Conversation with the teacher. The exercise. make up a dialogue between the teacher and the student: (questions from the teacher) “Have you considered ...”

Dialogue with the Teacher

Teacher: What do you think makes a person a Human, a stone a Stone, a tree a Tree, etc.?

Students: The essence makes a man a Man, a stone a Stone. fulfillment of their divine purpose.

Teacher: What is the Essence?

Students: The essence is the Divine part, the man has the Spirit, the woman has her Soul. A person behaves like a human only when he has an Essence.

Teacher: And through what is this Divine Essence manifested?

Students: The Divine Essence manifests itself through awareness, which brings in energies that change the genetic matrix from Personal to Human.

Teacher: And if the Divine Essence does not enter the physical body, what happens to a person?

Students: In this case, such a being does not become a Human. It has human potential, but in this state it serves inhuman forces. A being that has a physical human body, in which there is no Divine part, is essentially not a Human.

Teacher: And who is it?

Students: The product of the forces that currently dominate it.

Teacher: Can a being that does not have a Divine part in its psychoenergetic space be stable and reliable in its manifestations?

Students: No. Because everything depends on the quality, which at the moment is the main one and to which the being obeys. It can be resentment, irritation, aggression, a sense of importance ...

Teacher: If such states and qualities are manifested in this being, then who exactly is it?

Students: Egoist, because it nourishes these states with its Life Force and spreads them in the surrounding world.

Teacher: Do you sympathize with such creatures?

Students: Yes.

Teacher: You understand that sympathy for egoists makes you egoists, so you still cannot accept the Human Essence into your body, and when it comes to actions, you behave like egoists.

Students: Yes, we understand that in this case, by vibrations, we descend to the level of egoists and strengthen egoism in the world.

Teacher: Can a Human Being sympathize with an egoist?

Students: One can sympathize with an egoist, but only as a Human Being. Through this, respect for the egoist as a Man is shown. Such respect does not allow egoistic energies to increase. In addition, it provides an opportunity to express vision what and how should be done in relation to the Human Being in order to increase the influx of Human force into it. Such actions for him as an egoist can be unpleasant ...

Students: No. The behavior of a Human being from the point of view of an egoist is anomalous, because fundamentals of perception of Life do not coincide .

Teacher: Why, when you find yourself in a situation where you can manifest yourself as a Human or as an egoist, do you make a choice in favor of Egoism?

Students: because in situations we forget about the Human . Control disappears. It becomes scary, the search for ways out of the situation begins, and if it is possible to get out easily and quickly, betraying the other, substituting the other, slandering, spitting even on "Unity" and the whole world, then we go for it, because during times of stress, selfishness outweighs.

Teacher: Is there a possibility to do it differently?

Students: Yes, I have. You need to have time to turn to the Divine Forces for help. This will strengthen the Human part.

And further. If you constantly remember your Divine Essence, then any situation will not lead to a state of stress, selfishness and betrayal, but will be considered from the position of the Divine Essence.

Teacher: And why is Personal-egoistic reaction still manifested in critical situations?

Students: Because in reality we not only do not feel the Divine Powers, but we do not believe in them either. And from the position of our Personality, we do not believe in the positive logic of the Divine, therefore, we grab onto the solution of the problem from the position of the Ego.

Teacher: But do you understand that in fact, even dying as a Human and reincarnating as a Human again, passing Humanity to your children and the people around you is much more worthy than twitching like an egoist, spitting and torturing everyone around?

Students: Yes, we understand. But doubting the Divine makes one behave vilely, and then engage in self-justification, denigrating everyone around.

Teacher: What is the main state of the egoist?

Students: The egoist is a slave! This is its main content. And it already follows from it that he is a coward, a traitor, a consumer, a lackey, a liar, etc.

Teacher: And how does this manifest itself?

Students: A slave always depends on everything. This dependence leads to a bifurcation. He is afraid of losing what he has.

