The attitude of children towards learning. Presentation at the Moscow Region: "A positive attitude towards learning is a guarantee of moral behavior" Cheat sheet for writing a characteristic

Why kids don't want to learn


Features of the negative attitude of schoolchildren to learning

Reasons for low motivation for learning:

1) inability to learn;
2) educational errors.

Parenting mistakes:

Dysfunction in the family;
lack of a clear organization of the child's life, neglect in everyday life;
violation of the unity of requirements for the child;
perverted attitude towards a child - suppression of personality, threats, physical punishment, caressing, excessive custody;
overestimated requirements without taking into account the objective capabilities of the child, the perception of malicious intent, laziness where other reasons lie;

It is absolutely useless to scold and punish for the lack of learning skills and voluntary behavior.

Students' homework should be checked, and regularly and really looking in notebooks, and not limited to the question: "Have you done your homework?" Do not make excuses for not participating in school affairs son or daughter lack of time.If you don’t find time to help your child, do not be surprised that he will do poorly.

With low motivation the child prefers not to succeed, but to avoid failures.

  1. "You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty." Explain to your child his failures not low mental abilities,but a lack of effort.
  1. Instill in children respect to mental work. For a positive exampleyou can work yourself at home(for the teacher - check notebooks, for the doctor - fill out medical cards, for the engineer - dig into the drawings).
  2. Avoid distractionstudent - do not drive him to take out the trash in the middle of work.
  3. Success breeds success. Help him, if he doesn’t know what to do next, praise; if he’s successful, give him a boost with reasonable criticism. further development... Tell him that everyone makes mistakes, and this is completely normal - they learn from mistakes.The best source of motivation for an underperforming student is the knowledge that he or she is doing well.
  4. Avoid personal comparisons with your classmate!This will increase the degree of insecurity in the child. Parents need to watch not only how they comment on their children's actions, but also how they value others. The words "Tanya is so smart!" or "Dima is a real child prodigy!" can create a static negative self-image in your child. Ideally for a child, a “dynamic” self-image is the conviction that abilities can be developed.
  5. Explain to your child how he canplan your training yourselfby asking him leading questions: “In what subjects do you have assignments today? Where do you want to start? " - "How are you going to learn a poem?" Check assignments only when he finishes them.

You need to set the following rules for the child,

school related:

going to school is the child's responsibility, as is the housework that you and your child have agreed to do. Shirking is discouraged, unless the child is sick. The child must get up on time in the morning and collect all the things he needs at school;
the question of doing homework outside the discussion. How and when they should be done you can decide with your child;
the child must report the grades. You can always calmly discuss everything and, in case of failure, sketch out a plan to improve the situation;
correct errors. Instead of endlessly worrying about a poorly written English job, it's wiser to think about why this happened and do better next time.
Good grades don't come on a silver platter - you have to work hard to get them. At school, children gradually understand that success does not come immediately, work and patience are needed.

If the rules are broken, you must respond consistently.If your child, for example, does not comply with the designated time for lessons, take appropriate action. They should be reasonable, logical and understandable for the child. For example: “If you don’t turn off your computer in ten minutes and do not sit down to study, you won’t go for a walk after lunch.” Remain steadfast in your decision, even if it is difficult at times.

