Royal dynasty. Hessian Ducal Jewelry Accession to the Throne

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (German: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner; May 6, 1880, Aschaffenburg - June 15, 1938, Frauenkirch-Wildboden near Davos) - German artist, graphic artist and sculptor, representative of expressionism.

Born on May 6, 1880 in Aschaffenburg in the family of chemical engineer Ernst Kirchner. In 1901 he graduated from high school in Chemnitz and entered the faculty of architecture at the Technical High School in Dresden. Here he met Fritz Bleil, who shared his interest in painting. In 1903-04 Kirchner studied at the Technical High School in Munich, and also attended the Educational and Experimental Workshop of Free and Applied Arts von Debschitz and Obrist. In 1905 he returned to Dresden, where he received a diploma in architecture.

In 1905, four architecture students at the Technical High School in Dresden - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Fritz Bleil, Erich Heckel and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff - formed the group "The Bridge" (Die Brücke), with which the formation of German Expressionism began. June 7 is considered the founding day of the group. The name was suggested by Heckel; Kirchner became the ideologist of the group. He formulated the general concept of a new creative union: the fundamental principle of his aesthetics was the denial of the materialistic worldview, realism, impressionism and art nouveau style.

In 1906, Kirchner wrote the group's program. In the summer of 1907, together with Max Pechstein, he went to Goppeln near Dresden, where he painted a lot. In 1908 he worked on the island of Fehmarn. In 1909-1911 he went to paint at the Moritzburg ponds. At the end of 1906, the first portraits by Kirchner appeared, depicting his lifelong friend Dodo (Doris Grosse). During this period, he also discovered a new topic - the life of variety shows and circuses - which he would develop over the next few years.

In 1910-1911 he was a member of the group of artists “New Secession”. In October 1911, he moved to Berlin and met Erna Schilling, who later became Kirchner's common-law wife. At the same time, he founded the Institute of Modern Teaching of Painting (MIUM) with Max Pechstein. New themes appear in his painting: the life of a big city, its streets and architecture, human types characteristic of the capital.

In 1913, “Chronicle of the artistic group “Bridge”” written by Kirchner leads to the collapse of the group. In the Chronicle, according to Kirchner's comrades in the association, he overemphasized his own role in the creation of the Bridge; As a result, a quarrel arose between the artists, which resulted in Kirchner’s departure from the group.

In 1914, Kirchner participated in an art exhibition in Cologne. With the outbreak of the First World War, he volunteered for the front, but after two months he was temporarily removed from service and placed for treatment in a psychiatric hospital. The war seemed like a “bloody carnival” to the artist, and he tried to cope with panic attacks with the help of alcohol and morphine. In 1915, he was discharged from the army due to lung disease and sent for treatment to a sanatorium in Königstein. In 1917 he moved to Switzerland for residence and treatment and lived in Stafelalp near Davos; then, until October 1918, he underwent treatment in a sanatorium in Kreuzlingen. Since 1918, he settled in the town of Frauenkirche near Davos and painted alpine landscapes in an expressionist style.

1919-1920 were a favorable period for Kirchner: his health improved, he worked hard, and exhibitions of his work were held in Germany and Switzerland. 1922 marked the beginning of collaboration with Lisa Guyer.

In 1923, Kirchner organized a large exhibition of works in Basel. At the same time, he was working on illustrations for the book of the poet Georg Heim “Umbra Vitae”. In 1925/26 he made a long trip to Germany (Frankfurt am Main, Chemnitz, Dresden, Berlin). In 1929 he visited Essen, Berlin and Frankfurt am Main.

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The famous Russian critic Stasov once noted that art can be compared to a barometer that is sensitive to changes occurring in the life of society. It is difficult to disagree with this, because real creativity, be it literature or painting, is always inextricably linked with the reality that gave birth to them. And here we are talking not so much about the exact reproduction of facts and events, but about the emotional reaction of artists of words, brushes, and sound to them, which is then embodied in their books, paintings, and so on.

Perhaps this was most clearly manifested in the artistic movement of the first third of the twentieth century, which was called expressionism(from the Latin expressio - “expression”). There is evidence that this term was first used in relation to painting in 1910 by the Czech art critic Antonin Mateshek in order to contrast it with impressionism (from the French impressionnisme - “impression”). Thus, a line was drawn between two “isms”, one of which took people into the world of dreams and fantasies, and the other forced them to experience, together with the artists, the terrible events that were happening in reality.

Expressionism in painting can be called a response and extremely subjective reaction of artists, people with heightened feelings and perceptions, to revolutions, wars, social injustice and other “costs” of human civilization.

Disappointment, anxiety, fear, pain - these extremely negative emotions could not but give rise to new techniques for the artistic embodiment of images. And they appeared. Sharp, often even rough, contours, careless strokes, grotesque exaggerations and simplifications in the depiction of people, bright flashy colors, the absence of secondary elements of landscape, interior, architecture, light and shadow on the canvases - everything was subordinated to one task. By showing the essence of the phenomenon and expressing their attitude towards it, expressionist artists tried to make the viewer experience the same emotions.

The movement has found followers in almost all European countries and the USA. And, naturally, Germany did not stand aside with its rich artistic traditions and, moreover, by the will of fate, which found itself at the very epicenter of many dramatic events in world history.

A prominent representative and founder of German expressionism was Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, who lived an interesting, but full of dramatic events life, shared the difficult fate of his country and, one might say, was destroyed by it, when his nation almost completely supported the ideology of fascism.

Kirchner was born on May 6, 1880 in the German city of Aschaffenburg. He received his education at the Faculty of Architecture in Dresden, where he studied together with his future colleagues in art, young artists Bleil, and, who later became part of the famous group “Bridge”.

June 7, 1905 became a significant date in the history of German painting. It was on this day that the creation of the “Bridge” was announced. And in 1906, Kirchner wrote the group’s program, which outlined the creative credo of its members:

“...Everyone who freely and sincerely expresses what compels him to create should be with us”

The manifesto was made by Kirchner himself in the form of a woodcut, which became a kind of calling card of the “Mostovites”: subsequently, all the texts that accompanied the works of the group members were imprinted on longitudinal woodcuts.

It is also interesting why the participants decided to give the group the name “Bridge”, proposed by Schmid-Rottluff. They put several meanings into this word: bridge, as a connection of times, bridge, as a way to move from outdated creative techniques and images to modern techniques and images that meet the needs of reality.