Teacher: Why is he addicted?

Students: The slave does not know what to do with Freedom, therefore the Spirit that gives Freedom is not needed by the slave.

Teacher: What else is addiction?

Students: The slave is always right in everything, and everyone around is to blame. Besides, everyone owes him.

Teacher: Is it characteristic of an egoist to feel gratitude?

Students: Yes, but only as a sale and purchase, i.e. when an egoist is given what he wants, he feels that he is being treated fairly, because he deserved to be given and indulged in his whims.

The egoist knows that everyone owes and owes him everything.

But if you suddenly stop indulging the egoist in this, then he instantly feels that he is being treated unfairly. This breeds resentment. Against the background of resentment, the egoist sees that he is not appreciated, and resentment develops into hatred.

In this situation, the egoist begins to avoid contact with Human Beings. Thus, his revenge is manifested: "Let it be worse for you without me, since you do not appreciate me!"

And it is very dangerous for someone else to say in the presence of an egoist that he is good. Resentment and hatred become very deep.

Students: What kind of mental state is Egoism?

Teacher: Egoists are like children 2-3 years old, that's why they behave like children, according to the principle: "I pee where I want"...

Students: Is it possible to bring an egoist out of such a state of "resentment - hatred - underestimation"?

Teacher: Yes, it's possible. In such a state, the egoist actively closes in on himself, his "silent modesty" and the joyless suffering of the offended being, therefore, if he says aloud what he thinks of us, evaluate him as he would like to be appreciated and taken for his decision, in which the punishment is received by the one guilty of the offense, then the egoist will be satisfied. He again receives an imaginary freedom.

Students: But is this a harmonious solution to the problem?

Teacher: No, because selfishness and harmony are incompatible. An egoist tends to plunge into an egoistic world. Manifesting egoism, one way or another, begins to roll the egoist down the Cup of Life.

Students: Is there any way to stop this movement?

Teacher: This movement can be stopped if the egoist begins to improve in accordance with the Divine predestination, which, of course, is not characteristic of the egoist.

Students: How can such a deepening into egoism end?

Teacher: Immersion in the egoistic world corresponds to the amount of negative energies that the egoist accumulates. On the path of life along the Cup of Life, he loses health, social status, family, love. At the bottom of the Chalice, he encounters complete inadequacy to himself as a Human Being, which is accompanied by schizophrenia, death or neutralization of non-humanoid energies, which leads to enlightenment .

Teacher: We are doing our best to help these people. But they still pass their Cup, albeit much faster than on the side. As they walk down the Chalice, they see their nerdiness build up. At the bottom, the egoist “eats up” his karmic achievements and begins to rise upward through the vibrations. When he leaves the Chalice, he is surprised at his passage, as if all this was not with him.

If during the passage through the Cup part of the egoistic developments remained in an unconscious state, then the egoist can plunge into a new passage, where the bottom will be deeper.

Teacher: Of course, because in the collective chain he was a link that is torn. If Divine relations were cultivated in the team, and he did not have the Divine Essence, and besides, he began to increase his egoism, then he falls into low-frequency energies, where relatives, acquaintances and, in general, many people are. He alone in the team begins to represent, for example, 200-300 people in terms of frequency. And in total in a team of people oriented to the Divine, for example, there are 20-30 people. Of course, their overall frequency is decreasing. If you accumulate non-humanoid states, and you bring them into a group, into your collective, then it is natural that the overall level of the group decreases.

Students: Why can't an egoist stop in time?

Teacher: Irresponsibility is characteristic of egoists, they very easily forgive themselves everything: they gave their word - took - promised - did not, etc. Looking at their children, they probably rejoice, passing on their karmic developments to them.

Students: Why do egoists still fall into the Chalice?

Teacher: In the process of development and improvement, the Divine flow intensifies. He washes out egoists, i.e. those who renounce their Divine Essence.

Students: Why does the egoist leave the team?

