher mind, nor the universe, nor any other forces, but only You are the cause of all events in your life, then all questions will disappear by themselves. And when you learn to choose a reaction, and not react automatically, then your desires will be fulfilled easily and quickly.

Practice, and before reacting, ask yourself what you want now. Smile or not? Cry or not? Laugh or not? Get upset and wind yourself up or stay neutral? The choice is only yours.

So, when you stop focusing on the need, remove opposite thoughts, create a positive basis for your desires, start changing your lifestyle to a more appropriate one and realize that you are the cause of all events in your life, then your dreams and desires will come true easily. and fast.

And if you want to go deeper and get acquainted with the unique knowledge about the work of the brain and the power of thought, then I recommend Dina Gumerova's 2-day intensive “What is the secret of wish fulfillment? Find out and change your life! All the details Here .

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Today we will talk about why our dreams do not come true? What's stopping them? And how to fix it.

1. One of the reasons is our disbelief in the possibility of their implementation. And everything in the world is given by faith.

Therefore, to begin with, you just need to believe that the Universe is always ready to respond to our requests and dreams. You need to realize yourself as a part of the Universe and understand that you have the right to ask her for everything you want. These requests are creative visualization. And the Universe can do everything. And do not think that you do not deserve something. But you can't dictate terms. When you give what you ask for, the Universe decides. And her decision, believe me, will be the best for you. A wish can come true in a week, six months, a year or two, depending on the complexity of the problem.

2. The next reason why dreams do not come true is the mess in our thoughts.

We have such a chaos of conflicting, angry, depressing thoughts in our heads that it is very difficult to put them in order. And if you just imagined one thing, and five minutes later you think about the opposite with fear, then by doing so you destroy the image you created. This is how we block our dreams with our own negative thoughts.

3. The third reason is when your desire is not true, not sincere.

That is, it seems to you that you want it, but in fact it is a stereotype of behavior in society, or someone inspired it to you (this is not your program). For example, a woman knows that she needs to create a family, give birth to a child (as it should be in society), but in fact, she does not want this yet. But under the pressure of stereotypes, she visualizes a family, a child, and, on the contrary, only worsens the situation, does not attract it, but repels it.

Or a man knows that he must drive a car, he must have a car, otherwise what kind of a man is he if he does not have one. And he suffers, suffers, visualizes in every way an Opel, at worst a Zhiguli, but there’s no point: there was no money even for a Zaporozhets, and no. Why? Yes, he hates technology and is poorly oriented in space, and he feels like a blind kitten behind the wheel, and the car is just hemorrhoids for him. Result? Disappointment.

Let's take the health situation. A man with paralyzed legs visualizes walking, running, playing tennis again. But nothing comes out. Why? Because he feels good when he is looked after, loved ones take care of him, blow off dust particles, give attention and love, feed and water. He does not have to work, get a piece of bread for the family. You can sit all day with the remote control at the TV or computer, or read books and complain about fate. It is love and attention, and not healthy legs, that is his true desire. Often our subconscious mind and body find many advantages in illness, illness can be beneficial for us, very beneficial, more beneficial than health.

4. The most important pitfall, due to which, as a rule, the realization of desire is stalled is fixation on it.

You can't want anything, no matter what. You can dream, but don't wait. After all, you get it more often when you don't expect it. Looping is a "hook". What you “cling to” in life is taken away. A person must be free in spirit. You should not hit the wall like a fish, about ice. Just improve yourself, dream, help others. Launch a positive program into Cosmos and forget. Let go of the problem. Don't get frustrated if something doesn't work out.

How to remove "hooks"? There is a certain technique. Breathe in everything good, bright, and as you exhale, imagine that the “hooks”, like ribbons, come off you and fly away. Inhale is the future, exhale is the past, pause is the present. Do this seven times daily until you feel that you are free from "hooks". Your soul will become very light and free, you will stop obsessing

On one thing, you will feel that you no longer depend on your desires. You realize: “Even if my wish never comes true, nothing will happen, life will go on, and I will still enjoy it.”

Skeptics will object that beliefs and dreams alone will not improve your health, you will not build a house, you will not find a good job. And they will be right: even the strongest visual images alone will not defeat a virus or an infection, they will not deliver a prince or a jeep to your house, and they will not bring down a country house or a thousand dollars from heaven. You can't even take the fish out of the pond without effort. Only you can take a step towards your dream. However, the opposite is also true: without positive attitudes, you can drink pills for years, go to physical therapy, plow 10 hours a day and still feel sick, tired, poor and unhappy.