Kirchner's early work was greatly influenced by several factors. Firstly, these were paintings that simply could not go unnoticed and appreciated by a painter endowed with a similar artistic vision. And proof of this can be seen in the almost literal borrowing of the theme - the painting “Woman’s Profile and Sunflowers”.

The second feature of the early Kirchner was his interest in the primitive art of the peoples of Africa and Oceania, which was reflected in such works as “Nude with a pipe before a mirror” and “Two girls”.

In his early work, another feature of the artist’s individual style of painting emerged: blurred lines and elongated proportions in the depiction of human figures. This technique was subsequently used by the author in his later paintings, depicting the life of the Berlin streets.

The time spent with friends from the Bridge was perhaps the most cloudless in Kirchner's life. He was young, his works were exhibited and even bought. Unpretentiousness in everyday life made it possible to live in close communication with like-minded people: they all rented one apartment and worked in the same workshop. Artists often went plein air to the lakes of Moritzburg with young models who were not burdened with moral principles, and it was quite natural that their lifestyle did not fit into the framework of the harsh burgher foundations. It was at that time that Kirchner acquired very unpleasant habits: absinthe and drugs did a disservice to the artist, causing nervous breakdowns and severe long-term depression in the future.

But all this was still ahead, and the first serious test happened when the “Mostovites” moved to Berlin. There the group almost immediately ceased to exist. One of the main reasons Kirchner's friends said was that he clearly exaggerated his role in the formation of the ideology of expressionism, forgetting that the movement did not arise out of nowhere.

In Berlin, the themes of the artist’s paintings are changing, and the motives of the impending global catastrophe are becoming clearer in them. New characters appear - prostitutes, swindlers, ragged beggars - in a word, city outcasts who were born by the social environment. The style of writing becomes more and more aggressive, harsh and intense. It will reach true tragedy after the artist has been to war.

But before that, Kirchner had to go through real battles on the personal front. It's no secret that creative people are passionate people, and Ernst was no exception to the rule. In his life, at a certain period, not a love triangle, but a whole square was formed. For a long time, the favorite model - and not only her - was Dodo, a beautiful and very eccentric lady. On the one hand, she did not pretend to become the only woman in the artist’s life, but, on the other hand, she allowed herself to react quite violently if his next romance threatened to develop into a more serious relationship. And one day it happened.

In 1912, Kirchner met the sisters Gerda and Erna Schilling. The loving artist did not ignore either nineteen-year-old Gerda or her twenty-eight-year-old sister, who became his beloved woman until the last days of her life. But one can imagine what passions boiled around him until the situation acquired final clarity. And, unfortunately, emotional overload “helped” the artist to endure the same alcohol and drugs.

...The beginning of the First World War found Kirchner on the island of Femern in the Baltic Sea, which was immediately declared a military strategic zone. The artist had to return to Berlin, but on the way home he was detained several times as a Russian spy. This led to the emergence of a kind of phobia - he began to be afraid of people in military uniform. And you can imagine his state when he imagined that the same form could appear on him.

It must be said that Kirchner was terribly afraid of everything that was connected with the war: death, pain, blood, weapons, large crowds of “impersonal” people, and so on. When he was finally drafted into the army (according to various sources, it was 1914 or 1915), the reserve of psychological “strength” was only enough for two months, although the artist did not come close to the battlefields, and his service consisted of looked after the regimental horse. He suffered another nervous breakdown, aggravated by lung disease. Kirchner was discharged for health reasons, and he went to mountainous Switzerland for treatment.

But even superficial impressions were enough for him to paint pictures that were poignant in their tragedy. In them, he seemed to “try on” what it was like to be a disabled person, or an artist who lost his right arm, or one of those artillerymen who is now washing in a bathhouse, and tomorrow will become cannon fodder on the battlefield.

The end of the war brought peace to Kirchner’s soul. His psychological health improved so much that it seemed that his bad inclinations were forever a thing of the past. The artist worked a lot and periodically held personal exhibitions. The largest took place in 1933 in Bern. Real recognition also came: in 1931, Kirchner became a member of the Prussian Academy of Arts.

Ernst’s painting also changed dramatically. The hopelessness and horror of war paintings were replaced by bright, serene landscapes, images of peaceful city streets, inspired faces and everyday sketches.

But we must not forget that the artist belonged to the so-called doomed generation of Germans who had to endure all the horrors brought by fascism. Kirchner did not live to see the apotheosis of the national tragedy; he voluntarily died.

The reason that led to this outcome was that in 1937, 639 paintings painted by the artist were removed from German museums, and he was expelled from the academy. 25 of his paintings were selected for the exhibition “Degenerate Art”, organized on the initiative of Adolf Ziegler, President of the Imperial Chamber of Fine Arts under Hitler’s government. More than 16 thousand paintings, including works by Van Gogh, were thrown out of museums, so Kirchner found himself in quite good company.

But the humiliation was too great, it provoked the return of alcoholism and drug addiction with their severe depressions. One day the artist could not stand the despair, fear of the future, and a shot from a gun put an end to his life. This happened on May 15, 1938.


As a result of the November Revolution of 1918, Emperor Wilhelm II abdicated the throne. On the same day, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig signed his abdication.

His dynasty lost the status of a ruling house, but the property of the Grand Ducal family partially remained in their ownership. As Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna the Younger (1890-1958) notes in her memoirs: “As a private person, he still enjoyed the respect of his former subjects, was free to move, and most importantly, he and his family were left in the country, in their native land . True, the surroundings have dimmed. The house seemed too big, not for today's needs. There were no footmen in livery in the halls, there were no guards, there were no sentries at the entrance gates . The paths of the palace park are overgrown with grass. It seemed that everyone here, including the palace and the city itself, had been locked up for a long time. Passers-by resembled sleepy autumn flies, and the Duke and Duchess themselves were not far away; they seemed to have covered the furniture with covers and were satisfied with that. They were quite satisfied with their life, and their private existence suited them. Uncle Ernie had always been keenly interested in art and even now found something to do for himself.”

Fate of the dynasty

The Grand Duke and his family did not leave Germany.

On February 2, 1931, the wedding of the eldest son of Ernst Ludwig and Eleanor, Crown Prince Georg Donatus and the Greek Princess Cecilia, took place in the New Palace of Darmstadt.

Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig died on October 9, 1937 at Wolfgarten Castle near Darmstadt.

The state funeral took place on November 16, 1937. The Grand Duke was buried in the ground next to the family mausoleum in Rosehöhe Park, not far from the grave of his daughter Elizabeth.