Teacher: A shift in the frequency of vibrations leads to a change in perception. The egoist begins to be afraid that he is being used for some purposes incomprehensible to him and in ways unknown to him. He even begins to tell sympathizers how good he is and how bad people use him.

Students: Does this mean that egoists in general harm the Divine?

Teacher: In fact, egoists serve the Divine in terms of strengthening immunity, but they accumulate debts in relation to those with whom they promised to be together. A person with a Divine Essence easily interacts with an egoist, because everything that the egoist earns flows away to the Person whom the egoist hates. The egoist depends on who he hates .

Students: Can departed egoists enjoy family happiness in peace?

Teacher: No. Because in this case, the egoist is forced to constantly portray the best human qualities, but how should he treat those in relation to whom must portray Love, peace, contentment?

Of course, hatred will increase in him. And who will be to blame for this? Of course, everything: Fate, Life, situations, conditions, shameful cases, and most importantly - those before whom the egoist is forced to pretend.

Students: Can the departed egoists unite in a new team and at the expense of what?

Teacher: Yes, they can by condemning those with whom they could not stay. Together they enjoy condemnation and spitting: "They are there, fools, humpbacked, and we are free here, we can behave as we want. "Unity" is rubbish, let's join us in network marketing! .."

Students: Is it still possible to establish a good relationship with an egoist?

Teacher: Although egoists love to please everyone, but even if you lay under them, they still will not be satisfied.

Students: But what if you still try to forcefully draw an egoist into the Divine so that he has a normal perception?

Teacher: The Divine does not allow violence - this is the first time, and secondly, the egoist usually resists the approach of the Divine with all his might, he even avoids interactions with the bearers of the Divine.

Students: How does an egoist manifest in life?

Teacher: The behavior of egoists is tragic. People in a state of selfishness are puppets who call their idiocy and disorderliness Life. In fact, all this hodgepodge, significant for egoists, has no meaning for Life. Their existence is like a lethargic dream, and they themselves are like shadows. Who is in this state - let him be. No need to deprive them of the pleasure of being gray shadows.

Students: Is there a way out of selfishness?

Teacher: As long as you follow the Divine Laws, you are Humans. As soon as you surrender to personal-egoistic passions, you yourself begin to destroy your Life. No one is to blame for this destruction. You are responsible for everything you do. You are responsible for your entire life before God.

Learn sincerity, learn to feel how ridiculous and petty your egoistic tragedies are, learn to selflessly do good deeds, call a spade a spade, even just speak, because egoists are usually silent in mournful resentment, because there are no people worthy of their conversation. But can an egoist do it?

A sense of humor can also save, but for an egoist it is usually just a laugh, and a sense of humor is completely absent. The invocation of the Spirit is very important, because. Spirit dissolves all egoistic energies. A person with a Spirit walks through Reality like a Flame, like a Sword, and an egoist is a puppet on strings of non-humanoid qualities...

Students: Does an egoist who has fallen into the Chalice affect the team?

Students: If a person stays in "Unity", and does not leave, for example, in network marketing, does his progress through the Chalice differ in any way?

Teacher: Can an egoist understand the actions of a Human Being?

OverviewVisual look

This article will focus on the “subjects of the educational process”, in the language of social science, who for 11 years have invested strength and soul in the educational process: someone less, someone more, but they all did it. Of course, I'm talking about our dear teachers!

Of course, I'm talking about our dear teachers! I will not put labels on them: “good” or “bad”, I will write about people who, to one degree or another, influenced my worldview, mindset. I hesitated for a long time, thought and decided that I would conduct interviews with such teachers - for a certain time I would talk with them about their life, fate, I would ask rather sharp questions that I had not dared to ask for eleven years. I came up with a rather unoriginal title for my section, but it is memorable: “dialogue with the Teacher”.

