Galileo Science Experimental Journal with a set of experiments. Galileo science by experience magazine with a set for experiments Galileo science by experience all subjects

Galileo. Science by experience- a new magazine series from the publisher DeAgostini.

Science is a very exciting field, and the magazine “ Galileo. Science by experience” presents it in an entertaining way! Each issue will introduce you to the world around you and provide you with the opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.

"Galileo. Science by Experience” attachments

Special experiment kit with each release of the collection:

№1 Pump and 5 balloons.
№2 Solar battery and LED.+ Folder for magazines
№3 Electrical wires with clips (2 pieces).+ Dividers for folder
№4 Wrist compass.
№5 Magnifier.
№6 3 test tubes with stoppers, 3 pipettes.
№7 Stand for test tubes.
№8 Prism.
№9 Horseshoe magnet.

Up-to-date with a list of attachments.

In each issue, you'll find a page explaining how to test with a nested set.
Build your own home lab!

Journal sections

Operating principle
What happens when the molecules are heated? How are crystals formed? How is mass different from weight? These and dozens of other scientific processes are explained in an accessible way.

How it works
How does a helicopter take off vertically, how are animals cloned? This section clearly and precisely explains why the phenomena of daily life work in one way or another.

home laboratory
Experiment with materials at hand to better understand how certain scientific laws work.

Life in the Earth
People have long been interested in plants and animals and how they function. The section clearly explains the processes of life - from the development of tiny cells and ending with genetics.

Development of our planet
Now our planet is very different from the Earth, which formed 4.6 billion years ago. What changes have shaped the place we call home?


Galileo. Science by experience №34

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Scan by: crazy-slim

Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


Galileo. Science by experience №52

Release year: 2013

Russian language
Number of pages: 24


Galileo. Science by experience No. 31

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


Galileo. Science by Experience #35

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Scan by: crazy-slim
Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


Galileo. Science by Experience #50

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Official website:
Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


Galileo. Science by experience №51

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2013
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Official website:
Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


Galileo. Science by Experience #1-17

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2011
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


From the earth to the moon by direct route in 97 hours and 20 minutes. Around the Moon (Jules Verne)

Format: PDF, DJVU, Scanned pages
Author: Jules Verne
Release year: 1985
Genre: Romance, Adventure
Publisher: Pravda
Russian language
Number of pages: 350 with ill.
Description: The great French writer and traveler Jules Verne created for his readers a world of exciting adventures and incredible inventions. His books, full of amazing travels and scientific discoveries, are loved and in demand by many generations of readers. The book includes two science fiction novels about man's first unique trip to the moon. After the end of the American Civil War, the chairman...


Science of the Future (collection of lectures)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: collection of lectures
Release year: 2014
Genre: non-fiction
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: BIGBAG
Duration: 03:41:43
Description: Materials of speeches of Russian scientists on topical problems of modern science at the end of the 20th century. At present, all the latest information about these studies is strictly classified, and theses about "quackery", "metaphysics", "pseudoscience", "fakes", etc. are made public. The photo shows one of the first working versions of Akimov's torsion generator, which generates electricity from the fi...


The Science of Success (Alex Yanovsky)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Alex Yanovsky
Release year: 2014
Genre: Business, psychology
Publisher: Alex Yanovsky School of Business
Artist: Alex Yanovsky
Duration: 01:41:56
Description: The Science of Success audio book is a selection of materials from the annual curriculum of the School of Business and Personal Development by Alex Yanovsky. The audio book brings together Alex's best practical advice, examples and recommendations from the field of business and personal growth. Also excerpts from best books on business and personal growth, which Alex comments on and helps to understand them from an entrepreneurial point of view...


The Science of Parting (Veniamina Kaverin)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 112kbps
Author: Veniamina Kaverin
Released: 1986
Genre: Drama
Publisher: GTRF
Artist: Yuri Bogatyrev, Oleg Efremov, Larisa Grebenshchikova, Vladimir Sulimov, Evgeny Novikov, Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Elena Fadeeva, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Vladlen Davydov, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya, Andrey Tsimbal, Galina Dyatlovskaya, Rodion Aleksandrov
Duration: 01:53:52
Description: A radio play based on the novel by Veniamin Kaverin "The Science of Parting" takes place during the years of the Great Patriotic War. In the center of the story is the fate of the war correspondent Vadim Nezlobin, who works...