On the same day, his widow, son Georg Donatus with Cecilia and children - 6-year-old Ludwig and 4-year-old Alexander died in a plane crash near Ostend .

How lucky. Ernst, the double of Nicholas II, dies, and on the same day his wife, son, daughter-in-law and children die.

What a coincidence!

Let's see what's going on in his family: George V at the same time?

George V died at Sandringham on January 20, 1936. . Only 50 years later it became known that his physician Baron Bertrand Dawson, on his own initiative, euthanized the king, who had fallen into a coma after severe bronchitis, by personally injecting him with morphine and cocaine.

Grand Duke of Hesse and Rhine Ernst Ludwig.

Crown Princess Cecilia was 8 months pregnant at the time. The body of a dead newborn baby was found among the wreckage of the plane.

They were hurrying to the wedding of Prince George Donatus's younger brother, Prince Ludwig and Margaret Geddes. Due to the unexpected death of Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig, they had to stay in Darmstadt, and then urgently fly to London immediately after the funeral. Despite the tragedy in Ostend, the wedding took place the next day, November 17, 1937. This marriage was childless.

This means they were not relatives at that time. Otherwise, the wedding would have been postponed during the mourning period.
And if the wedding was not postponed, then there was no reason.

Prince George Donatus's youngest daughter, Princess Johanna, who was only one year old in fateful November 1937, remained at home in Darmstadt, which saved her from death in a plane crash. After the death of her parents, she was adopted by her uncle Prince Ludwig and his wife Margarita. However, a year and a half later, on June 14, 1939, Princess Johanna died of meningitis in Alice Hospital, named after her great-grandmother, Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse. She was not even 3 years old .

After the death of Prince Ludwig on March 30, 1968, who had been the head of the dynasty since November 16, 1937, the line of the Dukes of Hesse-Darmstadt in the male line came to an end.

Their side branch - the Dukes of Battenberg, who changed their family surname to Mountbatten in 1917, are currently the successors of this dynasty.

The head of the House of Hesse was Prince Moritz of Hesse-Kassel (1926-2013), adopted by Prince Ludwig in 1960. Prince Moritz has a son, Heinrich Donatus (born 1966), Hereditary Duke of Hesse-Kassel, and a grandson, Prince Moritz (born 2007). At the moment they are the official heirs of the Dukes of Hesse-Darmstadt.

How well everything turned out for the Mountbattens - a side branch of Nicholas II Elston-Sumarokov, whose doubles turned out to be:

01. Ernst Ludwig Karl Albert Wilhelm, German. Ernst Ludwig Karl Albert Wilhelm, Großherzog von Hessen und bei Rhein; 25 November 1868 - 9 October 1937) - Grand Duke of Hesse and Rhine.

02. Nicholas II of Holstein-Gottorp

03. George V of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

Well, let's take a look at what Wilhelm II Elston-Sumarokov had at the same time: 1937. Yes, out of curiosity.

Kaiser (Caesar, Tsar) Wilhelm II Elston-Sumarokov in field uniform during the First World War
world war


Kaiser Wilhelm and Emperor Nicholas II hunting

In his youth, until his accession to the throne, he did not show much interest in any serious work. He was most interested in hunting; his favorite hunting dogs were short-haired dachshunds.

At the turn of the century, he began to show great interest in ancient culture, excavations, and all kinds of historical research. (This is when the Yusupovs commissioned artists, sculptors and writers for their ancestors, the Romanovs (Holy Roman Emperors).
Wilhelm was known for his love of the sea and sea travel. His annual sea voyages to the shores of Norway became one of the traditions of the House of Hohenzollern. IN His exile also revealed his love for cutting down trees. In just one week in December 1926, 67-year-old Wilhelm, by his own calculations, destroyed 2,590 trees.

Renunciation and flight

The November Revolution in Berlin and other German cities took the emperor by surprise while he was at the headquarters of the imperial army in Spa, Belgium. The defection of his beloved fleet, the Kaiserliche Marine, to the rebel side shocked him deeply. After the start of the November Revolution, the emperor tried to organize an armed suppression of the unrest by the army. At that time, he was convinced that even if he left the imperial crown, he would be able to retain the title of King of Prussia. But on November 9, in the conditions of impending revolutionary anarchy, in order to preserve at least some order, Chancellor Max of Baden, without warning the Kaiser and without receiving his consent, announced the abdication of Wilhelm II from both thrones.

But on November 9, in the conditions of impending revolutionary anarchy, in order to preserve at least some order, Chancellor Max of Baden, without warning the Kaiser and without receiving his consent, announced the abdication of Wilhelm II from both thrones.

that even if he leaves the imperial crown,

That is, the situation is similar to Russia: the “renunciation” was announced, but no one saw the “renunciation” itself.

Sorry, there was only one “Empire”: the Holy Roman Empire of the Czartoryski-Konde, White Generals, captured by the Cossacks.
The Red Corporals had democracy there. That is, not an “emperor”, but a President, like Putin in the Russian Federation. And all the rest are governors. Everything is like under the Yusupovs.
In short, or are the lads again hanging noodles on our ears with a rewritten History, and then all these doubles are empty space, a literary hoax of the Soviet intelligentsia in order to hide information about what happened in the Russian Federation before 1921? Forgery of documents and giving false testimony.
Or... Wilhelm II Elston-Sumarokov and Nicholas II Elston-Sumarokov were the same person, like their dads: Alexander III and Frederick III turned out to be the same person: Nicholas I Elston-Sumarokov, President of the Holy Roman Empire Czartoryski-Conde, White Generals.

Princes Ludwig and Georg Donatus in Cossack costume. Children of Ernst (Nicholas 2)

The Cossacks banned the Army and became civilians: “Greek Orthodox peasants.” And the civilians had Presidents of the House of General States. One is the President, and all the other Greek Orthodox peasants in Cossack trousers with stripes were governors and leaders of the nobility.
The king is the governor, the duke is the leader of the nobility from the Greek Orthodox peasants of the old red (Prussian) guard. Our Cossacks changed their color in 1853-1923. , became the red army of the victorious Greek Orthodox peasants of Elston-Sumarokov. That’s why they rummaged around in bast shoes and on the parquet floors of the Winter Palace, in peasant sundresses based on Vasnetsov’s drawings. This is how the peasant life of our serfs was invented: the Yusupovs, Petrovs-Romanovs, members of the Social Democratic Party, State Duma deputies.
Why should we be shy with the Cossacks? Our people.
The President of the Cossack Hetmania cannot abdicate the throne, because the President does not have any throne. He is a democratically elected position for a term of no more than three years. He can be removed from his position at any time by a simple vote. And in this case, “renunciation” is not needed. The decision of the General Meeting of State Duma Deputies is sufficient. Which is what was done.