I thought for a long time who to make my first interviewee, for quite a long time I compared candidates in terms of qualities, significance for me and decided to stop at an outstanding person who stands out from the usual number of people in his profession due to the fact that, in addition to his field of activity, he knows quite a lot of disciplines , can support any dialogue, has a rather fine mental organization! In the lessons of this teacher, no one will be bored: neither the humanities, nor the techie! A wonderful teacher, interlocutor, comrade, friend and just a good person, teacher of physics - Shvedova Alla Olegovna. I present to your attention an interview with this amazing person, with whom you can talk for hours and understand that there are still teachers of physics who have an idea of ​​the world not only within their field.

Question: “Alla Olegovna, why did you decide to choose this particular field of activity and what is the reason for this? Have you dreamed of becoming a physicist since childhood, or did you have any other dreams?

Answer: “As a child, I had an active social position. In Soviet times, social elevators were quite well developed: at the beginning you became an Octoberite, then a pioneer, then a Komsomol, and then a party. I did not have time to get into the party, since perestroika began, and my position on these issues changed. In my youth, I really liked to communicate with people of all ages, however, when the question of choosing a profession arose, I realized that I wanted to interact with people. It was for this reason that I went into this field of activity - I went to work as a physics teacher, since I liked this science since childhood, I liked the way the teacher taught it, everything was clear to me and in fact he influenced my future to some extent.

Question: “After graduating from a pedagogical university, did you encounter any difficulties?”

Answer: “Yes, of course. I remember when I just started working at school, then the quarter was coming to an end, and I had to put marks. And two people got a deuce and, it is worth noting that I faced a kind of dilemma: on the one hand, I did not want to start my work activity from such a moment, and on the other hand, if you close your eyes to this, it means encouraging them. The director called me, scolded me and, in my opinion, did the right thing. Then I realized that these moments need to be foreseen in advance and pay attention to them.

Question: “How do you try to attract children in your lessons, because you know that in modern society this is very difficult to do?”

Answer: “I have repeatedly heard from many people, when it came to the subject that I was teaching, the phrase: “You have no idea how interesting it is.” In my opinion, I should find interest in the topic that I should study (to my great regret, many teachers neglect this rule, and then they are surprised and ask questions: “Why is no one listening to me?”), that is, some a moment that would draw attention to itself. I believe that if I can create this interest, then I will solve the problem with discipline, but, on the other hand, the child himself needs him, because if he raises such questions, he will be able to choose his professional creed, where he can prove himself " .

Question: “Alla Olegovna, you spend quite a lot of time, and I have repeatedly witnessed this, devote your students to preparing for the Unified State Examination, the Unified State Examination, however, there are a certain number of teachers who pay a minimum of attention, in fact forcing children to go to tutors, why don’t you do also, after all, despite the fact that this may not be very decent, personal life should still be present too ?!

Answer: “I can’t do this because of my convictions, because if you imagine a“ lazy teacher ”, then in fact the student should be engaged in self-education, and the teacher should only consult, but this is probably the system of the future, when the child will first class to choose and study the subjects that he will need. In the present tense, I am still a traditional teacher who approaches any business with a certain phrase: if I prepare for the OGE or the Unified State Examination, then I cook with full dedication of strength and energy, hoping for a good or excellent result.

Question: “I know that for several years now you have been traveling with high school students of the physics and mathematics class to scientific conferences: what do you think they give students?”

Answer: “They provide invaluable practical experience, as acquaintance with the luminaries of the scientific world helps to learn something new that the guys have heard little or did not know about.”

These are the main questions that I asked a truly interesting, brilliant man, with whom you want to talk and talk, who loves his job and works conscientiously. Turning to you, Alla Olegovna, I want to tell you a huge, huge thank you for the three years that you taught physics with us - I don’t know about others, but personally, cooperation with you left only positive emotions and impressions for me. I wish you health, happiness, creative success, patience and the same inexhaustible energy that is present in you!

Sometimes it's not what you say that matters, but how you say it.

