Services for learning English on the Internet. The best platforms for learning a foreign language. LearnatHome - teaches Russian speakers English

The path to IT lies through English language courses, and nothing can be done about it. Without mastering it at least at a level above the average, there is nothing to even think about retraining as programmers - only those who do not know the difficulties of translation are taken for dollar salaries. We periodically publish collections of free programming courses, but today we decided to collect sites for learning English. All of them are free, targeted at different users and built in different formats. We hope you find something for yourself.

  1. Duolingo is one of the most popular services for learning foreign languages ​​from scratch. The project is supported financially by Google Capital, Ashton Kutcher and other good investors. The program is built in the form of a "tree of achievements": in order to move to a new level, you must first score a certain number of points that are given for correct answers. There are apps for iOS and Android.
  2. LearnEnglish - materials for learning English are collected here in different formats: lessons, games, chatting, etc. The site is available in English.
  3. Situational English - offers to learn English through situations. The site contains about 150 articles, which, depending on the context, offer ready-made expressions and reactions. The materials are available in Russian.
  4. - site with lessons, articles and videos. Also available in Russian.
  5. - Users are encouraged to work with podcasts, all available on iTunes for free. It is also possible to work with printouts of podcasts and dictionaries.
  6. Learn American English online - all material is divided into levels and highlighted in a certain color for convenience. And teacher Paul explains grammar in video format.
  7. Learnathome is a Russian service, convenient in that a lesson plan is formed for the student every day, which can be completed in 30 minutes. Before starting, the user is advised to take a quick test that will determine the level of knowledge of the language. If the test is skipped, the service will install the program for the elementary level.
  8. Edu-station is a Russian-language site where you can not only watch video lectures, work with notes and books, but also with an interactive dictionary. There is paid content.
  9. is a service for learning English while watching movies and popular TV shows. The video player has a built-in translator, in which you need to select the Russian language.
  10. Film-english - a website for language learning with the help of short films was created by English teacher Kieran Donahue, winner of a number of prestigious educational awards in the UK.
  11. TuneintoEnglish - site offers to learn English through music. Here you can write down lyrics from dictation, sing karaoke, find exercises for the lyrics and guess which song is being discussed from the diagrams.
  12. FreeRice is an English vocabulary trainer with grammar exercises and tests. The service is supported by the United Nations World Food Program, so the lessons are built like a game - for every correct answer you get some rice to feed the hungry.
  13. Memrise - the site is available in English. During the training, the user is offered to choose a meme for better memorization of the word or create their own associative image. Then you need to perform exercises to choose the correct answer and the perception of the word by ear. The service is also available for iOS and Android.
  14. Myspelling is a useful site for those who want to improve their English spelling. The user is prompted to listen to the word, then write it.
  15. ManyThings - the site is aimed at those who are preparing for tests or exams in English. There are sections for practicing pronunciation (American, English), idioms, slang and more.
  16. ExamEnglish is suitable for those who are preparing for an international English exam (IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.).
  17. Babeleo - here you can read books in the original with professional translation before your eyes. The books are available for free to read, but a subscription is required to access the full versions.
  18. Begin-English - English for beginners. A large selection of various educational materials collected by students and graduate students of Moscow State University during volunteer ambushes.
  19. List-English - a selection and classification of materials for learning English: online dictionaries, schools, forums, translators, tutors, tests, school textbooks, video courses, games, YouTube channels, podcasts and much more. New users are encouraged to download a 10-step plan that will make learning easier for them.
  20. - All English textbooks are collected here and available to download or read online.

There is also an opportunity to learn the language on the Ukrainian platform Prometheus - since January 2016, an online business English course has been available here. Earlier, the site also published a selection from the founder of Prometheus, Ivan Primachenko.

If the video format suits you best, you can find suitable courses in our selection.

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This article will list the best, and, most importantly, free websites for learning english.

If you decide to study English on your own and are able to organize your learning process without outside help, then various online resources will be great helpers for you in this difficult task. If you know where to look for the specific information you need right now, you can save a lot of time and speed up the learning process.

Sites for self-learning English are an indispensable assistant also for those who take courses or study at schools and institutes. They help to fill in the missing pieces that the teacher may have missed, and are also necessary for completing numerous homework assignments.

The best Russian language resources for learning English

Perhaps the most popular interactive service in Runet for learning English. Here you can learn English in a playful way without cramming and improve your level day after day. There is also a mobile application that will allow you to improve your skills anywhere and anytime.

A bunch of articles on a variety of topics related to the English language. Among other things, you can ask a question in the comments, and one of the qualified teachers will definitely answer you.
Of course, this list is not limited to Russian-language resources, but I tried to list the best ones. The rest you can easily find on the Internet.

By the way, I would also like to mention another wonderful site that allows you to learn English through TV shows.

Here you will find many series in English with Russian subtitles. Perhaps, no other site has as many series available for viewing as here.

English sites for learning English

I must say right away that such sites are not suitable for beginners. To understand the material presented in English, you need to have a certain vocabulary.