Among the red-speaking people, the language is as follows: the governor began to perform his official duties; among the red-speaking people, “he ascended to the kingdom.” The governor was kicked out of work: “he abdicated power.” I somehow didn’t understand the humor with the red-speakers: they are with the White Army of the Czartoryski-Konde: “Tsars of the Russians” in 1853-1871. Did they fight for democracy in the White Army or for autocracy?

Prince Georg Donatus
Why do their governors and leaders of the nobility not begin to perform their official duties according to the decision of the Cossack deputies, but “ascend to the kingdom”? What kind of language is this among the Red (Soviet) Greek peasants of the old Red (Prussian) Guard? Do they think that Pushkin’s friends couldn’t come up with anything more decent during so many years of Soviet power in the Holy Roman Empire of the Czartoryski-Konde, White Generals?

will leave the imperial crown

Crown, diadem - indicates a connection with the Universe. With the former God of Russia: “Savior”, Heavenly Master.

That is, technical means of communication, like our mobile phones and the Internet, are for personal use only. Therefore, the crowns were made for an individual customer and in a single version. This is so that no one can get in touch with the former God of Russia “Savior”, the Heavenly Master, except the user registered to the number of this crown.

Did you go through your cell phones at the General Staff when you once again destroyed Petrograd with the entire Red Army of victorious Greek Orthodox peasants? Did the Angels immediately cut off the Internet? And the crowns turned into empty cargo-style artifacts, like the holy icons in the hostels (cathedrals) of the Angels of Michael the Archangel, the Governor of the Heavenly Powers? And why bother carrying around that Great Czartoryski Imperial Crown if the Internet doesn’t work?

The next day, November 10, the former emperor crossed the border of the Netherlands, where he found his last refuge in exile
After the text of the Treaty of Versailles was drafted and approved in early 1919, Article 227 explicitly provided for the extradition of William II as a major war crime to convict him of disturbing the peace and quiet of Europe.
Wilhelm first settled in Amerongen, then on August 16, 1919 he acquired a small castle in Dorne. It was this castle that became Wilhelm’s last refuge.
The government of the Weimar Republic allowed the ex-emperor to export 23 carriages of furniture to Holland, as well as 27 different containers with things, including a car and a boat from the New Palace in Potsdam

According to the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, Wilhelm was declared a war criminal and the main culprit of the world war, so he had to be held accountable before an international tribunal. But the government of the Netherlands refused to extradite him, and the Entente powers, although they did not insist on extradition, accused the former German Kaiser, as the text of the treaty said, “of the highest insult to international morality and the sacred power of treaties.”

The lads put on a show for the suckers again. Some governor dared to ignore the decision of such a gathering of Greek Orthodox peasants? Yes, they agreed among themselves there, because the goal of that massacre of peoples, carried out by the Cossack deputies of the State Duma of the Holy Roman Empire Czartoryski-Konde, was achieved: the death of Russia, as a State and as a people. The question arose about the Final Division of Russia by the Czartoryski-Kondas, the Lords of the World. And since the question arose about a new division of spheres of influence, no one wanted to quarrel with the president and the governors who had to be surrendered. A raven will not peck out a crow's eye.

Already in 1926, the Prussian Landtag returned to Wilhelm his land holdings, which he had lost during the November Revolution of 1918. In 1931/1932 he received Hermann Goering on his estate. Invested in German heavy industry. During the Hohenzollern dynasty's stay in exile, their wealth doubled thanks to these investments. According to official data, the Hohenzollern fortune was 18 million marks in 1933, 28 million marks in 1939, and 37 million marks in 1942.

Wedding of Georg Donatus, Crown Prince of Hesse and Rhine and Princess Cecilia of Greece. 2 February 1931, Darmstadt.

Well, what did I say? They let me leave quietly, loudly shook my finger, and quietly returned everything through backbreaking labor to the position of either president or governor, and took me back into business. The lads are like lads, even though they are Cossacks: “intelligentsia”.

In 1940, after the capture of Paris by German troops, Wilhelm sent a telegram of greetings to Adolf Hitler.
He died on June 4, 1941 in the German-occupied Netherlands due to complications of pulmonary embolism. By order of Hitler, he was buried in Dorne with military honors.

Wilhelm II Count Elston-Sumarokov, Prince Yusupov Romanov - chief of Russian regiments
Several years before the start of the First World War, Wilhelm, who was the chief of the Russian 13th Narva Hussar Regiment, visited the sponsored regiment. While touring the formation of hussars, the German emperor asked why the regiment was awarded the St. George Standard.

There was a clear answer: “For the capture of Berlin, Your Majesty.” The Kaiser replied: “That’s very good, but it’s still better never to repeat it again!”

The 85th Vyborg Infantry Regiment of His Imperial and Royal Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia Wilhelm II also had 2 silver trumpets with the inscription “For the capture of Berlin, 1760”.

Firstly, these are not Russian regiments, but Prussian regiments of Nicholas Jewish soldiers of the Old Red (Prussian) Guard in German-occupied Russia 1861-1917.

And secondly, there was one state there: the Holy Roman Empire of the Czartoryski-Konde, in which the Cossacks in 1853-1953. staged their great French revolution using TI.

So, the question of identifying Wilhelm II Elston-Sumarokov with Nicholas II Elston-Sumarokov as the same person has not disappeared. Father and mother are the same, the State is the same, the position held is the same: president of the Red Army of Elston-Sumarokov.

What is there: shift the dates as needed, and rewrite the biography 50 years after the events? Anyone who takes the Slavs at their word is a fool. There, the whole World History is like one big scam of the Orthodox Jews of the old Red (Prussian) Guard, soldiers of the Franco-Prussian War.

On April 19, 1894, the marriage of Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse to Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duchess of Edinburgh, took place in Coburg. This wedding became one of the most magnificent events of royal Europe at the end of the 19th century.

When for one military-historical figure of the Red Army Elston-Sumarokov there are five doubles with different names, faces, wives and biographies, then all five may turn out to be empty space. And the one who had to be hidden from attention was at that time living quietly in the same Europe under an assumed name and using all the loot from 1853-1917.

We have to insert Wilhelm II into Elston-Sumarokov’s doubles of Nicholas II: “Romanov”.