If you want to communicate effectively with your child's teacher, try using these phrases in your conversation:

“I am concerned about my child’s studies…”

Saying "I'm concerned about my child's progress in math" is much less confrontational than saying "You should do more to help my son with math. Why doesn't he understand? You don't explain the material well!

Using "I" messages instead of "you" statements will let the teacher know that you want to work together as allies and that you are not playing blame game.

“Tell me what can I do? ... "

Even when you disagree with the teacher by saying "Help me understand" or "Tell me what can I do?" you support a constructive way of solving the issue.

In addition, it becomes clear that you are listening and interested in resolving the issue.

"What was the purpose of this assignment?"

It is important to make sure that you and the teacher are working towards the same goals.

Clarifying the child's learning goals is an important factor. There is nothing wrong with asking the teacher about the goals of this or that task or exercise.

A good continuation of the conversation with the teacher might be the following question: “Do you have any suggestions for what my child could do to work on the skills that he needs to develop? What other exercises can help my child understand this topic?”

"Have you considered..."

This is a polite way to share information and a good question to ask about the steps taken by the school.

At the same time, thanks to this introduction, the teacher will not feel the need to defend himself.

"I see…"

This phrase allows you to share information and respectfully acknowledge that parents and teachers often see children from different perspectives.

For example, you could say, “I have noticed that my child can retell the story in more detail after reading a paragraph aloud. Are there opportunities for reading aloud while teaching in the classroom?”

“Seems like….”

“It seems”, “As if” are useful words when trying to reach a common understanding when talking about a child's academic performance or learning.

“It seems to me as if my child is doing homework for a very long time. For her, these volumes are very large.

"How can I help?"

The teacher has a full class of children in addition to your child.

These three words will let the teacher know that you are ready to play a role in your child's education, and not just shift the responsibility for your child's education to the school.

Conflicts are always a difficult and unpleasant topic. Especially when they concern third parties, in the form of your child

It is on the topic of school conflicts that on March 03 at 18:00 we are holding an online meeting “Why conflicts arise at school and how to solve them”

In one evening we will analyze:

  • The hierarchy of the education system. To whom and in what case to contact
  • Conflict teacher-child. Why does it occur and what to do?
  • Student-student conflict. Why does it occur and what to do?
  • The child was injured. What to do?
  • Student or teacher. Who is to blame for the conflict and what to do?
  • Parent-teacher meeting
  • You came to talk to the teacher
  • The teacher called you to talk
  • If the conversation didn't go well...

Many parents do not know how to communicate with teachers! Yes, yes, it’s the children who are “preparing at school” who are taught that when Maryivanna enters the classroom, you need to stand up, if you want to answer, raise your hand, and so on. Parents aren't taught anything like that! Let's fix this bug!

Parent-teacher meeting

Parent meetings are informational in nature. The teacher clarifies the organizational issues common to the entire class and will not go directly to your child on it. This, firstly, is not interesting to other parents, and, secondly, it is not entirely correct. If your child has learning problems, you probably don't want it to be the subject of public discussion, right?

No need to reach out and ask "how is mine?" or “why did they give a three for the last control, I looked, there is a solid four.” All this is an occasion for an individual conversation with the teacher.

You came to talk to the teacher

Of course, you have a desire to talk to the teacher. But it's good to remember that, as in a joke, "there are many of you, but I am alone." If an educator talks to each parent for an hour, that's 30 extra hours a week! Therefore, it would be nice to follow simple rules that will make life much easier for both you and the teacher.

    In advance arrange a meeting time convenient for both you and the teacher. There is no need to wait after lessons and at recess, because you are "literally in a minute." The teacher may have his own plans for this very minute!

    In advance make a list of questions addressed to the teacher. The answer to the question “well, how is mine” is not easy to give. Therefore, immediately identify and specify the topics that bother you. For instance “we are bad at calligraphy, advise exercises that will be useful”. Or “it seems to me that my child does not get along with Vova (Masha), is this becoming a problem in the classroom and what can be done”?