The English-language resources are infinitely diverse and are my favorite, because it was with the help of them that I finally managed to go beyond school English and move to a completely different level. So let's go.

Just a wonderful, incredible blog that will open up for you an incomprehensible number of different words and expressions. If you want to improve your vocabulary, do not bypass this site.

Blog of one American teacher, in which each article is accompanied by a video. A blog is also extremely useful for vocabulary building. First of all, if your goal is to master American English. In addition, many materials are aimed at studying grammar and other language aspects.

An excellent guide to American slang and more. A lot of articles on a variety of topics, written in simple language. In addition, you can listen to podcasts in English.

Website with video tutorials about professional English teachers. The main plus is that each lesson is accompanied by subtitles in English, since not everyone is able to perceive English speech by ear. It is also especially pleasing that teachers strive to use the most simple and understandable words for explanations in their lessons.

Page for learning English on the official website of the BBC. There are a lot of materials, the most valuable of which are podcasts in English (British accent), a question and answer section, and lexical explanations.

Another good interactive site for learning British English with lots of podcasts for different levels, video tutorials like "How to...", articles, tips and more.

As you can see, there are a lot of sites for learning English at present. The list is far from complete, but here are the best resources for both beginners and advanced levels.

Today, a person who does not know English loses a lot of opportunities in life and will generally feel uncomfortable. Learning is often boring and difficult, but we have selected resources for you with which you can improve your English on your own and at ease.

Here you can complete tasks that will be checked by native speakers. You will also be able to meet and communicate with people from anywhere in the world, thereby deepening your knowledge.

By the way, on this site you can learn not only English, but also many other languages.

An excellent portal for learning English. You will be able to read articles, listen to music, and watch series while learning the language in this way. Then you have to complete tasks that will help consolidate the learned words.

This service will help you learn individual words. A huge plus of the site is the presence of a mobile version in it. With this resource you will be able to create your own dictionaries and expand your vocabulary.

If you have already decided to learn English, then without grammar you can’t go anywhere. This service will help you master the structural nuances of sentences with the help of quite interesting tasks. It contains a lot of topics with detailed explanations and exercises.

An English-speaking chatroulette in which the interlocutor is selected randomly. Here you can not only improve your language skills, but also find new interesting friends.

This service will help you improve your writing skills. Here you can write texts, and a native speaker will read it, correct and explain errors. An excellent resource for those who want to speak a foreign language correctly.

Another social network focused on learning foreign languages. Here you can communicate with people from different countries, get acquainted and improve your knowledge. The resource provides an opportunity to communicate with native speakers of more than 100 languages ​​of the world.

Another social network that will help you learn a language. There is one caveat here - many indicate several native languages ​​​​if they think that they can speak it well enough. But that doesn't rule out the possibility that they make mistakes. Therefore, think about it if a person has marked several languages ​​​​as native. Maybe he's just interested in them

An excellent site where you can learn phrases and look in a new way at the ones you already know. The emphasis is on phrases, because they are the basis of your communication in the language. This service will help you improve your communication skills in English.

This is probably the most serious resource with tons of materials, lesson plans, assignments and much more. Here you can even prepare for TOEFL and IELTS, which, you see, is quite good.

A service for learning American English, where you can improve your knowledge by viewing various world news on a wide variety of topics. So you can improve your knowledge of the language, and find out the latest world news.

An affordable and simple service that even provides crosswords, games and quizzes for learning English. Almost all materials can be printed. The sheer amount of exercises makes this resource incredibly useful.

We wish you success in learning foreign languages, and, in particular, English. By the way, reading books and watching films in a foreign language is a great way to improve your knowledge.

Constant practice is still the most effective option for learning a foreign language. And the most convenient solution for getting such an experience is to register in an international social network. In this article, we have selected for you some excellent services for regular communication with foreigners.

1. Italki is a service that can turn any student into a teacher

  1. Learning from native speakers.
  2. Education is free.
  3. Training is conducted only on unique material.

All community users are positioned not only as students, but also as teachers for those who want to learn the language of another country.

Most of the services are free, however, there is a premium access. This feature gives you the opportunity to learn through video lessons and special tests, and you can also get a certificate after completing the course.

3. Mylanguageexchange - many unique features in one place

Mylanguageexchange is a dream come true for anyone who grew up in the Soviet Union, the best solution for finding pen pals. However, the good news is that in this social network, not a random Fred from the United States will become a friend, but exactly the person you want. As soon as you get to the site, you will be asked to describe the image of your ideal partner for communication in a foreign language. It will be necessary to indicate his native language, as well as the one that he should learn, the country of residence and his age. Everything else is up to you: you just have to choose the users you like that match the parameters, and bring the language you are learning to perfection together!

According to the site, the portal has more than a million registered users from 140 countries, and the number of languages ​​is approaching 120. In case live communication gets boring, you can always try various vocabulary games in English, pick up an interesting book in the library or practice writing in English. chat.

4. Lang-8 - A Portal to Test Your Writing Skills

The Lang-8 service is designed to work on written speech.