And then it will be clear: one person or two different ones? Or maybe both will be empty space, and there will appear another Nicholas II, president of the Cossack Hetmania: “The Holy Roman Empire of the Czartoryski-Konde, White Generals”?

With such a rewritten History of Europe, you can expect anything from the Orthodox Jews of the old Red (Prussian) Guard... in the Russia they captured, the Czartoryski-Konde, White Generals.

What happens?

01. As a result of the November Revolution of 1918, Emperor Wilhelm II abdicated the throne. On the same day, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig signed his abdication.
Both at once. Replay of events.

02. Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig died on October 9, 1937 years at Wolfgarten Castle near Darmstadt.

03. George V died at Sandringham on January 20, 1936. Only 50 years later it became known that his physician Baron Bertrand Dawson, on his own initiative, euthanized the king, who had fallen into a coma after severe bronchitis, by personally injecting him with morphine and cocaine.

04. State funeral took place on November 16, 1937. The Grand Duke was buried in the ground next to the family mausoleum in Rosehöhe Park, not far from the grave of his daughter Elizabeth.

05. On the same day, his widow, son Georg Donatus with Cecilia and children - 6-year-old Ludwig and 4-year-old Alexander died in a plane crash near Ostend.

06. How lucky. Ernst, the double of Nicholas II, dies, and on the same day his wife, son and daughter-in-law with children die.

07. The dynasty of Ernst, the double of Nicholas II, came to an end and immediately a side line of Ernst of Hesse - Nicholas II Elston-Sumarokov Romanov appeared: the Mountbattens.

08. At the same time, George V, the double of the same Nicholas II, Elston-Sumarokov Romanov, Ernst of Hesse, dies, and again, the Mountbattens appear again to replace George V - Nicholas II: Elizabeth’s parents.

Wow, what a coincidence?!

Naturally, in real life there was one person: the President of the Cossack Hetmania (Holy Roman Empire of the Czartoryski-Konde) and he was on the line of Nicholas I Elston-Sumarokov.

Here it is no longer important how the writers wrote it down when they rewrote History after the Second World War, the algorithm itself is important here: the dynasty according to Nicholas I Elston-Sumarokov.

And there it doesn’t matter: Wilhelm II or Nicholas II, it’s still Elston-Sumarokov. There was only one state there, and the Cossacks of Elston rebelled in it. So, Wilhelm and Nikolai could very well be the same person. Simply, the History of the Army was copied in two versions: for the USSR and Germany, so it turned out to be two lines of the same Elston-Sumarokov Yusupov Romans. Only in the version for Germany he is Wilhelm II, and for the USSR - Nicholas II.

But in this case, the Mountbattens will not get anything from the Holy Roman Empire of the Czartoryski-Konde, the White Kings of the Family of Angels, Michael the Archangel, the Holy King Arthur - Artus - Chart Rus.

In any case, there was only one state: the Army. And there was only one power: the Czartoryski-Conde.

The Yusupov-Romanovs who fussed were impostors and mowed under the Czartoryski-Konde, the Lords of the World: the Government of the Army.

That is, the line of twins according to the Yusupovs - Nicholas II Elston-Sumarokov - completely disappears there, even if he is rewritten as Wilhelm in the case of Germany. Only the Yusupovs are left with their party from Arkhangelsk: friends and relatives of Elston-Sumarokov Nikolai I Roman.

Princess Cecilia of Greece and Denmark (Greek: Πριγκίπισσα Καικιλία της Ελλάδας και Δανίας) (22 June 1911 - 16 November 1937) - wife of George Donatus , Grand Duke of Hesse and Rhine, and sister of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
That is, all literary characters based on Queen Victoria such as Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Holstein-Gottorp must be removed. And this is exactly the Mountbatten line.

There they clearly go:

01. Czartoryski-Konde 1352-1921.

02. Yusupov Elston-Sumarokov Romanov 1871-1953 , because Hitler and Stalin are from the same Yusupov crowd.

03. And only then do the Mountbattens appear.

But they appear out of nowhere. No origin: empty space. And what they wrote about their genealogies from Alexander I are literary hoaxes.

The Romanov impostors were the Yusupovs. And the Windsors, Cambridges, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha were the Cossacks of Connaught, Mecklenburg and other Edinburgh Cossacks from the Yusupov-Elston-Sumarokov crowd. Real power.