    You may have important information to share with the teacher. Try to formulate it as practical as possible. The story that a schoolboy has chronic ***itis will not make the proper impression. "So what?" - thinks a teacher who hears about such a disease for the first time. That's why wishes must be specified.: "do not give sweets" or "to put in the first row". If there are problems in the family that the child is going through hard (for example, the death of one of the close relatives), this should also be told to the teacher.

    Sometimes parents believe that the more information about the child they tell the teacher, the better, and they make up a biography of their child almost from the cradle. There is no need to do this - not a single teacher will keep in his head a detailed dossier on all pupils. Communicate what may be important to the teacher- about the talents and hobbies of your baby. "Likes drawing", "goes to a music school, vocal class", “loves animals, goes to the youth club”.

"Easily offended" , “will do the task only if he is cheered up” and “if he does not solve the problem, you need to ask him again” - important information for the nanny, and not for the teacher. The teacher is not a nanny!

The teacher called you to talk

Any parent at this moment feels like a little schoolboy. Therefore, alas, it often "falls" into one of the three positions.

    Aggressive: I am challenged by an evil dragon that I must confront in order to protect the child. Best defense is attack. Do not listen to what they say, but blame and intimidate!

    Victim: I am summoned to a cave by an evil ogre to eat instead of a child. If I immediately admit that I am guilty of everything, agree with everything, agree and ask for forgiveness, then they will probably not eat me.

    Associative:“we” got an F, “we” behaved badly in the lesson, and now the teacher wants to blame “us” that “we” are a bad child and a bad teacher. After all, we are one with the child!

All three positions are very unproductive. Remember that you and your child are two different people. And yet - you are not a lawyer and not a warden with a child, you are his educator! If a problem arises, it must be solved together with the teacher on an equal footing.

It is the ability to be equal with the teacher that determines how effective your interaction will be. Remember, you are now one team!

Find out in detail what the problem is and what the teacher thinks is the cause. Do not deny right away - perhaps you "do not see the forest for the trees." Take time to think, analyze the situation, talk to the child. Perhaps this teacher does not know something - for example, your child disrupts the lesson because a classmate teases him on the sly. Try to avoid accusatory and justifying intonations - it does not matter who is to blame for the problem, it is important to solve it.

If the conversation didn't go well...

Perhaps you followed all our recommendations, but it was not possible to reach an understanding. It's not often, but it happens. In this case, invite the teacher to jointly contact a third party: a school psychologist or head teacher. Sometimes a fresh look from an outsider in itself extinguishes the conflict. Sometimes, for the optimal solution, it is precisely the “administrative resource” that is required, for example, to transfer the child to another class, or to conduct part of the classes on an individual basis.

You should not contact "the authorities" immediately, over the teacher's head. Even disagreeing with your opinion, he is sincerely interested in resolving the conflict.

Finally, you don’t need to offer the teacher gifts, money, sinecure (let’s pretend you are my child’s tutor, and we will pay you). A teacher is not a racketeer who must be paid off at any cost. The teacher is a friend to you and your child.

Prepared by Antonina Rybakova

Ecstasy of the mind towards the great prospect of liberation,
prolonged by actions, deeds, thoughts and beliefs.
Polysemy in the installation of vectors of consciousness,
defines a person's path to his Great Soul.
For the Spiritual vector directs a person to his true nature,
to the nature of a pure soul.

From the moment when the School of the Order of the Holy Grail was organized, I never once asked the Spiritual Masters about the significance of the School, although I myself guessed.

Perhaps today is the day when I want to know about it. Everything that you will read in this message is light and absolute truth. Although now, at the moment when I am writing these lines, I don’t know exactly what will be discussed and what information will fall on the white canvas of this message.

Every time my meditation starts, it starts from the stage that I have already gone through 1000 times. It's hard to explain, but I'll try.