  1. If you want to praise a child, better mark not the result, but the work done, the effort spent,which led to a high assessment, so that the child realized the value of his own work and the efforts made - this is important for his dynamic self-image. For example: "You are great for coming up with the idea of ​​learning words from flashcards."
  2. Excessive pressure on the child from the parents can suppress his motivation, setting him too high and almost unattainable goals.If the child is constantly presented with exaggerated demands, he learns without joy.
  3. When parents regularly attend parent-teacher meetings, maintain contact with the child's class teacher, without interfering with the learning process, this has a positive effect on the child's attitude towards school and towards learning in general. Parental fear prevents children from becoming independent.
  4. Excessive demands on the part of parents are common for many schoolchildren, because they attend a school that does not match their abilities. Many parents present inflated requirements for your children. This overloads the children. Instead of hoping for success, they constantly experiencefear of failure... But only those who believe in themselves and their abilities enjoy learning. Deceived expectations cause unpleasant feelings.Keep in mind that a lot depends on genes as well.If you did not excel at school with good academic performance and barely received a certificate, then do not demand the impossible from your child. Let it be better to grow a solid C grade, and not a tortured excellent student. It’s worthless for the knowledge that is forcibly hammered into the child.
  5. Very often, motivation problems in children arise from excessive guardianship from the parents. Parents who want to make the life of their children easier and more pleasant, presenting to themunderstated requirements and protecting them from any difficulties, thereby render them a disservice.
  6. The most powerful attack a child's motivational system experiencesduring pubertywhen "I don't want to study!" becomes the main motto in life. Dating instead of physics classes, computer games instead of learning English - this is where the student focuses his energy and attention. As long as the child still has an incentive to do something useful in his free time, to meet friends, or even to study in certain subjects, parents can be relatively calm. But it is worth considering if the apathy lasts.If a teenager, both at school and in his free time, demonstrates a lack of desire to do something and is indifferent to everything, serious mental or physical illnesses may be hidden behind this.In this case, it is worth consulting a doctor or adolescent psychologist.

Why doesn't the child want to learn?

Interest in school and schooling largely depends on children's attitudes toward learning. In the presence of a positive attitude, there is also a desire to go to study. And if the child does not have such a desire? How can we help him?

Children's attitudes towards learning depend both on age and on positive or negative learning experiences.

For example, 5-6-year-old children perceive study as entertainment, play, or treat it as a boring, uninteresting activity. Moreover, the answers of girls and boys differ significantly. Let us give examples of associations of 5-6-year-old children with the word “study”.

Boys. Arthur: “I like it, I have an album”; Prokhor: “I love to sculpt from plasticine, draw all kinds of monsters. I love to collect a collection of birds "; Nikita: “Letters and numbers, nothing else”; Roma: "It is inconvenient to study at school."

Girls. Sonya: “You have to write what they say, write letters and numbers and circle them along the dotted lines”; Diana: “To study well, to get a“ 5 ”, to try, always make beautiful drawings, so that my mother will be happy, and she will swear at the bad.”

From the children's answers, it is clear that they still do not have clear ideas about learning, moreover, boys, to a greater extent than girls, associate school with their favorite games, and girls try to give so-called socially desirable answers, that is, such answers that they expect to hear from them. adults, as such behavior is acceptable. In general, the thinking of children of this age is still very specific and tied to well-known situations.

The answers of children 6-7 years old (those who are already preparing to go to school and attend preparatory group) are completely different. When asked to name the words with which they associate the word "study", the children replied:

Kira: “Work, listen, student, teacher”; Zlata: “Study, go to school, do assignments”; Yulia: “Difficult, but interesting, because you get ready for work there”; Veronica: “For me it’s to do and write”; Lisa: "Reading books, complex games, living organism - everything is interesting."

It is noticeable that after 6 years, the child's thinking becomes more abstract, he can already generalize various concepts, therefore, he does not answer in whole sentences, but names only the main words, that is, he can "fold" information to one key word. The answers of children of this age also reflect a more meaningful attitude towards learning, which, like the motives (“I want” or “I don’t want to learn” and “why I am going to school”), changes in children throughout their learning activities.

Any child at the beginning of schooling has both cognitive and social motives. In the first case, he seeks to gain new knowledge, remember more, understand, and is curious. In the second case, it is important for a child, first of all, to receive approval and praise from adults; he seeks to take a worthy place in his social environment, find friends and communicate more.

An important incentive for my child to study is the friendly and attentive attitude of the teacher to her, as well as the fact that the teacher is beautiful and young.

The predominance of one of the motives is characteristic of the younger schoolchild, but over time, their ratio, of course, changes. A child is considered not psychologically ready for school if his play motives prevail. At 6 years old, this situation is common. Therefore, you should not send your child to school prematurely.