12 June 2012, 19:41

Family and ancestors of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and her husband, Duke of Edinburgh Philip. Victoria(English Victoria, baptismal names Alexandrina Victoria - English Alexandrina Victoria) (May 24, 1819 - January 22, 1901) - Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from June 20, 1837, Empress of India from May 1, 1876 (proclamation in India - January 1 1877), last representative of the Hanoverian dynasty on the throne of Great Britain. Victoria remained on the throne for more than 63 years, longer than any other British monarch. Victoria's father was Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent, the fourth son of King George III, the mother of the future queen was Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg, Dowager Princess of Leiningen (1786 - March 16, 1861), who already had two children from her first marriage. Victoria's father, the Duke of Kent, died when her daughter was eight months old. She was brought up under the guidance of the Duchess of Northumberland; received good knowledge of botany and music. Victoria had been married since February 10, 1840 to her cousin, Duke Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (August 26, 1819 - December 14, 1861), to whom she gave the title of Prince Consort in 1857. Victoria and Albert had 9 children; through her children and grandchildren, Victoria became the “Grandmother of Europe”, her descendants - Windsors, kings of Great Britain, as well as the Hohenzollerns (Kaiser Wilhelm II is her grandson), the Spanish Bourbons and the Romanovs. One of Queen Victoria's 9 children Alice Grand Duchess of Hesse and Rhine(25 April 1843 – 14 December 1878), married Prince (later Grand Duke) Ludwig of Hesse. Mother of Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Nicholas II. In July 1862, Princess Alice married Prince Ludwig of Hesse (12 September 1837 – 13 March 1892), who later became Duke of Hesse and the Rhine. The family, into which 7 children were born, lived in the capital of the duchy, the city of Darmstadt. One of the 7 children of Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse and Rhine, Victoria(5 April 1863 – 24 September 1950) married Ludwig Battenberg (Mountbatten), grandmother of Philip of Edinburgh, husband of Elizabeth II; Victoria was born at Windsor Palace in the presence of her grandmother Queen Victoria. She was the first-born child of Princess Alice of Great Britain and Ludwig IV of Hesse. At one of the family meetings, Victoria met her distant relative, German Prince Ludwig Battenberg (1854-1921), son of Alexander of Hesse-Darmstadt. The couple lived in different parts of Europe, depending on Ludwig's place of service. One of Victoria's 4 children Princess Alice of Battenberg(1885-1969), married to Andrew, Prince of Greece; From this marriage, Prince Philip of Greece was born, who in 1947 married the future Queen Elizabeth II and took his mother’s surname (Mountbatten) during this marriage. Her Serene Highness Princess Victoria Alice Elizabeth Julia Maria Battenberg - mother of Prince Philip and mother-in-law of Queen Elizabeth II of England was born in Berkshire, England on February 25, 1885 in the family of Prince Ludwig Alexander of Battenberg and his wife, Princess Victoria of Hesse-Darmstadt. Her mother was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria of England and the sister of the last Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. Alice met her future husband at the coronation of King Edward VII. Her chosen one was the Greek Prince Andrew, the son of King George I of Greece and Queen Olga of Greece, née Grand Duchess. Andrei was the grandson of King Christian IX of Denmark and the great-grandson of Russian Emperor Nicholas I. They married on October 6, 1903. The wedding was attended by many descendants of Queen Victoria and King Christian IX of Denmark. The family had five children: Margarita (1905-1981) - the first great-great-granddaughter Queen Victoria, married to Godfrey, Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg. Theodora (1906-1969) - wife of Prince Berthold of Baden. Cecilia (1911-1937) - married the Crown Prince of Hesse and Rhine Georg Donaus, died along with her husband and children. Sophia (1914-2001) - married in her first marriage to Christopher of Hesse, in her second to Georg Wilhelm of Hanover. Philip (1921) - husband of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, Prince Consort.
Prince Philip was the fifth child and only son of Prince Andrew, son of King George I of Greece and brother of the then reigning King Constantine, and at birth had the title of Prince of Greece and Denmark. Prince Andrew belonged to the Danish house of Glücksburg, which reigned in Greece, and his wife and mother of Philip, Princess Alice, belonged to the Battenberg family. Philip is the great-grandson of the Danish king Christian IX, the great-great-grandson of the English Queen Victoria and the Russian Emperor Nicholas I. Maria Tekskaya- wife of the British King George V, mother of Edward VIII and George VI. Queen Mary was also Empress of India and Queen of Ireland. Maria was born and raised in England. Her father was a prince from the morganatic branch of the Württemberg house of the Dukes of Teck, her mother was a member of the British royal family, the granddaughter of King George III. On July 6, 1893, Princess Maria of Teck married the prince George V. George V second son of the Prince and Princess of Wales (later Edward VII and Queen Alexandra) was born on 3 June 1865 at Marlborough House (London). At baptism he received the name Georg Friedrich Ernst Albert. His father is Edward VII, his mother is Alexandra of Denmark. She is the sister of Maria Feodorovna - the wife of the Russian Emperor Alexander III and the mother of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. George V was very similar in appearance to Nicholas II, his maternal cousin: George's mother Alexandra and Nicholas's mother Dagmar were the daughters of King Christian IX of Denmark and Queen Louise, née Princess of Hesse-Kassel. On January 14, 1892, during an influenza epidemic, Albert's elder brother Victor died suddenly. The death of his brother made George second in line to the throne. In May 1892, Queen Victoria created her grandson the title Duke of York. In July 1893, he married Princess Victoria Maria of Teck of Baden-Württemberg, who had previously been engaged to his elder brother. After the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, the couple received the title Princes of Wales. In 1910, Mary's husband became king and she received the title Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India. At the end of the First World War on July 17, 1917, George V renounced all German titles and ranks, as well as the family name, for himself and his family, adopting the surname “Windsor” after Windsor Castle. After George's death in 1936, their eldest son Edward became king. But less than ten months later, he abdicated the throne to marry American Wallis Simpson. Mary's second son became king George VI. Queen Mary strongly supported her son, who suffered from a stutter, until his death in 1952. Mary died the following year, at the beginning of the reign of her granddaughter Elizabeth II. George VI- King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia and South Africa since December 11, 1936. From the Windsor dynasty. Second son of King George V and his wife, Queen Mary. Albert had four brothers: the future King Edward VIII (1894-1972), Henry, Duke of Gloucester (1900-1974), George, Duke of Kent (1902-1942), Prince John (1905-1919), who suffered from epilepsy and autism, and sister Mary (1897-1965), married Countess of Harwood. By nature, Albert was a modest and shy person, and he also suffered from a severe stutter. In June 1920 he became Duke of York, on April 26, 1923 he married Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, daughter of the 14th Earl of Strathmore. Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (4 August 1900 – 30 March 2002) was the consort of King George VI and Queen Consort of the United Kingdom from 1936 to 1952 as Queen Elizabeth, the last Empress of India. (1936-1950), Lord Warden of the Cinque Harbors (1978-2002). Mother of the now reigning Queen Elizabeth II. George VI met her back in 1905 (5-year-old Elizabeth treated 10-year-old Albert to candied cherries from a cake). Prince Albert, Duke of York ("Bertie" in his family) first asked Elizabeth to marry him in 1921, but she refused, "fearing that she would never again be able to think, speak and act freely, not as I feel as I should.” When he announced that he would not marry anyone else, his mother, Queen Mary, visited Glamis and was convinced that Elizabeth was “the only girl who could make Bertie happy,” but did not interfere. At that time, Elizabeth was also courted by James Stewart, Albert's equerry, until he left for America. In February 1922, Elizabeth was a bridesmaid at the wedding of Albert's sister, Princess Mary, Viscountess Lascelles. The following month, Albert proposed marriage again and was again refused. Finally, in January 1923, Elizabeth agreed to marry, despite misgivings about life in the royal family. They married on 26 April 1923 in Westminster Abbey. Two children were born into the family - princess on April 21, 1926 Elizabeth-Alexandra (future Queen Elizabeth II),and on 21 August 1930 - Princess Margaret Rose. Elizabeth II(English Elisabeth II, full name - Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, Elisabeth Alexandra Mary; April 21, 1926, London) - regnant Queen of Great Britain. Comes from the Windsor dynasty. She ascended the throne on February 6, 1952 at the age of 25 after the death of her father King George VI. He is the oldest British (English) monarch in history. She currently ranks second in history for the longest tenure on the British throne (after Queen Victoria). Queen Elizabeth II has four children, eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. In 1930, Elizabeth's only sister was born - Princess Margaret. Princess Margaret born August 21, 1930 at Glamis Castle, Scotland. She was the youngest daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. On May 6, 1960, she married Antony Armstrong-Jones, a photographer, a descendant of a minor Welsh noble family, who received the title Earl of Snowdon and Viscount Linley. From this marriage two children are born: David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley, born November 3, 1961, Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones, born May 1, 1964. In 1978, the Earl and Countess of Snowdon divorced, but in 2002 Margaret died of apoplexy. While studying at college, Prince Philip met his fourth