The Science of Fencing (Blasco Florio)

ISBN: 978-617-7479-99-3
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Blasco Florio
Release year: 2017
Genre: Martial arts, Fencing
Dnepr: Serednyak T.K.
Russian language
Number of pages: 143
Description: The treatise "The Science of Fencing", published in Catania in 1844, was written by the pragmatic fencing expert Blasco Florio. This is the last monument, the last historical document dedicated to the Neapolitan style of the Spanish School of Fencing (in a later period, such documents were not published). The book is devoted to a historical excursion to the roots of the origin and formation and...


The Science of Loving (Publius Ovid Nason)

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 64 kbps, 44 kHz
Author: Publius Ovid Nason
Release year: 2011
Genre: Classics, lyrics, erotica, ancient literature
Publisher: MediaKniga
Artist: Mikhail Pozdnyakov
Duration: 09:04:04 The poem of the great Roman poet Publius Ovid Nason is one of the most striking works of Latin love lyrics which had an undoubted influence on all subsequent European literature. In it, Ovid affirms love as an enduring value, as a common joy for two, pleasure for a person and strengthening of society.


Merry Science (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 112kbps
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Release year: 2005
Genre: Philosophy
Publisher: Ardis
Artist: Irina Erisanova
Duration: 12:45:38
Description: "Merry Science" is a deep and stylistically perfect book. Philosophy is understood in it as the mischief of the spirit; gaiety throws aside the confidence of the pedant. Philosophy reveals to the thinking mind the play of life, its hidden horizons. Life is not self-restraint. Nature does not know what a plight is, abundance and extravagance reign here, sometimes reaching madness. Finding freedom requires courage from a person ...


The Science of Love (Dario Salas Sommer)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 160kbps
Author: Dario Salas Sommer
Release year: 2012
Genre: Psychology, philosophy
Publisher: L-RECORDS
Artist: Alexander Klyukvin
Duration: 09:38:02
Description: Dario Salas Sommer is a recognized Chilean thinker, researcher, writer and philosopher. The son of a university professor and grandson of an outstanding figure in education, Dario Salas Diaz, the author of the reform of the education system in Chile, which provided all the children of the country with primary education, which has survived to this day. Dario Salas Sommer currently holds a Master of Philosophy and...


Ancient Science (Rozhansky Ivan)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Rozhansky Ivan
Release year: 2010
Genre: History of science, culture
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Ivanova Margarita
Duration: 09:11:39
Description: The book provides a popular sketch of more than a thousand years of history of ancient Greek and Roman science. The features of the early Greek science "about nature" are characterized and the gradual separation of separate branches from it - mathematics, astronomy, biology - is traced. The most important achievements of ancient science in the Hellenistic era (III-I centuries BC) are outlined, the causes and main stages of its post...


Galileo. Science by experience №34

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Scan by: crazy-slim

Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


Galileo. Science by experience №52

Release year: 2013

Russian language
Number of pages: 24


Galileo. Science by experience No. 31

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


Galileo. Science by Experience #35

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Scan by: crazy-slim
Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


Galileo. Science by Experience #50

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2012
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Official website:
Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


Galileo. Science by experience №51

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2013
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Official website:
Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


Galileo. Science by Experience #1-17

Format: PDF (scanned pages)
Release year: 2011
Genre: Scientific and educational journal
Russian language
Number of pages: 24
Description: Immerse yourself in the world of science with the Galileo. Science by experience! Each issue introduces the outside world and provides an opportunity to conduct some experiments at home. The magazine is written in an accessible language, all the facts are explained with the help of visual drawings, diagrams and examples. The information is presented in different sections, collecting which, you can compile a scientific encyclopedia.


From the earth to the moon by direct route in 97 hours and 20 minutes. Around the Moon (Jules Verne)

Format: PDF, DJVU, Scanned pages
Author: Jules Verne
Release year: 1985
Genre: Romance, Adventure
Publisher: Pravda
Russian language
Number of pages: 350 with ill.
Description: The great French writer and traveler Jules Verne created for his readers a world of exciting adventures and incredible inventions. His books, full of amazing travels and scientific discoveries, are loved and in demand by many generations of readers. The book includes two science fiction novels about man's first unique trip to the moon. After the end of the American Civil War, the chairman...