In Germany, for example, compulsory schooling starts at the age of 6. But most children are not yet motivationally ready for school. They prefer play to all types of activity, get tired quickly, are still strongly attached to their mother and emotionally suffer from a sharp change in the environment. True, in primary school all training takes place in the game. Children are not given homework all week. Lessons often take place not in the classroom, but on the street or in a store, where children study the cost of food, write down prices in a notebook, then buy, for example, vegetables and make a salad at school, which they then eat together. Reading lessons can take place in a large room on mats, in sleeping bags with a flashlight that dimly illuminates a fascinating book. Children call their teachers "you".

One can agree or deny such an original pedagogical system, in which the main thing is not the development of the intellect, but the personality. But the fact remains: 6-7-year-old children in Germany love school and go there with pleasure. Those who do not cope with the program stay for a second year, which is very common in Germany and is not considered shameful.

Why doesn't the child want to learn? Why does he come up with more and more new tricks so as not to go to school? Why doesn't he want to do his homework, doesn't want to pack up a portfolio, why doesn't he care where and in what condition the textbooks and notebooks are? This is a headache for many parents who come to a dead end when solving this problem. Let's try to figure it out.

In elementary school, boys' learning motives are weakly expressed and are formed more slowly than girls. But by the end of schooling, boys have more stable and more pronounced motives than girls. The content of the motives depends on the temperament of the child. Choleric and sanguine people more often show social motives, and melancholic and phlegmatic people - cognitive. Choleric and sanguine people have very unstable motives, they, without completing one case, can start a new one. In melancholic and phlegmatic people, motives are formed more slowly, but they are more stable.

Usually, when a child does not want to go to school, we first of all begin to scold and shame him for his laziness and irresponsibility. We focus on the negative: you write the worst of all, you cannot even count to 10, you cannot memorize two lines from a poem, etc. And a child who does not get joy from learning anyway begins to hate her after that. Indeed, most often children do not strive to study, because they are either bored or difficult.

That is why you should try to adhere to simple rules:

1. Praise small successes.

2. Suggest starting homework assignments simple and engaging.

3. Loosen control over the implementation of all tasks by entrusting part of the child. Children who do not feel responsible for completing school assignments, because their mother has taken over the whole initiative, do everything under pressure.

4. More often take an interest in school life, ask to tell what you liked, what was difficult, etc.

5. Use rewards and punishments wisely (more on this later).

6. Do not compare your child with other children ("But Lena always does everything right and beautifully, not like you!")

7. Adhere to the rule: "If you have done the job - walk boldly" (that is, do not drag out your homework until late in the evening), but at the same time, after school, the child should have a rest and a walk.

8. Translate uninteresting abstract assignments into a practical sphere. For example, solve example "18-5" using money or candy. Visual information is absorbed better and arouses the child's interest.

9. If your child needs to practice reading or writing, ask him to fill out a "questionnaire", which is easy to come up with and type on the computer. Children love to write their name, address, phone number, etc. The child trains his hand and reading skills at the same time.

10. Be attentive to the child's feelings, try to listen to him and instill confidence in him. Children often do not want to go to school due to the fact that they do not know how to communicate, and therefore they are more often offended by their peers. "Nobody plays with me, Nadia pushed me hard, I fell, and everyone laughed." Such complaints should not be ignored. Try to find a way out of this situation together. You can offer your child several popular games in which he can interest peers, learn funny rhymes. The main thing is to emphasize that the child does better than others.

For example, my daughter draws beautifully, and when her, newcomer, children at first did not accept, we began to solve these problems through drawing. The daughter painted portraits of her peers, funny pictures, and they, having become interested in the drawings, began to show attention to their author.

Remember that coaxing peers with candy or other treats creates the appearance of established contact. You cannot "buy" attention.