I close my eyes and my mind is rapidly drifting somewhere. This somewhere is neither what nor who. This is not the mind. This is an aspiration to a certain emptiness, where there is absolute silence, without thoughts and images. This is the bridge between Alpha and Omega. A couple of minutes passed, as my body and mind plunged into the depths of consciousness, where I am absent as a subject, and after a deep relaxation, and a complete shutdown of the mind, and as an object. There are no goals. There is nothing. For there is no one who thinks, and there is no something to think about and concentrate on. Then what is there? What does this process describe? A process that does not have a process. Who thinks about it? It is consciousness detached from time and anything impermanent. In this silence there are no thoughts. And, probably, there is not a single language of the world that would accurately describe this state. This is the state where consciousness begins to realize itself. The difference between the mind and consciousness is that the mind has to think in order to arrive at something. Consciousness is not. Consciousness does not think, it knows. The main thing is that in this state the consciousness does not attract the subject and the object, through a hook for this state. However, this state is also temporary. This is how I plunge into a world where there is no world, where there is nothing that can be measured by the mind. The mind cannot measure the here and now, it can only be measured by consciousness. For in the state of here and now, the mind is in a state of saddling with consciousness and is completely subordinated to the observation of what is happening.

Every time I am on the eve of something new, I turn to my Teachers with a request to show and tell me about its significance. But I try to do this very rarely, so as not to distract them from more important processes. Usually, my meditation takes place in a silent state of mind. But today is a special occasion. The information that I will now broadcast is needed not only by me, but also by everyone who reads this message. From now on, try to concentrate with me on the vibrations received in this message. It is important.

At that moment, when the emptiness engulfed my consciousness, my mind and body were very far away. These temporary forms are far from the state I am in now. This field is I AM. Questions are not needed here, because there is no tool that asks them. This is the field of absolute spiritual energy.

In my past lives I have seen many fragments that are associated with mountains. And now their image appears again, because, apparently, a large amount of psychic energy has accumulated in these fragments of my incarnations. Since I have now come to this sacred place for me with a question, I have a view of the mountains in front of me. It is so vivid and realistic that nothing in the physical world could be more real to me. Mountains are my love, my peace and quiet. I know them and they know me.

In the deepest presence of the mind, where there is nothing that reflects the mind, there is an invisible bridge between the two worlds. You crossed it long ago,” I heard a familiar voice.

This voice has sounded in my heart more than once, and more than once I will hear it in eternity. This is the voice of my Master. And, not having time to bow to This Great Image, expressing wisdom, love and will, I heard the sound of a howling wind. Its harmonious howl reflected the deepest emptiness within me.

“This world is your own projection of your reflections and personal experience. Here you take strength, here you seclude yourself, when consciousness needs a new breakthrough in time. You came on time. The path you have chosen, like all the paths of our students, is thorny. To realize this path, one needs great courage and complete renunciation of everything that is dictated by time. For only in this way, you will see the beacon signaling victory.

No matter what the path is, you are on the right track.

In situations like this, when the Master speaks, I watch the flow of light emanating from his Great HEART. His strength is the strength of God.

The Order of the Holy Grail is a symbol of Strength and Wisdom. This order is over 5000 years old. Many were walkers from God, representing the Order. Many were broken by life, where they could not emerge in the hope of taking a breath of the pure air of knowledge. But others managed to go through the path of renunciation of sweet illusions and become a model of a great heart.

You have led this Order twice. And in this life you have been given such a task, because no one will do better than you at this time. The Lion has always been the symbol of the Order. And, if the Lion is Strength and Courage, then the Cup as a symbol is an example of Experience and Knowledge.