cousins, Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret, who attended the school with King George VI. After this, a correspondence began between Philip and Elizabeth, and in 1946 Philip asked the king for permission to marry the heiress to the throne. In 1947, 21-year-old Elizabeth married 26-year-old Philip Mountbatten, a British naval officer, member of the Greek and Danish royal families and great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria. Philip and Elizabeth have four children: Charles, Prince of Wales (b.1948), Princess Anne (b.1950), Prince Andrew, Duke of York (b.1960) and Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex (b.1964). Charles, Prince of Wales(English: Charles, Prince of Wales), or simply Prince Charles, is the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, heir to the British throne. It is known that in the 1970s Charles courted many girls. In 1979, he proposed to his second cousin Amanda Knatchbull, the granddaughter of the legendary commander, the last Viceroy of India, Louis Mountbatten, but Amanda did not give her consent to the marriage. In 1980, Charles dated Lady Sarah Spencer, daughter of the aristocrat John Spencer - Viscount Althorp and the future 8th Earl Spencer, a member of the same branch of the Spencer-Churchill family as the Duke of Marlborough and Winston Churchill. Charles met her younger sister Diana, whom he eventually married on July 29, 1981. Her paternal ancestors were of royal blood through the illegitimate sons of King Charles II and the illegitimate daughter of his brother and successor, King James II. The Earls Spencer have long lived in the very center of London, in Spencer House.
However, the marriage was unsuccessful. Relations between the spouses soon deteriorated, and since 1992 they officially lived separately, and in 1996 they divorced. The scandal attracted significant public attention; it did not have the best effect on the reputation of the Prince of Wales. Diana died in a car accident in Paris in 1997. Charles and Diana had two sons: Prince William, now Duke of Cambridge (b. 21 June 1982) and Prince Harry(Henry) (b. September 15, 1984). Prince William Arthur Philip Louis, Duke of Cambridge (English: Prince William of the United Kingdom, Duke of Cambridge, born William Arthur Philip Louis; born 21 June 1982) - Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus, eldest son of Prince Charles of Wales and his first wife, the Princess Diana, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. As a member of the royal family, he has his own coat of arms, based on the national coat of arms of Great Britain. On November 16, 2010, Clarence House announced the engagement of Prince William and his longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton. The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton took place on April 29, 2011 at London's Cathedral Church of St. Peter's in Westminster Abbey. Prince Henry (Harry) of Wales(eng. Prince Henry (Harry) of Wales, full name Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor is the youngest son of Prince Charles of Wales and his first wife, the late Princess Diana, grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.
As a member of the royal family, on his eighteenth birthday he was awarded a personal coat of arms, based on the coat of arms of the monarch of the United Kingdom, as well as the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal (2002), the Afghanistan Campaign Medal (2008), the Diamond Medal Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II (2012). One of the most eligible bachelors on the planet. On April 9, 2005, Prince Charles married for the second time - to his long-time girlfriend, with whom he maintained a relationship both before and during marriage - Camilla Parker Bowles from a noble family, daughter of Bruce Shand, mother - nee Cubitt. The wedding ceremony took place in a civil rather than ecclesiastical manner - for the first time in the history of the British royal family. Through her marriage to Charles, Camilla received all of his titles, but chooses not to use her title of Princess of Wales as a sign of respect for the late Princess Diana. She uses the title Duchess of Cornwall instead. Princess Anne- member of the British royal family, the only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II. The princess is known for her charitable work and for being the only member of the British royal family to compete in the Olympic Games. She lived with her first husband, Captain Mark Phillips (born 1948), for 18.5 years.
From this marriage there are two children: Peter Phillips(1977) and Zara Phillips(1981). After her divorce from Phillips, she entered into a second marriage - with Commander (now Vice Admiral) Timothy Lawrence. As a member of the royal family, he has a personal coat of arms based on the national coat of arms of Great Britain. Zara Anna Elizabeth Phillips(eng. Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips; born May 15, 1981, Paddington, London) is a member of the British royal family, the second child and only daughter of Princess Anne and her first husband, Captain Mark Phillips, and thirteenth in the line of succession to the throne. Married to England rugby captain Mike Tindall, but kept her maiden name. Zara graduated from a privileged private school in Gordonston, Scotland. During her studies, she represented her school in hockey, athletics and gymnastics competitions. She later graduated from the University of Exeter as an equine physiotherapist. Peter married a 31-year-old Canadian Autumn Kelly. On December 29, 2010, her first granddaughter was born - Savannah Phillips, daughter of Peter Phillips, and, accordingly, the first great-granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York- British prince, rear admiral. Third child and second son of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The title of Duke of York was granted to him on July 23, 1986 - the day of his marriage to Sarah, Duchess of York. The Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York (from whom he has been divorced since 30 May 1996) have two children: Princess Beatrice of York(born August 8, 1988) and Princess Evgenia(Eugenia) of York (born 23 March 1990). Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York(English: Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York; born August 8, 1988) is a member of the British royal family. Eldest daughter of Andrew, Duke of York, second son of the current Queen Elizabeth II, and Sarah, Duchess of York. She received her primary education at Upton House School in Windsor, after which Beatrice, like her younger sister, Princess Eugenie of York, studied at Coworth Park School. At 19 years old, the British princess began working as a saleswoman at the famous Selfridges department store in London. Her responsibilities included servicing VIP clients. For a month, Beatrice worked five days a week from nine in the morning to five in the evening. The Queen's granddaughter did not receive money for her work - this became her work experience, which all members of the royal family are supposed to acquire. In 2007, the extravagant princess starred in Martin Scorsese's film The Young Victoria, a historical melodrama about Queen Victoria. And although Beatrice is a direct descendant of Victoria, her role in the film turned out to be quite insignificant; she did not have to say even a couple of words on camera, playing one of the ladies-in-waiting. Princess Eugenie Victoria Helen of York(English: Princess Eugenie Victoria Helena of York, born March 23, 1990) is a member of the British royal family. She is the youngest daughter of Andrew, Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York. She is also the sixth and second woman in the line of succession to the throne of the sixteen Commonwealth states, after her elder sister, Beatrice.
She and her sister are the only granddaughters of the Queen to be elevated to the title of Princess and Her Royal Highness. Prince Edward (Edward), Earl of Wessex- a member of the British Royal Family, the third son and youngest child of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He is 7th in the line of succession to the British throne, after his older brothers and their children. On June 19, 1999, Prince Edward married an employee of his company Sophie Rhys-Jones. In a departure from tradition, their wedding took place not in Westminster Abbey, but in St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. On his wedding day, Prince Edward was given the title Earl of Wessex. His wife became Her Royal Highness the Countess of Wessex.
At the wedding, Buckingham Palace also announced that Prince Edward's children would be treated as children of an earl and would not receive the titles of princes/princesses and would not be styled royal highnesses. Two children were born into the family of Edward and Sophie: a daughter Louise(Louise Alice Elizabeth Mary, b. November 8, 2003) - “Lady Louise Windsor” (Windsor is the surname of descendants of members of the royal family who do not have personal titles) and son James(James Alexander Philip Theo, b. December 17, 2007) - “James, Viscount Severn” (Viscount Severn is an “additional title” of the Earl of Wessex; according to tradition, the eldest son of the holder of the main title uses the additional title). Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor(b. 8 November 2003, Frimley, Surrey) is the daughter of Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, and Sophia, Countess of Wessex, the eldest of two children. Granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II, ninth in line of succession to the British throne. Before the birth of her younger brother James on December 17, 2007, she was ranked eighth. In April 2011, 7-year-old Lady Louise attended the wedding of her cousin, the Duke of Cambridge, as Catherine Middleton's bridesmaid. James Windsor, Viscount Severn- the second child and only son of Queen Elizabeth II's youngest son, Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex and his wife Sophia Rhys-Jones. He is eighth in line of succession to the British throne. On April 19, 2008, Viscount Severn was baptized in the house church of Windsor Castle. James's christening shirt was copied from that of Empress Victoria of Germany. Like his older sister Lady Louise Windsor, James does not actually hold the titles of Prince and Royal Highness to which he is entitled under the 1917 law.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (German: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner; May 6, 1880, Aschaffenburg - June 15, 1938, Frauenkirch-Wildboden near Davos) - German artist, representative of German expressionism.