Each parent dreams of raising his child as a responsible person who will be able to take responsibility for his actions. Parents are especially worried about the lack of a responsible attitude of children at school age, when they do not want to prepare lessons and do not show perseverance in their studies.

Responsible children demonstrate self-confidence and independence, they do well in school and help parents at home. However, these children today are becoming less and less, improvement living conditions and the material well-being of people has led to the fact that parents do not want their beloved child to shoulder additional responsibilities and try to solve all problems for him. The result of such upbringing is that a person who grew up in such conditions in adult life loves to complain all the time and blames outsiders for his failures.

Do not raise by work, the evil boss is to blame, family relationships are not going well - he chose the wrong wife. A responsible person behaves in a completely different way, he is sure that only he himself is to blame for all his actions. If he is not satisfied with the job, he will not whine and complain, but will go to look for another, more promising one. I succumbed to the persuasion of my parents and chose the wrong profession, what is done is done, we need to find a way to get another education.

Chose the wrong one wife, only I can decide whether to live with her further or not. An irresponsible person, on the other hand, believes that he is a victim of circumstances. He is confident that everyone should take care of him and create comfortable living conditions for him. The boss should treat him well, the wife should understand and love him at any time, and the parents should repent all their lives for sending him to study at the wrong institute.

Modern children parents begin to teach how to read long before entering school, but they advise building this education taking into account the child's wishes. If you don't want to read today, well, let's try to read it tomorrow. Yesterday I washed my dishes, well done. Today I left the dirty dishes in the sink, nothing, we'll wash it ourselves.

With admission to the first Class such an attitude towards a child is no longer possible, it is necessary to fulfill the teacher's requirements and prepare homework regardless of whether he wants it or not. That is why some of the children who were allowed to do nothing by their parents before school if he didn’t want to, in the elementary grades try to defend their right to do everything the way they like. This is expressed in inattention in the classroom and a careless attitude to the performance of school assignments.

Child unaccustomed fulfill what he does not want, often rolls up or declares that he has a stomach or headache, so as not to go to school or sit down for lessons. It depends on the parents' attitude to such behavior of the child whether he grows up to be a responsible person and will try to achieve success in life. If the parents indulge the child and allow him to always do only what he wants, then in adult life he will not be kept at work, which requires responsibility from him, he will quickly leave the family, because family life imposes certain obligations on each person ...

But too strict attitude in the upbringing of a child so that he always does what is "necessary", also cannot contribute to his correct development. A person who does everything "necessary" to the detriment of his interests does not live his own life. Throughout his life, doing everything correctly, he becomes the subject of the merciless exploitation of the people around him: bosses, wife, children and parents. Therefore, when fostering a responsible attitude towards learning in a child, a goal must be set: to teach him to find a balance between "must" and "want".

Upbringing process responsibility in a child, it is necessary to start from early childhood, from the age of 3 the baby should understand that he is responsible for his actions. To teach him this, the parents themselves must be consistent in their actions and show him an example of a responsible attitude. For a child to be responsible for learning from a young age:

1. Trust your child... If you think that the baby is too young to do something on his own, so it will be. Let the child do everything himself, what he can do. And you only evaluate his actions and praise when necessary. A child's self-esteem depends on how adults evaluate his actions.

2. Do not try to satisfy all the whims of the child., so he will lose the incentive to achieve something on his own. This is usually done by parents who, with great effort, have achieved the fact that they can already afford to do only what they want. They extend this attitude to life to children, who very soon also begin to do only what they like. The child should know how and in what way you achieved this life. Explain to him that finances must be handled wisely, and that in order to replenish the stocks of money, one must learn to be independent and be responsible.

3. Don't Confuse Responsibility with Obedience... Total control and obedience do not contribute to the formation of a child as a person. Let him make his own decision and do as he decided and then evaluate the result. After all, we enjoy not only doing those things that we want to do, but also overcoming difficulties. The child should be proud that he was able, and the parents should only approve of his actions.