Science of the Future (collection of lectures)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: collection of lectures
Release year: 2014
Genre: non-fiction
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: BIGBAG
Duration: 03:41:43
Description: Materials of speeches of Russian scientists on topical problems of modern science at the end of the 20th century. At present, all the latest information about these studies is strictly classified, and theses about "quackery", "metaphysics", "pseudoscience", "fakes", etc. are made public. The photo shows one of the first working versions of Akimov's torsion generator, which generates electricity from the fi...


The Science of Success (Alex Yanovsky)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Alex Yanovsky
Release year: 2014
Genre: Business, psychology
Publisher: Alex Yanovsky School of Business
Artist: Alex Yanovsky
Duration: 01:41:56
Description: The Science of Success audio book is a selection of materials from the annual curriculum of the School of Business and Personal Development by Alex Yanovsky. The audio book brings together Alex's best practical advice, examples and recommendations from the field of business and personal growth. As well as excerpts from the best books on business and personal growth, which Alex comments on and helps to understand them from the point of view of entrepreneurship...


The Science of Parting (Veniamina Kaverin)

Format: audio performance, MP3, 112kbps
Author: Veniamina Kaverin
Released: 1986
Genre: Drama
Publisher: GTRF
Artist: Yuri Bogatyrev, Oleg Efremov, Larisa Grebenshchikova, Vladimir Sulimov, Evgeny Novikov, Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Elena Fadeeva, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Vladlen Davydov, Lyudmila Tselikovskaya, Andrey Tsimbal, Galina Dyatlovskaya, Rodion Aleksandrov
Duration: 01:53:52
Description: The radio performance based on the novel by Veniamin Kaverin "The Science of Parting" takes place during the Great Patriotic War. In the center of the story is the fate of the war correspondent Vadim Nezlobin, who works...


The Science of Fencing (Blasco Florio)

ISBN: 978-617-7479-99-3
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Blasco Florio
Release year: 2017
Genre: Martial Arts, Fencing
Dnepr: Serednyak T.K.
Russian language
Number of pages: 143
Description: The treatise "The Science of Fencing", published in Catania in 1844, was written by the pragmatic fencing expert Blasco Florio. This is the last monument, the last historical document dedicated to the Neapolitan style of the Spanish School of Fencing (in a later period, such documents were not published). The book is devoted to a historical excursion to the roots of the origin and formation and...


The Science of Loving (Publius Ovid Nason)

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 64 kbps, 44 kHz
Author: Publius Ovid Nason
Release year: 2011
Genre: Classics, lyrics, erotica, ancient literature
Publisher: MediaKniga
Artist: Mikhail Pozdnyakov
Duration: 09:04:04 The poem of the great Roman poet Publius Ovid Nason is one of the brightest works of Latin love lyrics, which undoubtedly influenced all subsequent European literature. In it, Ovid affirms love as an enduring value, as a common joy for two, pleasure for a person and strengthening of society.


Merry Science (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 112kbps
Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Release year: 2005
Genre: Philosophy
Publisher: Ardis
Artist: Irina Erisanova
Duration: 12:45:38
Description: "Merry Science" is a deep and stylistically perfect book. Philosophy is understood in it as the mischief of the spirit; gaiety throws aside the confidence of the pedant. Philosophy reveals to the thinking mind the play of life, its hidden horizons. Life is not self-restraint. Nature does not know what a plight is, abundance and extravagance reign here, sometimes reaching madness. Finding freedom requires courage from a person ...


The Science of Love (Dario Salas Sommer)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 160kbps
Author: Dario Salas Sommer
Release year: 2012
Genre: Psychology, philosophy
Publisher: L-RECORDS
Artist: Alexander Klyukvin
Duration: 09:38:02
Description: Dario Salas Sommer is a recognized Chilean thinker, researcher, writer and philosopher. The son of a university professor and grandson of an outstanding figure in education, Dario Salas Diaz, the author of the reform of the education system in Chile, which provided all the children of the country with primary education, which has survived to this day. Dario Salas Sommer currently holds a Master of Philosophy and...


Ancient Science (Rozhansky Ivan)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Rozhansky Ivan
Release year: 2010
Genre: History of science, culture
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Ivanova Margarita
Duration: 09:11:39
Description: The book provides a popular sketch of more than a thousand years of history of ancient Greek and Roman science. The features of the early Greek science "about nature" are characterized and the gradual separation of separate branches from it - mathematics, astronomy, biology - is traced. The most important achievements of ancient science in the Hellenistic era (III-I centuries BC) are outlined, the causes and main stages of its post...