In 1901 he graduated from high school in Chemnitz. Then he studied at the Faculty of Architecture of the Higher Technical School in Dresden, and attended the Educational and Experimental Workshop of Free and Applied Arts in Munich. At this time he met Bleul.

In 1903-1904 he studied at the art school of von Debschitz and Obrist in Munich, then continued to study architecture in Dresden. In 1905 he received a diploma in architecture.

In 1905, he, together with Bleul, Erich Heckel and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, formed the group “The Bridge” (Die Brücke), with which the formation of German expressionism began. June 7 is considered the founding day of the group. Later, Wassily Kandinsky, August Macke, and Alexey von Jawlensky joined her. The name was proposed by Heckel, and Kirchner became the ideologist of the group. In 1906, Kirchner wrote the group's program.

In the summer of 1907, together with Max Pechstein, he went to Goppeln near Dresden, where he painted a lot. In 1908 he worked on the island of Fehmarn.

In 1909-1911 he went to paint at the Moritzburg ponds. In 1910-1911 he was a member of the group of artists “New Secession”. In October 1911, he moved to Berlin and met Erna Schilling, who later became Kirchner’s common-law wife. At the same time, together with Max Pechstein, he founded the MIUM Institute (for modern teaching in painting).

In 1913, “Chronicle of the artistic group “Bridge”” written by Kirchner leads to the collapse of the group.

In 1914 he participated in an art exhibition in Cologne, and with the outbreak of the First World War he volunteered for the front. In 1915, he was discharged from the army due to lung disease and sent for treatment to a sanatorium in Königstein.

In 1917 he moved to Switzerland for residence and treatment, living in Stafelalp near Davos, until October 1918 he received treatment in a sanatorium in Kreuzlingen. 1922 marked the beginning of collaboration with Lisa Guyer.

In 1923 he moved to Wildboden, where he held a large exhibition of works in Basel. At this time he is working on illustrations for the book of the poet Georg Heim “Umbra Vitae”. In 1925/26 he made a long trip to Germany (Frankfurt am Main, Chemnitz, Dresden, Berlin).

In 1929 he travels to Essen, Berlin and Frankfurt am Main. In 1933 he held a large exhibition in Bern.

In 1937, the artist was classified by the Nazis as a representative of “degenerate art.” In 1938, exhausted by illness and addicted to drugs, the artist committed suicide; his common-law wife Erna Schilling received permission to bear the surname Kirchner until her death (October 2, 1945).


Paintings had a great influence on the artist’s earlier work. This was reflected in his first works: “Woman’s Profile and Sunflowers” ​​(1906), “Woman in a White Dress” (1908). At the same time, he showed interest in the primitive art of the peoples of Africa and Oceania. Features of primitivism are noticeable in his compositions: “Nude in front of a mirror” and “Two girls” (1910). These works are characterized by a decorative construction of planes, framed by swift dark lines. Kirchner was the first of the participants in “The Bridge” to define a new image of colors, lines and planes, their attraction to each other in the expressionist sense. Paintings, in his opinion, are not just images of certain objects, but independent creatures of lines and colors that are so similar to their prototypes that the key to understanding what is depicted is retained.

Kirchner also understood nature differently: by nature he understood everything that can be seen or felt, including what man himself created. Ernst Ludwig's work was influenced not only by painting, but also by the analysis of older art (Albrecht Dürer's engravings) up to folk primitivism (the art of African peoples). Kirchner’s paintings are characterized by some “blurredness” of female figures and elongated proportions (“Street with a Red Cocotte”, 1914).

The artist also tried his hand at wooden sculpture. He disseminated new ideas not only within the “Bridge” group, but also published articles about impressionism in the press. The artist moves to Berlin, which affects the nature of the group’s work.

After the publication of the “Bridge” Chronicle and the breakup of the group, the artist continued to work independently. The main picture of that time was “Street Scene in Berlin”. The colors are harsh and dissonant with each other. It seems that the strokes were applied as if in a fever, and this gives the picture a disturbing note.

Being in the army, where Kirchner volunteered, took a heavy toll on his psyche, the result of which spilled over into “Self-Portrait in a Soldier’s Uniform.”

Having moved to Switzerland, the subject of interest becomes mainly alpine landscapes. Throughout the 1920s, Kirchner's work developed in the direction of abstractionism.

Kirchner, being the founder of this direction, remained faithful to it to the end.