Attacks of malice of the Hyena of mass consciousness, dressed in the skin of a sheep, enslave the consciousness of people, offering them the Talmuds, which allegedly contain knowledge. But in these scriptures there is only the dust of lies. For by opening the Talmud and concentrating the energy radiated by it, one can easily blow away the dust that is shown on paper from the minds of those who did not have the courage to accumulate the psychic energy of love and wisdom. This dust hovers around the world and mocks at human minds. And people tremble over "knowledge", over the speed and ease of understanding. But their dense bodies are so fragile that they can hardly withstand the pressure of their own life. Their bodies are woven from this dust, for only psychic energy can become a flexible and durable substance, with the help of which the 4 lower bodies become a solid foundation for the ascent of the Soul to the Altar of X. RA. MA. MI. RA.

“Then how can the Spiritual order be established with the help of the Order?” I ask.

“The Order,” continues the Master, this is the Bodhi Tree under which the Lion of Wisdom meditated. Its fruits will be available to everyone who sees the wisdom, simplicity and severity of the discipline of mind and body. In stupidity there is no our Stronghold. Stupidity is filled with censure and ignorance.

The Order is the hand of the Lord, where people will mark the line between what was and what is. We see it and we observe it, but we do not interfere in this process. Your strength is enough to cope with the web of passions and withstand the wrath of the Hyena.

The school under the Order of the Lion and the Chalice reflects the strength of the Hierarchy. Three Hierarchs above you, and three more times four, are in the multidimensional projection of the Order. Not a single hair will fall from the head of the disciples if their devotion and service are sincere and pure.

The righteous wisdom of the Buddha and the love of Christ, gives people the staff of knowledge that you so generously share. Having known his strength, in the keys of the school, a person gains a connection with eternity and with Us. And only those who feel the vibrations of their call will come and inherit wisdom and strength. All who will weave a canvas of doubt and criticism into their consciousness will find solace in other things. For this is their way.

In the unfading light of the Hierarchy, the Order has always been in the center, because once we raised it.

Soon you will understand the connection of the order with eternity. You will understand its meaning when a lot will be transmitted through you to people in order to magnify the truth in them and remove the false self, like a program that paralyzes their consciousness. The Order is powerful in its history. But it is in your power to increase this experience. It depends on you and your students what period of time you will lay in eternity when moving from one measure to another coordinate system.

And now I will show the future of the Order. But this information is just for you...

I have no right to divulge what I saw, for a decree was given from above not to speak.

But what I saw was an excellent reflection of my thoughts and ideas, which were the links between the real model of the Order, and between how it happened in action.

I was so taken with the vision that I didn't notice Master disappear. And I contemplated the Mission of the Order and its future for a long time.

And I realized that I was on the right track.

I mentally thanked the Teacher for this great message for me and gradually began to come out of meditation.

Coming out of meditation, I overcame the movement of the energies of the Torah, which pulled me as a consciousness into the embrace of my mind and body. This went on for five minutes.

Coming out of meditation, I thought about the message for a long time, because it contained a lot of personal information.

But this information is for you, Friends. For in each of those who read this message, its vibrations are reflected.

Now it becomes much clearer to me the meaning and depth of the significance of the Order and the School. Now I understand the hidden meaning of the 12 keys and given a picture of new directions in the school. Indeed, in addition to my personal experience, people receive through me the pure knowledge of the Teachers.

Dear Friends, everything that you and I needed, we received messages in vibrations. Now let everyone decide what to do next. Myself.

With love, Oleg

I am happy to invite all of you to a new round of development of the School of the "Order of the Holy Grail", where in the learning process knowledge will be transferred that allows you to control reality through states in the moment here and now. And this is the bare minimum for everyone. At most, each student of the school becomes a part of the Order, confessing Wisdom, Love and Strength in his life.

Listeners I stage of the School of full-time enrollment not only successfully master the basics of worldview from the standpoint of esotericism, philosophy and psychology. As part of the training, it is also proposed for development and, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by my many years of successful career in psychology. The face-to-face training package involves active communication, practice and exchange of experience between the teacher and numerous graduates.

More detailed information about courses and study options, student reviews of the School are available.

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