If you are not completely new to learning English, but rather "honing your skills", then this service can offer you an ingenious solution. Lang-8 is an incredibly convenient service, useful for those who have mastered the basics of the language and who want to train their writing skills. The training takes place as follows: the user writes several sentences or a full text in a foreign language, and a verified person takes the text to work and checks it. After that, a native speaker of the language chosen by the user finds errors and makes corrections (or leaves the text untouched if you wrote everything perfectly in some incomprehensible way).

The portal is a great solution for all the grammar freaks and for those whose confidence in their skills needs to be backed up with a test. If you think from the point of view of psychology, this approach is acceptable, however, do not forget to practice oral speech (including in other article services).

5. Interpals - Language Focused Facebook

Interpals is a fairly famous social network, which is a huge multinational community. But unlike Facebook, the Interpals site is more focused on learning languages, rather than communication. To make new acquaintances and pen pals, you will need minimal knowledge of the English language and a desire to communicate with interesting people.

It is worth saying that there are a huge number of applications and services for learning foreign languages. This article presents only a small part. But we must remember that it is impossible to master conversational speech perfectly if you just sit at the computer screen. It is for this reason that the most important thing is to communicate, practice and not be afraid of mistakes.

We would love to read your feedback on English learning services in the comments. Suggest your options, and maybe they will get into the next top!

For everyone who is tired of monotonous cramming and incomprehensible grammar tasks, there are free sites for learning English. They are targeted at different users and built in different formats. We hope you find something for yourself.

Free websites can help you learn English. Photo: Depositphotos

1. "Inglex" - an online school with a free library of materials for self-study of the language. The blog authors write articles on business, conversational and travel English. There are rubrics of different formats - from analysis of times to collections of series by levels of knowledge.

In addition to expert articles, there are many other materials:

  • weekly newsletter with news analysis in English, tests, selections of words and resources;
  • free webinars from leading teachers of the school;
  • social networks with relevant materials;
  • author's test to determine the level of English;
  • free books, organizer and planner for self-study.

2.Engblog - for 10 years, the authors of the blog have written a lot of articles on various topics in English. Read grammar materials, learn thematic collections of words, take tests and use tips to prepare for international exams. You can study articles by individual authors if you like this or that style of presentation.

3. Duolingo is another service for learning foreign languages ​​from scratch, writes The project is supported financially by Google Capital, Ashton Kutcher and other good investors. The program is built in the form of a "tree of achievements": in order to move to a new level, you must first score a certain number of points that are given for correct answers. There are apps for iOS and Android.

4. LearnEnglish - materials for learning English are collected here in different formats: lessons, games, chatting, etc. The site is available in English.

5. Situational English - offers to learn English through situations. The site contains about 150 articles, which, depending on the context, offer ready-made expressions and reactions. The materials are available in Russian.

6. - site with lessons, articles and videos. Also available in Russian.

7. - Users are encouraged to work with podcasts, all available on iTunes for free. It is also possible to work with printouts of podcasts and dictionaries.

8. Learn American English online - all material is divided into levels and highlighted in a certain color for convenience. And teacher Paul explains grammar in video format.

9. Learnathome is a Russian service, convenient in that a lesson plan is formed for the student every day, which can be completed in 30 minutes. Before starting, the user is advised to take a quick test that will determine the level of knowledge of the language. If the test is skipped, the service will install the program for the elementary level.

10. is a service for learning English while watching movies and popular TV shows. The video player has a built-in translator, in which you need to select the Russian language.

11. Film-english - a language learning site with the help of short films was created by English teacher Kieran Donahue - the winner of a number of prestigious educational awards in the UK.

12. TuneintoEnglish - the site offers to learn English through music. Here you can write down lyrics from dictation, sing karaoke, find exercises for the lyrics and guess which song it is about from the diagrams.

13. FreeRice - English vocabulary trainer with grammar exercises and tests. The service is supported by the United Nations World Food Program, so the lessons are built like a game - for every correct answer you get some rice to feed the hungry.

14. Memrise - the site is available in English. During the training, the user is offered to choose a meme for better memorization of the word or create their own associative image. Then you need to perform exercises to choose the correct answer and the perception of the word by ear. The service is also available for iOS and Android.

15. Myspelling is a useful site for those who want to improve their spelling in English. The user is prompted to listen to the word, then write it.

16. ManyThings - the site is aimed at those who are preparing for tests or exams in English. There are sections for practicing pronunciation (American, English), idioms, slang and more.

17. ExamEnglish is suitable for those preparing for the international English exam (IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, etc.).

18. Babeleo - here you can read books in the original with professional translation before your eyes. The books are available for free to read, but a subscription is required to access the full versions.

19. Begin-English - English for beginners. A large selection of various educational materials, which were collected by students and graduate students of Moscow State University on a volunteer basis.

20. List-English - a selection and classification of materials for learning English: online dictionaries, schools, forums, translators, tutors, tests, school textbooks, video courses, games, YouTube channels, podcasts and much more. New users are encouraged to download a 10-step plan that will make learning easier for them.

21. - All English textbooks are collected here and available to download or read online.