Used materials from an article by psychologist Marina MOROZOVA

Our expert - family psychologist, art therapist, business coach, coach Olga Zavodilina.

Unlucky people are not born, but some childish ideas can do a disservice. Here are the most common ones.

Fear of making a mistake

This fear paralyzes almost all human activity. After all, if you start doing something, there is a high probability of making a mistake. And if you do something new, the chances of making a mistake only increase.

And this idea is also often formed in the child by the parents. Any child often makes mistakes, but instead of explaining to him what to do, adults scold him and punish him. One of the punishments with the most serious consequences is ignoring when parents show the child that he is not worthy of their attention. In this situation, the child develops the feeling that a mistake is a global catastrophe that cannot be corrected. So, it is better not to do anything, so as not to be mistaken in any case.

Fear of the future

The future is always unknown, and the unknown is scary. A small child is rarely afraid of new things. He actively explores and learns this world. But parents are afraid of the future and begin to accustom their child to it out of good intentions. As a rule, this is done unconsciously. For example, a mother is afraid for the baby and this fear is transmitted to him. Do not swing on a swing - you will fall! Do not be friends with this boy, he is a bully, he will drag you into something bad. The child concludes: it is better not to move, to freeze - and then there is a possibility that trouble will bypass. As a result, in adulthood, a person is afraid to do something new, change jobs or partners. But, since it is shameful to be afraid, we do not admit our fear and begin to look for reasons why it is impossible now to realize what we want.

"I can't do anything"

Often, parents unconsciously instill this idea in the child in early childhood. For example, a baby is learning to use a spoon. For him, this is not an easy task. Mom is in a hurry, picks up a spoon and starts to feed the child herself or scolds him for being slow. If such behavior of parents is repeated all the time, the child grows up with the feeling that he cannot do anything on his own - it will not work out anyway!

Of course, with age, most of us understand that “water does not flow under a lying stone” and make efforts to achieve our goal. However, children's ideas do not disappear anywhere, so a person often does something, only to make sure that nothing good will come of it. For example, there are many women who go on dates with the conviction that normal men do not exist and it is still impossible to establish a personal life. Of course, with this approach, the date is unlikely to be successful.

Dreams are noble, sublime, bright, colorful and light. Basically, they are related to what a person lacks at the moment and what he would like to receive. But, as you know, dreams do not always come true. What to do when dreams do not come true?

Almost all people always have something, mutual love, success in their careers, recognition of personal merits, etc. The absence of what is desired by their prospect of receiving gives an incentive to develop and move forward.

The most interesting thing is that a lot of what a person dreams about - things, feelings or a state, in fact, may turn out to be completely unnecessary to him. In other words, he can easily do without them. Moreover, when he gets what he dreamed of, it does not make him happy and turns out to be something superfluous, unnecessary and useless.

What to do if dreams do not come true, but you really want to? In order not to worry too much about the fact that desires do not come true, you must accept the truth that at any moment you have something and in such quantity that you need. When you are missing something that seems very important and is still missing, then you may not need it. Such an approach, in extreme cases, will allow you to protect yourself from resentment, disappointment, regrets and self-accusation.

The main mistake of a person who is lost in his dreams is that he constantly compares himself with others, looks at those around him and is envious, striving to have everything, like everyone else. If this does not work out, then his life seems to him unsuccessful, unsuccessful, wrong and sometimes devoid of meaning.

Why dreams don't come true

It is necessary to understand that each person has his own path and his own bar. Accept with gratitude what you have at the moment. Give up stereotypes like "what is a happy life" that society imposes.

The fact that for one there is "happiness", for another is an obstacle to the realization of his cherished dream. Look at your current accomplishments with pride and love.

What to do if dreams do not come true? Each person must have his own plan, his own path, along which he must go himself and not be equal to anyone, not try to meet someone's expectations and not imitate anyone.

When a dream stubbornly does not want to come true, then most likely it is necessary to review it for realism and, in general, whether it is appropriate for you personally.

If you want to give up your dream, then you will need no less courage than the one you showed when you wanted to achieve it. Sometimes you have to accept that there are more pressing concerns in life than dreams, such as small children and elderly parents who need to be taken care of.

And you can honestly admit to yourself that you didn’t have enough perseverance, diligence, courage and knowledge. There is no need to make a tragedy because some dream did not come true.

Any dream can fill life with meaning, direct and inspire it. Close your eyes and imagine your dream in detail, that it has come true, even if only in your imagination, but even so you can decorate your gray everyday life with all the colors of the rainbow.

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