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Teaching is light. Alas, not all people are easily trainable. It happens that a person is both smart and educated, but it is not given to him, for example, English language... Sitting for days at a textbook and dictionary, a person loses faith in himself, thinking that he is stupid, but in fact, everything is not at all like that. It's just that the method of self-study and motivation is not universal enough. You need to program the positive in yourself attitude to learning, so as not to turn training into hard labor.

First, in the very question: how to force yourself to learn, there is already a wrong motivation. The verb "force" has a destructive effect on the human psyche. There are people who will do work of any complexity and severity until they are forced to do the same work in a team tone. What to do? You just have to replace the verb "force" with "interest." As the saying goes, the best job is a well-paid hobby. But, believe me, sometimes interesting work is fun even without pay. The main thing is to be calm and satisfied with the result of your work. Studying is the same work, and it can be classified as work for the sake of pleasure, and not for the sake of material well-being. Of course, in the future it will be much easier to provide oneself with material benefits in terms of the knowledge gained.

How to develop a productive attitude towards work without making sacrifices and infringing on your free and busy time? Try to combine leisure and work hours. If you teach foreign language, buy multi-colored self-adhesive leaflets, stick them around the apartment, having previously written words, transcriptions, pronunciation and spelling rules. This will not only help develop language learning abilities, but also the visual perception is maximized.

Equip yourself with a comfortable workplace ... Of course, if you are sitting at the kitchen table trying to memorize historical dates and events, and you are surrounded by dirty dishes, a radio and the screeching of a neighbor's child under the window, there can be no question of any kind of work environment. But comfort contributes to calmness and harmony in which one wants to live, study and work. With this method, a loyal attitude towards learning is guaranteed to you.

Give yourself a mindset: no social media! Have you noticed how quickly time flies when it goes to scrolling, "likes" and viewing hundreds of photos of a girlfriend who got married? Imagine how much important and useful you could do if you did not spend time on the Internet. Avoid anything that takes your time and distracts you from your main work. Already a couple of hours for study can be allocated. But what a wonderful feeling of satisfaction then, when the job is done and the necessary knowledge is obtained.

Think of some kind of reward for your work... It is not necessary, after studying one paragraph, to run through boutiques and do a great shopping. Pamper yourself with something tasty or start saving money for a thing that you have wanted for a long time, but did not find time to buy. For example, you want a book, but there is no time to go to the store for it. Find out the cost of the book, divide by seven days. Put the resulting amount in a box every day, after a patient and interesting learning process. And on the day off, go for a long-awaited purchase. It will be a great reward for work and a great useful motivation.

Don't worry if your studies aren't coming.... It cannot be that you are unteachable. You are just bored and uninteresting. A humanist looks at mathematics with horror until he figured out how to make mathematics humanitarian. It is easy, it is only important to revise the science and tune it in your own way.

Remember that you should not be worried about how to force yourself to learn, but how to learn with pleasure and interest. The best reward for your work is self-development... Be demanding and attentive to yourself, develop an attitude towards learning with correct methods, replacing painful patience with interest.

Teenagers are one of the most vulnerable age groups. They are experiencing a rapid growth of the body, hormonal surges, at the same time strive to join the world of adults through bad habits and reject its values. Changes are experienced not only by the body, but also by the soul. very vulnerable: they experience betrayal of friends or parting with a partner much more difficult than adults. At the moment of revising their attitude to the world around them, they can also change not for the better their attitude to learning.

When a child goes to first grade, he takes school lessons with great interest. But after a while, he may face difficulties in spelling or mathematics and experience stress from the excessive complexity of tasks. The older the student, the less he likes to study.

Lack of interest in learning among adolescents is a serious problem not only for parents, but also for teachers and psychologists. Modern seventh graders practically do not give in to pressure, and the authoritarian style of upbringing no longer works with them. Therefore, many adolescent psychologists admit that the methods that worked for previous generations are ineffective today. The prospect of teenagers getting a future profession is still a rather distant prospect, and the “unenviable” fate of a “janitor” does not scare them much.

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